Exemple #1
const Reading proc_line(const hfst::HfstTransducer& t, const std::string& line) {
	std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t> utf16conv;
	const auto& lemma_end = line.find("\" ");
	const auto& lemma = line.substr(2, lemma_end-2);
	const auto& tags = line.substr(lemma_end+2);
	const auto& suggen = proc_tags(tags);
	const auto& suggest = std::get<0>(suggen);
	const auto& errtype = utf16conv.from_bytes(std::get<1>(suggen));
	const auto& gentags = std::get<2>(suggen);
	UStringSet sforms;
	const auto& tagsplus = join(gentags, "+");
	const auto& ana = lemma+"+"+tagsplus;

	if(!suggest) {
		return {suggest, ana, errtype, sforms};

	const auto& paths = t.lookup_fd({ ana }, -1, 10.0);
	if(paths->size() > 0) {
		for(auto& p : *paths) {
			std::stringstream form;
			for(auto& symbol : p.second) {
				// TODO: this is a hack to avoid flag diacritics; is there a way to make lookup skip them?
				if(symbol.size()>0 && symbol[0]!='@') {
					form << symbol;
	return {suggest, ana, errtype, sforms};
Exemple #2
    //! get communication interface sets and the processors with which
    //! this processor communicates; sets are sorted by processor
ErrorCode ParallelData::get_interface_sets(std::vector<EntityHandle> &iface_sets,
                                               std::vector<int> &iface_procs) 
#define CONTINUE {result = tmp_result; continue;}
  Tag proc_tag = 0, procs_tag = 0;
  ErrorCode result = MB_SUCCESS;
  int my_rank;
  if (parallelComm) 
    my_rank = parallelComm->proc_config().proc_rank();
    return MB_FAILURE;

  std::multimap<int, EntityHandle> iface_data;

  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    ErrorCode tmp_result;
    if (0 == i)
      tmp_result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_SHARED_PROC_TAG_NAME, 
                                      1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, proc_tag);
      tmp_result = mbImpl->tag_get_handle(PARALLEL_SHARED_PROCS_TAG_NAME, 
                                      MAX_SHARING_PROCS, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, proc_tag);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) CONTINUE;

    int tsize;
    tmp_result = mbImpl->tag_get_length(proc_tag, tsize);
    if (0 == tsize || MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) CONTINUE;
    Range proc_sets;
    tmp_result = mbImpl->get_entities_by_type_and_tag(0, MBENTITYSET, 
                                                  &proc_tag, NULL, 1,
                                                  proc_sets, Interface::UNION);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) CONTINUE;
    if (proc_sets.empty()) CONTINUE;
    std::vector<int> proc_tags(proc_sets.size()*tsize);
    tmp_result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(procs_tag, proc_sets, &proc_tags[0]);
    if (MB_SUCCESS != tmp_result) CONTINUE;
    int k;
    Range::iterator rit;
    for (k = 0, rit = proc_sets.begin(); rit != proc_sets.end(); rit++, k++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < tsize; j++) {
        if (my_rank != proc_tags[2*k+j] && proc_tags[2*k+j] >= 0)
          iface_data.insert(std::pair<int,EntityHandle>(proc_tags[2*k+j], *rit));

    // now get the results in sorted order
  std::multimap<int,EntityHandle>::iterator mit;
  for (mit = iface_data.begin(); mit != iface_data.end(); mit++)
  return result;