Exemple #1
void processCell(Expression &expr, double x, double y, double xLen, double yLen, std::vector<sf::Vertex> &Curve) {
	double a, b, c, d;
	a = expr.evaluate(x, -y);
	b = expr.evaluate(x + xLen, -y);
	c = expr.evaluate(x + xLen, -y - yLen);
	d = expr.evaluate(x, -y - yLen);
	int num = ((a > 0.0) ? 1 : 0) + ((b > 0.0) ? 2 : 0) + ((c < 0.0) ? 4 : 0) + ((d > 0.0) ? 8 : 0);
	switch(num) {
		case 1: case 2: case 4: case 7: case 8: case 11: case 13: case 14: case 3: case 6: case 12: case 9:
			draw(num, x, y, xLen, yLen, a, b, c, d, Curve);
//			std::cout<<"["<<x<<","<<y<<","<<num<<"]\t";
		case 5: case 10:
			std::cout << "Recursion Happens\n";
			processCell(expr, x, y, xLen / 2, yLen / 2, Curve);
			processCell(expr, x + xLen / 2, y, xLen / 2, yLen / 2, Curve);
			processCell(expr, x + xLen / 2, y + yLen / 2, xLen / 2, yLen / 2, Curve);
			processCell(expr, x, y + xLen / 2, xLen / 2, yLen / 2, Curve);
		case 0: case 15:
/* Function that iterates through the matrix
 * Each thread locks the lines it's going to process
 * Calls the processCell funtion on each cell
 * board, the current board
void iterateBoard(board_t* board){
	int heightLength = board->height + 1;
	int widthLength = board->width + 1;
	size_t i, j;
#pragma omp parallel private(i,j) shared(board)
#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)

	for (i = 0; i < heightLength; ++i) {
		lockLine(i, board);
#pragma omp barrier

#pragma omp for schedule(static, 1)
	for (i = 0; i < heightLength; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < widthLength; ++j) {
			processCell(i, j, board);
Exemple #3
void plotFunc(Expression &expr, sf::RenderWindow& window) {
	std::vector<sf::Vertex> Curve;
	sf::View view = window.getView();
	float Left = view.getCenter().x - view.getSize().x / 2;
	float Right = view.getCenter().x + view.getSize().x / 2;
	float Top = view.getCenter().y - view.getSize().y / 2;
	float Bottom = view.getCenter().y + view.getSize().y / 2;
	float xDel = xSep / 20, yDel = ySep / 20;
	Right += xDel;
	Bottom += yDel;
	for(double x = Left - fmod(Left, xDel) - xDel; x < Right ; x += xDel) {
		for(double y = Top - fmod(Top, yDel) - yDel; y > Bottom; y += yDel) {
			processCell(expr, x, y, xDel, yDel, Curve);
//			text.setPosition(x,y);
//			text.setScale(view.getSize().x/window.getSize().x,view.getSize().y/window.getSize().y);
//			text.setString(to_string(expr.evaluate(x,y)));
// window.draw(text);
	window.draw(&Curve[0], Curve.size(), sf::Lines);
void parse_item(bool capture, std::string pinName, AttributeList *attr)
    while (tokval != "}" && !eof) {
        std::string paramname = tokval;
        validate_token(isId(tokval[0]), "name");
        if (paramname == "default_intrinsic_fall" || paramname == "default_intrinsic_rise") {
            validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(paramname)");
            if (capture)
                addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval);
            validate_token(isdigit(tokval[0]), "number");
        else if (paramname == "bus_type") {
            validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(bus_type)");
            if (capture)
                addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval);
            validate_token(isId(tokval[0]), "name");
        else if (tokval == "(") {
            while (tokval == "(") {
                std::string paramstr = parseparam();
                bool cell = paramname == "cell" && paramstr == options.cell;
                int ind = paramstr.find("[");
                if (capture && (paramname == "pin" || paramname == "bus")) {
                    if (ind > 0 && paramstr[paramstr.length()-1] == ']') {
                        std::string sub = paramstr.substr(ind+1);
                        sub = sub.substr(0, sub.length()-1);
                        paramstr = paramstr.substr(0, ind);
                        capturePins[paramstr].pins[atol(sub.c_str())] = 1;
                    parse_item(true, paramstr, &capturePins[paramstr].attr);
                else if (paramname == "type") {
                    parse_item(true, "", &busInfo[paramstr].attr);
                    parse_item(capture || cell, pinName, attr);
//if (paramname == "cell")
//printf("[%s:%d] paramname %s paramstr %s \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, paramname.c_str(), paramstr.c_str());
                if (cell) {
                paramname = tokval;
                if (!isId(tokval[0]))
        else {
            validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(other)");
            if (capture && paramname != "timing_type")
                addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval);
            if (isdigit(tokval[0]) || isId(tokval[0]) || tokval[0] == '"')
                validate_token(false, "number or name or string");
            if (tokval != "}")
                validate_token(tokval == ";", ";");
    validate_token(tokval == "}", "}");