void ModNeatExperiment7::createIndividualImage(wxDC &drawContext,shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticIndividual> individual) {
  	if (lastIndividualSeen!=individual)
  		screen << "Repopulating substrate\n";
  		lastIndividualSeen = individual;

    void ShapesExperiment::processGroup(shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticGeneration> generation)
		//if doing interactive evolution...call processInteractiveEvaluation() and skip rest of this function
		for(int z=0;z< group.size();z++)
			shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticIndividual> individual = group[z];

			  cout << "in ShapesExperiment.cpp::processIndividual, processing individual:  " << individual << endl;
			double fitness = 0;
			fitness = processEvaluation(individual);
			if(fitness > std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
				cout << "error: the max fitness is greater than the size of the double. " << endl;
				cout << "max double size is: : " << std::numeric_limits<double>::max() << endl;
			if (fitness < 0)
				cout << "Fitness Less Than Zero!!!, it is: " << fitness << "\n";  
				cout << "Individual Evaluation complete!\n";
				printf("fitness: %f\n", fitness);	

			cout << "Individual Evaluation complete!\n";
			cout << "fitness: " << fitness << endl;

			if (false)	//to print cppn
  void ModNeatExperiment7::processGroup(shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticGeneration> generation) {
    // FORK a number of processes equal to the number of individuals we are going to process
    // getGroupSize is the size of ::getGroupCapacity
    const int groupSize = getGroupSize();
    pid_t* pids = new pid_t[groupSize];

    for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; ++i) {
      // increment individual count if the current individual number is smaller than the population size.
      // if it is not, then it is the first individual of the next population.
      // this is an ugly workaround since it is not easily possible to get the current individual or generation
      // from HyperNEAT itself, thus it needs to be managed by ourselves.
      if(currIndividual == popSize) {
        // reset individual and increase generation number
        currIndividual = 1;
      } else {
        // this is just a next individual in the current generation

      screen << "processing generation: " << currGeneration << ", individual: " << currIndividual << ", on thread: " << i << endl;
      shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticIndividual> individual = group[i];
      // avoid 0 fitness
      if (individual->getFitness() <= 0) individual->setFitness(0.000001);

      // spawn child process after 1 sec (webotsrc test)
      usleep(1000 * 1000);
      pids[i] = fork();
      // child code
      if (pids[i] == 0) {
        // code only executed by child process
        // evaluate individual and get fitness
        double fitness = processEvaluation(individual, NULL, i);
        // write fitness to a named textfile
        stringstream ss;
        ss << i;
        string temp_str = "simulation" + ss.str() + ".txt";

        // write fitness to textfile
        ofstream a_file (temp_str.c_str());
        a_file << fitness;

        exit(0); // exit child process successfully


    // WAIT for each individual process and only when all have exited, continue main process
    for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; ++i) {
      int status;
      while (-1 == waitpid(pids[i], &status, 0)) {
        if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
          screen << "Process " << i << " (pid " << pids[i] << ") failed" << endl;

    // READ back the fitness values and 
    for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; ++i) {
      // get individual to reward fitness too
      shared_ptr<NEAT::GeneticIndividual> individual = group[i];

      // Opens for reading the file
      stringstream ss;
      ss << i;
      string temp_str = "simulation" + ss.str() + ".txt";
      ifstream b_file (temp_str.c_str());
      // Reads one string from the file
      string fitness;
      b_file >> fitness;

      // reward this individual its fitness
      individual->reward(abs(::atof(fitness.c_str())) + 0.000001);
