Exemple #1
int MLSymbolTable::getSymbolID(const char * sym)
	int r = 0;
	bool found = false;
	// process characters in place. On failure, return null symbol.
	int len = processSymbolText(sym);
	if(!(len > 0)) return 0;
	// look up ID by symbol
	// This is the fast path, and how we look up symbols from char* in typical code.
	const std::vector<int>& bin = mHashTable[KRhash(sym)];
	// there should be few collisions, so probably the first ID in the hash bin
	// will be the symbol we are looking for. Unfortunately to test for equality we have to 
	// compare the entire string.	
	// if we replace std::string with a custom char * type that stores its length, 
	// and use SSE to do the compares, they could probably be significantly faster.
		MLScopedLock lock(mLock);
		for(int ID : bin)
			const char* symB = mSymbolsByID[ID].c_str();
			int lenB = processSymbolText(symB);
			if(!strncmp(sym, symB, std::max(len, lenB)))
				r = ID;
				found = true;
			r = addEntry(sym, len);
	return r;
Exemple #2
MLSymbol::MLSymbol(const char *sym, int maxLen)
	int len = processSymbolText(sym, maxLen);
	mID = theSymbolTable().getSymbolID(sym, len);
Exemple #3
MLSymbol::MLSymbol(const std::string& str)
	int len = processSymbolText(str.c_str());
	mID = theSymbolTable().getSymbolID(str.c_str(), len);