Exemple #1
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    int         err;
    int         steps = 0, curr_step;
    int         retval = 0;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &numproc);

    if (processArgs(argc, argv)) {
        return 1;
    print0("Input stream            = %s\n", infilename);
    print0("Output stream           = %s\n", outfilename);
    print0("Read method             = %s (id=%d)\n", rmethodname, read_method);
    print0("Read method parameters  = \"%s\"\n", rmethodparams);
    print0("Write method            = %s\n", wmethodname);
    print0("Write method parameters = \"%s\"\n", wmethodparams);

    err = adios_read_init_method(read_method, comm, 
                                 "max_chunk_size=100; "
                                 "app_id =32767; \n"
                                 "verbose= 3;"
                                 "poll_interval  =  100;"

    if (!err) {
        print0 ("%s\n", adios_errmsg());


    print0 ("Waiting to open stream %s...\n", infilename);
    f = adios_read_open_stream (infilename, read_method, comm, 
                                             ADIOS_LOCKMODE_ALL, timeout_sec);
    if (adios_errno == err_file_not_found) 
        print ("rank %d: Stream not found after waiting %d seconds: %s\n", 
               rank, timeout_sec, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream) 
        print ("rank %d: Stream terminated before open. %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
    else if (f == NULL) {
        print ("rank %d: Error at opening stream: %s\n", rank, adios_errmsg());
        retval = adios_errno;
        // process steps here... 
        if (f->current_step != 0) {
            print ("rank %d: WARNING: First %d steps were missed by open.\n", 
                   rank, f->current_step);

        while (1)
            steps++; // start counting from 1

            print0 ("File info:\n");
            print0 ("  current step:   %d\n", f->current_step);
            print0 ("  last step:      %d\n", f->last_step);
            print0 ("  # of variables: %d:\n", f->nvars);

            retval = process_metadata(steps);
            if (retval) break;

            retval = read_write(steps);
            if (retval) break;

            // advance to 1) next available step with 2) blocking wait 
            curr_step = f->current_step; // save for final bye print
            adios_advance_step (f, 0, timeout_sec);

            if (adios_errno == err_end_of_stream) 
                break; // quit while loop
            else if (adios_errno == err_step_notready) 
                print ("rank %d: No new step arrived within the timeout. Quit. %s\n", 
                        rank, adios_errmsg());
                break; // quit while loop
            else if (f->current_step != curr_step+1) 
                // we missed some steps
                print ("rank %d: WARNING: steps %d..%d were missed when advancing.\n", 
                        rank, curr_step+1, f->current_step-1);


        adios_read_close (f);
    print0 ("Bye after processing %d steps\n", steps);

    adios_read_finalize_method (read_method);
    adios_finalize (rank);
    MPI_Finalize ();

    return retval;
int op1a_initialise_reader(MXFReader *reader, MXFPartition **headerPartition)
    MXFFile *mxfFile = reader->mxfFile;
    EssenceReader *essenceReader = reader->essenceReader;
    EssenceReaderData *data;
    size_t i;
    size_t numPartitions;
    MXFPartition *partition;
    mxfKey key;
    uint8_t llen;
    uint64_t len;

    essenceReader->data = NULL;

    /* init essence reader */
    CHK_MALLOC_OFAIL(essenceReader->data, EssenceReaderData);
    memset(essenceReader->data, 0, sizeof(EssenceReaderData));
    essenceReader->data->headerPartition = *headerPartition;
    essenceReader->close = op1a_close;
    essenceReader->position_at_frame = op1a_position_at_frame;
    essenceReader->skip_next_frame = op1a_skip_next_frame;
    essenceReader->read_next_frame = op1a_read_next_frame;
    essenceReader->get_next_frame_number = op1a_get_next_frame_number;
    essenceReader->get_last_written_frame_number = op1a_get_last_written_frame_number;
    essenceReader->get_header_metadata = op1a_get_header_metadata;
    essenceReader->have_footer_metadata = op1a_have_footer_metadata;
    essenceReader->set_frame_rate = op1a_set_frame_rate;

    data = essenceReader->data;

    if (mxf_file_is_seekable(mxfFile))
        /* get the file partitions */
        CHK_OFAIL(get_file_partitions(mxfFile, data->headerPartition, &data->partitions));

        /* process the last instance of header metadata */
        numPartitions = mxf_get_list_length(&data->partitions);
        for (i = numPartitions; i > 0; i--)
            partition = (MXFPartition*)mxf_get_list_element(&data->partitions, i - 1);
            if (partition->headerByteCount != 0)
                if (!mxf_partition_is_closed(&partition->key))
                    mxf_log_warn("No closed partition with header metadata found" LOG_LOC_FORMAT, LOG_LOC_PARAMS);
                if (!mxf_partition_is_complete(&partition->key))
                    mxf_log_warn("No complete partition with header metadata found" LOG_LOC_FORMAT, LOG_LOC_PARAMS);

                /* seek to start of partition and skip the partition pack */
                CHK_OFAIL(mxf_file_seek(mxfFile, partition->thisPartition, SEEK_SET));
                CHK_OFAIL(mxf_read_kl(mxfFile, &key, &llen, &len));
                CHK_OFAIL(mxf_skip(mxfFile, len));

                CHK_OFAIL(process_metadata(reader, partition));
                if (mxf_is_footer_partition_pack(&partition->key))
                    data->haveFooterMetadata = 1;
        if (i == 0)
            mxf_log_error("No partition with header metadata found" LOG_LOC_FORMAT, LOG_LOC_PARAMS);
            goto fail;

        if (!reader->isMetadataOnly)
            /* create file index */
            CHK_OFAIL(create_index(mxfFile, &data->partitions, data->indexSID, data->bodySID, &data->index));

            /* position at start of essence */
            CHK_OFAIL(set_position(mxfFile, data->index, 0));
        essenceReader->data->nsIndex.currentPosition = -1;

        /* process the header metadata */
        if (!mxf_partition_is_closed(&data->headerPartition->key))
            mxf_log_warn("Header partition is not closed" LOG_LOC_FORMAT, LOG_LOC_PARAMS);
        if (!mxf_partition_is_complete(&data->headerPartition->key))
            mxf_log_warn("Header partition is incomplete" LOG_LOC_FORMAT, LOG_LOC_PARAMS);
        CHK_OFAIL(process_metadata(reader, data->headerPartition));

        if (!reader->isMetadataOnly)
            /* position at start of essence */

    *headerPartition = NULL; /* take ownership */
    return 1;

    reader->essenceReader->data->headerPartition = NULL; /* release ownership */
    /* essenceReader->close() will be called when closing the reader */
    return 0;