Exemple #1
//------- Begin of function FirmMine::ai_has_excess_worker -------//
// Return whether this firm has any excessive workers or not.
int FirmMine::ai_has_excess_worker()
	//--- if the actual production is lower than the productivity, than the firm must be under-capacity.

	if( worker_count > 4 )		// at least keep 4 workers
		return stock_qty > max_stock_qty * (float) 0.9 &&
				 production_30days() < productivity*25; 		// take 25 days instead of 30 days so there will be small chance of errors.
	else if( worker_count > 1 )
		return reserve_qty < worker_count*200;
	else           	// don't leave if there is only one miner there
		return 0;
Exemple #2
//--------- Begin of function FirmFactory::disp_factory_info ---------//
void FirmFactory::disp_factory_info(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
	//---------------- paint the panel --------------//

	if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT )
		vga_util.d3_panel_up( INFO_X1, dispY1, INFO_X2, dispY1+70);

	//---------- display production info -------------//

	int x=INFO_X1+4, y=dispY1+4;

	vga_front.put_bitmap_trans( x+1, y+1, raw_res.small_product_icon(product_raw_id) );

	String str;

	// TRANSLATORS: Producing <Clay/Copper/Iron> Products
	snprintf( str, MAX_STR_LEN+1, _("Producing %s Products"), _(raw_res[product_raw_id]->name) );

	font_san.use_max_height();							// make sure the old text is replaced completely
#if(defined(FRENCH) || defined(SPANISH))
	font_san.disp( x+15, y, str, INFO_X2-1);
	font_san.disp( x+20, y, str, INFO_X2-2);


	font_san.field( x, y, _("Monthly Production"), x+133, (int) production_30days(), 1, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "FC_PROD" );

	str  = (int) raw_stock_qty;
	str += " / ";
	str += (int) max_raw_stock_qty;
	font_san.field( x, y, _("Raw Material Stock"), x+133, str, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "FC_RAW" );

	str  = (int) stock_qty;
	str += " / ";
	str += (int) max_stock_qty;

	font_san.field( x, y, _("Product Stock"), x+133, str, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "FC_PROD");
Exemple #3
//--------- Begin of function FirmMine::disp_mine_info ---------//
void FirmMine::disp_mine_info(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
	//---------------- paint the panel --------------//

	if( refreshFlag == INFO_REPAINT )
		vga_util.d3_panel_up( INFO_X1, dispY1, INFO_X2, dispY1+70);

	//------ if there is no natural resource on this location ------//

	if( !raw_id )
		font_san.center_put( INFO_X1, dispY1, INFO_X2, dispY1+70, "No Natural Resources" );

	//-------------- display mining info -----------//

	int x=INFO_X1+4, y=dispY1+4;

	raw_res.put_small_raw_icon( x+1, y+1, raw_id );

	String str;

	str  = translate.process("Mining ");
	str += raw_res[raw_id]->name;

	font_san.disp( x+20, y, str, INFO_X2-2);

	font_san.field( x, y, "Monthly Production", x+126, (int) production_30days(), 1, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "MN_PROD");

	str  = (int) stock_qty;
	str += " / ";
	str += (int) max_stock_qty;

	font_san.field( x, y, "Mined Stock", x+126, str, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "MN_STOCK");

	font_san.field( x, y, "Untapped Reserve", x+126, (int) reserve_qty, 1, INFO_X2-2, refreshFlag, "MN_UNTAP");
Exemple #4
//------- Begin of function FirmMine::think_inc_productivity -------//
int FirmMine::think_inc_productivity()
	// If this factory has a medium to high level of stock,
	// this means the bottleneck is not at the factories,
	// building more factories won't solve the problem.

	if( stock_qty > max_stock_qty * 0.1 && production_30days() > 30 )
		return 0;

	if( reserve_qty < MAX_RAW_RESERVE_QTY/10 )
		return 0;

	//------ try to get skilled workers from inns and other firms ------//

//	return think_hire_inn_unit();

	return 0;
Exemple #5
//------- Begin of function FirmMine::think_adjust_workforcez -------//
// Think about adjusting the workforce by increasing or decreasing
// needed_worker_count.
int FirmMine::think_adjust_workforce()
	//------ think about decreasing work force -------//

	//-- the more full the stock is, the less worker we needed ----//

	int optimizedWorker = 3 + MAX_WORKER - MAX_WORKER * (int) stock_qty / (int) max_stock_qty;

	if( needed_worker_count > optimizedWorker )
		int decCount = (needed_worker_count-optimizedWorker)/3;

		set_needed_worker_count( needed_worker_count - MAX(1, decCount), COMMAND_AI );
		return 1;

	//------- think about increasing work force -------//

	if( stock_qty > max_stock_qty * 0.1 && production_30days() > 30 )
		return 0;

	if( reserve_qty < MAX_RAW_RESERVE_QTY/10 )
		return 0;

	if( needed_worker_count < MAX_WORKER )
		if( stock_qty > max_stock_qty * 0.05 )
			set_needed_worker_count( needed_worker_count+1, COMMAND_AI );
			set_needed_worker_count( needed_worker_count+2, COMMAND_AI );

		return 1;

	return 0;
Exemple #6
// -------- begin of function FirmMine::disp_firm_info --------//
void FirmMine::disp_firm_info(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
	//---------- display production info -------------//
	// String str; //, str2;

	if (raw_id == 0)
		// str = "No Natural Resources near !! You cannot mine in here.";
		font_snds.put_paragraph( INFO_X1+20, INFO_Y1+38, INFO_X2-5, INFO_Y2-5, 
			text_firm.str_mine_no_raw() );
//		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+10, INFO_Y1+5, INFO_X1+96, INFO_Y1+30, 
//			"Unmined Raw", 0, 1 );
		font_snds.put( INFO_X1+14, INFO_Y1+12, text_firm.str_unmined_raw(), 0, -1, 1 );
//		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X2-86+12, INFO_Y1+5, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+30, 
//			text_firm.str_mined_raw(), // "Mined Raw",
//			0, 1 );
		font_snds.right_put( INFO_X2-10, INFO_Y1+12, text_firm.str_mined_raw(), 0, 1 );

		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+10, INFO_Y1+20, INFO_X1+96, INFO_Y1+45, 
			raw_res[raw_id]->name, 0, 1 );
		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X2-86+12, INFO_Y1+20, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+45,
			raw_res[raw_id]->name, 0, 1 );

	//	str  = (int) stock_qty;
	//	str += " / ";
	//	str += (int) max_stock_qty;
		if (stock_qty >= max_stock_qty)
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X2-64+6, INFO_Y1+40+15, image_icon.read("FULLVILL") );	
		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X2-86+12, INFO_Y1+40, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+55, 
			misc.format((int) stock_qty) ); // str );

//		str  = (int) reserve_qty;
//		if ( reserve_qty <= 0 )
//			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+33, INFO_Y1+40+15, image_icon.read("FULLVILL") );
		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+10, INFO_Y1+40, INFO_X1+96, INFO_Y1+55, 
			misc.format((int) reserve_qty) ); // str );

		if ( (int) production_30days() > 0 )
	//	if ( is_operating() )
			char animate[] = "PICK-0";
			if ( animate_seqno >0 )
				animate[5] = '2';
			if ( animate_seqno >1 )
				animate[5] = '1';

			if (config.frame_speed != 0)
				animate_seqno ++;

			int limit;
			if ( (int) production_30days() >  0 && (int) production_30days() <= 20 )
				limit = 7;
			if ( (int) production_30days() > 20 && (int) production_30days() <= 50 )
				limit = 6;
			if ( (int) production_30days() > 50 && (int) production_30days() <= 90 )
				limit = 5;
			if ( (int) production_30days() > 90 && (int) production_30days() <=140 )
				limit = 4;
			if ( (int) production_30days() >140 && (int) production_30days() <=200 )
				limit = 3;
			if ( (int) production_30days() >200 )
				limit = 2;

			if ( animate_seqno >limit )
				animate_seqno = 1;

			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+93, INFO_Y1+36, image_icon.read( animate ) );
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+93, INFO_Y1+36, image_icon.read( "PICK-1" ) );

		if (raw_id == RAW_CLAY)
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+20, INFO_Y1+88, image_icon.read( "CLY-RW_L" ) );
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1+164, INFO_Y1+83, image_icon.read( "CLY-RW_R" ) );
		if (raw_id == RAW_COPPER)
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+20, INFO_Y1+88, image_icon.read( "COP-RW_L" ) );
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1+164, INFO_Y1+83, image_icon.read( "COP-RW_R" ) );
		if (raw_id == RAW_IRON)
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1+20, INFO_Y1+88, image_icon.read( "IRN-RW_L" ) );
			vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1+164, INFO_Y1+83, image_icon.read( "IRN-RW_R" ) );

//		str  = "Monthly";
//		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+17, INFO_Y1+90, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+115, str );
//		str  = "Production";
//		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+17, INFO_Y1+106, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+121, str );
		font_snds.center_put_paragraph( INFO_X1+72, INFO_Y1+85, INFO_X1+169, INFO_Y1+121,
			text_firm.str_monthly_production(), 0, 0, 0 );

//		str = (int) production_30days();
//		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+17, INFO_Y1+117, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+137, str );
		font_snds.center_put( INFO_X1+17, INFO_Y1+117, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1+137,
			misc.format((int) production_30days()) );