//Given an array of n integers where n > 1, nums, return an array output such that output[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].
//Solve it without division and in O(n).
//For example, given [1,2,3,4], return [24,12,8,6]. 
//Follow up:
// Could you solve it with constant space complexity? (Note: The output array does not count as extra space for the purpose of space complexity analysis.)
vector<int> productExceptSelf1(vector<int>& nums) 
    vector<int>product(nums.size(), 1);
    vector<int>productl(nums.size(), 1);
    for (int i = 1; i < nums.size(); i++)
        productl[i] = productl[i-1]*nums[i-1];
    vector<int>productr(nums.size(), 1);
    for (int i = nums.size()-2; i >= 0; i--)
        productr[i] = productr[i+1]*nums[i+1];
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++)
        product[i] = productl[i]*productr[i];
    return product;
Exemple #2
inline TR TrX(const T1& rho1, arma::uvec sys, arma::uvec dim) {
  const auto& p = as_Mat(rho1);

  bool checkV = true;
  if (p.n_cols == 1)
    checkV = false;

  if (p.n_elem == 0)
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::ZERO_SIZE);

  if (checkV)
    if (p.n_rows != p.n_cols)
      throw Exception("qic::TrX",

  if (dim.n_elem == 0 || arma::any(dim == 0))
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::INVALID_DIMS);

  if (arma::prod(dim) != p.n_rows)
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::DIMS_MISMATCH_MATRIX);

  if (dim.n_elem < sys.n_elem || arma::any(sys == 0) ||
      arma::any(sys > dim.n_elem) ||
      sys.n_elem != arma::find_unique(sys, false).eval().n_elem)
    throw Exception("qic::TrX", Exception::type::INVALID_SUBSYS);

  if (sys.n_elem == dim.n_elem)
    return {arma::trace(p)};
  _internal::dim_collapse_sys(dim, sys);
  const arma::uword n = dim.n_elem;
  const arma::uword m = sys.n_elem;

  arma::uvec keep(n - m);
  arma::uword keep_count(0);
  for (arma::uword run = 0; run < n; ++run) {
    if (!arma::any(sys == run + 1)) {
      keep.at(keep_count) = run + 1;

  arma::uword dimtrace = arma::prod(dim(sys - 1));
  arma::uword dimkeep = p.n_rows / dimtrace;

  arma::uvec product(n, arma::fill::ones);
  for (arma::sword i = n - 2; i > -1; --i)
    product.at(i) = product.at(i + 1) * dim.at(i + 1);

  arma::uvec productr(n - m, arma::fill::ones);
  for (arma::sword i = n - m - 2; i > -1; --i)
    productr.at(i) = productr.at(i + 1) * dim.at(keep.at(i + 1) - 1);

  arma::Mat<trait::eT<T1> > tr_p(dimkeep, dimkeep, arma::fill::zeros);

  const arma::uword loop_no = 2 * n;
  arma::uword* loop_counter = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];
  arma::uword* MAX = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];

  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    MAX[i] = dim.at(i);
    if (arma::any(sys == (i + 1)))
      MAX[i + n] = 1;
      MAX[i + n] = dim.at(i);
  MAX[loop_no] = 2;

  for (arma::uword i = 0; i < loop_no + 1; ++i) loop_counter[i] = 0;

  arma::uword p1 = 0;

  while (loop_counter[loop_no] == 0) {
    arma::uword I(0), J(0), K(0), L(0), n_to_k(0);

    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      if (arma::any(sys == i + 1)) {
        I += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i];
        J += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i];

      } else {
        I += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i];
        J += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i + n];

      if (arma::any(keep == i + 1)) {
        K += productr.at(n_to_k) * loop_counter[i];
        L += productr.at(n_to_k) * loop_counter[i + n];

    tr_p.at(K, L) += checkV ? p.at(I, J) : p.at(I) * std::conj(p.at(J));

    while (loop_counter[p1] == MAX[p1]) {
      loop_counter[p1] = 0;
      if (loop_counter[p1] != MAX[p1])
        p1 = 0;
  delete[] loop_counter;
  delete[] MAX;
  return tr_p;
Exemple #3
inline TR sysperm(const T1& rho1, const arma::uvec& sys,
                  const arma::uvec& dim) {
  const auto& p = as_Mat(rho1);
  const arma::uword n = dim.n_elem;

  bool checkV = true;
  if (p.n_cols == 1)
    checkV = false;

  if (p.n_elem == 0)
    throw Exception("qic::sysperm", Exception::type::ZERO_SIZE);

  if (checkV)
    if (p.n_rows != p.n_cols)
      throw Exception("qic::sysperm",

  if (dim.n_elem == 0 || arma::any(dim == 0))
    throw Exception("qic::sysperm", Exception::type::INVALID_DIMS);

  if (arma::prod(dim) != p.n_rows)
    throw Exception("qic::sysperm", Exception::type::DIMS_MISMATCH_MATRIX);

  if (n != sys.n_elem || arma::any(sys == 0) || arma::any(sys > n) ||
      sys.n_elem != arma::find_unique(sys, false).eval().n_elem)
    throw Exception("qic::sysperm", Exception::type::PERM_INVALID);

  arma::uvec product(n, arma::fill::ones);
  for (arma::sword i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i)
    product.at(i) = product.at(i + 1) * dim.at(i + 1);

  arma::uvec productr(n, arma::fill::ones);
  for (arma::sword i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i)
    productr.at(i) = productr.at(i + 1) * dim.at(sys.at(i + 1) - 1);

  if (checkV) {
    arma::Mat<trait::eT<T1> > p_r(p.n_rows, p.n_cols, arma::fill::zeros);

    const arma::uword loop_no = 2 * n;
    arma::uword* loop_counter = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];
    arma::uword* MAX = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];

    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      MAX[i] = dim.at(i);
      MAX[i + n] = dim.at(i);
    MAX[loop_no] = 2;

    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < loop_no + 1; ++i) loop_counter[i] = 0;

    arma::uword p1 = 0;

    while (loop_counter[loop_no] == 0) {
      arma::uword I(0), J(0), K(0), L(0);
      for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        I += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i];
        J += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i + n];
        K += productr.at(i) * loop_counter[sys.at(i) - 1];
        L += productr.at(i) * loop_counter[sys.at(i) + n - 1];

      p_r.at(K, L) = p.at(I, J);

      while (loop_counter[p1] == MAX[p1]) {
        loop_counter[p1] = 0;
        if (loop_counter[p1] != MAX[p1])
          p1 = 0;
    delete[] loop_counter;
    delete[] MAX;
    return p_r;

  } else {
    arma::Col<trait::eT<T1> > p_r(p.n_rows, arma::fill::zeros);

    const arma::uword loop_no = n;
    arma::uword* loop_counter = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];
    arma::uword* MAX = new arma::uword[loop_no + 1];

    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) MAX[i] = dim.at(i);
    MAX[loop_no] = 2;

    for (arma::uword i = 0; i < loop_no + 1; ++i) loop_counter[i] = 0;

    arma::uword p1 = 0;

    while (loop_counter[loop_no] == 0) {
      arma::uword I(0), K(0);
      for (arma::uword i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        I += product.at(i) * loop_counter[i];
        K += productr.at(i) * loop_counter[sys.at(i) - 1];

      p_r.at(K) = p.at(I);

      while (loop_counter[p1] == MAX[p1]) {
        loop_counter[p1] = 0;
        if (loop_counter[p1] != MAX[p1])
          p1 = 0;
    delete[] loop_counter;
    delete[] MAX;
    return p_r;