Exemple #1
void Picking::CalculatePickingRay(int x, int y, Ray* ray)
	D3DVIEWPORT9 viewport;

	D3DXMATRIX proj_matrix;
	m_pDevice->GetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &proj_matrix);

	float px = ((( 2.0f * x) / viewport.Width)  - 1.0f) / proj_matrix(0, 0);
	float py = (((-2.0f * y) / viewport.Height) + 1.0f) / proj_matrix(1, 1);

	ray->m_vOrigin = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	ray->m_vDirection = D3DXVECTOR3(px, py, 1.0f);
Exemple #2
void Camera3D::updateMatricies ()
	Matrix4F basis;
	Vector3DF temp;	
	// compute camera direction vectors	--- MATCHES OpenGL's gluLookAt function (DO NOT MODIFY)
	dir_vec = to_pos;					// f vector in gluLookAt docs						
	dir_vec -= from_pos;				// eye = from_pos in gluLookAt docs
	dir_vec.Normalize ();
	side_vec = dir_vec;
	side_vec.Cross ( up_dir );
	side_vec.Normalize ();
	up_vec = side_vec;
	up_vec.Cross ( dir_vec );
	dir_vec *= -1;
	// construct view matrix
	rotate_matrix.Basis (side_vec, up_vec, dir_vec );
	view_matrix = rotate_matrix;
	//Matrix4F trans;
	//trans.Translate ( -from_pos.x, -from_pos.y, -from_pos.z );		// !efficiency
	view_matrix.PreTranslate ( Vector3DF(-from_pos.x, -from_pos.y, -from_pos.z ) );

	// construct projection matrix  --- MATCHES OpenGL's gluPerspective function (DO NOT MODIFY)
	float sx = tan ( mFov * 0.5 * DEGtoRAD ) * mNear;
	float sy = sx / mAspect;
	proj_matrix = 0.0;
	proj_matrix(0,0) = 2.0*mNear / sx;				// matches OpenGL definition
	proj_matrix(1,1) = 2.0*mNear / sy;
	proj_matrix(2,2) = -(mFar + mNear)/(mFar - mNear);			// C
	proj_matrix(2,3) = -(2.0*mFar * mNear)/(mFar - mNear);		// D
	proj_matrix(3,2) = -1.0;

	// construct tile projection matrix --- MATCHES OpenGL's glFrustum function (DO NOT MODIFY) 
	float l, r, t, b;
	l = -sx + 2.0*sx*mTile.x;						// Tile is in range 0 <= x,y <= 1
	r = -sx + 2.0*sx*mTile.z;
	t =  sy - 2.0*sy*mTile.y;
	b =  sy - 2.0*sy*mTile.w;
	tileproj_matrix = 0.0;
	tileproj_matrix(0,0) = 2.0*mNear / (r - l);
	tileproj_matrix(1,1) = 2.0*mNear / (t - b);
	tileproj_matrix(0,2) = (r + l) / (r - l);		// A
	tileproj_matrix(1,2) = (t + b) / (t - b);		// B
	tileproj_matrix(2,2) = proj_matrix(2,2);		// C
	tileproj_matrix(2,3) = proj_matrix(2,3);		// D
	tileproj_matrix(3,2) = -1.0;

	// construct inverse rotate and inverse projection matrix
    Vector3DF tvz(0, 0, 0);
	//invrot_matrix.InverseView ( rotate_matrix.GetDataF(), Vector3DF(0,0,0) );		// Computed using rule: "Inverse of a basis rotation matrix is its transpose." (So long as translation is taken out)
	invrot_matrix.InverseView ( rotate_matrix.GetDataF(), tvz );		// Computed using rule: "Inverse of a basis rotation matrix is its transpose." (So long as translation is taken out)
	invproj_matrix.InverseProj ( tileproj_matrix.GetDataF() );							// Computed using rule: 

	updateFrustum ();