Exemple #1
            inline void setup(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_sconics<T>& proj_parm, proj_type type) 
                static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();

                T del, cs;
                int err;

                proj_parm.type = type;

                err = phi12(params, proj_parm, &del);
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(err) );

                switch (proj_parm.type) {
                case proj_tissot:
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig);
                    cs = cos(del);
                    proj_parm.rho_c = proj_parm.n / cs + cs / proj_parm.n;
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = sqrt((proj_parm.rho_c - 2 * sin(par.phi0))/proj_parm.n);
                case proj_murd1:
                    proj_parm.rho_c = sin(del)/(del * tan(proj_parm.sig)) + proj_parm.sig;
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.rho_c - par.phi0;
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig);
                case proj_murd2:
                    proj_parm.rho_c = (cs = sqrt(cos(del))) / tan(proj_parm.sig);
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.rho_c + tan(proj_parm.sig - par.phi0);
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig) * cs;
                case proj_murd3:
                    proj_parm.rho_c = del / (tan(proj_parm.sig) * tan(del)) + proj_parm.sig;
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.rho_c - par.phi0;
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig) * sin(del) * tan(del) / (del * del);
                case proj_euler:
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig) * sin(del) / del;
                    del *= 0.5;
                    proj_parm.rho_c = del / (tan(del) * tan(proj_parm.sig)) + proj_parm.sig;
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.rho_c - par.phi0;
                case proj_pconic:
                    proj_parm.n = sin(proj_parm.sig);
                    proj_parm.c2 = cos(del);
                    proj_parm.c1 = 1./tan(proj_parm.sig);
                    if (fabs(del = par.phi0 - proj_parm.sig) - epsilon10 >= half_pi)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_lat_0_half_pi_from_mean) );
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.c2 * (proj_parm.c1 - tan(del));
                case proj_vitk1:
                    proj_parm.n = (cs = tan(del)) * sin(proj_parm.sig) / del;
                    proj_parm.rho_c = del / (cs * tan(proj_parm.sig)) + proj_parm.sig;
                    proj_parm.rho_0 = proj_parm.rho_c - par.phi0;

                par.es = 0;
Exemple #2
            inline void setup_gn_sinu(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_gn_sinu<T>& proj_parm)
                if (pj_param_f<srs::spar::n>(params, "n", srs::dpar::n, proj_parm.n)
                 && pj_param_f<srs::spar::m>(params, "m", srs::dpar::m, proj_parm.m)) {
                    if (proj_parm.n <= 0 || proj_parm.m < 0)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_m_or_n) );
                } else
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_m_or_n) );

                setup(par, proj_parm);
Exemple #3
 inline void setup_eqc(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_eqc<T>& proj_parm)
     proj_parm.rc = cos(pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::lat_ts>(params, "lat_ts", srs::dpar::lat_ts));
     if (proj_parm.rc <= 0.)
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_lat_ts_larger_than_90) );
     par.es = 0.;
Exemple #4
                // INVERSE(e_inverse)  ellipsoid & spheroid
                // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
                inline void inv(T xy_x, T xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const
                    static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();

                    T rho = 0.0;
                    if( (rho = boost::math::hypot(xy_x, xy_y = this->m_proj_parm.rho0 - xy_y)) != 0.0 ) {
                        if (this->m_proj_parm.n < 0.) {
                            rho = -rho;
                            xy_x = -xy_x;
                            xy_y = -xy_y;
                        lp_lat =  rho / this->m_proj_parm.dd;
                        if (this->m_proj_parm.ellips) {
                            lp_lat = (this->m_proj_parm.c - lp_lat * lp_lat) / this->m_proj_parm.n;
                            if (fabs(this->m_proj_parm.ec - fabs(lp_lat)) > tolerance7) {
                                if ((lp_lat = phi1_(lp_lat, this->m_par.e, this->m_par.one_es)) == HUGE_VAL)
                                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                            } else
                                lp_lat = lp_lat < 0. ? -half_pi : half_pi;
                        } else if (fabs(lp_lat = (this->m_proj_parm.c - lp_lat * lp_lat) / this->m_proj_parm.n2) <= 1.)
                            lp_lat = asin(lp_lat);
                            lp_lat = lp_lat < 0. ? -half_pi : half_pi;
                        lp_lon = atan2(xy_x, xy_y) / this->m_proj_parm.n;
                    } else {
                        lp_lon = 0.;
                        lp_lat = this->m_proj_parm.n > 0. ? half_pi : - half_pi;
Exemple #5
 // INVERSE(s_healpix_inverse)  sphere
 // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
 inline void inv(T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const
     /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image */
     if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
         lp_lon = HUGE_VAL;
         lp_lat = HUGE_VAL;
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) );
     return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat);
Exemple #6
                // FORWARD(s_forward)  spheroid
                // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y)
                inline void fwd(T const& lp_lon, T const& lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const
                    static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();
                    static const T pi = detail::pi<T>();

                    T  al, al2, g, g2, p2;

                    p2 = fabs(lp_lat / half_pi);
                    if ((p2 - tolerance) > 1.) {
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                    if (p2 > 1.)
                        p2 = 1.;
                    if (fabs(lp_lat) <= tolerance) {
                        xy_x = lp_lon;
                        xy_y = 0.;
                    } else if (fabs(lp_lon) <= tolerance || fabs(p2 - 1.) < tolerance) {
                        xy_x = 0.;
                        xy_y = pi * tan(.5 * asin(p2));
                        if (lp_lat < 0.) xy_y = -xy_y;
                    } else {
                        al = .5 * fabs(pi / lp_lon - lp_lon / pi);
                        al2 = al * al;
                        g = sqrt(1. - p2 * p2);
                        g = g / (p2 + g - 1.);
                        g2 = g * g;
                        p2 = g * (2. / p2 - 1.);
                        p2 = p2 * p2;
                        xy_x = g - p2; g = p2 + al2;
                        xy_x = pi * (al * xy_x + sqrt(al2 * xy_x * xy_x - g * (g2 - p2))) / g;
                        if (lp_lon < 0.) xy_x = -xy_x;
                        xy_y = fabs(xy_x / pi);
                        xy_y = 1. - xy_y * (xy_y + 2. * al);
                        if (xy_y < -tolerance) {
                            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                        if (xy_y < 0.)
                            xy_y = 0.;
                            xy_y = sqrt(xy_y) * (lp_lat < 0. ? -pi : pi);
Exemple #7
            inline void setup(Parameters const& par, par_aea<T>& proj_parm) 
                T cosphi, sinphi;
                int secant;

                if (fabs(proj_parm.phi1 + proj_parm.phi2) < epsilon10)
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_conic_lat_equal) );
                proj_parm.n = sinphi = sin(proj_parm.phi1);
                cosphi = cos(proj_parm.phi1);
                secant = fabs(proj_parm.phi1 - proj_parm.phi2) >= epsilon10;
                if( (proj_parm.ellips = (par.es > 0.))) {
                    T ml1, m1;

                    proj_parm.en = pj_enfn<T>(par.es);
                    m1 = pj_msfn(sinphi, cosphi, par.es);
                    ml1 = pj_qsfn(sinphi, par.e, par.one_es);
                    if (secant) { /* secant cone */
                        T ml2, m2;

                        sinphi = sin(proj_parm.phi2);
                        cosphi = cos(proj_parm.phi2);
                        m2 = pj_msfn(sinphi, cosphi, par.es);
                        ml2 = pj_qsfn(sinphi, par.e, par.one_es);
                        if (ml2 == ml1)
                            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(0) );

                        proj_parm.n = (m1 * m1 - m2 * m2) / (ml2 - ml1);
                    proj_parm.ec = 1. - .5 * par.one_es * log((1. - par.e) /
                        (1. + par.e)) / par.e;
                    proj_parm.c = m1 * m1 + proj_parm.n * ml1;
                    proj_parm.dd = 1. / proj_parm.n;
                    proj_parm.rho0 = proj_parm.dd * sqrt(proj_parm.c - proj_parm.n * pj_qsfn(sin(par.phi0),
                        par.e, par.one_es));
                } else {
                    if (secant) proj_parm.n = .5 * (proj_parm.n + sin(proj_parm.phi2));
                    proj_parm.n2 = proj_parm.n + proj_parm.n;
                    proj_parm.c = cosphi * cosphi + proj_parm.n2 * sinphi;
                    proj_parm.dd = 1. / proj_parm.n;
                    proj_parm.rho0 = proj_parm.dd * sqrt(proj_parm.c - proj_parm.n2 * sin(par.phi0));
Exemple #8
 // INVERSE(e_healpix_inverse)  ellipsoid
 // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
 inline void inv(T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const
     /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image. */
     if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
         lp_lon = HUGE_VAL;
         lp_lat = HUGE_VAL;
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) );
     healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat);
     lp_lat = auth_lat(this->params(), m_proj_parm, lp_lat, 1);
Exemple #9
 // INVERSE(s_rhealpix_inverse)  sphere
 // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
 inline void inv(T xy_x, T xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const
     /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the rHEALPix image. */
     if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 1, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square) == 0) {
         lp_lon = HUGE_VAL;
         lp_lat = HUGE_VAL;
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) );
     combine_caps(xy_x, xy_y, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square, 1);
     return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat);
Exemple #10
 // FORWARD(e_forward)  ellipsoid & spheroid
 // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y)
 inline void fwd(T lp_lon, T const& lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const
     T rho = this->m_proj_parm.c - (this->m_proj_parm.ellips
                                                     ? this->m_proj_parm.n * pj_qsfn(sin(lp_lat), this->m_par.e, this->m_par.one_es)
                                                     : this->m_proj_parm.n2 * sin(lp_lat));
     if (rho < 0.)
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
     rho = this->m_proj_parm.dd * sqrt(rho);
     xy_x = rho * sin( lp_lon *= this->m_proj_parm.n );
     xy_y = this->m_proj_parm.rho0 - rho * cos(lp_lon);
Exemple #11
            inline void s_forward(T const& lp_lon, T lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y, Par const& /*par*/, ProjParm const& proj_parm)
                static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();
                T coslam, cosphi, sinphi;

                sinphi = sin(lp_lat);
                cosphi = cos(lp_lat);
                coslam = cos(lp_lon);
                switch (proj_parm.mode) {
                case equit:
                    xy_y = cosphi * coslam;
                    goto oblcon;
                case obliq:
                    xy_y = proj_parm.sinph0 * sinphi + proj_parm.cosph0 * cosphi * coslam;
                    if (fabs(fabs(xy_y) - 1.) < tolerance)
                        if (xy_y < 0.)
                            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                            xy_x = xy_y = 0.;
                    else {
                        xy_y = acos(xy_y);
                        xy_y /= sin(xy_y);
                        xy_x = xy_y * cosphi * sin(lp_lon);
                        xy_y *= (proj_parm.mode == equit) ? sinphi :
                                proj_parm.cosph0 * sinphi - proj_parm.sinph0 * cosphi * coslam;
                case n_pole:
                    lp_lat = -lp_lat;
                    coslam = -coslam;
                case s_pole:
                    if (fabs(lp_lat - half_pi) < epsilon10)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                    xy_x = (xy_y = (half_pi + lp_lat)) * sin(lp_lon);
                    xy_y *= coslam;
Exemple #12
 inline void setup_rhealpix(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_healpix<T>& proj_parm)
     proj_parm.north_square = pj_get_param_i<srs::spar::north_square>(params, "north_square", srs::dpar::north_square);
     proj_parm.south_square = pj_get_param_i<srs::spar::south_square>(params, "south_square", srs::dpar::south_square);
     /* Check for valid north_square and south_square inputs. */
     if ((proj_parm.north_square < 0) || (proj_parm.north_square > 3)) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_axis) );
     if ((proj_parm.south_square < 0) || (proj_parm.south_square > 3)) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_axis) );
     if (par.es != 0.0) {
         proj_parm.apa = pj_authset<T>(par.es); /* For auth_lat(). */
         proj_parm.qp = pj_qsfn(1.0, par.e, par.one_es); /* For auth_lat(). */
         par.a = par.a*sqrt(0.5*proj_parm.qp); /* Set par.a to authalic radius. */
         // TODO: why not the same as in healpix?
         //pj_calc_ellipsoid_params(par, par.a, par.es);
         par.ra = 1.0/par.a;
     } else {
Exemple #13
            inline void setup_lcca(Parameters& par, par_lcca<T>& proj_parm)
                T s2p0, N0, R0, tan0, tan20;

                if (!pj_enfn(par.es, proj_parm.en))
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(0) );
                if (!pj_param(par.params, "tlat_0").i)
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(50) );
                if (par.phi0 == 0.)
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(51) );
                proj_parm.l = sin(par.phi0);
                proj_parm.M0 = pj_mlfn(par.phi0, proj_parm.l, cos(par.phi0), proj_parm.en);
                s2p0 = proj_parm.l * proj_parm.l;
                R0 = 1. / (1. - par.es * s2p0);
                N0 = sqrt(R0);
                R0 *= par.one_es * N0;
                tan0 = tan(par.phi0);
                tan20 = tan0 * tan0;
                proj_parm.r0 = N0 / tan0;
                proj_parm.C = 1. / (6. * R0 * N0);
Exemple #14
            inline void setup_wintri(Params& params, Parameters& par, par_aitoff<T>& proj_parm)
                static const T two_div_pi = detail::two_div_pi<T>();

                T phi1;

                proj_parm.mode = mode_winkel_tripel;
                if (pj_param_r<srs::spar::lat_1>(params, "lat_1", srs::dpar::lat_1, phi1)) {
                    if ((proj_parm.cosphi1 = cos(phi1)) == 0.)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_lat_larger_than_90) );
                } else /* 50d28' or phi1=acos(2/pi) */
                    proj_parm.cosphi1 = two_div_pi;
Exemple #15
inline T aacos(T const& v)
    T av = 0;

    if ((av = geometry::math::abs(v)) >= 1.0)
        if (av > aasincos::ONE_TOL<T>())
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_acos_asin_arg_too_large) );
        return (v < 0.0 ? geometry::math::pi<T>() : 0.0);

    return acos(v);
Exemple #16
 inline void setup_oea(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_oea<T>& proj_parm)
     if (((proj_parm.n = pj_get_param_f<T, srs::spar::n>(params, "n", srs::dpar::n)) <= 0.) ||
         ((proj_parm.m = pj_get_param_f<T, srs::spar::m>(params, "m", srs::dpar::m)) <= 0.)) {
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_m_or_n) );
     } else {
         proj_parm.theta = pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::theta>(params, "theta", srs::dpar::theta);
         proj_parm.sp0 = sin(par.phi0);
         proj_parm.cp0 = cos(par.phi0);
         proj_parm.rn = 1./ proj_parm.n;
         proj_parm.rm = 1./ proj_parm.m;
         proj_parm.two_r_n = 2. * proj_parm.rn;
         proj_parm.two_r_m = 2. * proj_parm.rm;
         proj_parm.hm = 0.5 * proj_parm.m;
         proj_parm.hn = 0.5 * proj_parm.n;
         par.es = 0.;
Exemple #17
                // INVERSE(s_inverse)  spheroid
                // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
                inline void inv(T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const
                    static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();
                    static const T pi = detail::pi<T>();
                    static const T pi_sqr = detail::pi_sqr<T>();
                    static const T third = detail::third<T>();
                    static const T two_pi = detail::two_pi<T>();

                    static const T C2_27 = vandg::C2_27<T>();
                    static const T PI4_3 = vandg::PI4_3<T>();                    
                    static const T TPISQ = vandg::TPISQ<T>();
                    static const T HPISQ = vandg::HPISQ<T>();
                    T t, c0, c1, c2, c3, al, r2, r, m, d, ay, x2, y2;

                    x2 = xy_x * xy_x;
                    if ((ay = fabs(xy_y)) < tolerance) {
                        lp_lat = 0.;
                        t = x2 * x2 + TPISQ * (x2 + HPISQ);
                        lp_lon = fabs(xy_x) <= tolerance ? 0. :
                           .5 * (x2 - pi_sqr + sqrt(t)) / xy_x;
                    y2 = xy_y * xy_y;
                    r = x2 + y2;    r2 = r * r;
                    c1 = - pi * ay * (r + pi_sqr);
                    c3 = r2 + two_pi * (ay * r + pi * (y2 + pi * (ay + half_pi)));
                    c2 = c1 + pi_sqr * (r - 3. *  y2);
                    c0 = pi * ay;
                    c2 /= c3;
                    al = c1 / c3 - third * c2 * c2;
                    m = 2. * sqrt(-third * al);
                    d = C2_27 * c2 * c2 * c2 + (c0 * c0 - third * c2 * c1) / c3;
                    if (((t = fabs(d = 3. * d / (al * m))) - tolerance) <= 1.) {
                        d = t > 1. ? (d > 0. ? 0. : pi) : acos(d);
                        lp_lat = pi * (m * cos(d * third + PI4_3) - third * c2);
                        if (xy_y < 0.) lp_lat = -lp_lat;
                        t = r2 + TPISQ * (x2 - y2 + HPISQ);
                        lp_lon = fabs(xy_x) <= tolerance ? 0. :
                           .5 * (r - pi_sqr + (t <= 0. ? 0. : sqrt(t))) / xy_x;
                    } else {
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
Exemple #18
inline T pj_inv_mlfn(T const& arg, T const& es, detail::en<T> const& en)
    static const T EPS = 1e-11;
    static const int MAX_ITER = 10;

    T s, t, phi, k = 1./(1.-es);
    int i;

    phi = arg;
    for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) { /* rarely goes over 2 iterations */
        s = sin(phi);
        t = 1. - es * s * s;
        phi -= t = (pj_mlfn(phi, s, cos(phi), en) - arg) * (t * sqrt(t)) * k;
        if (geometry::math::abs(t) < EPS)
            return phi;
    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_non_conv_inv_meri_dist) );
    return phi;
Exemple #19
                // INVERSE(e_inverse)  ellipsoid & spheroid
                // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat)
                inline void inv(cartesian_type& xy_x, cartesian_type& xy_y, geographic_type& lp_lon, geographic_type& lp_lat) const
                    CalculationType theta, dr, S, dif;
                    int i;

                    xy_x /= this->m_par.k0;
                    xy_y /= this->m_par.k0;
                    theta = atan2(xy_x , this->m_proj_parm.r0 - xy_y);
                    dr = xy_y - xy_x * tan(0.5 * theta);
                    lp_lon = theta / this->m_proj_parm.l;
                    S = dr;
                    for (i = MAX_ITER; i ; --i) {
                        S -= (dif = (fS(S, this->m_proj_parm.C) - dr) / fSp(S, this->m_proj_parm.C));
                        if (fabs(dif) < DEL_TOL) break;
                    if (!i)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(-20) );
                    lp_lat = pj_inv_mlfn(S + this->m_proj_parm.M0, this->m_par.es, this->m_proj_parm.en);
Exemple #20
 inline void setup(Parameters& par, par_nsper<T>& proj_parm) 
     if ((proj_parm.height = pj_param(par.params, "dh").f) <= 0.)
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(-30) );
     if (fabs(fabs(par.phi0) - geometry::math::half_pi<T>()) < EPS10)
         proj_parm.mode = par.phi0 < 0. ? S_POLE : N_POLE;
     else if (fabs(par.phi0) < EPS10)
         proj_parm.mode = EQUIT;
     else {
         proj_parm.mode = OBLIQ;
         proj_parm.sinph0 = sin(par.phi0);
         proj_parm.cosph0 = cos(par.phi0);
     proj_parm.pn1 = proj_parm.height / par.a; /* normalize by radius */
     proj_parm.p = 1. + proj_parm.pn1;
     proj_parm.rp = 1. / proj_parm.p;
     proj_parm.h = 1. / proj_parm.pn1;
     proj_parm.pfact = (proj_parm.p + 1.) * proj_parm.h;
     par.es = 0.;
Exemple #21
            inline void setup(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_nsper<T>& proj_parm) 
                proj_parm.height = pj_get_param_f<T, srs::spar::h>(params, "h", srs::dpar::h);
                if (proj_parm.height <= 0.)
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_h_less_than_zero) );

                if (fabs(fabs(par.phi0) - geometry::math::half_pi<T>()) < epsilon10)
                    proj_parm.mode = par.phi0 < 0. ? s_pole : n_pole;
                else if (fabs(par.phi0) < epsilon10)
                    proj_parm.mode = equit;
                else {
                    proj_parm.mode = obliq;
                    proj_parm.sinph0 = sin(par.phi0);
                    proj_parm.cosph0 = cos(par.phi0);
                proj_parm.pn1 = proj_parm.height / par.a; /* normalize by radius */
                proj_parm.p = 1. + proj_parm.pn1;
                proj_parm.rp = 1. / proj_parm.p;
                proj_parm.h = 1. / proj_parm.pn1;
                proj_parm.pfact = (proj_parm.p + 1.) * proj_parm.h;
                par.es = 0.;
Exemple #22
            inline void setup_tpeqd(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_tpeqd<T>& proj_parm)
                T lam_1, lam_2, phi_1, phi_2, A12, pp;

                /* get control point locations */
                phi_1 = pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::lat_1>(params, "lat_1", srs::dpar::lat_1);
                lam_1 = pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::lon_1>(params, "lon_1", srs::dpar::lon_1);
                phi_2 = pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::lat_2>(params, "lat_2", srs::dpar::lat_2);
                lam_2 = pj_get_param_r<T, srs::spar::lon_2>(params, "lon_2", srs::dpar::lon_2);

                if (phi_1 == phi_2 && lam_1 == lam_2)
                    BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_control_point_no_dist) );

                par.lam0 = adjlon(0.5 * (lam_1 + lam_2));
                proj_parm.dlam2 = adjlon(lam_2 - lam_1);

                proj_parm.cp1 = cos(phi_1);
                proj_parm.cp2 = cos(phi_2);
                proj_parm.sp1 = sin(phi_1);
                proj_parm.sp2 = sin(phi_2);
                proj_parm.cs = proj_parm.cp1 * proj_parm.sp2;
                proj_parm.sc = proj_parm.sp1 * proj_parm.cp2;
                proj_parm.ccs = proj_parm.cp1 * proj_parm.cp2 * sin(proj_parm.dlam2);
                proj_parm.z02 = aacos(proj_parm.sp1 * proj_parm.sp2 + proj_parm.cp1 * proj_parm.cp2 * cos(proj_parm.dlam2));
                proj_parm.hz0 = .5 * proj_parm.z02;
                A12 = atan2(proj_parm.cp2 * sin(proj_parm.dlam2),
                    proj_parm.cp1 * proj_parm.sp2 - proj_parm.sp1 * proj_parm.cp2 * cos(proj_parm.dlam2));
                proj_parm.ca = cos(pp = aasin(proj_parm.cp1 * sin(A12)));
                proj_parm.sa = sin(pp);
                proj_parm.lp = adjlon(atan2(proj_parm.cp1 * cos(A12), proj_parm.sp1) - proj_parm.hz0);
                proj_parm.dlam2 *= .5;
                proj_parm.lamc = geometry::math::half_pi<T>() - atan2(sin(A12) * proj_parm.sp1, cos(A12)) - proj_parm.dlam2;
                proj_parm.thz0 = tan(proj_parm.hz0);
                proj_parm.rhshz0 = .5 / sin(proj_parm.hz0);
                proj_parm.r2z0 = 0.5 / proj_parm.z02;
                proj_parm.z02 *= proj_parm.z02;

                par.es = 0.;
Exemple #23
                // FORWARD(s_forward)  sphere
                // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y)
                inline void fwd(T const& lp_lon, T lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const
                    if (this->m_proj_parm.m == 0.0)
                        lp_lat = this->m_proj_parm.n != 1. ? aasin(this->m_proj_parm.n * sin(lp_lat)): lp_lat;
                    else {
                        T k, V;
                        int i;

                        k = this->m_proj_parm.n * sin(lp_lat);
                        for (i = max_iter; i ; --i) {
                            lp_lat -= V = (this->m_proj_parm.m * lp_lat + sin(lp_lat) - k) /
                                (this->m_proj_parm.m + cos(lp_lat));
                            if (fabs(V) < loop_tol)
                        if (!i) {
                            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                    xy_x = this->m_proj_parm.C_x * lp_lon * (this->m_proj_parm.m + cos(lp_lat));
                    xy_y = this->m_proj_parm.C_y * lp_lat;
Exemple #24
            inline void s_inverse(T xy_x, T xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat, Par const& par, ProjParm const& proj_parm)
                static const T pi = detail::pi<T>();
                static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi<T>();
                T cosc, c_rh, sinc;

                if ((c_rh = boost::math::hypot(xy_x, xy_y)) > pi) {
                    if (c_rh - epsilon10 > pi)
                        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_tolerance_condition) );
                    c_rh = pi;
                } else if (c_rh < epsilon10) {
                    lp_lat = par.phi0;
                    lp_lon = 0.;
                if (proj_parm.mode == obliq || proj_parm.mode == equit) {
                    sinc = sin(c_rh);
                    cosc = cos(c_rh);
                    if (proj_parm.mode == equit) {
                                    lp_lat = aasin(xy_y * sinc / c_rh);
                        xy_x *= sinc;
                        xy_y = cosc * c_rh;
                    } else {
                        lp_lat = aasin(cosc * proj_parm.sinph0 + xy_y * sinc * proj_parm.cosph0 /
                        xy_y = (cosc - proj_parm.sinph0 * sin(lp_lat)) * c_rh;
                        xy_x *= sinc * proj_parm.cosph0;
                    lp_lon = xy_y == 0. ? 0. : atan2(xy_x, xy_y);
                } else if (proj_parm.mode == n_pole) {
                    lp_lat = half_pi - c_rh;
                    lp_lon = atan2(xy_x, -xy_y);
                } else {
                    lp_lat = c_rh - half_pi;
                    lp_lon = atan2(xy_x, xy_y);