// Rotated Box collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
// Uses Separating Axis Test to detect collision. 
// The separating axis test:
//   Two boxes are not colliding if their projections onto a line do not overlap.
bool Entity::collideRotatedBox(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box
    ent.computeRotatedBox();                // prepare rotated box
    if (projectionsOverlap(ent, collisionVector) && ent.projectionsOverlap(*this, collisionVector))
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #2
// Rotated Box collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Uses Separating Axis Test to detect collision. 
// The separating axis test:
//   Two boxes are not colliding if their projections onto a line do not overlap.
// The current entity is A the other entity is B
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
bool Entity::collideRotatedBox(Entity &entB, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    float overlap01, overlap03;
    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box
    entB.computeRotatedBox();               // prepare rotated box
    if (projectionsOverlap(entB, collisionVector) && entB.projectionsOverlap(*this, collisionVector))
        // If we get to here the entities are colliding. The edge with the
        // smallest overlapping section is the edge where the collision is
        // occuring. The collision vector is created perpendicular to the
        // collision edge. The projection edges are 01 and 03.
        //                    entA01min
        //                   /     entB01min
        //                  /     / entA01max 
        //                 /     / /  entB01max
        //                /     / /  /
        //            0--------------------1
        // entB03min..|          ____  
        // entA03min..|    _____|_ B | 
        //            |   | A   | |  |
        // entA03max..|   |_____|_|  |
        // entB03max..|         |____|
        //            | 
        //            |   
        //            3

        if (entA01min < entB01min)   // if A left of B
            overlap01 = entA01max - entB01min;
            collisionVector = corners[1] - corners[0];
        else    // else, A right of B
            overlap01 = entB01max - entA01min;
            collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[1];
        if (entA03min < entB03min)   // if A above B
            overlap03 = entA03max - entB03min;
            if (overlap03 < overlap01)
                collisionVector = corners[3] - corners[0];
        else    // else, A below B
            overlap03 = entB03max - entA03min;
            if (overlap03 < overlap01)
                collisionVector = corners[0] - corners[3];
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #3
// Rotated Box collision detection method
// Called by collision()
// Post: returns true if collision, false otherwise
//       sets collisionVector if collision
// Uses Separating Axis Test to detect collision. 
// The separating axis test:
//   Two boxes are not colliding if their projections onto a line do not overlap.
bool Entity::collideRotatedBox(Entity &ent, VECTOR2 &collisionVector)
    computeRotatedBox();                    // prepare rotated box
    ent.computeRotatedBox();                // prepare rotated box
    if (projectionsOverlap(ent) && ent.projectionsOverlap(*this))
        // set collision vector
        collisionVector = *ent.getCenter() - *getCenter();
        return true;
    return false;