Exemple #1
 * Similar interface to seat_get_userpass_input(), except that here a
 * -1 return means that we aren't capable of processing the prompt and
 * someone else should do it.
int cmdline_get_passwd_input(prompts_t *p)
    static bool tried_once = false;

     * We only handle prompts which don't echo (which we assume to be
     * passwords), and (currently) we only cope with a password prompt
     * that comes in a prompt-set on its own.
    if (!cmdline_password || p->n_prompts != 1 || p->prompts[0]->echo) {
	return -1;

     * If we've tried once, return utter failure (no more passwords left
     * to try).
    if (tried_once)
	return 0;

    prompt_set_result(p->prompts[0], cmdline_password);
    smemclr(cmdline_password, strlen(cmdline_password));
    cmdline_password = NULL;
    tried_once = true;
    return 1;
Exemple #2
int console_get_userpass_input(prompts_t *p, unsigned char *in, int inlen)
    size_t curr_prompt;

     * Zero all the results, in case we abort half-way through.
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)p->n_prompts; i++)
            prompt_set_result(p->prompts[i], "");

    if (console_batch_mode)
	return 0;

    for (curr_prompt = 0; curr_prompt < p->n_prompts; curr_prompt++) {
	prompt_t *pr = p->prompts[curr_prompt];
	if (!DoLoginDialog(pr->result, pr->resultsize-1, pr->prompt))
	return 0;

    return 1; /* success */

Exemple #3
int get_userpass_input(prompts_t * p, unsigned char * /*in*/, int /*inlen*/)
  assert(p != NULL);
  TSecureShell * SecureShell = reinterpret_cast<TSecureShell *>(p->frontend);
  assert(SecureShell != NULL);

  int Result;
  TStrings * Prompts = new TStringList();
  TStrings * Results = new TStringList();
    for (int Index = 0; Index < int(p->n_prompts); Index++)
      prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
      Prompts->AddObject(Prompt->prompt, (TObject *)(FLAGMASK(Prompt->echo, pupEcho)));
      // this fails, when new passwords do not match on change password prompt,
      // and putty retries the prompt
      assert(Prompt->resultsize == 0);

    if (SecureShell->PromptUser(p->to_server, p->name, p->name_reqd,
          p->instruction, p->instr_reqd, Prompts, Results))
      for (int Index = 0; Index < int(p->n_prompts); Index++)
        prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
        prompt_set_result(Prompt, AnsiString(Results->Strings[Index]).c_str());
      Result = 1;
      Result = 0;
    delete Prompts;
    delete Results;

  return Result;
int GetUserpassInput(prompts_t * p, const uint8_t * /*in*/, int /*inlen*/)
  assert(p != nullptr);
  TSecureShell * SecureShell = NB_STATIC_DOWNCAST(TSecureShell, p->frontend);
  assert(SecureShell != nullptr);

  int Result;
  std::unique_ptr<TStrings> Prompts(new TStringList());
  std::unique_ptr<TStrings> Results(new TStringList());
    for (size_t Index = 0; Index < p->n_prompts; ++Index)
      prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
      Prompts->AddObject(Prompt->prompt, reinterpret_cast<TObject *>(static_cast<size_t>(FLAGMASK(Prompt->echo, pupEcho))));
      // this fails, when new passwords do not match on change password prompt,
      // and putty retries the prompt
      assert(Prompt->resultsize == 0);

    if (SecureShell->PromptUser(p->to_server != 0, p->name, p->name_reqd != 0,
          UnicodeString(p->instruction), p->instr_reqd != 0, Prompts.get(), Results.get()))
      for (size_t Index = 0; Index < p->n_prompts; ++Index)
        prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
        prompt_set_result(Prompt, AnsiString(Results->GetString(Index).c_str()).c_str());
      Result = 1;
      Result = 0;

  return Result;
Exemple #5
int console_get_userpass_input(prompts_t *p, unsigned char *in, int inlen)
    HANDLE hin, hout;
    size_t curr_prompt;

     * Zero all the results, in case we abort half-way through.
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < (int)p->n_prompts; i++)
            prompt_set_result(p->prompts[i], "");

     * The prompts_t might contain a message to be displayed but no
     * actual prompt. More usually, though, it will contain
     * questions that the user needs to answer, in which case we
     * need to ensure that we're able to get the answers.
    if (p->n_prompts) {
	if (console_batch_mode)
	    return 0;
	hin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get standard input handle\n");

     * And if we have anything to print, we need standard output.
    if ((p->name_reqd && p->name) || p->instruction || p->n_prompts) {
	hout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
	if (hout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get standard output handle\n");

     * Preamble.
    /* We only print the `name' caption if we have to... */
    if (p->name_reqd && p->name) {
	size_t l = strlen(p->name);
	console_data_untrusted(hout, p->name, l);
	if (p->name[l-1] != '\n')
	    console_data_untrusted(hout, "\n", 1);
    /* ...but we always print any `instruction'. */
    if (p->instruction) {
	size_t l = strlen(p->instruction);
	console_data_untrusted(hout, p->instruction, l);
	if (p->instruction[l-1] != '\n')
	    console_data_untrusted(hout, "\n", 1);

    for (curr_prompt = 0; curr_prompt < p->n_prompts; curr_prompt++) {

	DWORD savemode, newmode;
        int len;
	prompt_t *pr = p->prompts[curr_prompt];

	GetConsoleMode(hin, &savemode);
	if (!pr->echo)
	    newmode &= ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT;
	    newmode |= ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT;
	SetConsoleMode(hin, newmode);

	console_data_untrusted(hout, pr->prompt, strlen(pr->prompt));

        len = 0;
        while (1) {
            DWORD ret = 0;
            BOOL r;

            prompt_ensure_result_size(pr, len * 5 / 4 + 512);

            r = ReadFile(hin, pr->result + len, pr->resultsize - len - 1,
                         &ret, NULL);

            if (!r || ret == 0) {
                len = -1;
            len += ret;
            if (pr->result[len - 1] == '\n') {
                if (pr->result[len - 1] == '\r')

	SetConsoleMode(hin, savemode);

	if (!pr->echo) {
	    DWORD dummy;
	    WriteFile(hout, "\r\n", 2, &dummy, NULL);

        if (len < 0) {
            return 0;                  /* failure due to read error */

	pr->result[len] = '\0';

    return 1; /* success */
Exemple #6
int console_get_userpass_input(prompts_t *p, unsigned char *in, int inlen)
    size_t curr_prompt;
    FILE *outfp = NULL;
    int infd;

     * Zero all the results, in case we abort half-way through.
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < p->n_prompts; i++)
            prompt_set_result(p->prompts[i], "");

    if (p->n_prompts && console_batch_mode)
	return 0;

    console_open(&outfp, &infd);

     * Preamble.
    /* We only print the `name' caption if we have to... */
    if (p->name_reqd && p->name) {
	size_t l = strlen(p->name);
	console_prompt_text(outfp, p->name, l);
	if (p->name[l-1] != '\n')
	    console_prompt_text(outfp, "\n", 1);
    /* ...but we always print any `instruction'. */
    if (p->instruction) {
	size_t l = strlen(p->instruction);
	console_prompt_text(outfp, p->instruction, l);
	if (p->instruction[l-1] != '\n')
	    console_prompt_text(outfp, "\n", 1);

    for (curr_prompt = 0; curr_prompt < p->n_prompts; curr_prompt++) {

	struct termios oldmode, newmode;
	int len;
	prompt_t *pr = p->prompts[curr_prompt];

	tcgetattr(infd, &oldmode);
	newmode = oldmode;
	newmode.c_lflag |= ISIG | ICANON;
	if (!pr->echo)
	    newmode.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
	    newmode.c_lflag |= ECHO;
	tcsetattr(infd, TCSANOW, &newmode);

	console_prompt_text(outfp, pr->prompt, strlen(pr->prompt));

        len = 0;
        while (1) {
            int ret;

            prompt_ensure_result_size(pr, len * 5 / 4 + 512);
            ret = read(infd, pr->result + len, pr->resultsize - len - 1);
            if (ret <= 0) {
                len = -1;
            len += ret;
            if (pr->result[len - 1] == '\n') {

	tcsetattr(infd, TCSANOW, &oldmode);

	if (!pr->echo)
	    console_prompt_text(outfp, "\n", 1);

        if (len < 0) {
            console_close(outfp, infd);
            return 0;                  /* failure due to read error */

	pr->result[len] = '\0';

    console_close(outfp, infd);

    return 1; /* success */
Exemple #7
int GetUserpassInput(prompts_t * p, const uint8_t * /*in*/, int /*inlen*/)
  DebugAssert(p != nullptr);
  TSecureShell * SecureShell = NB_STATIC_DOWNCAST(TSecureShell, p->frontend);
  DebugAssert(SecureShell != nullptr);

  int Result;
  std::unique_ptr<TStrings> Prompts(new TStringList());
  std::unique_ptr<TStrings> Results(new TStringList());
    UnicodeString Name = UTF8ToString(p->name);
    UnicodeString AName = Name;
    TPromptKind PromptKind = SecureShell->IdentifyPromptKind(AName);
    bool UTF8Prompt = (PromptKind != pkPassphrase);

    for (size_t Index = 0; Index < p->n_prompts; ++Index)
      prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
      UnicodeString S;
      if (UTF8Prompt)
        S = UTF8ToString(Prompt->prompt);
        S = UnicodeString(AnsiString(Prompt->prompt));
      Prompts->AddObject(S, reinterpret_cast<TObject *>(static_cast<size_t>(FLAGMASK(Prompt->echo, pupEcho))));
      // this fails, when new passwords do not match on change password prompt,
      // and putty retries the prompt
      DebugAssert(Prompt->resultsize == 0);

    UnicodeString Instructions = UTF8ToString(p->instruction);
    if (SecureShell->PromptUser(p->to_server != 0, Name, p->name_reqd != 0,
          Instructions, p->instr_reqd != 0, Prompts.get(), Results.get()))
      for (size_t Index = 0; Index < p->n_prompts; ++Index)
        prompt_t * Prompt = p->prompts[Index];
        RawByteString S;
        if (UTF8Prompt)
          S = RawByteString(UTF8String(Results->GetString(Index)));
          S = RawByteString(AnsiString(Results->GetString(Index)));
        prompt_set_result(Prompt, S.c_str());
      Result = 1;
      Result = 0;
//    delete Prompts;
//    delete Results;

  return Result;