Exemple #1
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_handle_box_create_properties(GtkWidget *widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData *data)
  property_add_choice (Shadow, _("Shadow:"),
		       _("The type of shadow around the handle box"),

  property_add_choice (Position, _("Handle Pos:"),
		       _("The position of the handle"),
  property_add_choice (SnapEdge, _("Snap Edge:"),
		       _("The edge of the handle box which snaps into position"),
Exemple #2
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_image_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_icon (Icon, _("Icon:"),
		     _("The icon to display"),
  property_add_named_icon (IconName, _("Named Icon:"),
			   _("The named icon to use"));
  property_add_choice (IconSize, _("Icon Size:"),
		       _("The stock icon size"),
  property_add_int_range (PixelSize, _("Pixel Size:"),
			  _("The size of the named icon in pixels, or -1 to use the Icon Size property"),
			  -1, 1000, 1, 10, 1);

  property_add_float_range (XAlign, _("X Align:"),
			    _("The horizontal alignment"),
			    0, 1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 2);
  property_add_float_range (YAlign, _("Y Align:"),
			    _("The vertical alignment"),
			    0, 1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 2);
  property_add_int_range (XPad, _("X Pad:"), _("The horizontal padding"),
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (YPad, _("Y Pad:"), _("The vertical padding"),
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_scrolled_window_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData
				      * data)
  property_add_choice (HPolicy, _("H Policy:"),
		       _("When the horizontal scrollbar will be shown"),
  property_add_choice (VPolicy, _("V Policy:"),
		       _("When the vertical scrollbar will be shown"),
  property_add_choice (WindowPlacement, _("Window Pos:"),
		       _("Where the child window is located with respect to the scrollbars"),
  property_add_choice (ShadowType, _("Shadow Type:"),
		       _("The update policy of the vertical scrollbar"),
Exemple #4
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_viewport_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_choice (Shadow, _("Shadow:"), _("The type of shadow of the viewport"),
     property_add_adjustment(HValues, GB_ADJUST_H_LABELS);
     property_add_adjustment(VValues, GB_ADJUST_V_LABELS);
Exemple #5
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_tclist_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GtkWidget *child, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_choice (Mode, _("Select Mode:"),
		       _("The selection mode of the columned list"),
  property_add_bool (Titles, _("Show Titles:"),
		     _("If the column titles are shown"));
  property_add_choice (Shadow, _("Shadow:"),
		       _("The type of shadow of the columned list's border"),
#ifndef GTK_HAVE_FEATURES_1_1_4
  property_add_choice (HPolicy, _("H Policy:"),
		       _("When the horizontal scrollbar will be shown"),
  property_add_choice (VPolicy, _("V Policy:"),
		       _("When the vertical scrollbar will be shown"),
Exemple #6
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_vbutton_box_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData *
  property_add_int_range (Size, "Size:", "The number of buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_choice (Layout, "Layout:",
		       "The layout style of the buttons",
  property_add_int_range (Spacing, "Spacing:", "The space between the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
Exemple #7
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_bonobo_dock_item_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_bool (Locked, _("Locked:"),
		     _("If the dock item is locked in position"));
  property_add_bool (Exclusive, _("Exclusive:"),
		     _("If the dock item is always the only item in its band"));
  property_add_bool (NeverFloating, _("Never Floating:"),
		     _("If the dock item is never allowed to float in its own window"));
  property_add_bool (NeverVertical, _("Never Vertical:"),
		     _("If the dock item is never allowed to be vertical"));
  property_add_bool (NeverHorizontal, _("Never Horizontal:"),
		     _("If the dock item is never allowed to be horizontal"));

  property_add_choice (ShadowType, _("Shadow:"),
		       _("The type of shadow around the dock item"),
  property_add_choice (Orientation, _("Orientation:"),
		       _("The orientation of a floating dock item"),
Exemple #8
gb_label_create_standard_properties (GtkWidget * widget,
				     GbWidgetCreateArgData * data,
				     const char *label_p,
				     const char *use_underline_p,
				     const char *use_markup_p,
				     const char *justify_p,
				     const char *wrap_p,
				     const char *selectable_p,
				     const char *xalign_p,
				     const char *yalign_p,
				     const char *xpad_p,
				     const char *ypad_p,
				     const char *focus_target_p)
  GtkWidget *combo;

  property_add_text (label_p, _("Label:"), _("The text to display"), 2);
  property_add_bool (use_underline_p, _("Use Underline:"),
		     _("If the text includes an underlined accelerator character"));
  property_add_bool (use_markup_p, _("Use Markup:"),
		     _("If the text includes pango markup"));
  property_add_choice (justify_p, _("Justify:"),
		       _("The justification of the lines of the label"),
  property_add_bool (wrap_p, _("Wrap Text:"),
		     _("If the text is wrapped to fit within the width of the label"));
  property_add_bool (selectable_p, _("Selectable:"),
		     _("If the label text can be selected with the mouse"));
  property_add_float_range (xalign_p, _("X Align:"),
			    _("The horizontal alignment of the entire label"),
			    0, 1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 2);
  property_add_float_range (yalign_p, _("Y Align:"),
			    _("The vertical alignment of the entire label"),
			    0, 1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 2);
  property_add_int_range (xpad_p, _("X Pad:"), _("The horizontal padding"),
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (ypad_p, _("Y Pad:"), _("The vertical padding"),
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_combo (focus_target_p, _("Focus Target:"),
		      _("The widget to set the keyboard focus to when the underlined accelerator key is used"),
  combo = property_get_value_widget (focus_target_p);
  gtk_editable_set_editable (GTK_EDITABLE (GTK_COMBO (combo)->entry), FALSE);
  gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (combo), TRUE, TRUE);
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_file_chooser_button_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_string (Title, _("Title:"),
		     _("The window title of the file chooser dialog"));
  property_add_choice (Action, _("Action:"),
		       _("The type of file operation being performed"),
  property_add_bool (LocalOnly, _("Local Only:"),
		     _("Whether the selected files should be limited to local files"));
  property_add_bool (ShowHidden, _("Show Hidden:"),
		     _("Whether the hidden files and folders should be displayed"));
  property_add_bool (Confirm, _("Confirm:"),
		     _("Whether a confirmation dialog will be displayed if a file will be overwritten"));
  property_add_int_range (WidthChars, _("Width in Chars:"),
			  _("The width of the button in characters"),
			  -1, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_gnome_message_box_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData * data)
  property_add_choice (MessageBoxType, _("Message Type:"),
		       _("The type of the message box"),
  property_add_text (Message, _("Message:"), _("The message to display"), 4);

  /* We don't allow setting of the title, so we pass NULL here. */
  gb_window_create_standard_properties (widget, data,
					Title, NULL, Position, Modal,
					DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight,
					Shrink, Grow, AutoShrink,
					WMName, WMClass);

  property_add_bool (AutoClose, _("Auto Close:"),
		     _("If the dialog closes when any button is clicked"));
  property_add_bool (HideOnClose, _("Hide on Close:"),
		     _("If the dialog is hidden when it is closed, instead of being destroyed"));
Exemple #11
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_spin_button_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData *
  property_add_float (ClimbRate, _("Climb Rate:"),
		      _("The climb rate of the spinbutton, used in conjunction with the Page Increment"));
  property_add_int_range (Digits, _("Digits:"),
			  _("The number of decimal digits to show"),
			  0, 5, 1, 1, 0);
  property_add_bool (Numeric, _("Numeric:"),
		     _("If only numeric entry is allowed"));
  property_add_choice (Policy, _("Update Policy:"),
		       _("When value_changed signals are emitted"),
  property_add_bool (Snap, _("Snap:"),
	      _("If the value is snapped to multiples of the step increment"));
  property_add_bool (Wrap, _("Wrap:"),
		     _("If the value is wrapped at the limits"));
  property_add_adjustment (Values, GB_ADJUST_DEFAULT_LABELS);
Exemple #12
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_toggle_button_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData
				    * data)
  property_add_stock_item (StockButton, _("Stock Button:"),
			   _("The stock button to use"),
  property_add_text (Label, _("Label:"), _("The text to display"), 2);
  property_add_icon (Icon, _("Icon:"),
		     _("The icon to display"),
  property_add_choice (Relief, _("Button Relief:"),
		       _("The relief style of the button"),

  property_add_bool (State, _("Initially On:"),
		     _("If the toggle button is initially on"));
  property_add_bool (Inconsistent, _("Inconsistent:"),
		     _("If the button is shown in an inconsistent state"));
  property_add_bool (FocusOnClick, _("Focus On Click:"), _("If the button grabs focus when it is clicked"));
 * Creates the components needed to edit the extra properties of this widget.
static void
gb_vbutton_box_create_properties (GtkWidget * widget, GbWidgetCreateArgData *
  property_add_int_range (Size, "Size:", "The number of buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_choice (Layout, "Layout:",
		       "The layout style of the buttons",
  property_add_int_range (Spacing, "Spacing:", "The space between the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (Width, "Min Width:",
			  "The minimum width of the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (Height, "Min Height:",
			  "The minimum height of the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (XPad, "X Pad:",
			  "The horizontal padding of the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
  property_add_int_range (YPad, "Y Pad:", "The vertical padding of the buttons",
			  0, 1000, 1, 10, 1);
Exemple #14
gb_window_create_standard_properties (GtkWidget * widget,
				      GbWidgetCreateArgData * data,
				      gchar *title_p,
				      gchar *type_p,
				      gchar *position_p,
				      gchar *modal_p,
				      gchar *default_width_p,
				      gchar *default_height_p,
				      gchar *shrink_p,
				      gchar *grow_p,
				      gchar *auto_shrink_p,
				      gchar *wmname_p,
				      gchar *wmclass_p,
				      gchar *resizable_p,
				      gchar *destroy_with_parent_p,
				      gchar *icon_p)
  if (title_p)
    property_add_string (title_p, _("Title:"), _("The title of the window"));

  if (type_p)
    property_add_choice (type_p, _("Type:"), _("The type of the window"),

  if (position_p)
    property_add_choice (position_p, _("Position:"),
			 _("The initial position of the window"),

  if (modal_p)
    property_add_bool (modal_p, _("Modal:"), _("If the window is modal"));

  if (default_width_p && default_height_p)
      property_add_optional_int_range (default_width_p,
				       _("Default Width:"),
				       _("The default width of the window"),
				       0, 10000, 1, 10, 1,
      property_add_optional_int_range (default_height_p,
				       _("Default Height:"),
				       _("The default height of the window"),
				       0, 10000, 1, 10, 1,

  if (resizable_p)
    property_add_bool (resizable_p, _("Resizable:"),
		       _("If the window can be resized"));

#if 0
  /* These are deprecated. */
  if (shrink_p && grow_p)
      property_add_bool (shrink_p, _("Shrink:"),
			 _("If the window can be shrunk"));
      property_add_bool (grow_p, _("Grow:"),
			 _("If the window can be enlarged"));

#if 0
  /* These aren't necessary, and have been used incorrectly for ages. */
  if (wmname_p)
    property_add_string (wmname_p, _("WM Name:"),
			 _("The name to pass to the window manager"));
  if (wmclass_p)
    property_add_string (wmclass_p, _("WM Class:"),
			 _("The class name to pass to the window manager"));

  if (destroy_with_parent_p)
    property_add_bool (destroy_with_parent_p, _("Auto-Destroy:"),
		       _("If the window is destroyed when its transient parent is destroyed"));

  if (icon_p)
    property_add_filename (icon_p, _("Icon:"),
			   _("The icon for this window"));