Exemple #1
static void clock_component_def_real_get_properties (ComponentDef* base, PropertySet* queryProperty, PropertySet** configurationProperty) {
	ClockComponentDef * self;
	PropertySet* _vala_configurationProperty = NULL;
	gint onFor = 0;
	gint offFor = 0;
	const gchar* _tmp0_;
	gchar* _tmp1_;
	gchar* _tmp2_;
	PropertySet* _tmp3_;
	PropertySet* _tmp4_;
	gint _tmp5_ = 0;
	gint _tmp6_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp7_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp8_;
	PropertySet* _tmp9_;
	gint _tmp10_ = 0;
	gint _tmp11_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp12_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp13_;
	self = (ClockComponentDef*) base;
	g_return_if_fail (queryProperty != NULL);
	_tmp0_ = ((ComponentDef*) self)->name;
	_tmp1_ = g_strconcat (_tmp0_, " configuration", NULL);
	_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
	_tmp3_ = property_set_new (_tmp2_, "");
	_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
	_vala_configurationProperty = _tmp3_;
	_g_free0 (_tmp2_);
	_tmp4_ = queryProperty;
	_tmp5_ = property_item_int_get_data (_tmp4_, "On For");
	onFor = _tmp5_;
	_tmp6_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp7_ = property_item_int_new ("On For", "", onFor, 1, _tmp6_);
	_tmp8_ = _tmp7_;
	property_set_add_item (_vala_configurationProperty, (PropertyItem*) _tmp8_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp8_);
	_tmp9_ = queryProperty;
	_tmp10_ = property_item_int_get_data (_tmp9_, "Off For");
	offFor = _tmp10_;
	_tmp11_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp12_ = property_item_int_new ("Off For", "", offFor, 1, _tmp11_);
	_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
	property_set_add_item (_vala_configurationProperty, (PropertyItem*) _tmp13_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp13_);
	if (configurationProperty) {
		*configurationProperty = _vala_configurationProperty;
	} else {
		_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
static void constant_component_def_real_add_properties (ComponentDef* base, PropertySet* queryProperty, PropertySet* configurationProperty) {
	ConstantComponentDef * self;
	gchar* constantString = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* selection = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp5_ = NULL;
	const gchar* _tmp6_ = NULL;
	PropertySet* _tmp7_ = NULL;
	GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
	self = (ConstantComponentDef*) base;
	g_return_if_fail (queryProperty != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (configurationProperty != NULL);
		gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
		PropertySet* _tmp1_ = NULL;
		gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
		gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
		_tmp1_ = configurationProperty;
		_tmp2_ = property_item_selection_get_data_throw (_tmp1_, "Value", &_inner_error_);
		_tmp0_ = _tmp2_;
		if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
			goto __catch21_g_error;
		_tmp3_ = _tmp0_;
		_tmp0_ = NULL;
		_g_free0 (constantString);
		constantString = _tmp3_;
		_g_free0 (_tmp0_);
	goto __finally21;
		gchar* _tmp4_ = NULL;
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
		_inner_error_ = NULL;
		_tmp4_ = g_strdup ("0");
		_g_free0 (constantString);
		constantString = _tmp4_;
	if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
		_g_free0 (constantString);
		g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
	_tmp5_ = property_item_selection_new ("Value", "The constant value to output");
	selection = _tmp5_;
	property_item_selection_add_option (selection, "0", "0 (False)");
	property_item_selection_add_option (selection, "1", "1 (True)");
	_tmp6_ = constantString;
	property_item_selection_set_option (selection, _tmp6_);
	_tmp7_ = queryProperty;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp7_, (PropertyItem*) selection);
	_property_item_unref0 (selection);
	_g_free0 (constantString);
Exemple #3
static void clock_component_def_real_load_properties (ComponentDef* base, xmlNode* xmlnode, PropertySet** configurationProperty) {
	ClockComponentDef * self;
	PropertySet* _vala_configurationProperty = NULL;
	gint onFor;
	gint offFor;
	const gchar* _tmp0_;
	gchar* _tmp1_;
	gchar* _tmp2_;
	PropertySet* _tmp3_;
	PropertySet* _tmp24_;
	gint _tmp25_;
	gint _tmp26_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp27_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp28_;
	PropertySet* _tmp29_;
	gint _tmp30_;
	gint _tmp31_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp32_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp33_;
	self = (ClockComponentDef*) base;
	onFor = 25;
	offFor = 25;
	_tmp0_ = ((ComponentDef*) self)->name;
	_tmp1_ = g_strconcat (_tmp0_, " configuration", NULL);
	_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
	_tmp3_ = property_set_new (_tmp2_, "");
	_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
	_vala_configurationProperty = _tmp3_;
	_g_free0 (_tmp2_);
		xmlNode* _tmp4_;
		xmlAttr* _tmp5_;
		xmlAttr* xmlattr;
		_tmp4_ = xmlnode;
		_tmp5_ = _tmp4_->properties;
		xmlattr = _tmp5_;
			gboolean _tmp6_;
			_tmp6_ = TRUE;
			while (TRUE) {
				gboolean _tmp7_;
				xmlAttr* _tmp10_;
				xmlAttr* _tmp11_;
				const gchar* _tmp12_;
				const gchar* _tmp13_;
				GQuark _tmp15_ = 0U;
				static GQuark _tmp14_label0 = 0;
				static GQuark _tmp14_label1 = 0;
				_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
				if (!_tmp7_) {
					xmlAttr* _tmp8_;
					xmlAttr* _tmp9_;
					_tmp8_ = xmlattr;
					_tmp9_ = _tmp8_->next;
					xmlattr = _tmp9_;
				_tmp6_ = FALSE;
				_tmp10_ = xmlattr;
				if (!(_tmp10_ != NULL)) {
				_tmp11_ = xmlattr;
				_tmp12_ = _tmp11_->name;
				_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
				_tmp15_ = (NULL == _tmp13_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp13_);
				if (_tmp15_ == ((0 != _tmp14_label0) ? _tmp14_label0 : (_tmp14_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("on")))) {
					switch (0) {
							xmlAttr* _tmp16_;
							xmlNode* _tmp17_;
							const gchar* _tmp18_;
							gint _tmp19_ = 0;
							_tmp16_ = xmlattr;
							_tmp17_ = _tmp16_->children;
							_tmp18_ = _tmp17_->content;
							_tmp19_ = atoi (_tmp18_);
							onFor = _tmp19_;
				} else if (_tmp15_ == ((0 != _tmp14_label1) ? _tmp14_label1 : (_tmp14_label1 = g_quark_from_static_string ("off")))) {
					switch (0) {
							xmlAttr* _tmp20_;
							xmlNode* _tmp21_;
							const gchar* _tmp22_;
							gint _tmp23_ = 0;
							_tmp20_ = xmlattr;
							_tmp21_ = _tmp20_->children;
							_tmp22_ = _tmp21_->content;
							_tmp23_ = atoi (_tmp22_);
							offFor = _tmp23_;
	_tmp24_ = _vala_configurationProperty;
	_tmp25_ = onFor;
	_tmp26_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp27_ = property_item_int_new ("On For", "", _tmp25_, 1, _tmp26_);
	_tmp28_ = _tmp27_;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp24_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp28_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp28_);
	_tmp29_ = _vala_configurationProperty;
	_tmp30_ = offFor;
	_tmp31_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp32_ = property_item_int_new ("Off For", "", _tmp30_, 1, _tmp31_);
	_tmp33_ = _tmp32_;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp29_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp33_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp33_);
	if (configurationProperty) {
		*configurationProperty = _vala_configurationProperty;
	} else {
		_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
Exemple #4
static void clock_component_def_real_add_properties (ComponentDef* base, PropertySet* queryProperty, PropertySet* configurationProperty) {
	ClockComponentDef * self;
	gint onFor = 0;
	gint offFor = 0;
	PropertySet* _tmp3_;
	gint _tmp4_;
	gint _tmp5_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp6_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp7_;
	PropertySet* _tmp11_;
	gint _tmp12_;
	gint _tmp13_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp14_;
	PropertyItemInt* _tmp15_;
	GError * _inner_error_ = NULL;
	self = (ClockComponentDef*) base;
	g_return_if_fail (queryProperty != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (configurationProperty != NULL);
		PropertySet* _tmp0_;
		gint _tmp1_ = 0;
		gint _tmp2_;
		_tmp0_ = configurationProperty;
		_tmp1_ = property_item_int_get_data_throw (_tmp0_, "On For", &_inner_error_);
		_tmp2_ = _tmp1_;
		if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
			goto __catch14_g_error;
		onFor = _tmp2_;
	goto __finally14;
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
		_inner_error_ = NULL;
		onFor = 25;
	if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
		g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
	_tmp3_ = queryProperty;
	_tmp4_ = onFor;
	_tmp5_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp6_ = property_item_int_new ("On For", "Duration which clock is on.", _tmp4_, 1, _tmp5_);
	_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp3_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp7_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp7_);
		PropertySet* _tmp8_;
		gint _tmp9_ = 0;
		gint _tmp10_;
		_tmp8_ = configurationProperty;
		_tmp9_ = property_item_int_get_data_throw (_tmp8_, "Off For", &_inner_error_);
		_tmp10_ = _tmp9_;
		if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
			goto __catch15_g_error;
		offFor = _tmp10_;
	goto __finally15;
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
		_inner_error_ = NULL;
		offFor = 25;
	if (_inner_error_ != NULL) {
		g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
		g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
	_tmp11_ = queryProperty;
	_tmp12_ = offFor;
	_tmp13_ = G_MAXINT;
	_tmp14_ = property_item_int_new ("Off For", "Duration which clock is off.", _tmp12_, 1, _tmp13_);
	_tmp15_ = _tmp14_;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp11_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp15_);
	_property_item_unref0 (_tmp15_);
static void constant_component_def_real_load_properties (ComponentDef* base, xmlNode* xmlnode, PropertySet** configurationProperty) {
	ConstantComponentDef * self;
	PropertySet* _vala_configurationProperty = NULL;
	gchar* constantString = NULL;
	gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
	const gchar* _tmp1_ = NULL;
	gchar* _tmp2_ = NULL;
	gchar* _tmp3_ = NULL;
	PropertySet* _tmp4_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* selection = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp20_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp21_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp22_ = NULL;
	const gchar* _tmp23_ = NULL;
	const gchar* _tmp24_ = NULL;
	GQuark _tmp26_ = 0U;
	static GQuark _tmp25_label0 = 0;
	static GQuark _tmp25_label1 = 0;
	static GQuark _tmp25_label2 = 0;
	static GQuark _tmp25_label3 = 0;
	PropertySet* _tmp29_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp30_ = NULL;
	self = (ConstantComponentDef*) base;
	_tmp0_ = g_strdup ("0");
	constantString = _tmp0_;
	_tmp1_ = ((ComponentDef*) self)->name;
	_tmp2_ = g_strconcat (_tmp1_, " configuration", NULL);
	_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
	_tmp4_ = property_set_new (_tmp3_, "");
	_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
	_vala_configurationProperty = _tmp4_;
	_g_free0 (_tmp3_);
		xmlAttr* xmlattr = NULL;
		xmlNode* _tmp5_ = NULL;
		xmlAttr* _tmp6_ = NULL;
		_tmp5_ = xmlnode;
		_tmp6_ = _tmp5_->properties;
		xmlattr = _tmp6_;
			gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE;
			_tmp7_ = TRUE;
			while (TRUE) {
				xmlAttr* _tmp10_ = NULL;
				xmlAttr* _tmp11_ = NULL;
				const gchar* _tmp12_ = NULL;
				const gchar* _tmp13_ = NULL;
				GQuark _tmp15_ = 0U;
				static GQuark _tmp14_label0 = 0;
				if (!_tmp7_) {
					xmlAttr* _tmp8_ = NULL;
					xmlAttr* _tmp9_ = NULL;
					_tmp8_ = xmlattr;
					_tmp9_ = _tmp8_->next;
					xmlattr = _tmp9_;
				_tmp7_ = FALSE;
				_tmp10_ = xmlattr;
				if (!(_tmp10_ != NULL)) {
				_tmp11_ = xmlattr;
				_tmp12_ = _tmp11_->name;
				_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
				_tmp15_ = (NULL == _tmp13_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp13_);
				if (_tmp15_ == ((0 != _tmp14_label0) ? _tmp14_label0 : (_tmp14_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("value")))) {
					switch (0) {
							xmlAttr* _tmp16_ = NULL;
							xmlNode* _tmp17_ = NULL;
							const gchar* _tmp18_ = NULL;
							gchar* _tmp19_ = NULL;
							_tmp16_ = xmlattr;
							_tmp17_ = _tmp16_->children;
							_tmp18_ = _tmp17_->content;
							_tmp19_ = g_strdup (_tmp18_);
							_g_free0 (constantString);
							constantString = _tmp19_;
	_tmp20_ = property_item_selection_new ("Value", "");
	selection = _tmp20_;
	_tmp21_ = selection;
	property_item_selection_add_option (_tmp21_, "0", "0 (False)");
	_tmp22_ = selection;
	property_item_selection_add_option (_tmp22_, "1", "1 (True)");
	_tmp23_ = constantString;
	_tmp24_ = _tmp23_;
	_tmp26_ = (NULL == _tmp24_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp24_);
	if ((_tmp26_ == ((0 != _tmp25_label0) ? _tmp25_label0 : (_tmp25_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("0")))) || (_tmp26_ == ((0 != _tmp25_label1) ? _tmp25_label1 : (_tmp25_label1 = g_quark_from_static_string ("0 (False)"))))) {
		switch (0) {
				PropertyItemSelection* _tmp27_ = NULL;
				_tmp27_ = selection;
				property_item_selection_set_option (_tmp27_, "0");
	} else if ((_tmp26_ == ((0 != _tmp25_label2) ? _tmp25_label2 : (_tmp25_label2 = g_quark_from_static_string ("1")))) || (_tmp26_ == ((0 != _tmp25_label3) ? _tmp25_label3 : (_tmp25_label3 = g_quark_from_static_string ("1 (True)"))))) {
		switch (0) {
				PropertyItemSelection* _tmp28_ = NULL;
				_tmp28_ = selection;
				property_item_selection_set_option (_tmp28_, "1");
	_tmp29_ = _vala_configurationProperty;
	_tmp30_ = selection;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp29_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp30_);
	_property_item_unref0 (selection);
	_g_free0 (constantString);
	if (configurationProperty) {
		*configurationProperty = _vala_configurationProperty;
	} else {
		_property_item_unref0 (_vala_configurationProperty);
void image_exporter_export_svg (ImageExporterRenderer renderer, void* renderer_target) {
	gchar* filename = NULL;
	gchar* _tmp0_ = NULL;
	ImageExporterImageFormat imageFormat = 0;
	PropertySet* propertySet = NULL;
	PropertySet* _tmp1_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* formatProperty = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp2_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp3_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp4_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp5_ = NULL;
	PropertySet* _tmp6_ = NULL;
	PropertyItemSelection* _tmp7_ = NULL;
	PropertiesQuery* propertiesQuery = NULL;
	PropertySet* _tmp8_ = NULL;
	PropertiesQuery* _tmp9_ = NULL;
	PropertiesQuery* _tmp10_ = NULL;
	gint _tmp11_ = 0;
	const gchar* _tmp47_ = NULL;
	_tmp0_ = g_strdup ("");
	filename = _tmp0_;
	_tmp1_ = property_set_new ("SVG Export", "SVG image export options.");
	propertySet = _tmp1_;
	_tmp2_ = property_item_selection_new ("Background", "The background for the SVG to use.");
	formatProperty = _tmp2_;
	_tmp3_ = formatProperty;
	property_item_selection_add_option (_tmp3_, "White Background", NULL);
	_tmp4_ = formatProperty;
	property_item_selection_add_option (_tmp4_, "Transparent Background", NULL);
	_tmp5_ = formatProperty;
	property_item_selection_set_option (_tmp5_, "White Background");
	_tmp6_ = propertySet;
	_tmp7_ = formatProperty;
	property_set_add_item (_tmp6_, (PropertyItem*) _tmp7_);
	_tmp8_ = propertySet;
	_tmp9_ = properties_query_new ("Export SVG Options", NULL, _tmp8_);
	propertiesQuery = _tmp9_;
	_tmp10_ = propertiesQuery;
	_tmp11_ = properties_query_run (_tmp10_);
	if (_tmp11_ == ((gint) GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY)) {
		GtkFileFilter* svgFileFilter = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp12_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp13_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp14_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* anyFileFilter = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp15_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp16_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp17_ = NULL;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* fileChooser = NULL;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp18_ = NULL;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp19_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp20_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp21_ = NULL;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp22_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp23_ = NULL;
		GtkFileFilter* _tmp24_ = NULL;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp25_ = NULL;
		gboolean stillChoosing = FALSE;
		GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp46_ = NULL;
		_tmp12_ = gtk_file_filter_new ();
		g_object_ref_sink (_tmp12_);
		svgFileFilter = _tmp12_;
		_tmp13_ = svgFileFilter;
		gtk_file_filter_set_name (_tmp13_, "Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg)");
		_tmp14_ = svgFileFilter;
		gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (_tmp14_, "*.svg");
		_tmp15_ = gtk_file_filter_new ();
		g_object_ref_sink (_tmp15_);
		anyFileFilter = _tmp15_;
		_tmp16_ = anyFileFilter;
		gtk_file_filter_set_name (_tmp16_, "Any File");
		_tmp17_ = anyFileFilter;
		gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (_tmp17_, "*");
		_tmp18_ = (GtkFileChooserDialog*) gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new ("Export to SVG", NULL, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL);
		g_object_ref_sink (_tmp18_);
		fileChooser = _tmp18_;
		_tmp19_ = fileChooser;
		_tmp20_ = svgFileFilter;
		_tmp21_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp20_);
		gtk_file_chooser_add_filter ((GtkFileChooser*) _tmp19_, _tmp21_);
		_tmp22_ = fileChooser;
		_tmp23_ = anyFileFilter;
		_tmp24_ = _g_object_ref0 (_tmp23_);
		gtk_file_chooser_add_filter ((GtkFileChooser*) _tmp22_, _tmp24_);
		_tmp25_ = fileChooser;
		gtk_file_chooser_set_do_overwrite_confirmation ((GtkFileChooser*) _tmp25_, TRUE);
		stillChoosing = TRUE;
		while (TRUE) {
			gboolean _tmp26_ = FALSE;
			GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp27_ = NULL;
			gint _tmp28_ = 0;
			_tmp26_ = stillChoosing;
			if (!_tmp26_) {
			_tmp27_ = fileChooser;
			_tmp28_ = gtk_dialog_run ((GtkDialog*) _tmp27_);
			if (_tmp28_ == ((gint) GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) {
				GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp29_ = NULL;
				gchar* _tmp30_ = NULL;
				const gchar* _tmp31_ = NULL;
				gboolean _tmp32_ = FALSE;
				const gchar* _tmp40_ = NULL;
				gboolean _tmp41_ = FALSE;
				_tmp29_ = fileChooser;
				_tmp30_ = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename ((GtkFileChooser*) _tmp29_);
				_g_free0 (filename);
				filename = _tmp30_;
				_tmp31_ = filename;
				_tmp32_ = string_contains (_tmp31_, ".");
				if (_tmp32_) {
					FILE* _tmp33_ = NULL;
					_tmp33_ = stdout;
					fprintf (_tmp33_, "File extension already given\n");
				} else {
					GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp34_ = NULL;
					GtkFileFilter* _tmp35_ = NULL;
					GtkFileFilter* _tmp36_ = NULL;
					GtkFileFilter* _tmp37_ = NULL;
					_tmp34_ = fileChooser;
					_tmp35_ = gtk_file_chooser_get_filter ((GtkFileChooser*) _tmp34_);
					_tmp36_ = _tmp35_;
					_tmp37_ = svgFileFilter;
					if (_tmp36_ == _tmp37_) {
						const gchar* _tmp38_ = NULL;
						gchar* _tmp39_ = NULL;
						_tmp38_ = filename;
						_tmp39_ = g_strconcat (_tmp38_, ".svg", NULL);
						_g_free0 (filename);
						filename = _tmp39_;
				_tmp40_ = filename;
				_tmp41_ = g_file_test (_tmp40_, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
				if (_tmp41_) {
					GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp42_ = NULL;
					const gchar* _tmp43_ = NULL;
					gint _tmp44_ = 0;
					_tmp42_ = fileChooser;
					_tmp43_ = filename;
					_tmp44_ = basic_dialog_ask_overwrite ((GtkWindow*) _tmp42_, _tmp43_);
					if (_tmp44_ == ((gint) GTK_RESPONSE_YES)) {
						stillChoosing = FALSE;
				} else {
					stillChoosing = FALSE;
			} else {
				GtkFileChooserDialog* _tmp45_ = NULL;
				_tmp45_ = fileChooser;
				gtk_widget_destroy ((GtkWidget*) _tmp45_);
				_g_object_unref0 (fileChooser);
				_g_object_unref0 (anyFileFilter);
				_g_object_unref0 (svgFileFilter);
				_properties_query_unref0 (propertiesQuery);
				_property_item_unref0 (formatProperty);
				_property_item_unref0 (propertySet);
				_g_free0 (filename);
		_tmp46_ = fileChooser;
		gtk_widget_destroy ((GtkWidget*) _tmp46_);
		_g_object_unref0 (fileChooser);
		_g_object_unref0 (anyFileFilter);
		_g_object_unref0 (svgFileFilter);
	_tmp47_ = filename;
	if (g_strcmp0 (_tmp47_, "") != 0) {
		PropertySet* _tmp48_ = NULL;
		gchar* _tmp49_ = NULL;
		gchar* _tmp50_ = NULL;
		GQuark _tmp52_ = 0U;
		static GQuark _tmp51_label0 = 0;
		static GQuark _tmp51_label1 = 0;
		ImageExporterRenderer _tmp53_ = NULL;
		void* _tmp53__target = NULL;
		const gchar* _tmp54_ = NULL;
		ImageExporterImageFormat _tmp55_ = 0;
		_tmp48_ = propertySet;
		_tmp49_ = property_item_selection_get_data (_tmp48_, "Background");
		_tmp50_ = _tmp49_;
		_tmp52_ = (NULL == _tmp50_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp50_);
		g_free (_tmp50_);
		if (_tmp52_ == ((0 != _tmp51_label0) ? _tmp51_label0 : (_tmp51_label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("White Background")))) {
			switch (0) {
		} else if (_tmp52_ == ((0 != _tmp51_label1) ? _tmp51_label1 : (_tmp51_label1 = g_quark_from_static_string ("Transparent Background")))) {
			switch (0) {
		_tmp53_ = renderer;
		_tmp53__target = renderer_target;
		_tmp54_ = filename;
		_tmp55_ = imageFormat;
		_tmp53_ (_tmp54_, _tmp55_, (gdouble) 1, _tmp53__target);
	_properties_query_unref0 (propertiesQuery);
	_property_item_unref0 (formatProperty);
	_property_item_unref0 (propertySet);
	_g_free0 (filename);