Exemple #1
int main ( void )
# define NSUB 100
# define NL 1

  //double adiag[NSUB+1];
  double *adiag;
  adiag = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));
  //double aleft[NSUB+1];
  double *aleft;
  aleft = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));
  //double arite[NSUB+1];
  double *arite;
  arite = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));

  double *f;
  f = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));
 // double h[NSUB];
  double *h;
  h = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB));
  int ibc;
  //int indx[NSUB+1];
  int *indx;
  indx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));
  //int node[NL*NSUB];
  int *node;
  node = (int*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NL*NSUB));
  int nquad;
  int nu;
  double ul;
  double ur;
  double xl;
  //double xn[NSUB+1];
  double *xn;
  xn = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB+1));
  //double xquad[NSUB];
  double *xquad;
  xquad = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(NSUB));
  double xr;

  timestamp ( );

  FILE *fp, *fopen();
  fp =fopen("originalout.txt","w+");
  fprintf (fp, "\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "FEM1D\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  C version\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  Solve the two-point boundary value problem\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  on the interval [XL,XR], specifying\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  the value of U or U' at each end.\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "\n" );
  fprintf (fp, "  The interval [XL,XR] is broken into NSUB = %d subintervals\n", NSUB );
  fprintf (fp, "  Number of basis functions per element is NL = %d\n", NL );

  Start timing 

struct timeval start, end;
gettimeofday(&start, NULL);



  Initialize the data.

  init ( &ibc, &nquad, &ul, &ur, &xl, &xr );
  Compute the geometric quantities.
  geometry ( h, ibc, indx, NL, node, NSUB, &nu, xl, xn, xquad, xr );
  Assemble the linear system.
  assemble ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, h, indx, NL, node, nu, nquad, 
    NSUB, ul, ur, xn, xquad );
  Print out the linear system.
  prsys ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, nu );
  Solve the linear system.
  solve ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, nu );
  Print out the solution.
  output ( f, ibc, indx, NSUB, nu, ul, ur, xn );

  gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
  double delta = ((end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec) * 1000000u + end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1.e6;
  printf("time elapsed = %12.10f seconds\n",delta);

  FILE *dp, *fopen();
  dp =fopen("originalout.txt","a");
  fprintf (dp, "\n" );
  fprintf (dp, "FEM1D:\n" );
  fprintf (dp, "  Normal end of execution.\n" );
  timestamp ( );
  fprintf(dp,"time elapsed = %12.10f seconds\n",delta);

  printf ( "\n" );


  return 0;
# undef NL
# undef NSUB
Exemple #2

    RUN is the main program for FEM1D.


    FEM1D solves a one dimensional ODE using the finite element method.

    The differential equation solved is

      - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F

    The finite-element method uses piecewise linear basis functions.

    Here U is an unknown scalar function of X defined on the
    interval [XL,XR], and P, Q and F are given functions of X.

    The values of U or U' at XL and XR are also specified.

    The interval [XL,XR] is "meshed" with NSUB+1 points,

    XN(0) = XL, XN(1)=XL+H, XN(2)=XL+2*H, ..., XN(NSUB)=XR.

    This creates NSUB subintervals, with interval number 1
    having endpoints XN(0) and XN(1), and so on up to interval
    NSUB, which has endpoints XN(NSUB-1) and XN(NSUB).


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    29 May 2009


    C version by John Burkardt


    double ADIAG(NU), the "diagonal" coefficients.  That is, ADIAG(I) is
    the coefficient of the I-th unknown in the I-th equation.

    double ALEFT(NU), the "left hand" coefficients.  That is, ALEFT(I) 
    is the coefficient of the (I-1)-th unknown in the I-th equation.
    There is no value in ALEFT(1), since the first equation
    does not refer to a "0-th" unknown.

    double ARITE(NU).
    ARITE(I) is the "right hand" coefficient of the I-th
    equation in the linear system.  ARITE(I) is the coefficient
    of the (I+1)-th unknown in the I-th equation.  There is
    no value in ARITE(NU) because the NU-th equation does not
    refer to an "NU+1"-th unknown.

    double F(NU).
    ASSEMBLE stores into F the right hand side of the linear
    SOLVE replaces those values of F by the solution of the
    linear equations.

    double H(NSUB)
    H(I) is the length of subinterval I.  This code uses
    equal spacing for all the subintervals.

    int IBC.
    IBC declares what the boundary conditions are.
    1, at the left endpoint, U has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint, U' has the value UR.
    2, at the left endpoint, U' has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint, U has the value UR.
    3, at the left endpoint, U has the value UL,
       and at the right endpoint, U has the value UR.
    4, at the left endpoint, U' has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint U' has the value UR.

    int INDX[NSUB+1].
    For a node I, INDX(I) is the index of the unknown
    associated with node I.
    If INDX(I) is equal to -1, then no unknown is associated
    with the node, because a boundary condition fixing the
    value of U has been applied at the node instead.
    Unknowns are numbered beginning with 1.
    If IBC is 2 or 4, then there is an unknown value of U
    at node 0, which will be unknown number 1.  Otherwise,
    unknown number 1 will be associated with node 1.
    If IBC is 1 or 4, then there is an unknown value of U
    at node NSUB, which will be unknown NSUB or NSUB+1,
    depending on whether there was an unknown at node 0.

    int NL.
    The number of basis functions used in a single
    subinterval.  (NL-1) is the degree of the polynomials
    used.  For this code, NL is fixed at 2, meaning that
    piecewise linear functions are used as the basis.

    int NODE[NL*NSUB].
    For each subinterval I:
    NODE[0+I*2] is the number of the left node, and
    NODE[1+I*2] is the number of the right node.

    int NQUAD.
    The number of quadrature points used in a subinterval.
    This code uses NQUAD = 1.

    int NSUB.
    The number of subintervals into which the interval [XL,XR] is broken.

    int NU.
    NU is the number of unknowns in the linear system.
    Depending on the value of IBC, there will be NSUB-1,
    NSUB, or NSUB+1 unknown values, which are the coefficients
    of basis functions.

    double UL.
    If IBC is 1 or 3, UL is the value that U is required
    to have at X = XL.
    If IBC is 2 or 4, UL is the value that U' is required
    to have at X = XL.

    double UR.
    If IBC is 2 or 3, UR is the value that U is required
    to have at X = XR.
    If IBC is 1 or 4, UR is the value that U' is required
    to have at X = XR.

    double XL.
    XL is the left endpoint of the interval over which the
    differential equation is being solved.

    double XN(0:NSUB).
    XN(I) is the location of the I-th node.  XN(0) is XL,
    and XN(NSUB) is XR.

    double XQUAD(NSUB)
    XQUAD(I) is the location of the single quadrature point
    in interval I.

    double XR.
    XR is the right endpoint of the interval over which the
    differential equation is being solved.
  double run(int version){

   if(version == 0){
      if((fp_out = fopen("old_out.txt", "w+")) == NULL || 
      	(fp_sol = fopen("old_sol.txt", "a")) == NULL){
      		printf("Old Version files not found.\n");
    else if (version == 1){
      if((fp_out = fopen("new_out.txt", "w+")) == NULL || 
      	(fp_sol = fopen("new_sol.txt", "a")) == NULL){
      		printf("New Version files not found.\n");

  	//Allocate array memory
  	adiag = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    aleft = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    arite = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    f = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    h = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB));
    indx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(int)(NSUB+1));
    node = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*((int)NL*(int)NSUB));
    xn = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    xquad = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB));  	

    double begin, end, time_spent;
    begin = omp_get_wtime();

    timestamp ();

    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "FEM1D\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  C version\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  Solve the two-point boundary value problem\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  on the interval [XL,XR], specifying\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out,"  the value of U or U' at each end.\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out,"  The interval [XL,XR] is broken into NSUB = %ld subintervals\n", NSUB );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  Number of basis functions per element is NL = %ld\n", NL );

    Initialize the data.
    init ();
    Compute the geometric quantities.
    geometry (version);
    Assemble the linear system.

    assemble (version);
    Print out the linear system.
    prsys ();
    Solve the linear system.
    solve ();

    Print out the solution.
    output (version);
    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out,"FEM1D:\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  Normal end of execution.\n" );

    fprintf ( fp_out,"\n" );

    //END TIMER//
    end = omp_get_wtime();
    time_spent = end - begin;
    timestamp ( );



    return time_spent;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  bool error = false;

  //get NSUB, threads, tasks and trails from argument
  if(argc != 4){
    error = true;
  } else if((NSUB = atoi(argv[1])) == 0) {
    printf("Invalid subdivison size.\n");
    error = true;
  } else if ((NL = atoi(argv[2])) == 0){
      printf("Invalid base function degree.\n");
      error = true;
  } else if ((THREADS = atoi(argv[3])) == 0){
    printf("Invalid number of threads.\n");
    error = true;

    printf("Usage: mpirun -np [TASKS] new [SUB_SIZE] [NL] [NUM_THREADS]\n");

    if((fp_out = fopen("new_out.txt", "a")) == NULL || 
        (fp_sol = fopen("new_sol.txt", "a")) == NULL){
            printf("New Version files not found.\n");

    //Allocate array memory
    adiag = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    aleft = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    arite = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    f = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    h = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB));
    indx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(int)(NSUB+1));
    node = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*((int)NL*(int)NSUB));
    xn = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB+1));
    xquad = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*(double)(NSUB));

    double begin, end, time_spent;
    begin = omp_get_wtime();

    //set number of threads

    /****************** MPI Initialisations ***************/
    MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, &provided);
    if(provided != MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED){
      return 1;
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    /* set up block sizes for MPI work */
    slaveSize1 = (NSUB+1) / numprocs;
    masterSize1 = slaveSize1 + ((NSUB+1) % numprocs);
    slaveSize2 = NSUB / numprocs;
    masterSize2 = slaveSize2 + (NSUB % numprocs);

    printf("MPI: Process %d of %d\n", rank, numprocs);

    /*  If we are the master process
        Master coordinates the slaves */
    if (rank == MASTER){
      printf("MASTER: Number of processes is: %d\n",numprocs);

      timestamp ();

      fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "FEM1D\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "  C version\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "  Solve the two-point boundary value problem\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "  - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "  on the interval [XL,XR], specifying\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out,"  the value of U or U' at each end.\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
      fprintf (fp_out,"  The interval [XL,XR] is broken into NSUB = %ld subintervals\n", NSUB );
      fprintf (fp_out, "  Number of basis functions per element is NL = %ld\n", NL );

    //Initialize the data.
    init ();

    //Compute the geometric quantities.
    geometry ();
    //Assemble the linear system.
    assemble ();

    if(rank == MASTER){
      //Print out the linear system.
      prsys ();

      //Solve the linear system.
      solve ();

      //Print out the solution.
      output ();

    fprintf (fp_out, "\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out,"FEM1D:\n" );
    fprintf (fp_out, "  Normal end of execution.\n" );

    fprintf ( fp_out,"\n" );

    //END TIMER//
    end = omp_get_wtime();
    time_spent = end - begin;
    timestamp ( );




  if(rank == MASTER){
    FILE *fp_time = fopen("times.txt","a");
    fprintf(fp_time, "%f\n", time_spent);

  return 0;
Exemple #4
int main ( void )


    MAIN is the main program for FEM1D.


    FEM1D solves a one dimensional ODE using the finite element method.

    The differential equation solved is

      - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F

    The finite-element method uses piecewise linear basis functions.

    Here U is an unknown scalar function of X defined on the
    interval [XL,XR], and P, Q and F are given functions of X.

    The values of U or U' at XL and XR are also specified.

    The interval [XL,XR] is "meshed" with NSUB+1 points,

    XN(0) = XL, XN(1)=XL+H, XN(2)=XL+2*H, ..., XN(NSUB)=XR.

    This creates NSUB subintervals, with interval number 1
    having endpoints XN(0) and XN(1), and so on up to interval
    NSUB, which has endpoints XN(NSUB-1) and XN(NSUB).


    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 


    29 May 2009


    C version by John Burkardt


    double ADIAG(NU), the "diagonal" coefficients.  That is, ADIAG(I) is
    the coefficient of the I-th unknown in the I-th equation.

    double ALEFT(NU), the "left hand" coefficients.  That is, ALEFT(I) 
    is the coefficient of the (I-1)-th unknown in the I-th equation.
    There is no value in ALEFT(1), since the first equation
    does not refer to a "0-th" unknown.

    double ARITE(NU).
    ARITE(I) is the "right hand" coefficient of the I-th
    equation in the linear system.  ARITE(I) is the coefficient
    of the (I+1)-th unknown in the I-th equation.  There is
    no value in ARITE(NU) because the NU-th equation does not
    refer to an "NU+1"-th unknown.

    double F(NU).
    ASSEMBLE stores into F the right hand side of the linear
    SOLVE replaces those values of F by the solution of the
    linear equations.

    double H(NSUB)
    H(I) is the length of subinterval I.  This code uses
    equal spacing for all the subintervals.

    int IBC.
    IBC declares what the boundary conditions are.
    1, at the left endpoint, U has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint, U' has the value UR.
    2, at the left endpoint, U' has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint, U has the value UR.
    3, at the left endpoint, U has the value UL,
       and at the right endpoint, U has the value UR.
    4, at the left endpoint, U' has the value UL,
       at the right endpoint U' has the value UR.

    int INDX[NSUB+1].
    For a node I, INDX(I) is the index of the unknown
    associated with node I.
    If INDX(I) is equal to -1, then no unknown is associated
    with the node, because a boundary condition fixing the
    value of U has been applied at the node instead.
    Unknowns are numbered beginning with 1.
    If IBC is 2 or 4, then there is an unknown value of U
    at node 0, which will be unknown number 1.  Otherwise,
    unknown number 1 will be associated with node 1.
    If IBC is 1 or 4, then there is an unknown value of U
    at node NSUB, which will be unknown NSUB or NSUB+1,
    depending on whether there was an unknown at node 0.

    int NL.
    The number of basis functions used in a single
    subinterval.  (NL-1) is the degree of the polynomials
    used.  For this code, NL is fixed at 2, meaning that
    piecewise linear functions are used as the basis.

    int NODE[NL*NSUB].
    For each subinterval I:
    NODE[0+I*2] is the number of the left node, and
    NODE[1+I*2] is the number of the right node.

    int NQUAD.
    The number of quadrature points used in a subinterval.
    This code uses NQUAD = 1.

    int NSUB.
    The number of subintervals into which the interval [XL,XR] is broken.

    int NU.
    NU is the number of unknowns in the linear system.
    Depending on the value of IBC, there will be NSUB-1,
    NSUB, or NSUB+1 unknown values, which are the coefficients
    of basis functions.

    double UL.
    If IBC is 1 or 3, UL is the value that U is required
    to have at X = XL.
    If IBC is 2 or 4, UL is the value that U' is required
    to have at X = XL.

    double UR.
    If IBC is 2 or 3, UR is the value that U is required
    to have at X = XR.
    If IBC is 1 or 4, UR is the value that U' is required
    to have at X = XR.

    double XL.
    XL is the left endpoint of the interval over which the
    differential equation is being solved.

    double XN(0:NSUB).
    XN(I) is the location of the I-th node.  XN(0) is XL,
    and XN(NSUB) is XR.

    double XQUAD(NSUB)
    XQUAD(I) is the location of the single quadrature point
    in interval I.

    double XR.
    XR is the right endpoint of the interval over which the
    differential equation is being solved.
# define NSUB 22
# define NL 20 

  double adiag[NSUB+1];
  double aleft[NSUB+1];
  double arite[NSUB+1];
  double f[NSUB+1];
  double h[NSUB];
  int ibc;
  int indx[NSUB+1];
  int node[NL*NSUB];
  int nquad;
  int nu;
  double ul;
  double ur;
  double xl;
  double xn[NSUB+1];
  double xquad[NSUB];
  double xr;

  timestamp ( );

  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "FEM1D\n" );
  printf ( "  C version\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  Solve the two-point boundary value problem\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  - d/dX (P dU/dX) + Q U  =  F\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  on the interval [XL,XR], specifying\n" );
  printf ( "  the value of U or U' at each end.\n" );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "  The interval [XL,XR] is broken into NSUB = %d subintervals\n", NSUB );
  printf ( "  Number of basis functions per element is NL = %d\n", NL );
  Initialize the data.
  init ( &ibc, &nquad, &ul, &ur, &xl, &xr );
  Compute the geometric quantities.
  geometry ( h, ibc, indx, NL, node, NSUB, &nu, xl, xn, xquad, xr );
  Assemble the linear system.
  assemble ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, h, indx, NL, node, nu, nquad, 
    NSUB, ul, ur, xn, xquad );
  Print out the linear system.
  prsys ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, nu );
  Solve the linear system.
  solve ( adiag, aleft, arite, f, nu );
  Print out the solution.
  output ( f, ibc, indx, NSUB, nu, ul, ur, xn );
  printf ( "\n" );
  printf ( "FEM1D:\n" );
  printf ( "  Normal end of execution.\n" );

  printf ( "\n" );
  timestamp ( );

  return 0;
# undef NL
# undef NSUB