GpuStatTimer::pruneOutliers( cl_double multiple )
	const int tableWidth = 60;
	const int tableHalf = tableWidth / 2;
	const int tableThird = tableWidth / 3;
	const int tableFourth = tableWidth / 4;
	const int tableFifth = tableWidth / 5;

	//	Print label of timer, in a header
	std::string header( "StdDev" );
	size_t	sizeTitle = (header.size( ) + 6) /2;

	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << std::setfill( '=' ) << std::setw( tableHalf ) << header << " ( " << multiple << " )"
			<< std::setw( tableHalf - sizeTitle ) << "=" << std::endl;
	tout << std::setfill( _T( ' ' ) );

	size_t tCount = 0;
	for( cl_uint l = 0; l < labelID.size( ); ++l )
		std::vector< size_t > lCount = pruneOutliers( l , multiple );

		for( cl_uint c = 0; c < lCount.size( ); ++c )
			std::cout << labelID[l].first << "[ " << c << " ]" << ": Pruning " << lCount[ c ] << " samples out of " << currRecord << std::endl;
			tCount += lCount[ c ];

	return tCount;
unsigned int
StatisticalTimer::pruneOutliers( double multiple )
	unsigned int	tCount	= 0;

	for( unsigned int l = 0; l < labelID.size( ); ++l )
		unsigned int lCount	= pruneOutliers( l , multiple );
		std::clog << "\tStatisticalTimer:: Pruning " << lCount << " samples from " << labelID[l].first << std::endl;
		tCount += lCount;

	return	tCount;
Exemple #3
statTimer::pruneOutliers( double multiple )
	size_t	tCount	= 0;

	for( size_t l = 0; l < labelID.size( ); ++l )
		size_t lCount	= pruneOutliers( l , multiple );
//		tout << _T( "[StatisticalTimer]: Pruned " ) << lCount << _T( " samples from " ) << labelID[l].first << std::endl;
		tCount += lCount;

	tout << std::endl;

	return	tCount;