static void unit_list(struct emp_qelem *unit_list) { struct emp_qelem *qp; struct emp_qelem *next; struct ulist *ulp; int type, npln, nch, nxl; struct empobj *unit; struct lndstr *lnd; struct shpstr *shp; if (CANT_HAPPEN(QEMPTY(unit_list))) return; qp = unit_list->q_back; ulp = (struct ulist *)qp; type = ulp->unit.gen.ef_type; if (CANT_HAPPEN(type != EF_LAND && type != EF_SHIP)) return; if (type == EF_LAND) pr("lnd# land type x,y a eff mil sh gun xl ln mu tech retr\n"); else pr("shp# ship type x,y fl eff mil sh gun pn he xl ln mob tech\n"); for (; qp != unit_list; qp = next) { next = qp->q_back; ulp = (struct ulist *)qp; lnd = &ulp->; shp = &ulp->unit.ship; unit = &ulp->unit.gen; if (CANT_HAPPEN(type != unit->ef_type)) continue; pr("%4d ", unit->uid); pr("%-16.16s ", empobj_chr_name(unit)); prxy("%4d,%-4d ", unit->x, unit->y); pr("%1.1s", &unit->group); pr("%4d%%", unit->effic); if (type == EF_LAND) { pr("%4d", lnd->lnd_item[I_MILIT]); pr("%4d", lnd->lnd_item[I_SHELL]); pr("%4d", lnd->lnd_item[I_GUN]); pr("%3d%3d", lnd_nxlight(lnd), lnd_nland(lnd)); } else { pr("%4d", shp->shp_item[I_MILIT]); pr("%4d", shp->shp_item[I_SHELL]); pr("%4d", shp->shp_item[I_GUN]); npln = shp_nplane(shp, &nch, &nxl, NULL); pr("%3d%3d%3d", npln - nch - nxl, nch, nxl); pr("%3d", shp_nland(shp)); } pr("%4d", unit->mobil); pr("%4d", unit->tech); if (type == EF_LAND) { pr("%4d%%", lnd->lnd_retreat); } pr("\n"); } }
static void starv_sects(char *range) { struct nstr_sect nstr; struct sctstr sect; int nsect = 0; int s, save; if (!snxtsct(&nstr, range)) return; while (nxtsct(&nstr, §)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (sect.sct_type == SCT_SANCT) continue; /* * Check for starvation. Suppress complaints about tiny * population without food by adding 1f just for the check. * That's okay because growfood() will grow at least that much * anyway. */ save = sect.sct_item[I_FOOD]; if (sect.sct_item[I_FOOD] == 0) sect.sct_item[I_FOOD] = 1; s = famine_victims(sect.sct_item, etu_per_update); sect.sct_item[I_FOOD] = save; if (s == 0) continue; if (nsect++ == 0) sect_hdr(); if (player->god) pr("%3d ", sect.sct_own); prxy("%4d,%-4d", nstr.x, nstr.y); pr(" %c", dchr[sect.sct_type].d_mnem); pr(" %c", sect.sct_own != sect.sct_oldown ? '*' : ' '); if (sect.sct_newtype != sect.sct_type) pr("%c", dchr[sect.sct_newtype].d_mnem); else pr(" "); pr("%4d%%", sect.sct_effic); starv_people(sect.sct_item, s); } if (nsect == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", ""); return; } else pr("%d sector%s\n", nsect, splur(nsect)); return; }
int nuke(void) { int nnukes, noff; struct nstr_item nstr; struct nukstr nuk; struct plnstr plane; if (!snxtitem(&nstr, EF_NUKE, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; nnukes = noff = 0; while (nxtitem(&nstr, &nuk)) { if (!player->owner || nuk.nuk_own == 0) continue; if (nnukes++ == 0) { if (player->god) pr("own "); pr(" # nuke type x,y s eff tech carry burst\n"); } if (nuk.nuk_off) noff++; if (player->god) pr("%-3d ", nuk.nuk_own); pr("%4d %-19.19s ", nstr.cur, nchr[(int)nuk.nuk_type].n_name); prxy("%4d,%-4d", nuk.nuk_x, nuk.nuk_y); pr(" %1.1s %c%3d%% %4d", &nuk.nuk_stockpile, nuk.nuk_off ? '!' : ' ', nuk.nuk_effic, nuk.nuk_tech); if (nuk.nuk_plane >= 0) { getplane(nuk.nuk_plane, &plane); pr("%5dP %s", nuk.nuk_plane, plane.pln_flags & PLN_AIRBURST ? " air" : "ground"); } pr("\n"); } if (nnukes == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No nuke(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No nuke(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else { pr("%d nuke%s", nnukes, splur(nnukes)); if (noff) pr(", %d stopped (eff marked with !)", noff); pr("\n"); } return RET_OK; }
int ndump(void) { struct nstr_item nstr; struct nukstr nuk; time_t now; int nnukes; if (!snxtitem(&nstr, EF_NUKE, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; prdate(); if (player->god) pr(" "); time(&now); pr("DUMP NUKES %ld\n", (long)now); if (player->god) pr("own "); pr("id x y num type\n"); nnukes = 0; while (nxtitem(&nstr, &nuk)) { if (!player->god && !player->owner) continue; if (nuk.nuk_own == 0) continue; nnukes++; if (player->god) pr("%d ", nuk.nuk_own); pr("%d ", nuk.nuk_uid); prxy("%d %d", nuk.nuk_x, nuk.nuk_y); pr(" %d", 1); pr(" %.5s", nchr[(int)nuk.nuk_type].n_name); pr("\n"); } if (nnukes == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No nuke(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No nuke(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d nuke%s\n", nnukes, splur(nnukes)); return RET_OK; }
int lsta(void) { int nunits; struct nstr_item ni; struct lndstr land; struct lchrstr *lcp; if (!snxtitem(&ni, EF_LAND, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; nunits = 0; while (nxtitem(&ni, &land)) { if (!player->owner || land.lnd_own == 0) continue; lcp = lchr + land.lnd_type; if (nunits++ == 0) { pr(" %16.16s s v s r r a f a a\n", ""); pr(" %16.16s p i p a n c i m a\n", ""); pr("lnd# %16.16s x,y eff tech att def vul d s y d g c r m f\n", "unit-type"); } pr("%4d %-16.16s ", land.lnd_uid, lcp->l_name); prxy("%4d,%-4d", land.lnd_x, land.lnd_y); pr(" %3d%% %3d %1.1f %1.1f %3d ", land.lnd_effic, land.lnd_tech, lnd_att(&land), lnd_def(&land), lnd_vul(&land)); pr("%2d %2d %2d %2d ", lnd_spd(&land), lnd_vis(&land), lcp->l_spy, lcp->l_rad); pr("%2d %2d %2d %2d %2d ", lnd_frg(&land), lnd_acc(&land), lnd_dam(&land), lcp->l_ammo, lnd_aaf(&land)); pr("\n"); } if (nunits == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No unit(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No unit(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d unit%s\n", nunits, splur(nunits)); return RET_OK; }
int cens(void) { struct sctstr sect; int nsect; int n; struct nstr_sect nstr; char dirstr[20]; if (!snxtsct(&nstr, player->argp[1])) return RET_SYN; prdate(); for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) dirstr[n] = dirch[n]; dirstr[0] = '.'; dirstr[7] = '$'; dirstr[8] = '\0'; nsect = 0; while (nxtsct(&nstr, §)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (nsect++ == 0) cens_hdr(); if (player->god) pr("%3d ", sect.sct_own); prxy("%4d,%-4d", nstr.x, nstr.y); pr(" %c", dchr[sect.sct_type].d_mnem); if (sect.sct_newtype != sect.sct_type) pr("%c", dchr[sect.sct_newtype].d_mnem); else pr(" "); pr("%4d%%", sect.sct_effic); if (sect.sct_off) pr(" no "); else pr(" "); pr("%4d", sect.sct_mobil); pr(" %c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_UW] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_FOOD] & 0x7]); n = sect.sct_dist[I_UW] % 1000; pr(" %c", n == 0 ? '.' : '0' + (n / 100)); n = sect.sct_dist[I_FOOD] % 1000; pr("%c ", n == 0 ? '.' : '0' + (n / 100)); if (sect.sct_own != sect.sct_oldown) pr("%3d", sect.sct_oldown); else pr(" "); pr("%5d", sect.sct_item[I_CIVIL]); pr("%5d", sect.sct_item[I_MILIT]); pr("%5d", sect.sct_item[I_UW]); pr("%5d", sect.sct_item[I_FOOD]); pr("%4d%%", sect.sct_work); pr("%5d", sect.sct_avail); if (!player->god) { if (sect.sct_terr) pr("%4d", sect.sct_terr); else pr(" "); } pr("%5d", opt_FALLOUT ? sect.sct_fallout : 0); if (sect.sct_coastal) pr("%4d", sect.sct_coastal); pr("\n"); } if (nsect == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d sector%s\n", nsect, splur(nsect)); return 0; }
int payo(void) { struct sctstr sect; int nships; struct nstr_item ni; struct shpstr ship; struct mchrstr *mp; int dist; float cash = 0.0; if (!snxtitem(&ni, EF_SHIP, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; nships = 0; while (nxtitem(&ni, &ship)) { if (!player->owner || ship.shp_own == 0) continue; mp = &mchr[(int)ship.shp_type]; if (!(mp->m_flags & M_TRADE)) continue; if (nships++ == 0) { if (player->god) pr("own "); pr("shp# ship type orig x,y x,y dist $$\n"); } if (player->god) pr("%3d ", ship.shp_own); pr("%4d ", ni.cur); pr("%-16.16s ", mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_name); if (ship.shp_own != ship.shp_orig_own && !player->god) { /* Don't disclose construction site to pirates! */ pr(" ? "); prxy("%4d,%-4d ", ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y); pr(" ? $ ?\n"); continue; } prxy("%4d,%-4d ", ship.shp_orig_x, ship.shp_orig_y); prxy("%4d,%-4d ", ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y); getsect(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, §); dist = mapdist(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, ship.shp_orig_x, ship.shp_orig_y); pr("%4d ", dist); if (dist < trade_1_dist) cash = 0; else if (dist < trade_2_dist) cash = 1.0 + trade_1 * dist; else if (dist < trade_3_dist) cash = 1.0 + trade_2 * dist; else cash = 1.0 + trade_3 * dist; cash *= mp->m_cost; cash *= ship.shp_effic / 100.0; if (sect.sct_own && (sect.sct_own != ship.shp_own)) cash *= (1.0 + trade_ally_bonus); pr("$%6.2f\n", cash); } if (nships == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No ship(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No ship(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d ship%s\n", nships, splur(nships)); return RET_OK; }
int sorde(void) { int nships = 0; int len, updates; double c; struct nstr_item nb; struct shpstr ship; if (!snxtitem(&nb, EF_SHIP, player->argp[1], NULL)) return RET_SYN; while (nxtitem(&nb, (&ship))) { if (!player->owner || ship.shp_own == 0) continue; if (!(ship.shp_autonav & AN_AUTONAV) && (!opt_SAIL || !ship.shp_path[0])) continue; if (!nships) { /* 1st ship, print banner */ if (player->god) pr("own "); pr("shp# ship type x,y start end " " len eta\n"); } nships++; if (player->god) pr("%3d ", ship.shp_own); pr("%4d", nb.cur); pr(" %-16.16s", mchr[(int)ship.shp_type].m_name); prxy(" %4d,%-4d", ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y); if (ship.shp_autonav & AN_AUTONAV) { /* Destination 1 */ prxy(" %4d,%-4d", ship.shp_destx[1], ship.shp_desty[1]); /* Destination 2 */ if ((ship.shp_destx[1] != ship.shp_destx[0]) || (ship.shp_desty[1] != ship.shp_desty[0])) { prxy(" %4d,%-4d", ship.shp_destx[0], ship.shp_desty[0]); } else pr(" "); if (ship.shp_autonav & AN_STANDBY) pr(" suspended"); else if (ship.shp_autonav & AN_LOADING) pr(" loading"); else { /* ETA calculation */ c = path_find(ship.shp_x, ship.shp_y, ship.shp_destx[0], ship.shp_desty[0], ship.shp_own, MOB_SAIL); if (c < 0) pr(" no route possible"); else if (c == 0) pr(" has arrived"); else { /* distance to destination */ len = (int)c; updates = eta_calc(&ship, len); pr(" %3d %4d", len, updates); } } if (ship.shp_autonav & AN_SCUTTLE) pr(" (scuttling)"); pr("\n"); } else pr(" has a sail path\n"); if (ship.shp_name[0] != 0) { if (player->god) pr(" "); pr(" %s\n", ship.shp_name); } } if (!nships) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No ship(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No ship(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d ship%s\n", nships, splur(nships)); return RET_OK; }
int cuto(void) { struct sctstr sect; int nsect; int n; struct nstr_sect nstr; char dirstr[12]; if (!snxtsct(&nstr, player->argp[1])) return RET_SYN; prdate(); (void)strcpy(dirstr, ". $"); for (n = 1; n <= 6; n++) dirstr[n] = dirch[n]; nsect = 0; while (nxtsct(&nstr, §)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (nsect++ == 0) { pr("DELIVERY CUTOFF LEVELS\n"); if (player->god) pr("own"); pr(" sect cmufsgpidbolhr civ mil uw food sh gun pet irn dst bar oil lcm hcm rad\n"); } if (player->god) pr("%3d", sect.sct_own); prxy("%3d,%-3d", nstr.x, nstr.y); /* FIXME too narrow */ pr(" %c ", dchr[sect.sct_type].d_mnem); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_CIVIL] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_MILIT] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_UW] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_FOOD] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_SHELL] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_GUN] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_PETROL] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_IRON] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_DUST] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_BAR] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_OIL] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_LCM] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_HCM] & 0x7]); pr("%c", dirstr[sect.sct_del[I_RAD] & 0x7]); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_CIVIL] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_MILIT] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_UW] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_FOOD] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_SHELL] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_GUN] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_PETROL] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_IRON] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_DUST] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_BAR] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_OIL] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_LCM] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_HCM] & ~0x7); pr("%4d", sect.sct_del[I_RAD] & ~0x7); pr("\n"); } if (nsect == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d sector%s\n", nsect, splur(nsect)); return RET_OK; }
int newe(void) { struct natstr *natp; struct sctstr sect; struct nstr_sect nstr; double work, lcms, hcms; int nsect; int civs = 0; int uws = 0; int bwork; int twork; int type; int eff; int maxpop; if (!snxtsct(&nstr, player->argp[1])) return RET_SYN; player->simulation = 1; prdate(); nsect = 0; while (nxtsct(&nstr, §)) { if (!player->owner) continue; if (!sect.sct_off) { civs = (1.0 + obrate * etu_per_update) * sect.sct_item[I_CIVIL]; uws = (1.0 + uwbrate * etu_per_update) * sect.sct_item[I_UW]; natp = getnatp(sect.sct_own); maxpop = max_pop(natp->nat_level[NAT_RLEV], §); work = new_work(§, total_work(sect.sct_work, etu_per_update, civs, sect.sct_item[I_MILIT], uws, maxpop)); bwork = work / 2; type = sect.sct_type; eff = sect.sct_effic; if (sect.sct_newtype != type) { twork = (eff + 3) / 4; if (twork > bwork) { twork = bwork; } bwork -= twork; eff -= twork * 4; if (eff <= 0) { type = sect.sct_newtype; eff = 0; } twork = 100 - eff; if (twork > bwork) { twork = bwork; } if (dchr[type].d_lcms > 0) { lcms = sect.sct_item[I_LCM]; lcms = (int)(lcms / dchr[type].d_lcms); if (twork > lcms) twork = lcms; } if (dchr[type].d_hcms > 0) { hcms = sect.sct_item[I_HCM]; hcms = (int)(hcms / dchr[type].d_hcms); if (twork > hcms) twork = hcms; } eff += twork; } else if (eff < 100) { twork = 100 - eff; if (twork > bwork) { twork = bwork; } if (dchr[type].d_lcms > 0) { lcms = sect.sct_item[I_LCM]; lcms = (int)(lcms / dchr[type].d_lcms); if (twork > lcms) twork = lcms; } if (dchr[type].d_hcms > 0) { hcms = sect.sct_item[I_HCM]; hcms = (int)(hcms / dchr[type].d_hcms); if (twork > hcms) twork = hcms; } eff += twork; } } else { eff = sect.sct_effic; type = sect.sct_type; } if (nsect++ == 0) { pr("EFFICIENCY SIMULATION\n"); pr(" sect des projected eff\n"); } prxy("%4d,%-4d", nstr.x, nstr.y); pr(" %c", dchr[type].d_mnem); pr(" %3d%%\n", eff); } player->simulation = 0; if (nsect == 0) { if (player->argp[1]) pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", player->argp[1]); else pr("%s: No sector(s)\n", ""); return RET_FAIL; } else pr("%d sector%s\n", nsect, splur(nsect)); return RET_OK; }