Exemple #1
* Re-write the measure ordinate (or add one, if it isn't already there) interpolating
* the measure between the supplied start and end values.
lwmline_measured_from_lwmline(const LWMLINE *lwmline, double m_start, double m_end)
	int i = 0;
	int hasm = 0, hasz = 0;
	double length = 0.0, length_so_far = 0.0;
	double m_range = m_end - m_start;
	LWGEOM **geoms = NULL;

	if ( lwmline->type != MULTILINETYPE )
		lwerror("lwmline_measured_from_lmwline: only multiline types supported");
		return NULL;

	hasz = FLAGS_GET_Z(lwmline->flags);
	hasm = 1;

	/* Calculate the total length of the mline */
	for ( i = 0; i < lwmline->ngeoms; i++ )
		LWLINE *lwline = (LWLINE*)lwmline->geoms[i];
		if ( lwline->points && lwline->points->npoints > 1 )
			length += ptarray_length_2d(lwline->points);

	if ( lwgeom_is_empty((LWGEOM*)lwmline) )
		return (LWMLINE*)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, lwmline->srid, hasz, hasm);

	geoms = lwalloc(sizeof(LWGEOM*) * lwmline->ngeoms);

	for ( i = 0; i < lwmline->ngeoms; i++ )
		double sub_m_start, sub_m_end;
		double sub_length = 0.0;
		LWLINE *lwline = (LWLINE*)lwmline->geoms[i];

		if ( lwline->points && lwline->points->npoints > 1 )
			sub_length = ptarray_length_2d(lwline->points);

		sub_m_start = (m_start + m_range * length_so_far / length);
		sub_m_end = (m_start + m_range * (length_so_far + sub_length) / length);

		geoms[i] = (LWGEOM*)lwline_measured_from_lwline(lwline, sub_m_start, sub_m_end);

		length_so_far += sub_length;

	return (LWMLINE*)lwcollection_construct(lwmline->type, lwmline->srid, NULL, lwmline->ngeoms, geoms);
Exemple #2
lwtriangle_perimeter_2d(const LWTRIANGLE *triangle)
	if( triangle->points ) 
		return ptarray_length_2d(triangle->points);
		return 0.0;
Exemple #3
 * Compute the sum of polygon rings length (forcing 2d computation).
 * Could use a more numerically stable calculator...
lwpoly_perimeter_2d(const LWPOLY *poly)
	double result=0.0;
	int i;

	LWDEBUGF(2, "in lwgeom_polygon_perimeter (%d rings)", poly->nrings);

	for (i=0; i<poly->nrings; i++)
		result += ptarray_length_2d(poly->rings[i]);

	return result;
Exemple #4
* Find the 3d/2d length of the given #POINTARRAY
* (depending on its dimensionality)
ptarray_length(const POINTARRAY *pts)
	double dist = 0.0;
	int i;
	POINT3DZ frm;

	if ( pts->npoints < 2 ) return 0.0;

	/* compute 2d length if 3d is not available */
	if ( ! FLAGS_GET_Z(pts->flags) ) return ptarray_length_2d(pts);

	for (i=0; i<pts->npoints-1; i++)
		getPoint3dz_p(pts, i, &frm);
		getPoint3dz_p(pts, i+1, &to);
		dist += sqrt( ( (frm.x - to.x)*(frm.x - to.x) )  +
		              ((frm.y - to.y)*(frm.y - to.y) ) +
		              ((frm.z - to.z)*(frm.z - to.z) ) );
	return dist;
lwline_split_by_point_to(const LWLINE* lwline_in, const LWPOINT* blade_in,
                         LWMLINE* v)
	double loc, dist;
	POINT4D pt, pt_projected;
	double vstol; /* vertex snap tolerance */

	/* Possible outcomes:
	 *  1. The point is not on the line or on the boundary
	 *      -> Leave collection untouched, return 0
	 *  2. The point is on the boundary
	 *      -> Push 1 element on the collection:
	 *         o the original line
	 *      -> Return 1
	 *  3. The point is in the line
	 *      -> Push 2 elements on the collection:
	 *         o start_point - cut_point
	 *         o cut_point - last_point
	 *      -> Return 2

	getPoint4d_p(blade_in->point, 0, &pt);
	loc = ptarray_locate_point(lwline_in->points, &pt, &dist, &pt_projected);

	/* lwnotice("Location: %g -- Distance: %g", loc, dist); */

	if ( dist > 0 )   /* TODO: accept a tolerance ? */
		/* No intersection */
		return 0;

	if ( loc == 0 || loc == 1 )
		/* Intersection is on the boundary */
		return 1;

	/* There is a real intersection, let's get two substrings */

	/* Compute vertex snap tolerance based on line length
	 * TODO: take as parameter ? */
	vstol = ptarray_length_2d(lwline_in->points) / 1e14;

	pa1 = ptarray_substring(lwline_in->points, 0, loc, vstol);
	pa2 = ptarray_substring(lwline_in->points, loc, 1, vstol);

	/* NOTE: I've seen empty pointarrays with loc != 0 and loc != 1 */
	if ( pa1->npoints == 0 || pa2->npoints == 0 ) {
		/* Intersection is on the boundary */
		return 1;

	lwmline_add_lwline(v, lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa1));
	lwmline_add_lwline(v, lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa2));
	return 2;
Datum LWGEOM_line_interpolate_point(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	double distance = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
	LWLINE *line;
	LWPOINT *point;
	POINTARRAY *ipa, *opa;
	POINT4D pt;
	int nsegs, i;
	double length, slength, tlength;

	if ( distance < 0 || distance > 1 )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 2nd arg isnt within [0,1]");

	if ( gserialized_get_type(geom) != LINETYPE )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 1st arg isnt a line");

	line = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom));
	ipa = line->points;

	/* If distance is one of the two extremes, return the point on that
	 * end rather than doing any expensive computations
	if ( distance == 0.0 || distance == 1.0 )
		if ( distance == 0.0 )
			getPoint4d_p(ipa, 0, &pt);
			getPoint4d_p(ipa, ipa->npoints-1, &pt);

		opa = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(line->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(line->flags), 1, (uint8_t*)&pt);
		point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);

	/* Interpolate a point on the line */
	nsegs = ipa->npoints - 1;
	length = ptarray_length_2d(ipa);
	tlength = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < nsegs; i++ )
		POINT4D p1, p2;
		POINT4D *p1ptr=&p1, *p2ptr=&p2; /* don't break
						                                 * strict-aliasing rules

		getPoint4d_p(ipa, i, &p1);
		getPoint4d_p(ipa, i+1, &p2);

		/* Find the relative length of this segment */
		slength = distance2d_pt_pt((POINT2D*)p1ptr, (POINT2D*)p2ptr)/length;

		/* If our target distance is before the total length we've seen
		 * so far. create a new point some distance down the current
		 * segment.
		if ( distance < tlength + slength )
			double dseg = (distance - tlength) / slength;
			interpolate_point4d(&p1, &p2, &pt, dseg);
			opa = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(line->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(line->flags), 1, (uint8_t*)&pt);
			point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);
		tlength += slength;

	/* Return the last point on the line. This shouldn't happen, but
	 * could if there's some floating point rounding errors. */
	getPoint4d_p(ipa, ipa->npoints-1, &pt);
	opa = ptarray_construct_reference_data(FLAGS_GET_Z(line->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(line->flags), 1, (uint8_t*)&pt);
	point = lwpoint_construct(line->srid, NULL, opa);
Datum LWGEOM_line_substring(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	double from = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
	double to = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(2);
	LWGEOM *olwgeom;
	POINTARRAY *ipa, *opa;
	int type = gserialized_get_type(geom);

	if ( from < 0 || from > 1 )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 2nd arg isnt within [0,1]");

	if ( to < 0 || to > 1 )
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 3rd arg isnt within [0,1]");

	if ( from > to )
		elog(ERROR, "2nd arg must be smaller then 3rd arg");

	if ( type == LINETYPE )
		LWLINE *iline = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom));

		if ( lwgeom_is_empty((LWGEOM*)iline) )
			/* TODO return empty line */
			PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0);

		ipa = iline->points;

		opa = ptarray_substring(ipa, from, to, 0);

		if ( opa->npoints == 1 ) /* Point returned */
			olwgeom = (LWGEOM *)lwpoint_construct(iline->srid, NULL, opa);
			olwgeom = (LWGEOM *)lwline_construct(iline->srid, NULL, opa);

	else if ( type == MULTILINETYPE )
		LWMLINE *iline;
		int i = 0, g = 0;
		int homogeneous = LW_TRUE;
		LWGEOM **geoms = NULL;
		double length = 0.0, sublength = 0.0, minprop = 0.0, maxprop = 0.0;

		iline = lwgeom_as_lwmline(lwgeom_from_gserialized(geom));

		if ( lwgeom_is_empty((LWGEOM*)iline) )
			/* TODO return empty collection */
			PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0);

		/* Calculate the total length of the mline */
		for ( i = 0; i < iline->ngeoms; i++ )
			LWLINE *subline = (LWLINE*)iline->geoms[i];
			if ( subline->points && subline->points->npoints > 1 )
				length += ptarray_length_2d(subline->points);

		geoms = lwalloc(sizeof(LWGEOM*) * iline->ngeoms);

		/* Slice each sub-geometry of the multiline */
		for ( i = 0; i < iline->ngeoms; i++ )
			LWLINE *subline = (LWLINE*)iline->geoms[i];
			double subfrom = 0.0, subto = 0.0;

			if ( subline->points && subline->points->npoints > 1 )
				sublength += ptarray_length_2d(subline->points);

			/* Calculate proportions for this subline */
			minprop = maxprop;
			maxprop = sublength / length;

			/* This subline doesn't reach the lowest proportion requested
			   or is beyond the highest proporton */
			if ( from > maxprop || to < minprop )

			if ( from <= minprop )
				subfrom = 0.0;
			if ( to >= maxprop )
				subto = 1.0;

			if ( from > minprop && from <= maxprop )
				subfrom = (from - minprop) / (maxprop - minprop);

			if ( to < maxprop && to >= minprop )
				subto = (to - minprop) / (maxprop - minprop);

			opa = ptarray_substring(subline->points, subfrom, subto, 0);
			if ( opa && opa->npoints > 0 )
				if ( opa->npoints == 1 ) /* Point returned */
					geoms[g] = (LWGEOM *)lwpoint_construct(iline->srid, NULL, opa);
					homogeneous = LW_FALSE;
					geoms[g] = (LWGEOM *)lwline_construct(iline->srid, NULL, opa);

		/* If we got any points, we need to return a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION */
		if ( ! homogeneous )

		olwgeom = (LWGEOM*)lwcollection_construct(type, iline->srid, NULL, g, geoms);
		elog(ERROR,"line_interpolate_point: 1st arg isnt a line");

	ret = geometry_serialize(olwgeom);
	PG_FREE_IF_COPY(geom, 0);

Exemple #8
 * Given a point, returns the location of closest point on pointarray
 * and, optionally, it's actual distance from the point array.
ptarray_locate_point(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *p4d, double *mindistout, POINT4D *proj4d)
	double mindist=-1;
	double tlen, plen;
	int t, seg=-1;
	POINT4D	start4d, end4d, projtmp;
	POINT2D start, end, proj, p;

	/* Initialize our 2D copy of the input parameter */
	p.x = p4d->x;
	p.y = p4d->y;
	if ( ! proj4d ) proj4d = &projtmp;

	getPoint2d_p(pa, 0, &start);
	for (t=1; t<pa->npoints; t++)
		double dist;
		getPoint2d_p(pa, t, &end);
		dist = distance2d_pt_seg(&p, &start, &end);

		if (t==1 || dist < mindist )
			mindist = dist;

		if ( mindist == 0 )
			LWDEBUG(3, "Breaking on mindist=0");

		start = end;

	if ( mindistout ) *mindistout = mindist;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "Closest segment: %d", seg);
	LWDEBUGF(3, "mindist: %g", mindist);

	 * We need to project the
	 * point on the closest segment.
	getPoint4d_p(pa, seg, &start4d);
	getPoint4d_p(pa, seg+1, &end4d);
	closest_point_on_segment(p4d, &start4d, &end4d, proj4d);
	/* Copy 4D values into 2D holder */
	proj.x = proj4d->x;
	proj.y = proj4d->y;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "Closest segment:%d, npoints:%d", seg, pa->npoints);

	/* For robustness, force 1 when closest point == endpoint */
	if ( (seg >= (pa->npoints-2)) && p2d_same(&proj, &end) )
		return 1.0;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "Closest point on segment: %g,%g", proj.x, proj.y);

	tlen = ptarray_length_2d(pa);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "tlen %g", tlen);

	/* Location of any point on a zero-length line is 0 */
	/* See http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/1772#comment:2 */
	if ( tlen == 0 ) return 0;

	getPoint2d_p(pa, 0, &start);
	for (t=0; t<seg; t++, start=end)
		getPoint2d_p(pa, t+1, &end);
		plen += distance2d_pt_pt(&start, &end);

		LWDEBUGF(4, "Segment %d made plen %g", t, plen);

	plen+=distance2d_pt_pt(&proj, &start);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "plen %g, tlen %g", plen, tlen);

	return plen/tlen;
Exemple #9
ptarray_substring(POINTARRAY *ipa, double from, double to, double tolerance)
	POINT4D pt;
	POINT4D p1, p2;
	POINT4D *p1ptr=&p1; /* don't break strict-aliasing rule */
	POINT4D *p2ptr=&p2;
	int nsegs, i;
	double length, slength, tlength;
	int state = 0; /* 0=before, 1=inside */

	 * Create a dynamic pointarray with an initial capacity
	 * equal to full copy of input points
	dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(FLAGS_GET_Z(ipa->flags), FLAGS_GET_M(ipa->flags), ipa->npoints);

	/* Compute total line length */
	length = ptarray_length_2d(ipa);

	LWDEBUGF(3, "Total length: %g", length);

	/* Get 'from' and 'to' lengths */
	from = length*from;
	to = length*to;

	LWDEBUGF(3, "From/To: %g/%g", from, to);

	tlength = 0;
	getPoint4d_p(ipa, 0, &p1);
	nsegs = ipa->npoints - 1;
	for ( i = 0; i < nsegs; i++ )
		double dseg;

		getPoint4d_p(ipa, i+1, &p2);

		LWDEBUGF(3 ,"Segment %d: (%g,%g,%g,%g)-(%g,%g,%g,%g)",
		         i, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z, p1.m, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z, p2.m);

		/* Find the length of this segment */
		slength = distance2d_pt_pt((POINT2D *)p1ptr, (POINT2D *)p2ptr);

		 * We are before requested start.
		if ( state == 0 ) /* before */

			LWDEBUG(3, " Before start");

			if ( fabs ( from - ( tlength + slength ) ) <= tolerance )

				LWDEBUG(3, "  Second point is our start");

				 * Second point is our start
				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p2, LW_FALSE);
				state=1; /* we're inside now */
				goto END;

			else if ( fabs(from - tlength) <= tolerance )

				LWDEBUG(3, "  First point is our start");

				 * First point is our start
				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p1, LW_FALSE);

				 * We're inside now, but will check
				 * 'to' point as well

			 * Didn't reach the 'from' point,
			 * nothing to do
			else if ( from > tlength + slength ) goto END;

			else  /* tlength < from < tlength+slength */

				LWDEBUG(3, "  Seg contains first point");

				 * Our start is between first and
				 * second point
				dseg = (from - tlength) / slength;

				interpolate_point4d(&p1, &p2, &pt, dseg);

				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pt, LW_FALSE);

				 * We're inside now, but will check
				 * 'to' point as well

		if ( state == 1 ) /* inside */

			LWDEBUG(3, " Inside");

			 * 'to' point is our second point.
			if ( fabs(to - ( tlength + slength ) ) <= tolerance )

				LWDEBUG(3, " Second point is our end");

				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p2, LW_FALSE);
				break; /* substring complete */

			 * 'to' point is our first point.
			 * (should only happen if 'to' is 0)
			else if ( fabs(to - tlength) <= tolerance )

				LWDEBUG(3, " First point is our end");

				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p1, LW_FALSE);

				break; /* substring complete */

			 * Didn't reach the 'end' point,
			 * just copy second point
			else if ( to > tlength + slength )
				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &p2, LW_FALSE);
				goto END;

			 * 'to' point falls on this segment
			 * Interpolate and break.
			else if ( to < tlength + slength )

				LWDEBUG(3, " Seg contains our end");

				dseg = (to - tlength) / slength;
				interpolate_point4d(&p1, &p2, &pt, dseg);

				ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pt, LW_FALSE);


				LWDEBUG(3, "Unhandled case");


		tlength += slength;
		memcpy(&p1, &p2, sizeof(POINT4D));

	LWDEBUGF(3, "Out of loop, ptarray has %d points", dpa->npoints);

	return dpa;