static int handle_token_colon( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out )) return 0; if( parser->in_branch && !parser->parens_closed && parser->empty_line ) { int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_assign_op( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( parser->empty_line ) { if( !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } else { putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_rbrace( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; int lbi = parser->brace_indent[parser->last_brace_indent]; if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } parser->indent = lbi; if( !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) { return 0; } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) { return 0; } --parser->last_brace_indent; if( parser->last_brace_indent > 0 && parser->last_brace_indent < parser->stack_size - 10 && !shrink_stack( &(parser->brace_indent), &(parser->stack_size) ) ) { return 0; } lbi = parser->brace_indent[parser->last_brace_indent]; if( !parser->last_brace_indent ) { parser->indent = lbi; } else { parser->indent = lbi + 1; } parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_comment( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\t', out ); } if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out )) return 0; if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_lbrace( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; ++parser->last_brace_indent; if( parser->last_brace_indent >= parser->stack_size && !enlarge_stack( &(parser->brace_indent), &(parser->stack_size) ) ) { return 0; } parser->brace_indent[parser->last_brace_indent] = parser->indent; if( !parser->empty_line && parser->prev_tk.type != ASSIGN_OP ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } // insert a space after '=' in array initialization if( parser->prev_tk.type == ASSIGN_OP ) { putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->in_branch = 0; ++parser->indent; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_semicolon( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; if( parser->in_branch ) { if( parser->parens_closed ) { parser->in_branch = 0; } else if( parser->empty_line ) { int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; if( !parser->in_branch ) { if( parser->last_brace_indent ) parser->indent = parser->brace_indent[parser ->last_brace_indent] + 1; else parser->indent = 0; } parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_case_kw( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } parser->indent = parser->brace_indent[parser->last_brace_indent]; if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out )) return 0; if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; ++parser->indent; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_cond( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( tk->type == IF_KW && parser->prev_tk.type == ELSE_KW ) { putc( ' ', out ); } else if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } if( parser->in_branch && parser->prev_tk.type != ELSE_KW ) { ++parser->indent; } else { parser->in_branch = 1; } if( tk->type != ELSE_KW ) parser->parens_closed = 0; else { parser->parens_closed = 1; } if( parser->prev_tk.type != ELSE_KW && parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
Error RichTextLabel::append_bbcode(const String& p_bbcode) { int pos = 0; List<String> tag_stack; Ref<Font> normal_font=get_font("normal_font"); Ref<Font> bold_font=get_font("bold_font"); Ref<Font> italics_font=get_font("italics_font"); Ref<Font> bold_italics_font=get_font("bold_italics_font"); Ref<Font> mono_font=get_font("mono_font"); Color base_color=get_color("default_color"); int indent_level=0; bool in_bold=false; bool in_italics=false; while(pos < p_bbcode.length()) { int brk_pos = p_bbcode.find("[",pos); if (brk_pos<0) brk_pos=p_bbcode.length(); if (brk_pos > pos) { add_text(p_bbcode.substr(pos,brk_pos-pos)); } if (brk_pos==p_bbcode.length()) break; //nothing else o add int brk_end = p_bbcode.find("]",brk_pos+1); if (brk_end==-1) { //no close, add the rest add_text(p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos,p_bbcode.length()-brk_pos)); break; } String tag = p_bbcode.substr(brk_pos+1,brk_end-brk_pos-1); if (tag.begins_with("/") && tag_stack.size()) { bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get()==tag.substr(1,tag.length()); if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="b") in_bold=false; if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="i") in_italics=false; if (tag_stack.front()->get()=="indent") indent_level--; if (!tag_ok) { add_text("["); pos++; continue; } tag_stack.pop_front(); pos=brk_end+1; if (tag!="/img") pop(); } else if (tag=="b") { //use bold font in_bold=true; if (in_italics) push_font(bold_italics_font); else push_font(bold_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="i") { //use italics font in_italics=true; if (in_bold) push_font(bold_italics_font); else push_font(italics_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="code") { //use monospace font push_font(mono_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("table=")) { int columns = tag.substr(6,tag.length()).to_int(); if (columns<1) columns=1; //use monospace font push_table(columns); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("table"); } else if (tag=="cell") { push_cell(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("cell=")) { int ratio = tag.substr(6,tag.length()).to_int(); if (ratio<1) ratio=1; //use monospace font set_table_column_expand(get_current_table_column(),true,ratio); push_cell(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("cell"); } else if (tag=="u") { //use underline push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="s") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) push_underline(); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="center") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_CENTER); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="fill") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_FILL); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="right") { //use underline push_align(ALIGN_RIGHT); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="ul") { //use underline push_list(LIST_DOTS); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="ol") { //use underline push_list(LIST_NUMBERS); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="indent") { //use underline indent_level++; push_indent(indent_level); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag=="url") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String url = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) { String url = tag.substr(4,tag.length()); push_meta(url); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("url"); } else if (tag=="img") { //use strikethrough (not supported underline instead) int end=p_bbcode.find("[",brk_end); if (end==-1) end=p_bbcode.length(); String image = p_bbcode.substr(brk_end+1,end-brk_end-1); Ref<Texture> texture = ResourceLoader::load(image,"Texture"); if (texture.is_valid()) add_image(texture); pos=end; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) { String col = tag.substr(6,tag.length()); Color color; if (col.begins_with("#")) color=Color::html(col); else if (col=="aqua") color=Color::html("#00FFFF"); else if (col=="black") color=Color::html("#000000"); else if (col=="blue") color=Color::html("#0000FF"); else if (col=="fuchsia") color=Color::html("#FF00FF"); else if (col=="gray" || col=="grey") color=Color::html("#808080"); else if (col=="green") color=Color::html("#008000"); else if (col=="lime") color=Color::html("#00FF00"); else if (col=="maroon") color=Color::html("#800000"); else if (col=="navy") color=Color::html("#000080"); else if (col=="olive") color=Color::html("#808000"); else if (col=="purple") color=Color::html("#800080"); else if (col=="red") color=Color::html("#FF0000"); else if (col=="silver") color=Color::html("#C0C0C0"); else if (col=="teal") color=Color::html("#008008"); else if (col=="white") color=Color::html("#FFFFFF"); else if (col=="yellow") color=Color::html("#FFFF00"); else color=base_color; push_color(color); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("color"); } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) { String fnt = tag.substr(5,tag.length()); Ref<Font> font = ResourceLoader::load(fnt,"Font"); if (font.is_valid()) push_font(font); else push_font(normal_font); pos=brk_end+1; tag_stack.push_front("font"); } else { add_text("["); //ignore pos=brk_pos+1; } } return OK; }
static int handle_token_op( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( !parser->empty_line && (!parser->in_branch || !parser->parens_closed) ) { if( is_incr_or_decr( tk ) ) { if( !parser->un_op && parser->prev_tk.type != LPAREN && parser->prev_tk.type != RPAREN && parser->prev_tk.type != LBRACKET && parser->prev_tk.type != RBRACKET && parser->prev_tk.type != IDENT && parser->prev_tk.type != NUM_CONST && parser->prev_tk.type != CHR_LIT && parser->prev_tk.type != STR_LIT ) { putc( ' ', out ); } } else if( is_unary_op( tk ) ) { if( is_incr_or_decr( &(parser->prev_tk ) ) ) { putc( ' ', out ); } else if( !parser->un_op && parser->prev_tk.type != LPAREN && parser->prev_tk.type != LBRACKET && !(parser->prev_tk.start[0] == '*' && tk->start[0] == '*') ) { putc( ' ', out ); } } else if( parser->un_op || parser->prev_tk.type == RPAREN || parser->prev_tk.type == RBRACKET || parser->prev_tk.type == IDENT || parser->prev_tk.type == NUM_CONST || parser->prev_tk.type == CHR_LIT || parser->prev_tk.type == STR_LIT) { putc( ' ', out ); } } /* find out if this is an unary op */ if( is_incr_or_decr( tk ) ) { parser->un_op = 1; } else if( is_unary_op( tk ) && !is_incr_or_decr( &(parser->prev_tk) ) && parser->prev_tk.type != IDENT && parser->prev_tk.type != NUM_CONST && parser->prev_tk.type != CHR_LIT && parser->prev_tk.type != STR_LIT && parser->prev_tk.type != RBRACKET ) { if( parser->prev_tk.type != RPAREN ) { parser->un_op = 1; } else if( parser->in_branch ) { parser->un_op = 1; } } else { parser->un_op = 0; } if( parser->in_branch ) { if( parser->parens_closed ) { if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } parser->in_branch = 0; ++parser->indent; } } else if( parser->prev_tk.type == SEMICOLON ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out )) return 0; if( parser->in_branch && !parser->parens_closed && parser->empty_line ) { int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_lparen( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( parser->in_branch ) { if( parser->parens_closed ) { if( !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } ++parser->indent; if( !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; parser->in_branch = 0; } else { ++parser->paren_depth; if( parser->empty_line ) { if( !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } } } else { if( !parser->empty_line ) { if( parser->prev_tk.type == LBRACE || parser->prev_tk.type == RBRACE || parser->prev_tk.type == SEMICOLON ) { putc('\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } } if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) return 0; } /* putting space before token if needed */ if( !parser->empty_line && parser->prev_tk.type != LPAREN && parser->prev_tk.type != LBRACKET && parser->prev_tk.type != SEMICOLON && !parser->un_op ) { putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
static int handle_token_ident( Token * tk, Parser * parser, FILE * out ) { if( !tk || !parser || !out ) return 0; if( !parser->in_branch ) { if( !parser->empty_line ) { if( parser->prev_tk.type == LBRACE || parser->prev_tk.type == SEMICOLON ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } else if( parser->prev_tk.type != LPAREN && parser->prev_tk.type != LBRACKET && parser->prev_tk.type != STRUCT_SEP && !parser->un_op ) { putc( ' ', out ); } } } else if( parser->parens_closed ) { if( parser->prev_tk.type == RPAREN && !parser->empty_line ) { putc( '\n', out ); parser->empty_line = 1; } parser->in_branch = 0; ++parser->indent; } if( parser->empty_line && !push_indent( parser->indent, out ) ) { return 0; } if( parser->in_branch && !parser->parens_closed && parser->empty_line ) { int i; for( i = 4; i > 0; --i ) putc( ' ', out ); } if( !push_token( tk, out ) ) return 0; parser->empty_line = 0; parser->un_op = 0; return 1; }
int tbc_mod_gen_compile () { axlDtd * dtd; axlDoc * doc; axlError * error; axlNode * node; axlNode * moddef; char * mod_name; char * tolower; char * toupper; char * description; /* parse DTD document */ dtd = axl_dtd_parse (TBC_MOD_GEN_DTD, -1, &error); if (dtd == NULL) { /* report error and dealloc resources */ error ("Failed to parse DTD, error found: %s", axl_error_get (error)); axl_error_free (error); return axl_false; } /* end if */ /* nice, now parse the xml file */ doc = axl_doc_parse_from_file (exarg_get_string ("compile"), &error); if (doc == NULL) { /* report error and dealloc resources */ error ("unable to parse file: %s, error found: %s", exarg_get_string ("compile"), axl_error_get (error)); axl_error_free (error); axl_dtd_free (dtd); } /* end if */ /* nice, now validate content */ if (! axl_dtd_validate (doc, dtd, &error)) { /* report error and dealloc */ error ("failed to validate module description provided: %s, error found: %s", exarg_get_string ("compile"), axl_error_get (error)); axl_error_free (error); axl_doc_free (doc); axl_dtd_free (dtd); return axl_false; } /* end if */ /* ok, now produce source code */ axl_dtd_free (dtd); /* open file */ moddef = axl_doc_get_root (doc); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/name"); mod_name = (char *) axl_node_get_content (node, NULL); mod_name = support_clean_name (mod_name); tolower = support_to_lower (mod_name); toupper = support_to_upper (mod_name); /* out dir */ support_open_file (ctx, "%s%s.c", get_out_dir (), mod_name); /* place copyright if found */ node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/copyright"); if (node != NULL) { /* place the copyright */ } /* end if */ write ("/* %s implementation */\n", mod_name); write ("#include <turbulence.h>\n\n"); write ("/* use this declarations to avoid c++ compilers to mangle exported\n"); write (" * names. */\n"); write ("BEGIN_C_DECLS\n\n"); write ("/* global turbulence context reference */\n"); write ("TurbulenceCtx * ctx = NULL;\n\n"); /* place here additional content */ node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/additional-content"); if (node != NULL) { write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } /* end if */ /* init handler */ write ("/* %s init handler */\n", mod_name); write ("static int %s_init (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx) {\n", tolower); push_indent (); write ("/* configure the module */\n"); write ("TBC_MOD_PREPARE (_ctx);\n\n"); pop_indent (); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/init"); if (axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)) { /* write the content defined */ write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } write ("} /* end %s_init */\n\n", tolower); /* close handler */ write ("/* %s close handler */\n", mod_name); write ("static void %s_close (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx) {\n", tolower); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/close"); if (axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)) { /* write the content defined */ write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } write ("} /* end %s_close */\n\n", tolower); /* reconf handler */ write ("/* %s reconf handler */\n", mod_name); write ("static void %s_reconf (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx) {\n", tolower); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/reconf"); if (axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)) { /* write the content defined */ write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } write ("} /* end %s_reconf */\n\n", tolower); /* unload handler */ write ("/* %s unload handler */\n", mod_name); write ("static void %s_unload (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx) {\n", tolower); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/unload"); if (axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)) { /* write the content defined */ write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } write ("} /* end %s_unload */\n\n", tolower); /* ppath_selected handler */ write ("/* %s ppath-selected handler */\n", mod_name); write ("static axl_bool %s_ppath_selected (TurbulenceCtx * _ctx, TurbulencePPathDef * ppath_selected, VortexConnection * conn) {\n", tolower); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/source-code/ppath-selected"); if (axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)) { /* write the content defined */ write ("%s\n", axl_node_get_content (node, NULL)); } write ("} /* end %s_ppath_selected */\n\n", tolower); /* write handler description */ write ("/* Entry point definition for all handlers included in this module */\n"); write ("TurbulenceModDef module_def = {\n"); push_indent (); write ("\"%s\",\n", mod_name); node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/mod-def/description"); description = (char *) axl_node_get_content (node, NULL); write ("\"%s\",\n", description ? description : ""); write ("%s_init,\n", tolower); write ("%s_close,\n", tolower); write ("%s_reconf,\n", tolower); write ("%s_unload,\n", tolower); write ("%s_ppath_selected\n", tolower); pop_indent (); write ("};\n\n"); write ("END_C_DECLS\n\n"); /* close content */ support_close_file (ctx); /* create the makefile required */ support_open_file (ctx, "", get_out_dir ()); write ("# Module definition\n"); write ("EXTRA_DIST = %s\n\n", exarg_get_string ("compile")); write ("INCLUDES = -Wall -g -ansi $(TURBULENCE_CFLAGS) -I../../src -DCOMPILATION_DATE=`date +%%s` \\\n"); push_indent (); write ("-DVERSION=\\\"$(VERSION)\\\" \\\n"); write ("$(AXL_CFLAGS) $(VORTEX_CFLAGS) $(EXARG_CFLAGS)\n\n"); pop_indent (); write ("# configure module binary\n"); write ("lib_LTLIBRARIES =\n", mod_name); write ("%s_la_SOURCES = %s.c %s\n", mod_name, mod_name, HAS_ATTR (moddef, "sources") ? ATTR_VALUE (moddef, "sources") : ""); write ("%s_la_LDFLAGS = -module -ldl\n\n", mod_name); write ("# reconfigure module installation directory\n"); write ("libdir = `turbulence-config --mod-dir`\n\n"); write ("# configure site module installation\n"); write ("modconfdir = `turbulence-config --mod-xml`\n"); write ("modconf_DATA = %s.xml %s.win32.xml\n\n", mod_name, mod_name); write ("%s.xml %s.win32.xml:\n", mod_name, mod_name); push_indent (); write ("echo \"<mod-turbulence location=\\\"`turbulence-config --mod-dir`/\\\"/>\" > %s.xml\n", mod_name, mod_name); write ("echo \"<mod-turbulence location=\\\"../modules/%s.dll\\\"/>\" > %s.win32.xml\n", mod_name, mod_name); pop_indent (); support_close_file (ctx); /* create autoconf if defined */ if (exarg_is_defined ("enable-autoconf")) { msg ("found autoconf support files request.."); /* create the */ support_open_file (ctx, "", get_out_dir ()); write ("# file created by tbc-mod-gen\n"); write ("PACKAGE=\"%s: %s\"\n\n", mod_name, description); write ("(automake --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {\n"); push_indent (); write ("echo;\n"); write ("echo \"You must have automake installed to compile $PACKAGE\";\n"); write ("echo;\n"); write ("exit;\n"); pop_indent (); write ("}\n\n"); write ("(autoconf --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {\n"); push_indent (); write ("echo;\n"); write ("echo \"You must have autoconf installed to compile $PACKAGE\";\n"); write ("echo;\n"); write ("exit;\n"); pop_indent (); write ("}\n\n"); write ("echo \"Generating configuration files for $PACKAGE, please wait....\"\n"); write ("echo;\n\n"); write ("touch NEWS README AUTHORS ChangeLog\n"); write ("libtoolize --force;\n"); write ("aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS;\n"); write ("autoheader;\n"); write ("automake --add-missing;\n"); write ("autoconf;\n\n"); write ("./configure $@ --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-compile-warnings\n"); support_close_file (ctx); support_make_executable (ctx, "", get_out_dir ()); /* now create the file */ support_open_file (ctx, "", get_out_dir ()); write ("dnl template file created by tbc-mod-gen\n"); write ("AC_INIT(%s.c)\n\n", mod_name); write ("dnl declare a global version value\n"); write ("%s_VERSION=\"0.0.1\"\n", toupper); write ("AC_SUBST(%s_VERSION)\n\n", toupper); write ("AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(.)\n"); write ("AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(%s, $%s_VERSION)\n\n", mod_name, toupper); write ("AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)\n"); write ("AM_MAINTAINER_MODE\n"); write ("AC_PROG_CC\n"); write ("AC_ISC_POSIX\n"); write ("AC_HEADER_STDC\n"); write ("AM_PROG_LIBTOOL\n\n"); write ("dnl external dependencies\n"); write ("PKG_CHECK_MODULES(AXL, axl >= %s)\n\n", AXL_VERSION); write ("dnl general libries subsitution\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(AXL_CFLAGS)\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(AXL_LIBS)\n\n"); write ("dnl external dependencies\n"); write ("PKG_CHECK_MODULES(VORTEX, vortex >= %s) \n\n", VORTEX_VERSION); write ("dnl general libries subsitution\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(VORTEX_CFLAGS)\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(VORTEX_LIBS)\n\n"); write ("dnl external dependencies\n"); write ("PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EXARG, exarg)\n\n"); write ("dnl general libries subsitution\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(EXARG_CFLAGS)\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(EXARG_LIBS)\n\n"); write ("dnl external dependencies\n"); write ("PKG_CHECK_MODULES(TURBULENCE, turbulence >= %s)\n\n", VERSION); write ("dnl general libries subsitution\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(TURBULENCE_CFLAGS)\n"); write ("AC_SUBST(TURBULENCE_LIBS)\n\n"); write ("AC_OUTPUT([\n"); write ("Makefile\n"); write ("])\n\n"); write ("echo \"------------------------------------------\"\n"); write ("echo \"-- mod_template Settings --\"\n"); write ("echo \"------------------------------------------\"\n"); write ("echo \"------------------------------------------\"\n"); write ("echo \"-- Let it BEEP! --\"\n"); write ("echo \"-- --\"\n"); write ("echo \"-- NOW TYPE: make; make install --\"\n"); write ("echo \"------------------------------------------\"\n"); support_close_file (ctx); } /* end if */ /* dealloc */ axl_free (tolower); axl_free (toupper); axl_doc_free (doc); /* create the script file */ support_open_file (ctx, "%sgen-code", get_out_dir ()); write ("#!/bin/sh\n\n"); /* write the mod gen */ write ("tbc-mod-gen --compile %s --out-dir %s\n", exarg_get_string ("compile"), exarg_get_string ("out-dir")); support_close_file (ctx); support_make_executable (ctx, "%sgen-code", get_out_dir ()); msg ("%s created!", mod_name); axl_free (mod_name); return axl_true; }