Exemple #1
void task_b_main(void)
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	struct TIMER  *timer;
	int i, fifobuf[128];
	//extern int count;
	char s[MAX_LENGTH];

	int count = 0;
	fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf);
	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer, 1);
	extern struct SHEET *sht_back;

	for (;;) { 
		count ++ ;
		if(fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0){
			i = fifo32_get(&fifo);
				putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 240, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s ,12 );
				timer_settime(timer, 1);
Exemple #2
void main(){
	struct BOOTINFO *binfo;
	struct FIFO32 fifo;
	binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO;

	char s[MAX_LENGTH];
	char mcursor[256];

	// mouse and keyboard data
	int fifobuf[BUF_LEN];

	struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3;

	int fifo_data;
	struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;
	int mx,my;

	// memory manager
	struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR;
	unsigned int memtotal;

	// overlay control
	struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
	struct SHEET *sht_win, *sht_mouse;
	unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256];
	unsigned char *buf_win;

	// gdt control

	// init fifo
	fifo32_init(&fifo, BUF_LEN, fifobuf);

	init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
	enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);

	timer = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10);
	timer_settime(timer, 1000);

	timer2 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3);
	timer_settime(timer2, 300);
	timer3 = timer_alloc();
	timer_init(timer3,&fifo, 1);
	timer_settime(timer3, 50);

	// must after init pit
	// qemu 1000 = 10s
	// bochs 1000 = 1s

	// mouse and keyboard control

	// memory set
	memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);
	// this is ERROR!
	// c400 is system
	memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

	 *  screen 
	 *  ----------------------------------------------*/
	// video initialize

	shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
	sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);			// background sheet
	sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);		// mouse sheet
	sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);

	buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);		// background buffer
	buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman,160*52);

	sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);	// bind buf
	sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);
	sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1);

	init_screen(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);	// init color
	init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);
	make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "counter");

	// init slide
	sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);

	// initial mouse position
	mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; 
	my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2;

	int cursor_x, cursor_c;
	make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);
	cursor_x = 8;
	cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;

	// init mouse slide
	// init position 0,0
	sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);

	sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
	sheet_updown(sht_win, 1);
	sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2);
	 *  screen 
	 *  ***********************************************/

	/***************  memory info  *********/
	itoa(s,memtotal / 1024 /1024,MAX_LENGTH);
	putfont8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

	itoa(s,memman_total(memman) / 1024,MAX_LENGTH);
	putfont8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, s);

	sheet_refresh(sht_back, 0, 32, binfo->scrnx, 80);
	/***************  memory info  *********/

	 * TSS
	struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b;
	tss_a.ldtr = 0;
	tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000;

	tss_b.ldtr = 0;
	tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000;

	set_segmdesc(gdt+3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32);
	set_segmdesc(gdt+4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32);

	int task_b_esp;
	// current tr
	_load_tr(3 * 8);

	task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024;
	tss_b.eip = (int) &task_b_main;
	tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; /* IF = 1; */
	tss_b.eax = 0;
	tss_b.ecx = 0;
	tss_b.edx = 0;
	tss_b.ebx = 0;
	tss_b.esp = task_b_esp;
	tss_b.ebp = 0;
	tss_b.esi = 0;
	tss_b.edi = 0;
	tss_b.es = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.cs = 1 * 8;
	tss_b.ss = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.ds = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.fs = 2 * 8;
	tss_b.gs = 2 * 8;

	int count = 0;

		count ++;
		if(0 == (fifo32_status(&fifo) )){
			//_io_sti();  // too fast
			fifo_data = fifo32_get(&fifo);
			if(256 <= fifo_data && fifo_data < 512){ // keyboard data
				if(fifo_data < 256 + 0x54){
					if(keytable[fifo_data-256] != 0){
						s[0] = keytable[fifo_data-256];
						s[1] = 0;
						putfont8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF,s, 1);
						cursor_x += 8;		// next pos
					if(fifo_data == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x >= 8){
						putfont8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF," ", 1);
						cursor_x -= 8;
				//	boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+7, 43);
				//	sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+7, 43);
			else if(512 <= fifo_data && fifo_data < 768){ // mouse data
				// fifo_data -= 512; 	//have some error
				if (mouse_decode(&mdec,fifo_data - 512) != 0){
					mx += mdec.x;
					my += mdec.y;
					if(mx < 0){
						mx = 0;
					if(my < 0){
						my = 0;
					if(mx > binfo->scrnx - 1){
						mx = binfo->scrnx -1;
					if(my > binfo->scrny - 1){
						my = binfo->scrny -1;
					sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
					if( (mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0 && (mx > sht_win->vx0 && mx < (sht_win->vx0 + sht_win->bxsize)) && ( my > sht_win->vy0 - sht_win->bysize*2 && my < (sht_win->vy0 + sht_win->bysize * 2) ) ){
						sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8);

			else if( fifo_data == 10){
				putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 140, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484,"10[sec]", 7);
				putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 140, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s ,12 );
			else if( fifo_data == 3){
				putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 100, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484,"3[sec]", 6);
			  	if(fifo_data != 0){
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0);
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FFFFFF, 8, 96, 15, 111);
					timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1);
					boxfill8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, COL8_008484, 8, 96, 15, 111);
				timer_settime(timer3, 50);
				sheet_refresh(sht_back, 8, 96, 16, 112);

Exemple #3
void HariMain(void)
  //bootinfo struct pointer
  struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0;
  char s[50];
  struct TIMER *timer;

  int mx, my;
  unsigned int i;
  struct MOUSE_DEC mdec;

  init_pit();  //必须先初始化pit,然后才能使用settimer

  struct FIFO32 fifo;
  unsigned int fifobuf[128];
  fifo32_init(&fifo, sizeof(fifobuf)/sizeof(fifobuf[0]), fifobuf, 0);

  timer = timer_alloc();
  timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);
  timer_settime(timer, 50); 
  io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PIC1打开中断(11111000) */
  io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* 打开键盘中断(11101111) */
  //keyboard and mouse init
  init_keyboard(&fifo, 256);
  enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);

  unsigned int memtotal;//memtotal memory 总数
  struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR;
  memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff);//获取内存真实的大小
  memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000);
  memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000);

  struct SHTCTL *shtctl;
  shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  *((int *)0x0fe4) = (int)shtctl;//保存shtctl供其他用

  struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win;//背景和鼠标图层
  sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl);

  unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win;
  buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny);
  buf_win = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160*52);

  sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1);//没有透明色
  sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99);//透明色号99
  sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1);//透明色号99
  init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);
  init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99);//背景色号99
  make_window8(sht_win->buf, 144, 52, "task_a", 1);//
  make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF);

  mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2;
  my = (binfo->scrny - 16) / 2;
  struct TASK *task_a;
  task_a = task_init(memman);
  fifo.task = task_a;
  task_run(task_a, 1, 0);

  struct TASK *task_cons;
  struct SHEET *sht_cons;
  unsigned char *buf_cons;
  sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl);
  buf_cons = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256*165);
  sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1);//无透明色
  make_window8(buf_cons,256, 165, "console", 0);
  make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000);
  task_cons = task_alloc();//分配一个task struct
  task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 -16;
  task_cons->tss.eip = (int)&console_task;
  task_cons->tss.es = 1*8;
  task_cons->tss.cs = 2*8;
  task_cons->tss.ss = 1*8;
  task_cons->tss.ds = 1*8;
  task_cons->tss.fs = 1*8;
  task_cons->tss.gs = 1*8;
  *((int *)(task_cons->tss.esp+4)) = (int)sht_cons;
  *((int *)(task_cons->tss.esp+8)) = (int)memtotal;
  *((int *)(task_cons->tss.esp+12)) = (int)sht_back;
  task_run(task_cons, 2, 2);//level=2,priority=2

  sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0);
  sheet_slide(sht_win, 64, 56);
  sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32, 4);
  sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);//移动鼠标到中心,显示出来

  sheet_updown(sht_back, 0);
  sheet_updown(sht_cons, 1);
  sheet_updown(sht_win, 2);
  sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3);

  int cursor_x = 8;//光标位置
  int cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;//光标初始颜色
  int key_to = 0;
  int key_shift = 0;//shift状态
  int key_leds = (binfo->leds>>4) & 7;//键盘指示灯状态
  int keycmd_wait = -1;
  struct SHEET *key_win = sht_win;//初始化输入对应的应用窗口
  sht_cons->task = task_cons;
  sht_cons->flags |= 0x20;//有光标模式

  struct FIFO32 keycmd;//键盘控制器设定FIFO
  int keycmd_buf[32];
  fifo32_init(&keycmd, sizeof(keycmd_buf), keycmd_buf, 0);
  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
  for (;;) {
    if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) {
      keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd);
      io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, key_leds);

    if (0 == fifo32_status(&fifo)){
    } else {
      i = fifo32_get(&fifo);

      if (key_win->flags == 0) {//输入窗口被关闭
	key_win = shtctl->sheets[shtctl->top - 1];//如果输入窗口被关闭,则将输入窗口设置为最上层的窗口
	cursor_c = keywin_on(key_win, sht_win, cursor_c);

      if (256 <= i && i <= 511) {//键盘数据
	if (i == 256 + 0x3a) {
	  key_leds ^= 4;
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
	if (i == 256 + 0x45) {
	  key_leds ^= 2;
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
	if (i == 256 + 0x46) {
	  key_leds ^= 1;
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED);
	  fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds);
	if (i == 256 + 0xfa) {//键盘成功接收到数据
	  keycmd_wait = -1;
	if (i == 256 + 0xfe) {//键盘没有成功接收到数据
	  io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait);
	if (i < 0x54 + 256 ) {//按键盘编码为字符编码
	  if (key_shift == 0) {
	    s[0] = keytable0[i - 256];
	  } else if (key_shift == 1 || key_shift == 2) {
	    s[0] = keytable1[i - 256];
	  } else {
	    s[0] = 0;
	  if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') {
	    if (((key_leds&4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) //大写字符锁定键没有打开,shift没有按下
		|| ((key_leds&4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) {
	      s[0] += 0X20;
	  if (s[0] != 0) {//一般字符
	    if (key_win == sht_win) {//发送给任务a
	      if (cursor_x < 128) {
		s[1] = 0;
		putfont8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, strlen(s));
		cursor_x += 8;
	    } else {//向命令行窗口发送字符
	      fifo32_put(&key_win->task->fifo, s[0]+256);

	if (i == 256+0x0e) {//退格键
	  if (key_win == sht_win) {//发送给任务a
	    if (cursor_x > 8) {
	      putfont8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1);
	      cursor_x -= 8;
	  } else {
	    fifo32_put(&key_win->task->fifo, 8+256);

	if (i == 256+0x1c) {
	  if (key_win != sht_win) {
	    fifo32_put(&key_win->task->fifo, 10+256);

	if (i == 256 + 0x0f) {
	  cursor_c = keywin_off(key_win, sht_win, cursor_c, cursor_x);
	  int j = key_win->height - 1;
	  if (j == 0) {
	    j = shtctl->top - 1;
	  key_win = shtctl->sheets[j];
	  cursor_c = keywin_on(key_win, sht_win, cursor_c);
	if (i == 256 + 0x3b && key_shift != 0 && task_cons->tss.ss0 != 0) {
	  struct CONSOLE *cons = (struct CONSOLE *)*((int *)0x0fec);
	  task_cons->tss.eax = (int)&(task_cons->tss.esp0);
	  task_cons->tss.eip = (int)asm_end_app;
	if (i == 256 + 0x57 && shtctl->top > 2) {
	  sheet_updown(shtctl->sheets[1], shtctl->top - 1);

	if (cursor_c >= 0) {
	  boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+7, 43);
	sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+8, 44);
	if (i == 256 + 0x2a) {//左shift on
	  key_shift |= 1;
	if (i == 256 + 0x36) {//右shift on
	  key_shift |= 2;
	if (i == 256 + 0xaa) {//左shift off
	  key_shift &= ~1;
	if (i == 256 + 0xb6) {//右shift off
	  key_shift &= ~2;
      } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) {//鼠标数据
	if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) {	  
	  mx += mdec.x;
	  my += mdec.y;
	  if (mx < 0) {
	    mx = 0;
	  if (my < 0) {
	    my = 0;
	  if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) {
	    mx = binfo->scrnx - 1;
	  if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) {
	    my = binfo->scrny - 1;
	  sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my);
	  putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, strlen(s));
	  sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my);
	  static int j, x, y;
	  static int mmx = -1, mmy = -1;
	  static struct SHEET *sht = 0;
	  if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) {//鼠标左键按
	    if (mmx < 0) {
	      for (j = shtctl->top-1; j > 0; j--) {
		sht = shtctl->sheets[j];
		x = mx - sht->vx0;
		y = my - sht->vy0;
		if (0 <= x &&//鼠标在sheet图层内,因为是从最上层开始查看就没有问题。
		    x < sht->bxsize &&
		    0 <= y &&
		    y < sht->bysize) {
		  if (sht->buf[y * sht->bxsize + x] != sht->col_inv) {//图层此处不是透明色
		    sheet_updown(sht, shtctl->top - 1);//将sht图层提升最上层
		    if (sht != key_win) {
		      cursor_c = keywin_off(key_win, sht_win, cursor_c, cursor_x);
		      key_win = sht;
		      cursor_c = keywin_on(key_win, sht_win, cursor_c);

		    if (3 <= x && x < sht->bxsize - 3 &&
			3 <= y && y < 21 ) {//光标处于标题栏
		      mmx = mx;
		      mmy = my;
		    if (sht->bxsize - 21 <= x && x < sht->bxsize - 5 &&
			5 <= y && y < 19) {//光标处于X位置,并点击
		      if ((sht->flags & 0x10) != 0) {//窗口为某应用程序的
			struct CONSOLE *cons = (struct CONSOLE *)*((int *)0xfec);
			cons_putstr0(cons, "\nBreak(mouse) :\n");
			task_cons->tss.eax = (int)&(task_cons->tss.esp0);
			task_cons->tss.eip = (int)asm_end_app;
	    } else {
	      //如果已经处于move mode
	      x = mx - mmx;
	      y = my - mmy;
	      sheet_slide(sht, sht->vx0 + x, sht->vy0 + y);
	      mmx = mx;//更新移动后的坐标
	      mmy = my;
	  } else {
	    mmx = -1;
      } else if (10 == i) {//10s timer
	putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7);
      } else if (3 == i){//3s timer
	putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6);
      } else if (i <= 1) {
	if(1 == i) {//I1
	  timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0);//设置为0
	  if (cursor_c >= 0){
	    cursor_c = COL8_000000;
	} else if(0 == i){
	  timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1);//设置为1
	  if (cursor_c >= 0) {
	    cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;
	timer_settime(timer, 50);
	if (cursor_c >= 0) {
	  boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+7, 43); 
	  sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x+8, 44);
      } else {