int main(void){ int tid; /*this task id */ int bufid, master, bytes, msgtag, source; char * graph_text = NULL; int **matrix; int degree, edges; int len; int i; int greycodeLength; tid = pvm_mytid(); /*enroll in pvm */ master = pvm_parent(); /*get the master id */ while (1){ /*Get the first graph */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr(""); /*Just put something in the buffer */ pvm_send(master, MSGREQTASK); /* Request a task */ bufid = pvm_recv(master, MSGTASK); /* Get the task */ pvm_bufinfo(bufid, &bytes, &msgtag, &source); /* Get the size of the text */ graph_text = malloc(bytes); pvm_upkstr(graph_text); /* Unpack the text */ len = strlen(graph_text); if(graph_text[len - 1] == '\n') graph_text[len - 1] = '\0'; matrix = create_matrix(graph_text, °ree); /*Generate the appropriate matrix */ populate_matrix(graph_text, matrix, &edges, degree); greycodeLength = 1 << degree; // Initialize code (where the greycode is stored) int * vals = calloc(2 * greycodeLength, sizeof(int)); int ** code = malloc(greycodeLength * sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < greycodeLength; i++){ /*assign rows within the allocated space */ code[i] = vals + i*2; } /*** DO GREYCODE ALGORITHM ON THE MATRIX ***/ if(greycode(degree, matrix, code) == 1){ /*If we found a code */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr(graph_text); pvm_send(master, MSGCODE); } else{ /*Didnt find a code */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr(graph_text); pvm_send(master,MSGNOCODE); } destroy_matrix(matrix); /* Free the memory associated with the matrix */ destroy_matrix(code); free(graph_text); } pvm_exit(); exit(0); }
void SendBorderTime(BOOL leftest, BOOL rightest) { BorderTimeDesc *bt; int nbt = 0, i, dff; for (bt = bordertime; bt; bt = bt->next) nbt += (bt->section != WEST_BORDER || leftest) && (bt->section != EAST_BORDER || rightest); pvm_pkint(&nbt, 1, 1); for (bt = bordertime; bt; bt = bt->next) { if ((bt->section == WEST_BORDER && !leftest) || (bt->section == EAST_BORDER && !rightest)) continue; pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->vartype, 1, 1); pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->section, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->bigdim, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->ntime, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->itime, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->cdfid, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->vid, 1, 1); pvm_pkstr((char *)bt->; pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->, 1, 1); pvm_pkushort(&bt->actualvar.dims, 1, 1); pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->actualvar.storetype, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&bt->actualvar.ncoord, 1, 1); pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->, 1, 1); pvm_pkushort(&bt->nextvar.dims, 1, 1); pvm_pkint((int *)&bt->nextvar.storetype, 1, 1); pvm_pklong(bt->timetable, bt->ntime, 1); pvm_pkuint((unsigned *)bt->coords, 4, 1); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { dff = bt->dimptr[i] - bt->coords; pvm_pkint(&dff, 1, 1); } } }
int send_str(char *str) { int info; PVM_FUNC(info, pvm_pkstr(str)); return(info); }
/*Function: get_task * Given a taskid of the task requesting a new graph, a graph will be sent off of the queue * taskid: the id of the requesting task that needs a new graph */ void send_task(int taskid){ struct entry * task; task = TAILQ_FIRST(&head); TAILQ_REMOVE(&head, task, entries); /*Pop from the queue */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); /*Clear the buffer */ pvm_pkstr(task->graph_text); pvm_send(taskid, MSGTASK); }
int BBSClient::get(const char* key, int type) { #if debug printf("BBSClient::get |%s| type=%d\n", key, type); fflush(stdout); #endif int bufid, nbyte, msgtag, tid, index; pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr((char*)key); return get(type); }
void SendStr(char * str, int tid, int MsgType) { int info; info = pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); if (info) { pvm_pkstr(str); pvm_send(tid, MsgType); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Problems with SendStr : Message type %d\n", MsgType); } }
void SendMessagetoMasterTyp(char* message,int typ){ struct timeval tv ; pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&typ, 1, 1); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); pvm_pklong(&tv.tv_sec,1,1); pvm_pklong(&tv.tv_usec,1,1); pvm_pkstr(message); pvm_send(tid_master, MSG_DBG); }
void BroadStr(char *str, int tids[], int ntids, int MsgType) { int info; info = pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); if (info) { pvm_pkstr(str); pvm_mcast(tids,ntids, MsgType); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Problems with BroadStr : Message type %d\n", MsgType); } }
main() { int ptid; char greetings[100]; ptid=pvm_parent(); /*get tid of task that started me*/ strcpy(greetings,"Hello world from "); gethostname(greetings + strlen(greetings)); pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); /*initialize send buffer*/ pvm_pkstr(greetings); /*XDR encode string into send buffer*/ pvm_send(ptid,1); pvm_exit(); /*disconnect from the PVM*/ exit(0); }
/* add self to worker list */ void hello() { int i,b,n; pvmtaskinfo *ta; pvm_tasks(0,&n,&ta); for (i=0;i<n;i++) if (!strcmp(ta[i].ti_a_out,"kalah")) { pvm_initsend(0); pvm_pkstr(host); pvm_send(ta[i].ti_tid,TAG_HELLO); break; } b = pvm_recv(-1,TAG_WORKERS); if (b < 0) die("Failed to receive worker list\n"); p_handle(b); }
void diag_msg(int mstrtid, int mytid, char *str) { struct timeval current_time; time_t logTime = time(NULL); char *timeStr = asctime(localtime(&logTime)); gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); timeStr[strlen(timeStr)-6] = '\0'; timeStr = timeStr + 11; char message[200]; sprintf(message, "(%d) %s.%zu: %s", mytid, timeStr, current_time.tv_usec, str); // logEvent(mytid, message); pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr(message); pvm_send(mstrtid, MSG_DIAG); }
main() { int ptid; char buf[100]; ptid = pvm_parent(); strcpy(buf, "hello, world from "); gethostname(buf + strlen(buf), 64); pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkstr(buf); pvm_send(ptid, 1); pvm_exit(); exit(0); }
void BBSClient::post(const char* key) { #if debug printf("BBSClient::post |%s|\n", key); fflush(stdout); #endif int index, os; os = pvm_setsbuf(pvm_mkbuf(PvmDataDefault)); pvm_pkstr((char*)key); #if defined(HAVE_PKMESG) pvm_pkmesg(os); index = pvm_send(sid_, POST); #else pvm_send(sid_, CRAY_POST); os = pvm_setsbuf(os); index = pvm_send(sid_, CRAY_POST); #endif pvm_freebuf(os); if (index < 0) {perror("post");} }
void BBSClient::pkstr(const char* s) { int len = strlen(s); if( pvm_pkint(&len, 1, 1)) { perror("pkstr length"); } if( pvm_pkstr((char*)s)) { perror("pkstr string"); } }
main() { int mytid, tid_master; char slave_name[NAMESIZE]; char current_pass[NAMESIZE]; char hash[NAMESIZE]; char current_hash[NAMESIZE]; char znalazl = 0 ; gethostname(slave_name, NAMESIZE+1); mytid = pvm_mytid(); int inst = pvm_joingroup(GRP) ; int tid = pvm_gettid(GRP ,inst); int info = pvm_barrier(GRP,SLAVENUM + 1); pvm_recv( -1, MSG_MSTR ); pvm_upkint(&tid_master, 1, 1 ); pvm_upkstr(hash); //pvm_upkint(&k, 1, 1 ); char poczatek = 97 + inst-1; char c1,c2,c3,c4,c5; for(c1 = poczatek ; c1 <= 'z' ; c1++) { for(c2 = 'a' ; c2 <= 'z' ; c2++) { for(c3 = 'a' ; c3 <= 'z' ; c3++) { for(c4 = 'a' ; c4 <= 'z' ; c4++) { for(c5 = 'a' ; c5 <= 'z' ; c5++) { current_hash[0] = c1 ; current_hash[1] = c2 ; current_hash[2] = c3 ; current_hash[3] = c4 ; current_hash[4] = c5 ; current_hash[6] = 0 ; current_hash = crypt(current_pass,"aa"); if(strcmp(current_hash,hash)==0) { znalazl = 1; break; } if(znalazl) break ; } if(znalazl) break ; } if(znalazl) break ; } if(znalazl) break ; } if(znalazl) break ; } pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); //pvm_pkint(&k, 1, 1); pvm_pkstr(slave_name); if(znalazl) { pvm_pkstr("znalazlem"); } else { pvm_pkstr("nie znalazlem"); } pvm_pkstr(slave_name); pvm_send(tid_master, MSG_SLV); pvm_exit(); }
int main(void) { struct p7trace_s *tr; /* traceback of an alignment */ int master_tid; /* PVM TID of our master */ char *hmmfile; /* file to read HMM(s) from */ HMMFILE *hmmfp; /* opened hmmfile for reading */ struct plan7_s *hmm; char *seq; char *dsq; int len; int nhmm; /* number of HMM to work on */ float sc; int my_idx = -1; /* my index, 0..nslaves-1 */ float globT; /* T parameter: keep only hits > globT bits */ double globE; /* E parameter: keep hits < globE E-value */ double pvalue; /* Z*pvalue = Evalue */ int Z; /* nseq to base E value calculation on */ int send_trace; /* TRUE if score is significant */ int do_xnu; /* TRUE to do XNU filter on seq */ int do_forward; /* TRUE to use Forward() scores not Viterbi */ int do_null2; /* TRUE to correct scores w/ ad hoc null2 */ int alphatype; /* alphabet type, hmmAMINO or hmmNUCLEIC */ int code; /* return code after initialization */ /* Register leave_pvm() cleanup function so any exit() call * first calls pvm_exit(). */ if (atexit(leave_pvm) != 0) { pvm_exit(); Die("slave couldn't register leave_pvm()"); } /***************************************************************** * initialization. * Master broadcasts to us: * 1) len of HMM file name (int) * 2) name of HMM file (string) * 3) length of sequence string (int) * 4) sequence (string) * 5) globT threshold * 6) globE threshold * 7) Z * 8) do_xnu flag * 9) do_forward flag * 10) do_null2 flag * 11) alphabet type * We receive the broadcast and open the files. ******************************************************************/ master_tid = pvm_parent(); /* who's our master? */ pvm_recv(master_tid, HMMPVM_INIT); pvm_upkint(&len, 1, 1); hmmfile = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * (len+1)); pvm_upkstr(hmmfile); pvm_upkint(&len, 1, 1); seq = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * (len+1)); pvm_upkstr(seq); pvm_upkfloat(&globT, 1, 1); pvm_upkdouble(&globE, 1, 1); pvm_upkint(&Z, 1, 1); pvm_upkint(&do_xnu, 1, 1); pvm_upkint(&do_forward, 1, 1); pvm_upkint(&do_null2, 1, 1); pvm_upkint(&alphatype, 1, 1); SetAlphabet(alphatype); /* Open HMM file (maybe in HMMERDB) */ code = HMMPVM_OK; if ((hmmfp = HMMFileOpen(hmmfile, "HMMERDB")) == NULL) code = HMMPVM_NO_HMMFILE; else if (hmmfp->gsi == NULL) code = HMMPVM_NO_INDEX; /* report our status. */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&code, 1, 1); pvm_send(master_tid, HMMPVM_RESULTS); dsq = DigitizeSequence(seq, len); if (do_xnu) XNU(dsq, len); /***************************************************************** * Main loop. * Receive an integer 0..nhmm-1 for which HMM to search against. * If we receive a -1, we shut down. *****************************************************************/ for (;;) { pvm_recv(master_tid, HMMPVM_WORK); pvm_upkint(&nhmm, 1, 1); if (my_idx < 0) my_idx = nhmm; /* first time thru, remember what index we are. */ if (nhmm == -1) break; /* shutdown signal */ /* move to our assigned HMM in the HMM file, and read it */ HMMFilePositionByIndex(hmmfp, nhmm); if (! HMMFileRead(hmmfp, &hmm)) Die("unexpected end of HMM file"); if (hmm == NULL) Die("unexpected failure to parse HMM file"); P7Logoddsify(hmm, TRUE); /* Score sequence, do alignment (Viterbi), recover trace */ if (P7ViterbiSize(len, hmm->M) <= RAMLIMIT) { SQD_DPRINTF1(("P7Viterbi(): Estimated size %d Mb\n", P7ViterbiSize(len, hmm->M))); sc = P7Viterbi(dsq, len, hmm, &tr); } else { SQD_DPRINTF1(("P7SmallViterbi() called; %d Mb > %d\n", P7ViterbiSize(len, hmm->M), RAMLIMIT)); sc = P7SmallViterbi(dsq, len, hmm, &tr); } if (do_forward) sc = P7Forward(dsq, len, hmm, NULL); if (do_null2) sc -= TraceScoreCorrection(hmm, tr, dsq); pvalue = PValue(hmm, sc); send_trace = (sc > globT && pvalue * (float) Z < globE) ? 1 : 0; /* return output */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&my_idx, 1, 1); /* tell master who we are */ pvm_pkstr(hmm->name); /* double check that we did the right thing */ pvm_pkfloat(&sc, 1, 1); pvm_pkdouble(&pvalue, 1, 1); pvm_pkint(&send_trace, 1, 1); /* flag for whether a trace structure is coming */ if (send_trace) PVMPackTrace(tr); pvm_send(master_tid, HMMPVM_RESULTS); /* cleanup */ FreePlan7(hmm); P7FreeTrace(tr); } /*********************************************** * Cleanup, return. ***********************************************/ HMMFileClose(hmmfp); free(seq); free(dsq); free(hmmfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){ int parent_tid = pvm_parent(); int my_tid = pvm_mytid(); DEBUGA("[TID %d] Slave starting ...",my_tid); /* Checking number of arguments */ if(argc<=3){ printf("Error in arguments"); exit(1); } /* Getting password from arguments */ int number_of_threads = atoi(argv[3]); int posi = atoi(argv[4]); int pass_size = atoi(argv[1]); char * password = malloc(sizeof(char)*(pass_size+1)); password[0] = '\0'; strncat(password,argv[2],pass_size); password[pass_size] = '\0'; DEBUGA("[TID %d] Password %s Size %d",my_tid,password,pass_size); char * temp_password = malloc(sizeof(char)*(pass_size+1)); char * interval_start = malloc(sizeof(char)*(pass_size+1)); char * interval_end = malloc(sizeof(char)*(pass_size+1)); char * recv_buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE); recv_buffer[0] = '\0'; unsigned long long interval_size; int buf_size,mes_tag,mes_tid,buf_id; /* Ask parent for new interval */ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&my_tid,1,1); pvm_send(parent_tid,NEED_INTERVAL); buf_id = pvm_recv(parent_tid,-1); pvm_bufinfo(buf_id,&buf_size,&mes_tag,&mes_tid); if(mes_tag == NEW_INTERVAL){ pvm_upkstr(recv_buffer); } else if(mes_tag == NO_NEW_INTERVAL){ exit(1); } else{ exit(1); } /* Extract data from buffer */ interval_start[0] = '\0'; interval_end[0] = '\0'; temp_password[0]='\0'; strncpy(interval_start,recv_buffer,pass_size); interval_start[pass_size] = '\0'; strncpy(interval_end,recv_buffer+pass_size,pass_size); interval_end[pass_size] = '\0'; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_i_manager); init_interval_manager(&i_manager, interval_start, interval_end, password, posi); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_i_manager); /* Creating threads ... */ pthread_t * threads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)*number_of_threads); pthread_attr_t attr; int c_thread = 0; for(c_thread = 0; c_thread < number_of_threads ; ++c_thread){ pthread_create(&threads[c_thread],&attr,find_password_thread,(void*)NULL); } while(1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_action); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_slave_waiting); pthread_cond_wait(&cond_action,&mutex_action); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_slave_waiting); if(action == NEW_INTERVAL){ pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&my_tid,1,1); pvm_send(parent_tid,NEED_INTERVAL); buf_id = pvm_recv(parent_tid,-1); pvm_bufinfo(buf_id,&buf_size,&mes_tag,&mes_tid); if(mes_tag == NEW_INTERVAL){ pvm_upkstr(recv_buffer); interval_start[0] = '\0'; interval_end[0] = '\0'; strncpy(interval_start,recv_buffer,pass_size); interval_start[pass_size] = '\0'; strncpy(interval_end,recv_buffer+pass_size,pass_size); interval_end[pass_size] = '\0'; DEBUGA("New interval start interval : %s end interval : %s",interval_start,interval_end); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_i_manager); set_new_interval(&i_manager,interval_start,interval_end); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_i_manager); } else if(mes_tag == NO_NEW_INTERVAL){ } else{ } } else if (action == FOUND_PASSWORD){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_f_password); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_f_c_password); DEBUGA("[TID %d] Found Password",my_tid); pvm_initsend( PvmDataDefault ); pvm_pkstr(found_char_password); pvm_send(parent_tid,FOUND_PASSWORD); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_f_password); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_f_c_password); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_action); } pvm_send(parent_tid,CHILD_TERMINATE); DEBUGA("[TID %d] Terminating slave",my_tid); free(password); free(temp_password); free(interval_start); free(interval_end); free(recv_buffer); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
main() { GHashTable* skiers_weights = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal); GQueue *waiting_req_q1 = g_queue_new(); GQueue *waiting_req_q2 = g_queue_new(); int first_lift_free, second_lift_free; int mytid, mstrtid, myind, number_of_skiers, *tids, first_lift_capacity, second_lift_capacity, i, phase, local_clock; time_t t; char slave_name[NAMESIZE]; char diag[200]; struct state_info info; mytid = pvm_mytid(); srand(time(NULL) + mytid); gethostname(slave_name, NAMESIZE); pvm_joingroup(GROUP); get_initial_values(&mstrtid, &number_of_skiers, &tids, &skiers_weights, &first_lift_capacity, &second_lift_capacity); info.mstrtid = mstrtid; first_lift_free = first_lift_capacity; second_lift_free = second_lift_capacity; int *my_weight_ptr = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &mytid); int my_weight = *my_weight_ptr; int all_skiers_weight = 0; for(i=0; i<number_of_skiers; i++) { int *lookup = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &tids[i]); all_skiers_weight += *lookup; } all_skiers_weight -= my_weight; sprintf(diag, "sum of all other skiers' weights = %d", all_skiers_weight); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); i=0; while (tids[i] != mytid) { i++; } pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_pkint(&mytid, 1, 1); pvm_pkstr(slave_name); int *wat_to_send = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &mytid); pvm_pkint(wat_to_send, 1, 1); pvm_send(mstrtid, MSG_SLV); // bariera local_clock = 0; pvm_barrier(GROUP, number_of_skiers); int time_to_wait; // main loop diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "entering main loop"); while (1) { int can_enter_lift = 0; int chosen_lift = -1; int accepts_received = 0; int my_request_timestamp = -1; info.accepts_received = &accepts_received; info.my_request_timestamp = &my_request_timestamp; phase = PHASE_DOWNHILL; struct timeval timeout; random_timeout(&timeout, 3, 10); struct timeval start_time; gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); struct timeval elapsed; elapsed.tv_sec = 0; elapsed.tv_usec = 0; sprintf(diag, "entered %s, time=%zu.%zu", stringify(phase), timeout.tv_sec, timeout.tv_usec); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); while (1) { int bufid = pvm_trecv(-1, -1, &timeout); if (bufid) { // diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "Got message in PHASE_DOWNHILL"); struct msg incoming_msg; unpack(&incoming_msg); int *sender_weight = g_hash_table_lookup(skiers_weights, &incoming_msg.sender_tid); // handle the message accordingly prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift, &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg, waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2); info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights; handle_message(incoming_msg, info); } // break the loop if time elapsed is more than the timeout, else wait for another message struct timeval current_time; gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); timeval_subtract(&elapsed, ¤t_time, &start_time); if (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000000 + elapsed.tv_usec >= timeout.tv_sec * 1000000 + timeout.tv_usec) break; else timeval_subtract(&timeout, &timeout, &elapsed); } // want to go up diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, ""); phase = PHASE_WAIT_REQUEST; // choose the lift (1 or 2) // determine if we can fit on the lift (based on our knowledge from the accepts we had sent) sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_WAIT_REQUEST, weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d",my_weight,first_lift_free,second_lift_free); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); if (my_weight > first_lift_free && my_weight > second_lift_free) { // no lift for us // wait for RELEASE messages until we can fit in the lift // meanwhile: handle all incoming messages, responding accordingly (ALWAYS respond with accepts) while (1) { sprintf(diag, "no space in lifts, weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d",my_weight,first_lift_free,second_lift_free); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); int bufid = pvm_recv(-1, -1); struct msg incoming_msg; unpack(&incoming_msg); prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift, &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg, waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2); info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights; handle_message(incoming_msg, info); // now check if we should break the loop and go to the next phase! if (chosen_lift == LIFT_1 || chosen_lift == LIFT_2) { sprintf(diag, "weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d, choosing %s", my_weight, first_lift_free, second_lift_free, stringify(chosen_lift)); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); // broadcast a request with our chosen lift and go to (*) bcast_request_msg(info); break; } } } else { // if there is a fitting lift if (my_weight <= first_lift_free && my_weight > second_lift_free) { // can only go to first lift chosen_lift = LIFT_1; } else if (my_weight > first_lift_free && my_weight <= second_lift_free) { // can only go to second lift chosen_lift = LIFT_2; } else { // can go to either lift - worst fit if (first_lift_free > second_lift_free) chosen_lift = LIFT_1; else if (first_lift_free < second_lift_free) chosen_lift = LIFT_2; else // equal chosen_lift = (rand() % 2 == 1) ? LIFT_1 : LIFT_2; } info.my_lift_number = &chosen_lift; info.mytid = mytid; info.local_clock = &local_clock; info.skiers_weights = skiers_weights; // broadcast a request with our chosen lift and go to (*) bcast_request_msg(info); // sprintf(diag,"So I am here just before broadcasting REQUEST and I choose lift %d and in info %d",chosen_lift, *info.my_lift_number); sprintf(diag, "weight=%d, LIFT_1=%d, LIFT_2=%d, choosing %s", my_weight, first_lift_free, second_lift_free, stringify(chosen_lift)); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); } sprintf(diag, "*** chosen_lift=%s", stringify(chosen_lift)); // waiting for accepts (*) // wait for enough accepts or just as much as required to be sure that we can get in // meanwhile: handle all incoming messages, responding accordingly (not send back accept only to those with worse priority that can't fit together with us) // diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, "entering PHASE_WAIT_ACCEPTS"); phase = PHASE_WAIT_ACCEPTS; int pending = all_skiers_weight; info.pending_accepts_sum = &pending; sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_WAIT_ACCEPTS, lift=%s", stringify(chosen_lift)); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); while (1) { int bufid = pvm_recv(-1, -1); struct msg incoming_msg; unpack(&incoming_msg); prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift, &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg, waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2); handle_message(incoming_msg, info); // check if there are enough amount of acceptes - can break the loop and go to the critical section if (can_enter_lift) { break; } } // random waiting up to the hill - critical section phase = PHASE_CRITICAL; random_timeout(&timeout, 3, 10); gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); elapsed.tv_sec = 0; elapsed.tv_usec = 0; sprintf(diag, "entered PHASE_CRITICAL, lift=%s, time=%zu.%zu", stringify(chosen_lift), timeout.tv_sec, timeout.tv_usec); diag_msg(mstrtid, mytid, diag); while (1) { int bufid = pvm_trecv(-1, -1, &timeout); if (bufid) { // unpack the received message struct msg incoming_msg; // int msgtag = -1, sender_tid = -1, lift_number = -1, timestamp = -1; unpack(&incoming_msg); // handle the message accordingly prepare_info(&info, mytid, &local_clock, phase, &chosen_lift, &can_enter_lift, &first_lift_free, &second_lift_free, incoming_msg, waiting_req_q1, waiting_req_q2); handle_message(incoming_msg, info); } // break the loop if time elapsed is more than the timeout, else wait for another message struct timeval current_time; gettimeofday(¤t_time, NULL); timeval_subtract(&elapsed, ¤t_time, &start_time); if (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000000 + elapsed.tv_usec >= timeout.tv_sec * 1000000 + timeout.tv_usec) break; else timeval_subtract(&timeout, &timeout, &elapsed); } // release - broadcast the RELEASE message to all others info.mytid = mytid; info.local_clock = &local_clock; info.my_lift_number = &chosen_lift; bcast_release_msg(info); // send all the requests stored in the queue (mcast automatically clears it) mcast_accept_msg(info); } pvm_exit(); }
void BBSDirect::pkstr(const char* s) { int len = strlen(s); // printf("pkstr |%s| into %d\n", s, pvm_getsbuf()); if( pvm_pkint(&len, 1, 1)) { perror("pkstr length"); } if( pvm_pkstr((char*)s)) { perror("pkstr string"); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Timeout for Message Receive struct timeval tmout; tmout.tv_usec=100; tmout.tv_sec=0; // Size for Data Packets int data_size; // Numer of running tasks int curcount; // Check if all data sent bool finished; // TID of host to send data int slave_tid; // Data Buffer for outgoing messages int buff; // Read the frequency list read_freq_list(FREQ_LIST_FILE); // Total number of Data Elements int data_count=freq_count; // Current possition in the array int current_data=0; // Store master-id in PVM { int master_id=pvm_mytid(); pvm_delete((char *) "master",0); pvm_insert((char *)"master",0,master_id); // Parameters for Spawn char *params[2]={(char *) "1", NULL}; char *slave=(char *) "matcher_slave"; int tids[HOST_COUNT]; int spawncount=pvm_spawn(slave,params,PvmTaskDefault,NULL,HOST_COUNT,tids); } // Get number of current tasks pvm_tasks(0,&curcount,NULL); finished=false; do { // Check for error if (pvm_probe(-1,MSG_SLAVE_ERROR)) { char error[32]; int err_no=0; pvm_recv(-1,MSG_SLAVE_ERROR); pvm_upkint(&slave_tid,1,1); pvm_upkint(&err_no,1,1); printf("Fehler in Slave %d Code %d\n",slave_tid,err_no); } // Send Data or End-Of-Data else if(pvm_trecv(-1,MSG_SLAVE_READY,&tmout)>0) { pvm_upkint(&slave_tid,1,1); // No more data if (finished) { pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_send(slave_tid,MSG_MASTER_EOD); } // Send data packet else { buff=pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); if (data_count>=PACK_SIZE) data_size=PACK_SIZE; else data_size=data_count; data_count-=data_size; pvm_pkint(&data_size,1,1); for(int ct=0;ct<data_size;ct++) { // Store the data in the buffer if (current_data<=freq_count) { pvm_pkstr(freq_list[current_data]->word.getValue()); pvm_pkulong(&(freq_list[current_data]->count),1,1); current_data++; } } pvm_initsend(PvmDataDefault); pvm_send(slave_tid,MSG_MASTER_DATA); printf("Send %d sets of %d to %d\n",data_size,data_count,slave_tid); if (data_count==0) finished=true; } } // Receive Result else if (pvm_probe(-1,MSG_SLAVE_RESULT)) { if (pvm_trecv(-1,MSG_SLAVE_RESULT,&tmout)>0) { pvm_upkint(&slave_tid,1,1); // Number of elements pvm_upkint(&data_size,1,1); for (int ct=0;ct<data_size;ct++) { unsigned long res1=0; unsigned long res2=0; // Read the result data /* to fill */ // pvm_upkulong(&res1,1,1); // pvm_upkulong(&res2,1,1); // printf("Result %llu\n",(unsigned long long int)res2*ULONG_MAX+res1); } PvmDataDefault pvm_send(slave_tid,MSG_MASTER_EXIT); } } pvm_tasks(0,&curcount,NULL); } while(curcount>2); pvm_exit(); return 0; }