Exemple #1
static PyObject * pycall(CLazyLinker * self, Py_ssize_t node_idx, int verbose)
  // call thunk to see which inputs it wants
  PyObject * thunk = PyList_GetItem(self->thunks, node_idx);
  // refcounting - thunk is borrowed
  PyObject * rval = NULL;
  if (self->do_timing)
      double t0 = pytime(NULL);
      if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "calling via Python (node %i)\n", (int)node_idx);
      rval = PyObject_CallObject(thunk, NULL);
      if (rval)
          double t1 = pytime(NULL);
          double ti = PyFloat_AsDouble(
                         PyList_GetItem(self->call_times, node_idx));
          PyList_SetItem(self->call_times, node_idx,
                         PyFloat_FromDouble(t1 - t0 + ti));
          PyObject * count = PyList_GetItem(self->call_counts, node_idx);
          long icount = PyInt_AsLong(count);
          PyList_SetItem(self->call_counts, node_idx,
                         PyInt_FromLong(icount + 1));
      if (verbose)
          fprintf(stderr, "calling via Python (node %i)\n", (int)node_idx);
      rval = PyObject_CallObject(thunk, NULL);
  return rval;
Exemple #2
static PyObject *
sleepInCpp(PyObject *self, PyObject *seconds)
	double time_to_wait, wait_until;
	time_to_wait = PyFloat_AsDouble(seconds);
	if (PyErr_Occurred())
		return NULL;
	wait_until = pytime() + time_to_wait;
	while (pytime() < wait_until) {
		/* let other processes run */
		printf("sleepInCpp activated\n");
		if (wrap(PyStackless_Schedule(Py_None, 0)))
			return NULL;
	return Py_None;
Exemple #3
static int c_call(CLazyLinker * self, Py_ssize_t node_idx, int verbose)
  void * ptr_addr = self->thunk_cptr_fn[node_idx];
  int (*fn)(void*) = (int (*)(void*))(ptr_addr);
  if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "calling non-lazy shortcut (node %i)\n", (int)node_idx);
  int err = 0;
  if (self->do_timing)
      double t0 = pytime(NULL);
      err = fn(self->thunk_cptr_data[node_idx]);
      double t1 = pytime(NULL);
      double ti = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyList_GetItem(self->call_times, node_idx));
      PyList_SetItem(self->call_times, node_idx, PyFloat_FromDouble(t1 - t0 + ti));
      PyObject * count = PyList_GetItem(self->call_counts, node_idx);
      long icount = PyInt_AsLong(count);
      PyList_SetItem(self->call_counts, node_idx, PyInt_FromLong(icount+1));
      err = fn(self->thunk_cptr_data[node_idx]);

  if (err)
      // cast the argument to a PyList (as described near line 226 of cc.py)
      PyObject * __ERROR = ((PyObject**)self->thunk_cptr_data[node_idx])[0];
      assert (PyList_Check(__ERROR));
      assert (PyList_Size(__ERROR) == 3);
      PyObject * err_type = PyList_GetItem(__ERROR, 0); //stolen ref
      PyObject * err_msg = PyList_GetItem(__ERROR, 1); //stolen ref
      PyObject * err_trace = PyList_GetItem(__ERROR, 2); //stolen ref
      PyList_SET_ITEM(__ERROR, 0, Py_None); Py_INCREF(Py_None); //clobbers old ref
      PyList_SET_ITEM(__ERROR, 1, Py_None); Py_INCREF(Py_None); //clobbers old ref
      PyList_SET_ITEM(__ERROR, 2, Py_None); Py_INCREF(Py_None); //clobbers old ref

      assert(!PyErr_Occurred()); // because CLinker hid the exception in __ERROR aka data
      PyErr_Restore(err_type, err_msg, err_trace); //steals refs to args
  if (err) set_position_of_error(self, node_idx);
  return err;