ngwt__Note *IncidenceConverter::convertToNote(KCal::Journal *journal)
        return 0;
    ngwt__Note *note = soap_new_ngwt__Note(soap(), -1);
    note->startDate = 0;

    if(!convertToCalendarItem(journal, note))
        soap_dealloc(soap(), note);
        return 0;

            note->startDate = qDateToString(journal->dtStart().date());
            note->startDate = qDateTimeToString(journal->dtStart(), mTimezone);

        note->subject = qStringToString(QString("NO SUBJECT"));
    return note;
void IncidenceConverter::setRecurrence(KCal::Incidence *incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem *item)
    kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
    ngwt__Frequency *freq = 0;
    const KCal::Recurrence *recur = incidence->recurrence();

        item->rrule = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceRule(soap(), -1);
        item->rrule->frequency = 0; //
        item->rrule->count = 0;
        item->rrule->until = 0; //
        item->rrule->interval = 0; //
        item->rrule->byDay = 0;
        item->rrule->byYearDay = 0;
        item->rrule->byMonthDay = 0;
        item->rrule->byMonth = 0;
        freq = (ngwt__Frequency *)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(ngwt__Frequency));
        // interval
        if(recur->frequency() > 1)
            item->rrule->interval = (unsigned long *)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(unsigned long *));
            *item->rrule->interval = recur->frequency();
        // end date
        if(recur->duration() > 0)        // number of recurrences. If end date is set we don't use this.
            item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(long unsigned int *));
            *item->rrule->count = recur->duration();
#if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 )
        else if(recur->endDateTime().isValid())
        else if(recur->endDate().isValid())
            item->rrule->until = qDateToString(recur->endDate());
        else // GROUPWISE doesn't accept infinite recurrence so end after GW_MAX_RECURRENCES recurrences
            item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc(soap(), sizeof(long unsigned int *));
            *item->rrule->count = GW_MAX_RECURRENCES;

        // recurrence date - try setting it using the recurrence start date - didn't help
        /*    std::string startDate;
            startDate.append( recur->recurStart().date().toString( Qt::ISODate ).utf8() );
            item->rdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType( soap(), -1 );
            item->rdate->date.push_back( startDate );*/
        // exceptions list - try sending empty list even if no exceptions
#if LIBKCAL_IS_VERSION( 1, 3, 0 )
        KCal::DateList exceptions = recur->exDates();
        KCal::DateList exceptions = incidence->exDates();
            item->exdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType(soap(), -1);
            for(KCal::DateList::ConstIterator it = exceptions.begin(); it != exceptions.end(); ++it)
                std::string startDate;
void IncidenceConverter::setRecurrence( KCal::Incidence * incidence, ngwt__CalendarItem * item )
  kDebug() ;
  ngwt__Frequency * freq = 0;
  const KCal::Recurrence * recur = incidence->recurrence();

  if ( incidence->recurs() )
    item->rrule = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceRule( soap(), -1 );
    item->rrule->frequency = 0; //
    item->rrule->count = 0;
    item->rrule->until = 0; //
    item->rrule->interval = 0; //
    item->rrule->byDay = 0;
    item->rrule->byYearDay = 0;
    item->rrule->byMonthDay = 0;
    item->rrule->byMonth = 0;
    freq = (ngwt__Frequency *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( ngwt__Frequency ) );
    // interval
    if ( recur->frequency() > 1 ) {
      item->rrule->interval = (unsigned long *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( unsigned long * ) );
      *item->rrule->interval = recur->frequency();
    // end date
    if ( recur->duration() > 0 )     // number of recurrences. If end date is set we don't use this.
      item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( long unsigned int * ) );
      *item->rrule->count = recur->duration();
    else if ( recur->endDateTime().isValid() )
      item->rrule->until = qDateToString( recur->endDate() );
    else // GROUPWISE doesn't accept infinite recurrence so end after GW_MAX_RECURRENCES recurrences
      item->rrule->count = (long unsigned int *)soap_malloc( soap(), sizeof( long unsigned int * ) );
      *item->rrule->count = GW_MAX_RECURRENCES;

    // recurrence date - try setting it using the recurrence start date - didn't help
/*    std::string startDate;
    startDate.append( recur->recurStart().date().toString( Qt::ISODate ).toUtf8().data() );
    item->rdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType( soap(), -1 );
    item->rdate->date.push_back( startDate );*/
    // exceptions list - try sending empty list even if no exceptions
    KCal::DateList exceptions = recur->exDates();
    if ( !exceptions.isEmpty() )
      item->exdate = soap_new_ngwt__RecurrenceDateType( soap(), -1 );
      for ( KCal::DateList::ConstIterator it = exceptions.constBegin(); it != exceptions.constEnd(); ++it )
        std::string startDate;
        startDate.append( (*it).toString( Qt::ISODate ).toUtf8().data() );
        item->exdate->date.push_back( startDate );

  if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rDaily )
    kDebug() <<"incidence recurs daily";
    *freq = Daily;
    item->rrule->frequency = freq;
  else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rWeekly )
    kDebug() <<"incidence recurs weekly";
#if 1 //trying out byDay recurrence
    *freq = Weekly;
    item->rrule->frequency = freq;
    // now change the bitArray of the days of the week that it recurs on to a ngwt__DayOfWeekList *
    QBitArray ba = recur->days();
    ngwt__DayOfYearWeekList * weeklyDays = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearWeekList( soap(), -1 );
    for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i )
      if ( ba[i] )
        ngwt__DayOfYearWeek * day = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearWeek( soap(), -1 );
        day->occurrence = 0;
        switch( i )
          case 0:
            day->__item = Monday;
          case 1:
            day->__item = Tuesday;
          case 2:
            day->__item = Wednesday;
          case 3:
            day->__item = Thursday;
          case 4:
            day->__item = Friday;
          case 5:
            day->__item = Saturday;
          case 6:
            day->__item = Sunday;
        weeklyDays->day.push_back( day );
    // add the list of days to the recurrence rule
    item->rrule->byDay = weeklyDays;
  else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rMonthlyDay )
    kDebug() <<"incidence recurs monthly";
    *freq = Monthly;
    item->rrule->frequency = freq;

    // TODO: translate '3rd wednesday of month' etc into rdates
  else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyDay )
    kDebug() <<"incidence recurs yearly on day #";
    *freq = Yearly;
    item->rrule->frequency = freq;
    // TODO: translate '1st sunday in may'
    ngwt__DayOfYearList * daysOfYear = soap_new_ngwt__DayOfYearList( soap(), -1 );
    QList<int> rmd;
    rmd = recur->yearMonths();
    daysOfYear->day.push_back( rmd.first() );

    item->rrule->byYearDay = daysOfYear;
    // no need to do MonthList recurrence as these will appear as separate instances when fetched from GW
  else if ( incidence->recurrenceType() == KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyMonth )
    kDebug() <<"incidence recurs yearly on monthday";
    *freq = Yearly;
    item->rrule->frequency = freq;