Exemple #1
void QSlider::drawWinGroove( QPainter *p, QCOORD c )
    if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, 0, c - 2,  width(), 4, colorGroup(), TRUE );
	p->setPen( colorGroup().foreground() );
	p->drawLine( 1, c - 1, width() - 3, c - 1 );
    } else {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, c - 2, 0, 4, height(), colorGroup(), TRUE );
	p->setPen( colorGroup().foreground() );
	p->drawLine( c - 1, 1, c - 1, height() - 3 );
/*! \reimp */
QWindowsStyle::drawPopupPanel( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h,
			       const QColorGroup &g,  int /* lineWidth */,
			       const QBrush *fill )
    qDrawWinPanel( p, x, y,  w, h, g, FALSE, fill );
Exemple #3
    \fn void QDecorationDefault::paintButton(QPainter *painter, const
    QWidget *widget, int buttonRegion, DecorationState state,
    const QPalette &palette)

    Paints a region of the top-level \a widget. The region is
    painted in the specified decoration \a state using the
    \a painter and \a palette provided. The region to be painted is specified
    by \a buttonRegion, which is a combination of the bitmask values of
    DecorationRegion. If the value of \a buttonRegion is one of \e Help,
    \e Menu, \e Close, \e Minimize, \e Maximize, and \e Normalize, the
    button pixmap for that region is painted.

    \sa pixmapFor()
void QDecorationDefault::paintButton(QPainter *painter,
                                     const QWidget *widget,
                                     int buttonRegion,
                                     DecorationState state,
                                     const QPalette &pal)
    int xoff = 2;
    int yoff = 2;

    const QPixmap pm = pixmapFor(widget, buttonRegion, xoff, yoff);
    QRect brect(QDecoration::region(widget, buttonRegion).boundingRect());
    bool porterDuff = painter->paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PorterDuff);

    if (state & QDecoration::Pressed) {
        if (porterDuff)
        qDrawWinPanel(painter, brect, pal, true, &pal.brush(QPalette::Window));
        if (porterDuff)
    } else {
        painter->fillRect(brect, pal.brush(QPalette::Window));

    if (!pm.isNull())
        painter->drawPixmap(brect.x() + xoff, brect.y() + yoff, pm);
void QWindowsStyle::drawComboButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h,
				     const QColorGroup &g, bool sunken ,
				     bool /* editable */,
				     bool enabled,
				     const QBrush *fill )
    qDrawWinPanel(p, x, y, w, h, g, TRUE,
		   fill?fill:(enabled?&g.brush( QColorGroup::Base ):
				      &g.brush( QColorGroup::Background )));
    // the special reversed left shadow panel ( slightly different from drawPanel() )
    //qDrawWinPanel(p, w-2-16,2,16,h-4, g, sunken);
    // #### DO SUNKEN!
    if ( sunken )
	drawWinShades( p, x+w-2-16, y+2, 16, h-4,
		       g.dark(), g.dark(), g.button(), g.button(), 
		       fill ? fill : &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
	drawWinShades( p, x+w-2-16, y+2, 16, h-4,
		       g.midlight(), g.shadow(), g.light(), g.dark(), 
		       fill ? fill : &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );

    drawArrow( p, QStyle::DownArrow, sunken,
	       x+w-2-16+ 2, y+2+ 2, 16- 4, h-4- 4, g, enabled,
	       fill ? fill : &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );

Exemple #5
  Virtual function that draws the mask of the frame's frame.

  If you reimplemented drawFrame(QPainter*) and your widget should
  support transparency you probably have to re-implement this function as well.

  \sa drawFrame(), updateMask(), QWidget::setAutoMask(), QPainter::setClipRect()
void QFrame::drawFrameMask( QPainter* p )
    QPoint	p1, p2;
    QRect	r     = frameRect();
    int		type  = fstyle & MShape;
    int		style = fstyle & MShadow;
    p->setPen( color1 );
    p->drawRect( r ); //### a bit too simple
    QColorGroup g(color1, color1, color1, color1, color1, color1, color1, color1, color0);

    switch ( type ) {

    case Box:
	if ( style == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    qDrawShadeRect( p, r, g, style == Sunken, lwidth,
			    midLineWidth() );

    case Panel:
	if ( style == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    qDrawShadePanel( p, r, g, style == Sunken, lwidth );

    case WinPanel:
	if ( style == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), wpwidth );
	    qDrawWinPanel( p, r, g, style == Sunken );

    case HLine:
    case VLine:
	if ( type == HLine ) {
	    p1 = QPoint( r.x(), r.height()/2 );
	    p2 = QPoint( r.x()+r.width(), p1.y() );
	else {
	    p1 = QPoint( r.x()+r.width()/2, 0 );
	    p2 = QPoint( p1.x(), r.height() );
	if ( style == Plain ) {
	    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
	    p->setPen( QPen(g.foreground(),lwidth) );
	    p->drawLine( p1, p2 );
	    p->setPen( oldPen );
	    qDrawShadeLine( p, p1, p2, g, style == Sunken,
			    lwidth, midLineWidth() );
#endif // QT_NO_DRAWUTIL
void QWindowsStyle::drawSliderGroove( QPainter *p,
				      int x, int y, int w, int h,
				      const QColorGroup& g, QCOORD c,
				      Orientation orient )

    if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, x, y + c - 2,  w, 4, g, TRUE );
	p->setPen( g.shadow() );
	p->drawLine( x+1, y + c - 1, x + w - 3, y + c - 1 );
    } else {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, x + c - 2, y, 4, h, g, TRUE );
	p->setPen( g.shadow() );
	p->drawLine( x + c - 1, y + 1, x + c - 1, y + h - 3 );

Exemple #7
QvisOpacitySlider::drawSliderGroove(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int,
    int c)
    qDrawWinPanel(p, x, y + c - 2,  w, 4, palette(), TRUE);
    p->drawLine(x+1, y + c - 1, x + w - 3, y + c - 1);
Exemple #8
void QDecorationWindows::paintButton(QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget, int buttonRegion,
                                     DecorationState state, const QPalette &pal)
    QBrush fromBrush, toBrush;
    QPen   titlePen;

    if (widget == qApp->activeWindow() || qApp->activeWindow() == qApp->activePopupWidget()) {
        fromBrush = pal.brush(QPalette::Highlight);
        titlePen  = pal.color(QPalette::HighlightedText);
    } else {
        fromBrush = pal.brush(QPalette::Window);
        titlePen  = pal.color(QPalette::Text);
    toBrush = fromBrush.color().lighter(300);

    QRect brect(QDecoration::region(widget, buttonRegion).boundingRect());
    if (buttonRegion != Close && buttonRegion != Menu)
        painter->fillRect(brect, toBrush);
        painter->fillRect(brect.x() - 2, brect.y(), brect.width() + 4, brect.height(),
                          buttonRegion == Menu ? fromBrush : toBrush);

    int xoff = 1;
    int yoff = 2;
    const QPixmap pm = pixmapFor(widget, buttonRegion, xoff, yoff);
    if (buttonRegion != Menu) {
        if (state & Normal) {
            qDrawWinPanel(painter, brect.x(), brect.y() + 2, brect.width(),
                          brect.height() - 4, pal, false, &pal.brush(QPalette::Window));
        } else if (state & Pressed) {
            qDrawWinPanel(painter, brect.x(), brect.y() + 2, brect.width(),
                          brect.height() - 4, pal, true, &pal.brush(QPalette::Window));
    } else {
        xoff = 0;
        yoff = 2;

    if (!pm.isNull())
        painter->drawPixmap(brect.x() + xoff, brect.y() + yoff, pm);
Exemple #9
void MetalStyle::drawComplexControl( ComplexControl cc,
				     QPainter *p,
				     const QWidget *widget,
				     const QRect &r,
				     const QColorGroup &cg,
				     SFlags how,
				     SCFlags sub,
				     SCFlags subActive,
				     const QStyleOption& opt ) const
    switch ( cc ) {
    case CC_Slider:
	    const QSlider *slider = ( const QSlider* ) widget;
	    QRect handle = querySubControlMetrics( CC_Slider, widget,
						   SC_SliderHandle, opt);
	    if ( sub & SC_SliderGroove )
		QWindowsStyle::drawComplexControl( cc, p, widget, r, cg, how,
						   SC_SliderGroove, subActive, opt );
	    if ( (sub & SC_SliderHandle) && handle.isValid() )
		drawMetalButton( p, handle.x(), handle.y(), handle.width(),
				 handle.height(), FALSE,
				 slider->orientation() == QSlider::Horizontal);
    case CC_ComboBox:
	    // not exactly correct...
	    const QComboBox *cmb = ( const QComboBox* ) widget;
	    qDrawWinPanel( p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), cg, TRUE,
			   cmb->isEnabled() ? &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) :
			                      &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ) );
	    drawMetalButton( p, r.x() + r.width() - 2 - 16, r.y() + 2, 16, r.height() - 4,
			     how & Style_Sunken, TRUE );
	    drawPrimitive( PE_ArrowDown, p,
			   QRect( r.x() + r.width() - 2 - 16 + 2,
				  r.y() + 2 + 2, 16 - 4, r.height() - 4 -4 ),
			   cmb->isEnabled() ? Style_Enabled : Style_Default,
			   opt );
	QWindowsStyle::drawComplexControl( cc, p, widget, r, cg, how, sub, subActive,
					   opt );
void QWindowsStyle::drawIndicator( QPainter* p,
				   int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColorGroup &g,
				   int s, bool down, bool enabled )
#ifndef QT_NO_BUTTON
    QBrush fill;
    if ( s == QButton::NoChange ) {
	QBrush b = p->brush();
	QColor c = p->backgroundColor();
	p->setBackgroundMode( TransparentMode );
	p->setBackgroundColor( green );
	fill = QBrush(g.base(), Dense4Pattern);
	p->setBackgroundColor( c );
	p->setBrush( b );
    } else if ( down )
	fill = g.brush( QColorGroup::Button );
	fill = g.brush( enabled ? QColorGroup::Base : QColorGroup::Background );
    qDrawWinPanel( p, x, y, w, h, g, TRUE, &fill );
    if ( s != QButton::Off ) {
	QPointArray a( 7*2 );
	int i, xx, yy;
	xx = x+3;
	yy = y+5;
	for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy++;
	yy -= 2;
	for ( i=3; i<7; i++ ) {
	    a.setPoint( 2*i,   xx, yy );
	    a.setPoint( 2*i+1, xx, yy+2 );
	    xx++; yy--;
	if ( s == QButton::NoChange ) {
	    p->setPen( g.dark() );
	} else {
	    p->setPen( g.text() );
	p->drawLineSegments( a );
Exemple #11
KDEFX_EXPORT void kDrawRoundButton(QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &g,
                      bool sunken)
    int x, y, x2, y2;
    r.coords(&x, &y, &x2, &y2);
    if(r.width() > 16 && r.height() > 16){
        QPen oldPen = p->pen();
        QPointArray hPntArray, lPntArray;
        hPntArray.putPoints(0, 12, x+4,y+1, x+5,y+1, // top left
                            x+3,y+2, x+2,y+3, x+1,y+4, x+1,y+5,
                            x+1,y2-5, x+1,y2-4, x+2,y2-3, // half corners
                            x2-5,y+1, x2-4,y+1, x2-3,y+2);

        lPntArray.putPoints(0, 17, x2-5,y2-1, x2-4,y2-1, // btm right
                            x2-3,y2-2, x2-2,y2-3, x2-1,y2-5, x2-1,y2-4,
                            x+3,y2-2, x+4,y2-1, x+5,y2-1, //half corners
                            x2-2,y+3, x2-1,y+4, x2-1,y+5,

                            x2-5,y2-2, x2-4,y2-2, // testing
                            x2-2,y2-5, x2-2,y2-4);

        p->setPen(sunken ? g.dark() : g.light());
        p->drawLine(x+6, y, x2-6, y);
        p->drawLine(0, y+6, 0, y2-6);

        p->setPen(sunken ? g.light() : g.dark());
        p->drawLine(x+6, y2, x2-6, y2);
        p->drawLine(x+6, y2-1, x2-6, y2-1);
        p->drawLine(x2, y+6, x2, y2-6);
        p->drawLine(x2-1, y+6, x2-1, y2-6);
        qDrawWinPanel(p, x, y, r.width(), r.height(), g, sunken);
void QWSDefaultDecoration::paintButton(QPainter *painter, const QWidget *w,
			QWSDecoration::Region type, int state)
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
    QStyle &style = QApplication::style();
    const QColorGroup &cg = w->palette().active();

    QRect brect(region(w, w->rect(), type).boundingRect());

    int xoff=2;
    int yoff=2;

    const QPixmap *pm=pixmapFor(w,type,state & QWSButton::On, xoff, yoff);


	if ((state & QWSButton::MouseOver) && (state & QWSButton::Clicked)) {
#if !defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
	    style.drawToolButton(painter, brect.x(), brect.y(), brect.width()-1,
		        brect.height()-1, cg, TRUE,
#elif !defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL)
	    qDrawWinPanel(painter, brect.x(), brect.y(), brect.width()-1,
			brect.height()-1, cg, TRUE,
	    if (pm) painter->drawPixmap(brect.x()+xoff+1, brect.y()+yoff+1, *pm);
	} else {
	    painter->fillRect(brect.x(), brect.y(), brect.width()-1,
			brect.height()-1, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background));
	    if (pm) painter->drawPixmap(brect.x()+xoff, brect.y()+yoff, *pm);


Exemple #13
void Frame::drawFrame(QPainter *p)
    QPoint p1, p2;
    QStyleOptionFrame opt;
    if ( hasFocus() ) {
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
    int frameShape  = frameStyle() & QFrame::Shape_Mask;
    int frameShadow = frameStyle() & QFrame::Shadow_Mask;

    int lw = 0;
    int mlw = 0;
    opt.rect = frameRect();
    switch (frameShape) {
        case QFrame::Box:
        case QFrame::HLine:
        case QFrame::VLine:
        case QFrame::StyledPanel:
            lw = lineWidth();
            mlw = midLineWidth();
            // most frame styles do not handle customized line and midline widths
            // (see updateFrameWidth()).
            lw = frameWidth();
    opt.lineWidth = lw;
    opt.midLineWidth = mlw;
    if (frameShadow == Sunken)
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
    else if (frameShadow == Raised)
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;

    switch (frameShape) {
        case Box:
            if (frameShadow == Plain)
                qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
                qDrawShadeRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw, mlw);

        case StyledPanel:
            style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, p, this);

        case Panel:
            if (frameShadow == Plain)
                qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
                qDrawShadePanel(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw);

        case WinPanel:
            if (frameShadow == Plain)
                qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
                qDrawWinPanel(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken);
        case HLine:
        case VLine:
            if (frameShape == HLine) {
                p1 = QPoint(opt.rect.x(), opt.rect.height() / 2);
                p2 = QPoint(opt.rect.x() + opt.rect.width(), p1.y());
            } else {
                p1 = QPoint(opt.rect.x()+opt.rect.width() / 2, 0);
                p2 = QPoint(p1.x(), opt.rect.height());
            if (frameShadow == Plain) {
                QPen oldPen = p->pen();
                p->setPen(QPen(opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw));
                p->drawLine(p1, p2);
            } else {
                qDrawShadeLine(p, p1, p2, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw, mlw);
Exemple #14
void QLineEdit::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e )
    if ( !d->pm || d->pmDirty ) {
	if ( !d->pm )
	    d->pm = new QPixmap( size() );
	QPainter p( d->pm, this );

	QColorGroup g = colorGroup();
	QColor bg = isEnabled() ? g.base() : g.background();
	QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
	int markBegin = minMark();
	int markEnd = maxMark();
	int margin = frame() ? 2 : 0;

	if ( frame() ) {
	    QBrush fill( bg );
	    qDrawWinPanel( &p, 0, 0, width(), height(), g, TRUE, &fill );
	} else {
	    p.fillRect( 0, 0, width(), height(), bg );

	QString displayText;

	switch( echoMode() ) {
	case Normal:
	    displayText = tbuf.mid( offset, tbuf.length() );
	case NoEcho:
	    displayText = "";
	case Password:
	    displayText.fill( '*', tbuf.length() - offset );

	int ypos = height() - margin - fm.descent() - 1 -
		   (height() - 2*margin - fm.height())/2;

	if ( !displayText.isEmpty() ) {
	    int charsVisible = lastCharVisible() - offset;
	    if ( displayText[ charsVisible ] != '\0' )

	    int mark1,mark2;

	    if ( markBegin > offset ) {
		if ( markBegin <  offset + charsVisible )
		    mark1 = markBegin - offset;
		    mark1 = charsVisible;
	    } else {
		mark1 = 0;

	    if ( markEnd > offset ) {
		if ( markEnd <	offset + charsVisible )
		    mark2 = markEnd - offset;
		    mark2 = charsVisible;
	    } else {
		mark2 = 0;

	    // display code comes here - a bit yucky but it works
	    if ( mark1 != mark2 ) {
		QString marked( displayText.mid( mark1, mark2 - mark1 ) );
		int xpos1 =  margin + 2 + fm.width( displayText, mark1 );
		int xpos2 =  xpos1 + fm.width( marked ) - 1;
		p.fillRect( xpos1, ypos - fm.ascent(),
			    xpos2 - xpos1, fm.height(),
			    style() == WindowsStyle
			    ? QApplication::winStyleHighlightColor()
			    : g.text() );
		p.setPen(  style() == WindowsStyle ? white : g.base() );
		p.drawText( xpos1, ypos, marked );
	    p.setPen( g.text() );
	    if ( mark1 != 0 )
		p.drawText( margin + 2, ypos, displayText, mark1 );
	    if ( mark2 != charsVisible ) {
		QString rest( displayText.mid( mark2, charsVisible - mark2 ) );
		p.drawText( margin + 2 + fm.width( displayText.left( mark2) ),
			    ypos, rest );

	p.setPen( g.foreground() );

	int curXPos = margin + 2;
	if ( echoMode() != NoEcho )
	    curXPos += offset > cursorPos ? -1 : // ?: for scrolling case
			    fm.width( displayText, cursorPos - offset ) - 1;
	int curYPos   = ypos - fm.ascent();
	d->cursorRepaintRect.setRect( curXPos-2, curYPos, 5, fm.height() );
	d->pmDirty = FALSE;
    bitBlt( this, e->rect().topLeft(), d->pm, e->rect() );
    if ( hasFocus() ) {
	if ( cursorOn && d->cursorRepaintRect.intersects( e->rect() ) ) {
	    QPainter p( this );
	    int curYTop = d->cursorRepaintRect.y();
	    int curYBot = d->cursorRepaintRect.bottom();
	    int curXPos = d->cursorRepaintRect.x() + 2;
	    p.drawLine( curXPos, curYTop, curXPos, curYBot );
	    if ( style() != WindowsStyle ) {
		p.drawLine( curXPos - 2, curYTop, curXPos + 2, curYTop );
		p.drawLine( curXPos - 2, curYBot, curXPos + 2, curYBot );
    } else {
	delete d->pm;
	d->pm = 0;

void QFrame::drawFrame(QPainter *p)
    QPoint      p1, p2;
    QRect       r     = frameRect();
    int         type  = fstyle & MShape;
    int         cstyle = fstyle & MShadow;
    p->setPen(black);   // ####
    p->drawRect(r);   //### a bit too simple
    const QColorGroup & g = colorGroup();

#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
    QStyleOption opt(lineWidth(), midLineWidth());

    QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
    if (isEnabled())
        flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
    if (cstyle == Sunken)
        flags |= QStyle::Style_Sunken;
    else if (cstyle == Raised)
        flags |= QStyle::Style_Raised;
    if (hasFocus())
        flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;
    if (hasMouse())
        flags |= QStyle::Style_MouseOver;
#endif // QT_NO_STYLE

    switch (type) {

    case Box:
        if (cstyle == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth);
            qDrawShadeRect(p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken, lwidth,

    case LineEditPanel:
        style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, p, r, g, flags, opt);

    case GroupBoxPanel:
        style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelGroupBox, p, r, g, flags, opt);

    case TabWidgetPanel:
        style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelTabWidget, p, r, g, flags, opt);

    case MenuBarPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
        style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelMenuBar, p, r, g, flags, opt);
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case ToolBarPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
        style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelDockWindow, p, rect(), g, flags, opt);
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case StyledPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
        if (cstyle == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth);
            style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Panel, p, r, g, flags, opt);
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case PopupPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
            int vextra = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuFrameVerticalExtra, this),
                         hextra = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_PopupMenuFrameHorizontalExtra, this);
            if (vextra > 0 || hextra > 0) {
                QRect fr = frameRect();
                int   fw = frameWidth();
                if (vextra > 0) {
                    style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuVerticalExtra, p, this,
                                        QRect(fr.x() + fw, fr.y() + fw, fr.width() - (fw*2), vextra),
                                        g, flags, opt);
                    style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuVerticalExtra, p, this,
                                        QRect(fr.x() + fw, fr.bottom() - fw - vextra, fr.width() - (fw*2), vextra),
                                        g, flags, opt);
                if (hextra > 0) {
                    style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuHorizontalExtra, p, this,
                                        QRect(fr.x() + fw, fr.y() + fw + vextra, hextra, fr.height() - (fw*2) - vextra),
                                        g, flags, opt);
                    style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_PopupMenuHorizontalExtra, p, this,
                                        QRect(fr.right() - fw - hextra, fr.y() + fw + vextra, hextra, fr.height() - (fw*2) - vextra),
                                        g, flags, opt);

            if (cstyle == Plain)
                qDrawPlainRect(p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth);
                style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelPopup, p, r, g, flags, opt);
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case Panel:
        if (cstyle == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth);
            qDrawShadePanel(p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken, lwidth);

    case WinPanel:
        if (cstyle == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, r, g.foreground(), wpwidth);
            qDrawWinPanel(p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken);
    case HLine:
    case VLine:
        if (type == HLine) {
            p1 = QPoint(r.x(), r.height() / 2);
            p2 = QPoint(r.x() + r.width(), p1.y());
        } else {
            p1 = QPoint(r.x() + r.width() / 2, 0);
            p2 = QPoint(p1.x(), r.height());
        if (cstyle == Plain) {
            QPen oldPen = p->pen();
            p->setPen(QPen(g.foreground(), lwidth));
            p->drawLine(p1, p2);
        } else
            qDrawShadeLine(p, p1, p2, g, cstyle == Sunken,
                           lwidth, midLineWidth());
Exemple #16
// draw custom slider + handle for timeslide widget
void MpcTimeSlideStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *opt,
                                       QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget) const
    if( cc == CC_Slider )
        if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
            QRect groove = subControlRect(CC_Slider, slider, SC_SliderGroove, widget);
            QRect handle = subControlRect(CC_Slider, slider, SC_SliderHandle, widget);

            if ((slider->subControls & SC_SliderGroove) && groove.isValid()) {
                if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
                    int x = groove.x() + 2;
                    int y = slider->rect.height() / 2 - 4;
                    int w = groove.width() - 4;
                    int h = 7;
                    qDrawShadeRect (p,x,y,w,h, slider->palette, true,1,0,

            if (slider->subControls & SC_SliderTickmarks) {
                QStyleOptionSlider tmpSlider = *slider;
                tmpSlider.subControls = SC_SliderTickmarks;
                QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(cc, &tmpSlider, p, widget);

            if (slider->subControls & SC_SliderHandle) {
                QBrush handleBrush;

                if (slider->state & State_Enabled) {
                    handleBrush = slider->palette.color(QPalette::Button);
                } else {
                    handleBrush = QBrush(slider->palette.color(QPalette::Button),

                int x = handle.x() , y = handle.y() + 1,
                   wi = 13, he = 14;

                if (slider->state & State_HasFocus) {
                    QStyleOptionFocusRect fropt;
                    fropt.rect = subElementRect(SE_SliderFocusRect, slider, widget);
                    drawPrimitive(PE_FrameFocusRect, &fropt, p, widget);

                Qt::BGMode oldMode = p->backgroundMode();
                qDrawWinPanel(p, QRect(x, y, wi, he), slider->palette, false,
                qDrawShadeRect (p, QRect(x+2,y+3, wi-4, he-6), slider->palette, true,1,0,
Exemple #17
void Q3GroupBox::drawFrame(QPainter *p)
    QPoint      p1, p2;
    QStyleOptionFrame opt;

    int frameShape  = d->frameStyle & QFrame::Shape_Mask;
    int frameShadow = d->frameStyle & QFrame::Shadow_Mask;

    int lw = 0;
    int mlw = 0;
    opt.rect = frameRect();

    switch (frameShape) {
    case QFrame::Box:
    case QFrame::HLine:
    case QFrame::VLine:
    case QFrame::StyledPanel:
        lw = d->lineWidth;
        mlw = d->midLineWidth;
        // most frame styles do not handle customized line and midline widths
        // (see updateFrameWidth()).
        lw = d->frameWidth;
    opt.lineWidth = lw;
    opt.midLineWidth = mlw;
    if (frameShadow == Sunken)
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
    else if (frameShadow == Raised)
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;

    switch (frameShape) {
    case Box:
        if (frameShadow == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
            qDrawShadeRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw, mlw);

    case StyledPanel:
        style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Frame, &opt, p, this);

    case Panel:
        if (frameShadow == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
            qDrawShadePanel(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw);

    case WinPanel:
        if (frameShadow == Plain)
            qDrawPlainRect(p, opt.rect, opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw);
            qDrawWinPanel(p, opt.rect, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken);
    case HLine:
    case VLine:
        if (frameShape == HLine) {
            p1 = QPoint(opt.rect.x(), opt.rect.height() / 2);
            p2 = QPoint(opt.rect.x() + opt.rect.width(), p1.y());
        } else {
            p1 = QPoint(opt.rect.x()+opt.rect.width() / 2, 0);
            p2 = QPoint(p1.x(), opt.rect.height());
        if (frameShadow == Plain) {
            QPen oldPen = p->pen();
            p->setPen(QPen(opt.palette.foreground().color(), lw));
            p->drawLine(p1, p2);
        } else {
            qDrawShadeLine(p, p1, p2, opt.palette, frameShadow == Sunken, lw, mlw);

    if (QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled() && hasFocus()) {
        QStyleOptionFocusRect fopt;
        fopt.state |= QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange;
        fopt.rect = frameRect();
        style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &fopt, p, this);
void QWindowsStyle::drawSplitter( QPainter *p,  int x, int y, int w, int h,
				  const QColorGroup &g,  Orientation)
	qDrawWinPanel( p, x, y, w, h, g );
void QWSDefaultDecoration::paint(QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget)
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
    QStyle &style = QApplication::style();

    int titleWidth = getTitleWidth(widget);
    int titleHeight = getTitleHeight(widget);

    QRect rect(widget->rect());

    // Border rect
    QRect br( rect.left() - BORDER_WIDTH,
                rect.top() - BORDER_WIDTH - titleHeight,
                rect.width() + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH,
                rect.height() + BORDER_WIDTH + BOTTOM_BORDER_WIDTH + titleHeight );

    // title bar rect
    QRect tr;

        tr = QRect( titleHeight, -titleHeight,  titleWidth, titleHeight - 1);

    QRegion oldClip = painter->clipRegion();
    painter->setClipRegion( oldClip - QRegion( tr ) );	// reduce flicker

    // const QColorGroup &cg = QApplication::palette().active();
    const QColorGroup &cg = widget->palette().active();

#if !defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
    style.drawPanel(painter, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(),
		    br.height() - 4, cg, FALSE, 2,
#elif !defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL)
    qDrawWinPanel(painter, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(),
		  br.height() - 4, cg, FALSE,

    painter->setClipRegion( oldClip );

    if (titleWidth > 0) {
	QBrush titleBrush;
	QPen   titlePen;
	int    titleLeft = titleHeight + 4;

	if (widget == qApp->activeWindow()) {
	    titleBrush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight);
	    titlePen   = cg.color(QColorGroup::HighlightedText);
	} else {
	    titleBrush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background);
	    titlePen   = cg.color(QColorGroup::Text);

#define CLAMP(x, y)	    ( ((x) > (y)) ? (y) : (x) )


#if !defined(QT_NO_STYLE)
	    style.drawPanel(painter, tr.x(), tr.y(), tr.width(), tr.height(),
			    cg, TRUE, 1, &titleBrush);
#elif !defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL)
	    qDrawWinPanel(painter, tr.x(), tr.y(), tr.width(), tr.height(),
			    cg, TRUE, &titleBrush);

	    painter->drawText( titleLeft, -titleHeight,
			    titleWidth-5, titleHeight - 1,
			    QPainter::AlignVCenter, widget->caption());

	painter->drawText( titleLeft, -titleHeight,
	 		rect.width() - titleHeight - 10, titleHeight-1,
			QPainter::AlignVCenter, widget->caption());

#endif //QT_NO_PALETTE

Exemple #20
void qDrawWinPanel( QPainter *p, const QRect &r,
		    const QColorGroup &g, bool sunken,
		    const QBrush *fill )
    qDrawWinPanel( p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), g, sunken, fill );
Exemple #21
  Paints the border and title decoration for the top-level \a widget
  using the \a painter provided and the decoration \a state. The value
  of \a decorationRegion is a combination of the bitmask values of
  enum DecorationRegion.

  Note that Qt for Embedded Linux expects this function to return true if any of
  the widget's decorations are repainted; otherwise it returns false.
bool QDecorationDefault::paint(QPainter *painter,
                               const QWidget *widget,
                               int decorationRegion,
                               DecorationState state)
    if (decorationRegion == None)
        return false;

    const QRect titleRect = QDecoration::region(widget, Title).boundingRect();
    const QPalette pal = QApplication::palette();
    int titleHeight = titleRect.height();
    int titleWidth = titleRect.width();
    QRegion oldClipRegion = painter->clipRegion();

    Qt::WindowFlags flags = widget->windowFlags();
    bool hasBorder = !widget->isMaximized();
    bool hasTitle = flags & Qt::WindowTitleHint;
    bool hasSysMenu = flags & Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint;
    bool hasContextHelp = flags & Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint;
    bool hasMinimize = flags & Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint;
    bool hasMaximize = flags & Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint;

    bool paintAll = (decorationRegion == int(All));
    bool handled = false;

    bool porterDuff = painter->paintEngine()->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PorterDuff);

    if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Borders) && state == Normal && hasBorder) {
        if (hasTitle) { // reduce flicker
            QRect rect(widget->rect());
            QRect r(rect.left(), rect.top() - titleHeight,
                    rect.width(), titleHeight);
            painter->setClipRegion(oldClipRegion - r);
        QRect br = QDecoration::region(widget).boundingRect();
        if (porterDuff)
        qDrawWinPanel(painter, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(),
                    br.height(), pal, false,
        if (porterDuff)
        handled |= true;

    if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Title && titleWidth > 0) && state == Normal && hasTitle) {
        QBrush titleBrush;
        QPen   titlePen;

        if (widget == qApp->activeWindow()) {
            titleBrush = pal.brush(QPalette::Highlight);
            titlePen   = pal.color(QPalette::HighlightedText);
        } else {
            titleBrush = pal.brush(QPalette::Window);
            titlePen   = pal.color(QPalette::Text);

        if (porterDuff)
                        titleRect.x(), titleRect.y(), titleRect.width(), titleRect.height(),
                        pal, true, 1, &titleBrush);
        if (porterDuff)

        painter->drawText(titleRect.x() + 4, titleRect.y(),
                          titleRect.width() - 8, titleRect.height(),
                          Qt::AlignVCenter, windowTitleFor(widget));
        handled |= true;

    if (state != Hover) {
        if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Menu) && hasSysMenu) {
            paintButton(painter, widget, Menu, state, pal);
            handled |= true;

        if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Help) && hasContextHelp) {
            paintButton(painter, widget, Help, state, pal);
            handled |= true;

        if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Minimize) && hasMinimize) {
            paintButton(painter, widget, Minimize, state, pal);
            handled |= true;

        if ((paintAll || decorationRegion & Maximize) && hasMaximize) {
            paintButton(painter, widget,
                        ((widget->windowState() & Qt::WindowMaximized)? Normalize : Maximize),
                        state, pal);
            handled |= true;

        if (paintAll || decorationRegion & Close) {
            paintButton(painter, widget, Close, state, pal);
            handled |= true;
    return handled;
void QWindowsStyle::drawScrollBarControls( QPainter* p, const QScrollBar* sb, int sliderStart, uint controls, uint activeControl )
#define ADD_LINE_ACTIVE ( activeControl == AddLine )
#define SUB_LINE_ACTIVE ( activeControl == SubLine )
    QColorGroup g  = sb->colorGroup();

    int sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim;
    scrollBarMetrics( sb, sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderLength, buttonDim );

    if (sliderStart > sliderMax) { // sanity check
	sliderStart = sliderMax;

    int b = 0;
    int dimB = buttonDim;
    QRect addB;
    QRect subB;
    QRect addPageR;
    QRect subPageR;
    QRect sliderR;
    int addX, addY, subX, subY;
    int length = HORIZONTAL ? sb->width()  : sb->height();
    int extent = HORIZONTAL ? sb->height() : sb->width();

    if ( HORIZONTAL ) {
	subY = addY = ( extent - dimB ) / 2;
	subX = b;
	addX = length - dimB - b;
    } else {
	subX = addX = ( extent - dimB ) / 2;
	subY = b;
	addY = length - dimB - b;

    subB.setRect( subX,subY,dimB,dimB );
    addB.setRect( addX,addY,dimB,dimB );

    int sliderEnd = sliderStart + sliderLength;
    int sliderW = extent - b*2;
    if ( HORIZONTAL ) {
	subPageR.setRect( subB.right() + 1, b,
			  sliderStart - subB.right() - 1 , sliderW );
	addPageR.setRect( sliderEnd, b, addX - sliderEnd, sliderW );
	sliderR .setRect( sliderStart, b, sliderLength, sliderW );
    } else {
	subPageR.setRect( b, subB.bottom() + 1, sliderW,
			  sliderStart - subB.bottom() - 1 );
	addPageR.setRect( b, sliderEnd, sliderW, addY - sliderEnd );
	sliderR .setRect( b, sliderStart, sliderW, sliderLength );

    bool maxedOut = (sb->maxValue() == sb->minValue());
    if ( controls & AddLine ) {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, addB.x(), addB.y(),
		       addB.width(), addB.height(), g,
		       ADD_LINE_ACTIVE, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
	drawArrow( p, VERTICAL ? DownArrow : RightArrow,
		   ADD_LINE_ACTIVE, addB.x()+2, addB.y()+2,
		   addB.width()-4, addB.height()-4, g, !maxedOut );
    if ( controls & SubLine ) {
	qDrawWinPanel( p, subB.x(), subB.y(),
		       subB.width(), subB.height(), g,
		       SUB_LINE_ACTIVE, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button )  );
	drawArrow( p, VERTICAL ? UpArrow : LeftArrow,
		   SUB_LINE_ACTIVE, subB.x()+2, subB.y()+2,
		   subB.width()-4, subB.height()-4, g, !maxedOut );
    QBrush br =
	g.brush( QColorGroup::Light ).pixmap() ?
		 g.brush( QColorGroup::Light )     :
		 QBrush(g.light(), Dense4Pattern);
    p->setBrush( br );
    p->setPen( NoPen );
    p->setBackgroundMode( OpaqueMode );
    if ( maxedOut ) {
	p->drawRect( sliderR );
    } else {
	if ( (controls & SubPage && SubPage == activeControl) ||
	     (controls  & AddPage && AddPage == activeControl) ) {
	    QBrush b = p->brush();
	    QColor c = p->backgroundColor();
// 	    p->fillRect( AddPage == activeControl? addPageR : subPageR, g.fillDark() );
	    p->setBackgroundColor( g.dark() );
	    p->setBrush( QBrush(g.shadow(), Dense4Pattern) );
	    p->drawRect( AddPage == activeControl? addPageR : subPageR );
	    p->setBackgroundColor( c );
	    p->setBrush( b );
	if ( controls & SubPage && SubPage != activeControl)
	    p->drawRect( subPageR );
	if ( controls & AddPage && AddPage != activeControl)
	    p->drawRect( addPageR );
	if ( controls & Slider ) {
	    if ( !maxedOut ) {
		QPoint bo = p->brushOrigin();
		if ( !sb->testWState(WState_GlobalBrushOrigin) )
		qDrawWinPanel( p, sliderR.x(), sliderR.y(),
				 sliderR.width(), sliderR.height(), g,
				 FALSE, &g.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) );
    // ### perhaps this should not be able to accept focus if maxedOut?
    if ( sb->hasFocus() && (controls & Slider) )
	drawFocusRect(p, QRect(sliderR.x()+2, sliderR.y()+2,
			       sliderR.width()-5, sliderR.height()-5), g,
Exemple #23
void qDrawWinPanel(QPainter *p, const QRect &r,
                    const QPalette &pal, bool sunken, const QBrush *fill)
    qDrawWinPanel(p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), pal, sunken, fill);
Exemple #24
void QFrame::drawFrame( QPainter *p )
    QPoint	p1, p2;
    QRect	r     = frameRect();
    int		type  = fstyle & MShape;
    int		cstyle = fstyle & MShadow;
    p->setPen( black ); // ####
    p->drawRect( r ); //### a bit too simple

    const QColorGroup & g = colorGroup();

    switch ( type ) {

    case Box:
	if ( cstyle == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    qDrawShadeRect( p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken, lwidth,
			    midLineWidth() );

    case StyledPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
	if ( cstyle == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    style().drawPanel( p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), g, cstyle == Sunken, lwidth );
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case PopupPanel:
#ifndef QT_NO_STYLE
	if ( cstyle == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    style().drawPopupPanel( p, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), g, lwidth );
#endif // fall through to Panel if QT_NO_STYLE

    case Panel:
	if ( cstyle == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), lwidth );
	    qDrawShadePanel( p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken, lwidth );

    case WinPanel:
	if ( cstyle == Plain )
	    qDrawPlainRect( p, r, g.foreground(), wpwidth );
	    qDrawWinPanel( p, r, g, cstyle == Sunken );

    case HLine:
    case VLine:
	if ( type == HLine ) {
	    p1 = QPoint( r.x(), r.height()/2 );
	    p2 = QPoint( r.x()+r.width(), p1.y() );
	else {
	    p1 = QPoint( r.x()+r.width()/2, 0 );
	    p2 = QPoint( p1.x(), r.height() );
	if ( cstyle == Plain ) {
	    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
	    p->setPen( QPen(g.foreground(),lwidth) );
	    p->drawLine( p1, p2 );
	    p->setPen( oldPen );
	    qDrawShadeLine( p, p1, p2, g, cstyle == Sunken,
			    lwidth, midLineWidth() );
#endif // QT_NO_DRAWUTIL
Exemple #25
  Draw a rectangular frame

  \param painter Painter
  \param rect Frame rectangle
  \param palette Palette
  \param foregroundRole Foreground role used for QFrame::Plain
  \param frameWidth Frame width
  \param midLineWidth Used for QFrame::Box
  \param frameStyle bitwise OR´ed value of QFrame::Shape and QFrame::Shadow
void QwtPainter::drawFrame( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect,
    const QPalette &palette, QPalette::ColorRole foregroundRole,
    int frameWidth, int midLineWidth, int frameStyle )
    if ( frameWidth <= 0 || rect.isEmpty() )

    const int shadow = frameStyle & QFrame::Shadow_Mask;


    if ( shadow == QFrame::Plain )
        const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
        const QRectF innerRect = outerRect.adjusted(
            frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );

        QPainterPath path;
        path.addRect( outerRect );
        path.addRect( innerRect );

        painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
        painter->setBrush( palette.color( foregroundRole ) );

        painter->drawPath( path );
        const int shape = frameStyle & QFrame::Shape_Mask;

        if ( shape == QFrame::Box )
            const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
            const QRectF midRect1 = outerRect.adjusted(
                frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );
            const QRectF midRect2 = midRect1.adjusted(
                midLineWidth, midLineWidth, -midLineWidth, -midLineWidth );

            const QRectF innerRect = midRect2.adjusted(
                frameWidth, frameWidth, -frameWidth, -frameWidth );

            QPainterPath path1;
            path1.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( outerRect.topLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
            path1.lineTo( midRect1.topRight() );
            path1.lineTo( midRect1.topLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( midRect1.bottomLeft() );

            QPainterPath path2;
            path2.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
            path2.lineTo( outerRect.bottomRight() );
            path2.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
            path2.lineTo( midRect1.topRight() );
            path2.lineTo( midRect1.bottomRight() );
            path2.lineTo( midRect1.bottomLeft() );

            QPainterPath path3;
            path3.moveTo( midRect2.bottomLeft() );
            path3.lineTo( midRect2.topLeft() );
            path3.lineTo( midRect2.topRight() );
            path3.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
            path3.lineTo( innerRect.topLeft() );
            path3.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );

            QPainterPath path4;
            path4.moveTo( midRect2.bottomLeft() );
            path4.lineTo( midRect2.bottomRight() );
            path4.lineTo( midRect2.topRight() );
            path4.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
            path4.lineTo( innerRect.bottomRight() );
            path4.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );

            QPainterPath path5;
            path5.addRect( midRect1 );
            path5.addRect( midRect2 );

            painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );

            QBrush brush1 = palette.dark().color();
            QBrush brush2 = palette.light().color();

            if ( shadow == QFrame::Raised )
                qSwap( brush1, brush2 );

            painter->setBrush( brush1 );
            painter->drawPath( path1 );
            painter->drawPath( path4 );

            painter->setBrush( brush2 );
            painter->drawPath( path2 );
            painter->drawPath( path3 );

            painter->setBrush( palette.mid() );
            painter->drawPath( path5 );
#if 0
        // qDrawWinPanel doesn't result in something nice
        // on a scalable document like PDF. Better draw a
        // Panel.

        else if ( shape == QFrame::WinPanel )
            painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::NonCosmeticDefaultPen, true );
            qDrawWinPanel ( painter, rect.toRect(), palette,
                frameStyle & QFrame::Sunken );
        else if ( shape == QFrame::StyledPanel )
            const QRectF outerRect = rect.adjusted( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -1.0 );
            const QRectF innerRect = outerRect.adjusted(
                frameWidth - 1.0, frameWidth - 1.0,
                -( frameWidth - 1.0 ), -( frameWidth - 1.0 ) );

            QPainterPath path1;
            path1.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( outerRect.topLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
            path1.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
            path1.lineTo( innerRect.topLeft() );
            path1.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );

            QPainterPath path2;
            path2.moveTo( outerRect.bottomLeft() );
            path2.lineTo( outerRect.bottomRight() );
            path2.lineTo( outerRect.topRight() );
            path2.lineTo( innerRect.topRight() );
            path2.lineTo( innerRect.bottomRight() );
            path2.lineTo( innerRect.bottomLeft() );

            painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );

            QBrush brush1 = palette.dark().color();
            QBrush brush2 = palette.light().color();

            if ( shadow == QFrame::Raised )
                qSwap( brush1, brush2 );

            painter->setBrush( brush1 );
            painter->drawPath( path1 );

            painter->setBrush( brush2 );
            painter->drawPath( path2 );


void QWSWindowsDecoration::paint(QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget)
    int titleWidth = getTitleWidth(widget);
    int titleHeight = getTitleHeight(widget);

    QRect rect(widget->rect());

    // Border rect
    QRect br( rect.left() - BORDER_WIDTH,
                rect.top() - BORDER_WIDTH - titleHeight,
                rect.width() + 2 * BORDER_WIDTH,
                rect.height() + BORDER_WIDTH + BOTTOM_BORDER_WIDTH + titleHeight );

    // title bar rect
    QRect tr( 0, -titleHeight,  titleWidth - 1, titleHeight - 1);

    QRegion oldClip = painter->clipRegion();
    painter->setClipRegion( oldClip - QRegion( tr ) );	// reduce flicker

    const QColorGroup &cg = QApplication::palette().active();
//    const QColorGroup &cg = widget->palette().active();

#if !defined(QT_NO_DRAWUTIL)
    qDrawWinPanel(painter, br.x(), br.y(), br.width(),
		  br.height() - 4, cg, FALSE,

    painter->setClipRegion( oldClip );

    if (titleWidth > 0) {
	QBrush titleBrush;
	QPen   titlePen;
	int    titleLeft = titleHeight + 4;

	if (widget == qApp->activeWindow()) {
	    titleBrush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight);
	    titlePen   = cg.color(QColorGroup::HighlightedText);
	} else {
	    titleBrush = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background);
	    titlePen   = cg.color(QColorGroup::Text);

#define CLAMP(x, y)	    ( ((x) > (y)) ? (y) : (x) )

	int x = tr.x();
	QColor c1 = titleBrush.color();
	QColor c2 = titleBrush.color();
	if (widget == qApp->activeWindow()) {
	    c1 = QColor( 0x10, 0x20, 0x90 ); // '98 Blue
	    // c2 = QColor( 0x50, 0x60, 0xD0 );
	    c2 = QColor( 0x70, 0x70, 0x70 );
	    // c1 = QColor( 0xBA, 0xC4, 0x05 ); // Trolltech Green
	    // c1 = QColor( 0xAA, 0xB4, 0x00 ); // Trolltech Green
	    // c2 = QColor( 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 );
	} else {
	    c1 = QColor( 0x20, 0x30, 0x50 );
	    // c2 = QColor( 0x60, 0x70, 0x90 );
	    // c2 = QColor( 0x40, 0x40, 0x40 );
	    c2 = QColor( 0x70, 0x70, 0x70 );
	    titlePen = QPen( QColor( 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 ) );
	int r = c1.red();
	int g = c1.green();
	int b = c1.blue();
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
	    int dr = r + (c2.red() * i) / 100;
	    int dg = g + (c2.green() * i) / 100;
	    int db = b + (c2.blue() * i) / 100;
	    x = tr.x() + (tr.width() * i) / 100;
	    int x2 = tr.x() + (tr.width() * (i + 1)) / 100;
	    QBrush tbr = QBrush( QColor( CLAMP(dr,255), CLAMP(dg,255), CLAMP(db,255) ) );
	    painter->fillRect( x, tr.y(), x2 - x, tr.height(), tbr);
	painter->drawText( titleLeft, -titleHeight,
	 		rect.width() - titleHeight - 10, titleHeight-1,
			QPainter::AlignVCenter, widget->caption());

#endif //QT_NO_PALETTE
