void vrpn_Tracker_WiimoteHead::_update_gravity_moving_avg() {
	// Moving average of last three gravity vectors
	/// @todo replace/supplement gravity moving average with Kalman filter
	q_vec_type movingAvg = Q_NULL_VECTOR;

	q_vec_copy(movingAvg, d_vGrav);
	q_vec_add(movingAvg, movingAvg, d_vGravPenultimate);
	q_vec_add(movingAvg, movingAvg, d_vGravAntepenultimate);
	q_vec_scale(movingAvg, 0.33333, movingAvg);

	// reset gravity transform

	q_vec_type regulargravity = Q_NULL_VECTOR;
	regulargravity[2] = 1;

	q_from_two_vecs(d_gravityXform.quat, movingAvg, regulargravity);
	d_gravDirty = false;
Exemple #2
void	vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner::update_matrix_based_on_values(double time_interval)
  // Adjust the orientation based on the rotational velocity, which is
  // measured in the rotated coordinate system.  We need to rotate the
  // difference vector back to the canonical orientation, apply the
  // orientation change there, and then rotate back.
  // Be sure to scale by the time value.
  q_type forward, inverse;
  q_copy(forward, d_quat);
  q_invert(inverse, forward);
  // Remember that Euler angles in Quatlib have rotation around Z in
  // the first term.  Compute the time-scaled delta transform in
  // canonical space.
  q_type delta;
    time_interval * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_Z],
    time_interval * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_Y],
    time_interval * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_X]);
  // Bring the delta back into canonical space
  q_type canonical;
  q_mult(canonical, delta, inverse);
  q_mult(canonical, forward, canonical);
  q_mult(d_quat, canonical, d_quat);

  // To the extent that the acceleration vector's magnitude is equal
  // to the expected gravity, rotate the orientation so that the vector
  // points downward.  This is measured in the rotated coordinate system,
  // so we need to rotate back to canonical orientation and apply
  // the difference there and then rotate back.  The rate of rotation
  // should be as specified in the gravity-rotation-rate parameter so
  // we don't swing the head around too quickly but only slowly re-adjust.

  double accel = sqrt(
      d_acceleration.values[0] * d_acceleration.values[0] +
      d_acceleration.values[1] * d_acceleration.values[1] +
      d_acceleration.values[2] * d_acceleration.values[2] );
  double diff = fabs(accel - 9.80665);

  // Only adjust if we're close enough to the expected gravity
  // @todo In a more complicated IMU tracker, base this on state and
  // error estimates from a Kalman or other filter.
  double scale = 1.0 - diff;
  if (scale > 0) {
    // Get a new forward and inverse matrix from the current, just-
    // rotated matrix.
    q_copy(forward, d_quat);

    // Change how fast we adjust based on how close we are to the
    // expected value of gravity.  Then further scale this by the
	// amount of time since the last estimate.
    double gravity_scale = scale * d_gravity_restore_rate * time_interval;

	// Rotate the gravity vector by the estimated transform.
	// We expect this direction to match the global down (-Y) vector.
	q_vec_type gravity_global;
	q_vec_set(gravity_global, d_acceleration.values[0],
		d_acceleration.values[1], d_acceleration.values[2]);
	q_vec_normalize(gravity_global, gravity_global);
	q_xform(gravity_global, forward, gravity_global);
	//printf("  XXX Gravity: %lg, %lg, %lg\n", gravity_global[0], gravity_global[1], gravity_global[2]);

	// Determine the rotation needed to take gravity and rotate
	// it into the direction of -Y.
	q_vec_type neg_y;
	q_vec_set(neg_y, 0, -1, 0);
	q_type rot;
	q_from_two_vecs(rot, gravity_global, neg_y);

	// Scale the rotation by the fraction of the orientation we
	// should remove based on the time that has passed, how well our
	// gravity vector matches expected, and the specified rate of
	// correction.
	static q_type identity = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
	q_type scaled_rot;
	q_slerp(scaled_rot, identity, rot, gravity_scale);
	//printf("XXX Scaling gravity vector by %lg\n", gravity_scale);

    // Rotate by this angle.
    q_mult(d_quat, scaled_rot, d_quat);

    // If we are getting compass data, and to the extent that the
    // acceleration vector's magnitude is equal to the expected gravity,
    // compute the cross product of the cross product to find the
    // direction of north perpendicular to down.  This is measured in
    // the rotated coordinate system, so we need to rotate back to the
    // canonical orientation and do the comparison there.
	//  The fraction of rotation should be as specified in the
    // magnetometer-rotation-rate parameter so we don't swing the head
    // around too quickly but only slowly re-adjust.

    if (d_magnetometer.ana != NULL) {
      // Get a new forward and inverse matrix from the current, just-
      // rotated matrix.
      q_copy(forward, d_quat);

      // Find the North vector that is perpendicular to gravity by
      // clearing its Y axis to zero and renormalizing.
	  q_vec_type magnetometer;
      q_vec_set(magnetometer, d_magnetometer.values[0],
        d_magnetometer.values[1], d_magnetometer.values[2]);
	  q_vec_type magnetometer_global;
	  q_xform(magnetometer_global, forward, magnetometer);
	  magnetometer_global[Q_Y] = 0;
	  q_vec_type north_global;
	  q_vec_normalize(north_global, magnetometer_global);
	  //printf("  XXX north_global: %lg, %lg, %lg\n", north_global[0], north_global[1], north_global[2]);

      // Determine the rotation needed to take north and rotate it
	  // into the direction of negative Z.
	  q_vec_type neg_z;
	  q_vec_set(neg_z, 0, 0, -1);
	  q_from_two_vecs(rot, north_global, neg_z);

	  // Change how fast we adjust based on how close we are to the
	  // expected value of gravity.  Then further scale this by the
	  // amount of time since the last estimate.
	  double north_rate = scale * d_north_restore_rate * time_interval;

	  // Scale the rotation by the fraction of the orientation we
	  // should remove based on the time that has passed, how well our
	  // gravity vector matches expected, and the specified rate of
	  // correction.
	  static q_type identity = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
	  q_slerp(scaled_rot, identity, rot, north_rate);

      // Rotate by this angle.
      q_mult(d_quat, scaled_rot, d_quat);

  // Compute and store the velocity information
  // This will be in the rotated coordinate system, so we need to
  // rotate back to the identity orientation before storing.
  // Convert from radians/second into a quaternion rotation as
  // rotated in a hundredth of a second and set the rotational
  // velocity dt to a hundredth of a second so that we don't
  // risk wrapping.
  // Remember that Euler angles in Quatlib have rotation around Z in
  // the first term.  Compute the time-scaled delta transform in
  // canonical space.
    1e-2 * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_Z],
    1e-2 * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_Y],
    1e-2 * d_rotational_vel.values[Q_X]);
  // Bring the delta back into canonical space
  q_mult(canonical, delta, inverse);
  q_mult(vel_quat, forward, canonical);
  vel_quat_dt = 1e-2;