Exemple #1
convex_hull_compute(double*         points,
	                  std::size_t     npoints,
	                  point_oiter_t   chull,
	                  tri_id_oiter_t  tri_ids,
	                  std::size_t     tri_id_offset)
  qh_init_A(0, 0, stderr, 0, 0);
  qh_init_B(points, int(npoints), int(N), false);
  qh_initflags((char*)"qhull Pp QJ");

  // set by FORALLfacets:
  facetT *facet;
  // set by FORALLvertices, FOREACHvertex_:
  vertexT *vertex;
  // set by FOREACHvertex_:
  vertexT **vertexp;

  coordT *point, *pointtemp;

  FORALLpoints {
    opoint_t p;
    std::copy(point, point + N, &p[0]);
    *chull = p;

  FORALLfacets {
    setT const* const tri = qh_facet3vertex(facet);
    FOREACHvertex_(tri) {
      *tri_ids = qh_pointid(vertex->point) + (int)tri_id_offset;


  int curlong, totlong;
  qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);

  if(curlong || totlong) throw std::runtime_error("qhull memory was not freed");
Exemple #2
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::performReconstruction3D (
    PointCloud &hull, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons, bool fill_polygon_data)
  int dimension = 3;

  // True if qhull should free points in qh_freeqhull() or reallocation
  boolT ismalloc = True;
  // output from qh_produce_output(), use NULL to skip qh_produce_output()
  FILE *outfile = NULL;

  if (compute_area_)
    outfile = stderr;

  // option flags for qhull, see qh_opt.htm
  const char *flags = qhull_flags.c_str ();
  // error messages from qhull code
  FILE *errfile = stderr;

  // Array of coordinates for each point
  coordT *points = reinterpret_cast<coordT*> (calloc (indices_->size () * dimension, sizeof (coordT)));

  int j = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_->size (); ++i, j+=dimension)
    points[j + 0] = static_cast<coordT> (input_->points[(*indices_)[i]].x);
    points[j + 1] = static_cast<coordT> (input_->points[(*indices_)[i]].y);
    points[j + 2] = static_cast<coordT> (input_->points[(*indices_)[i]].z);

  // Compute convex hull
  int exitcode = qh_new_qhull (dimension, static_cast<int> (indices_->size ()), points, ismalloc, const_cast<char*> (flags), outfile, errfile);

  // 0 if no error from qhull
  if (exitcode != 0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::performReconstrution3D] ERROR: qhull was unable to compute a convex hull for the given point cloud (%zu)!\n", getClassName ().c_str (), input_->points.size ());

    hull.points.resize (0);
    hull.width = hull.height = 0;
    polygons.resize (0);

    qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
    int curlong, totlong;
    qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);


  qh_triangulate ();

  int num_facets = qh num_facets;

  int num_vertices = qh num_vertices;
  hull.points.resize (num_vertices);

  vertexT * vertex;
  int i = 0;
  // Max vertex id
  int max_vertex_id = 0;
    if (vertex->id + 1 > max_vertex_id)
      max_vertex_id = vertex->id + 1;

  std::vector<int> qhid_to_pcidx (max_vertex_id);

    // Add vertices to hull point_cloud
    hull.points[i] = input_->points[(*indices_)[qh_pointid (vertex->point)]];

    qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id] = i; // map the vertex id of qhull to the point cloud index

  if (compute_area_)
    total_area_  = qh totarea;
    total_volume_ = qh totvol;

  if (fill_polygon_data)
    polygons.resize (num_facets);
    int dd = 0;

    facetT * facet;
      polygons[dd].vertices.resize (3);

      // Needed by FOREACHvertex_i_
      int vertex_n, vertex_i;
      FOREACHvertex_i_ ((*facet).vertices)
      //facet_vertices.vertices.push_back (qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id]);
      polygons[dd].vertices[vertex_i] = qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id];
  // Deallocates memory (also the points)
  qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
  int curlong, totlong;
  qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);

  hull.width = static_cast<uint32_t> (hull.points.size ());
  hull.height = 1;
  hull.is_dense = false;
RTC::ReturnCode_t setupCollisionModel(hrp::BodyPtr m_robot, const char *url, OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var binfo) {
    // do qhull
    OpenHRP::ShapeInfoSequence_var sis = binfo->shapes();
    OpenHRP::LinkInfoSequence_var lis = binfo->links();
    for(int i = 0; i < m_robot->numLinks(); i++ ) {
	const OpenHRP::LinkInfo& i_li = lis[i];
	const OpenHRP::TransformedShapeIndexSequence& tsis = i_li.shapeIndices;
	// setup
	int numTriangles = 0;
	for (unsigned int l=0; l<tsis.length(); l++) {
	    OpenHRP::ShapeInfo& si = sis[tsis[l].shapeIndex];
	    const OpenHRP::LongSequence& triangles = si.triangles;
	    numTriangles += triangles.length();
	double points[numTriangles*3];
	int points_i = 0;
	hrp::Matrix44 Rs44; // inv
	hrp::Matrix33 Rs33 = m_robot->link(i)->Rs;

	Rs44 << Rs33(0,0),Rs33(0,1), Rs33(0,2), 0,
	    Rs33(1,0),Rs33(1,1), Rs33(1,2), 0,
	    Rs33(2,0),Rs33(2,1), Rs33(2,2), 0,
	    0.0,      0.0,       0.0,    1.0;
	for (unsigned int l=0; l<tsis.length(); l++) {
	    const OpenHRP::DblArray12& M = tsis[l].transformMatrix;
	    hrp::Matrix44 T0;
	    T0 << M[0], M[1], M[2],  M[3],
		M[4], M[5], M[6],  M[7],
		M[8], M[9], M[10], M[11],
		0.0,  0.0,  0.0,   1.0;
	    hrp::Matrix44 T(Rs44 * T0);
	    const OpenHRP::ShapeInfo& si = sis[tsis[l].shapeIndex];
	    const OpenHRP::LongSequence& triangles = si.triangles;
	    const float *vertices = si.vertices.get_buffer();

	    for(unsigned int j=0; j < triangles.length() / 3; ++j){
		for(int k=0; k < 3; ++k){
		    long orgVertexIndex = si.triangles[j * 3 + k];
		    int p = orgVertexIndex * 3;

		    hrp::Vector4 v(T * hrp::Vector4(vertices[p+0], vertices[p+1], vertices[p+2], 1.0));
		    points[points_i++] =  v[0];
		    points[points_i++] =  v[1];
		    points[points_i++] =  v[2];

	hrp::ColdetModelPtr coldetModel(new hrp::ColdetModel());
	// qhull
	int vertexIndex = 0;
	int triangleIndex = 0;
	int num = 0;
	char flags[250];
	boolT ismalloc = False;
	sprintf(flags,"qhull Qt Tc");
	if (! qh_new_qhull (3,numTriangles,points,ismalloc,flags,NULL,stderr) ) {


	    vertexT *vertex,**vertexp;
	    coldetModel->setNumVertices(qh num_vertices);
	    coldetModel->setNumTriangles(qh num_facets);
	    int index[qh num_vertices];
	    FORALLvertices {
		int p = qh_pointid(vertex->point);
		index[p] = vertexIndex;
		coldetModel->setVertex(vertexIndex++, points[p*3+0], points[p*3+1], points[p*3+2]);
	    facetT *facet;
	    num = qh num_facets;;
		FORALLfacets {
		    int j = 0, p[3];
		    setT *vertices = qh_facet3vertex (facet);
		    FOREACHvertexreverse12_ (vertices) {
			if (j<3) {
			    p[j] = index[qh_pointid(vertex->point)];
			} else {
			    fprintf(stderr, "extra vertex %d\n",j);
		    coldetModel->setTriangle(triangleIndex++, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
	} // qh_new_qhull

	m_robot->link(i)->coldetModel =  coldetModel;

	int curlong, totlong;
	qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);
	if (curlong || totlong) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "convhulln: did not free %d bytes of long memory (%d pieces)\n", totlong, curlong);
	std::cerr << std::setw(16) << i_li.name << " reduce triangles from " << std::setw(5) << numTriangles << " to " << std::setw(4) << num << std::endl;
Exemple #4
/* Delaunay implementation methyod.  If hide_qhull_errors is 1 then qhull error
 * messages are discarded; if it is 0 then they are written to stderr. */
static PyObject*
delaunay_impl(int npoints, const double* x, const double* y,
              int hide_qhull_errors)
    coordT* points = NULL;
    facetT* facet;
    int i, ntri, max_facet_id;
    FILE* error_file = NULL;    /* qhull expects a FILE* to write errors to. */
    int exitcode;               /* Value returned from qh_new_qhull(). */
    int* tri_indices = NULL;    /* Maps qhull facet id to triangle index. */
    int indices[3];
    int curlong, totlong;       /* Memory remaining after qh_memfreeshort. */
    PyObject* tuple;            /* Return tuple (triangles, neighbors). */
    const int ndim = 2;
    npy_intp dims[2];
    PyArrayObject* triangles = NULL;
    PyArrayObject* neighbors = NULL;
    int* triangles_ptr;
    int* neighbors_ptr;

    /* Allocate points. */
    points = (coordT*)malloc(npoints*ndim*sizeof(coordT));
    if (points == NULL) {
                        "Could not allocate points array in qhull.delaunay");
        goto error_before_qhull;

    /* Prepare points array to pass to qhull. */
    for (i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
        points[2*i  ] = x[i];
        points[2*i+1] = y[i];

    /* qhull expects a FILE* to write errors to. */
    if (hide_qhull_errors) {
        /* qhull errors are ignored by writing to OS-equivalent of /dev/null.
         * Rather than have OS-specific code here, instead it is determined by
         * setupext.py and passed in via the macro MPL_DEVNULL. */
        error_file = fopen(STRINGIFY(MPL_DEVNULL), "w");
        if (error_file == NULL) {
                            "Could not open devnull in qhull.delaunay");
            goto error_before_qhull;
    else {
        /* qhull errors written to stderr. */
        error_file = stderr;

    /* Perform Delaunay triangulation. */
    exitcode = qh_new_qhull(ndim, npoints, points, False,
                            "qhull d Qt Qbb Qc Qz", NULL, error_file);
    if (exitcode != qh_ERRnone) {
                     "Error in qhull Delaunay triangulation calculation: %s (exitcode=%d)%s",
                     qhull_error_msg[exitcode], exitcode,
                     hide_qhull_errors ? "; use python verbose option (-v) to see original qhull error." : "");
        goto error;

    /* Split facets so that they only have 3 points each. */

    /* Determine ntri and max_facet_id.
       Note that libqhull uses macros to iterate through collections. */
    ntri = 0;
    FORALLfacets {
        if (!facet->upperdelaunay)

    max_facet_id = qh facet_id - 1;

    /* Create array to map facet id to triangle index. */
    tri_indices = (int*)malloc((max_facet_id+1)*sizeof(int));
    if (tri_indices == NULL) {
                        "Could not allocate triangle map in qhull.delaunay");
        goto error;

    /* Allocate python arrays to return. */
    dims[0] = ntri;
    dims[1] = 3;
    triangles = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(ndim, dims, NPY_INT);
    if (triangles == NULL) {
                        "Could not allocate triangles array in qhull.delaunay");
        goto error;

    neighbors = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(ndim, dims, NPY_INT);
    if (neighbors == NULL) {
                        "Could not allocate neighbors array in qhull.delaunay");
        goto error;

    triangles_ptr = (int*)PyArray_DATA(triangles);
    neighbors_ptr = (int*)PyArray_DATA(neighbors);

    /* Determine triangles array and set tri_indices array. */
    i = 0;
    FORALLfacets {
        if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
            tri_indices[facet->id] = i++;
            get_facet_vertices(facet, indices);
            *triangles_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[0] : indices[2]);
            *triangles_ptr++ = indices[1];
            *triangles_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[2] : indices[0]);
            tri_indices[facet->id] = -1;

    /* Determine neighbors array. */
    FORALLfacets {
        if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
            get_facet_neighbours(facet, tri_indices, indices);
            *neighbors_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[2] : indices[0]);
            *neighbors_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[0] : indices[2]);
            *neighbors_ptr++ = indices[1];

    /* Clean up. */
    qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);
    if (curlong || totlong)
                     "Qhull could not free all allocated memory", 1);
    if (hide_qhull_errors)

    tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
    PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, (PyObject*)triangles);
    PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, (PyObject*)neighbors);
    return tuple;

    /* Clean up. */
    qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);
    /* Don't bother checking curlong and totlong as raising error anyway. */
    if (hide_qhull_errors)


    return NULL;
Exemple #5
void gr_delaunay(int npoints, const double *x, const double *y,
                 int *ntri, int **triangles)
  coordT *points = NULL;
  facetT *facet;
  vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
  int i, max_facet_id;
  int *tri_indices = NULL;
  int indices[3], *indicesp;
  int curlong, totlong;
  const int ndim = 2;
  int *tri = NULL;

  *ntri = 0;
  *triangles = NULL;

  points = (coordT *) malloc(npoints * ndim * sizeof(coordT));
  if (points != NULL) {

    for (i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
      points[2*i  ] = x[i];
      points[2*i+1] = y[i];

    /* Perform Delaunay triangulation */
    if (qh_new_qhull(ndim, npoints, points, False,
                     "qhull d Qt QbB Qz", NULL, stderr) == qh_ERRnone) {
      /* Split facets so that they only have 3 points each */

      /* Determine ntri and max_facet_id */
      FORALLfacets {
        if (!facet->upperdelaunay)

      max_facet_id = qh facet_id - 1;

      /* Create array to map facet id to triangle index */
      tri_indices = (int *) malloc((max_facet_id+1) * sizeof(int));
      if (tri_indices != NULL) {

        tri = (int *) malloc(*ntri * 3 * sizeof(int));
        if (tri != NULL) {
          *triangles = tri;

          /* Determine triangles array and set tri_indices array */
          i = 0;
          FORALLfacets {
            if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
              tri_indices[facet->id] = i++;

              indicesp = indices;
                *indicesp++ = qh_pointid(vertex->point);

              *tri++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[0] : indices[2]);
              *tri++ = indices[1];
              *tri++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[2] : indices[0]);
              tri_indices[facet->id] = -1;

          xp = x;
          yp = y;
          qsort(*triangles, *ntri, 3 * sizeof(int), compar);
Exemple #6
template <typename PointInT> void
pcl::ConvexHull<PointInT>::performReconstruction (PointCloud &hull, std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons,
                                                  bool fill_polygon_data)
  // FInd the principal directions
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix;
  Eigen::Vector4f xyz_centroid;
  compute3DCentroid (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid);
  computeCovarianceMatrix (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid, covariance_matrix);
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3f eigen_values;
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f eigen_vectors;
  pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_vectors, eigen_values);

  Eigen::Affine3f transform1;
  transform1.setIdentity ();
  int dim = 3;

  if (eigen_values[0] / eigen_values[2] < 1.0e-5)
    // We have points laying on a plane, using 2d convex hull
    // Compute transformation bring eigen_vectors.col(i) to z-axis

    eigen_vectors.col (2) = eigen_vectors.col (0).cross (eigen_vectors.col (1));
    eigen_vectors.col (1) = eigen_vectors.col (2).cross (eigen_vectors.col (0));

    transform1 (0, 2) = eigen_vectors (0, 0);
    transform1 (1, 2) = eigen_vectors (1, 0);
    transform1 (2, 2) = eigen_vectors (2, 0);

    transform1 (0, 1) = eigen_vectors (0, 1);
    transform1 (1, 1) = eigen_vectors (1, 1);
    transform1 (2, 1) = eigen_vectors (2, 1);
    transform1 (0, 0) = eigen_vectors (0, 2);
    transform1 (1, 0) = eigen_vectors (1, 2);
    transform1 (2, 0) = eigen_vectors (2, 2);

    transform1 = transform1.inverse ();
    dim = 2;
    transform1.setIdentity ();

  PointCloud cloud_transformed;
  pcl::demeanPointCloud (*input_, *indices_, xyz_centroid, cloud_transformed);
  pcl::transformPointCloud (cloud_transformed, cloud_transformed, transform1);

  // True if qhull should free points in qh_freeqhull() or reallocation
  boolT ismalloc = True;
  // option flags for qhull, see qh_opt.htm
  char flags[] = "qhull Tc";
  // output from qh_produce_output(), use NULL to skip qh_produce_output()
  FILE *outfile = NULL;
  // error messages from qhull code
  FILE *errfile = stderr;
  // 0 if no error from qhull
  int exitcode;

  // Array of coordinates for each point
  coordT *points = (coordT *)calloc (cloud_transformed.points.size () * dim, sizeof(coordT));

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_transformed.points.size (); ++i)
    points[i * dim + 0] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].x;
    points[i * dim + 1] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].y;

    if (dim > 2)
      points[i * dim + 2] = (coordT)cloud_transformed.points[i].z;

  // Compute convex hull
  exitcode = qh_new_qhull (dim, cloud_transformed.points.size (), points, ismalloc, flags, outfile, errfile);

  if (exitcode != 0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::performReconstrution] ERROR: qhull was unable to compute a convex hull for the given point cloud (%lu)!\n", 
               getClassName ().c_str (), (unsigned long) input_->points.size ());

    //check if it fails because of NaN values...
    if (!cloud_transformed.is_dense)
      bool NaNvalues = false;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_transformed.size (); ++i)
        if (!pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].x) || 
            !pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].y) ||
            !pcl_isfinite (cloud_transformed.points[i].z))
          NaNvalues = true;

      if (NaNvalues)
        PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::performReconstruction] ERROR: point cloud contains NaN values, consider running pcl::PassThrough filter first to remove NaNs!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());

    hull.points.resize (0);
    hull.width = hull.height = 0;
    polygons.resize (0);

    qh_freeqhull (!qh_ALL);
    int curlong, totlong;
    qh_memfreeshort (&curlong, &totlong);


  qh_triangulate ();

  int num_facets = qh num_facets;

  int num_vertices = qh num_vertices;
  hull.points.resize (num_vertices);

  vertexT * vertex;
  int i = 0;
  // Max vertex id
  int max_vertex_id = -1;
    if ((int)vertex->id > max_vertex_id)
    max_vertex_id = vertex->id;

  std::vector<int> qhid_to_pcidx (max_vertex_id);

    // Add vertices to hull point_cloud
    hull.points[i].x = vertex->point[0];
    hull.points[i].y = vertex->point[1];

    if (dim>2)
    hull.points[i].z = vertex->point[2];
    hull.points[i].z = 0;

    qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id] = i; // map the vertex id of qhull to the point cloud index

  if (fill_polygon_data)
    if (dim == 3)
      polygons.resize (num_facets);
      int dd = 0;

      facetT * facet;
        polygons[dd].vertices.resize (3);

        // Needed by FOREACHvertex_i_
        int vertex_n, vertex_i;
        //facet_vertices.vertices.push_back (qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id]);
        polygons[dd].vertices[vertex_i] = qhid_to_pcidx[vertex->id];
