bool QFileSystemEngine::renameFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
    QString sourcepath = absoluteName(source).nativeFilePath();
    QString targetpath = absoluteName(target).nativeFilePath();
    RFs& fs(qt_s60GetRFs());
    TInt err = fs.Rename(qt_QString2TPtrC(sourcepath), qt_QString2TPtrC(targetpath));
    if (err == KErrNone)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(err, QSystemError::NativeError);
    return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::createDirectory(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, bool createParents)
    QString abspath = absoluteName(entry).nativeFilePath();
    if (!abspath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
    TInt r;
    if (createParents)
        r = qt_s60GetRFs().MkDirAll(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
        r = qt_s60GetRFs().MkDir(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
    if (createParents && r == KErrAlreadyExists)
        return true; //# Qt5 - QDir::mkdir returns false for existing dir, QDir::mkpath returns true (should be made consistent in Qt 5)
    return (r == KErrNone);
bool QFileSystemEngine::copyFile(const QFileSystemEntry &source, const QFileSystemEntry &target, QSystemError &error)
    //CFileMan is allocated each time because it is not thread-safe
    CFileMan *fm = 0;
    TRAPD(err, fm = CFileMan::NewL(qt_s60GetRFs()));
    if (err == KErrNone) {
        err = fm->Copy(qt_QString2TPtrC(absoluteName(source).nativeFilePath()), qt_QString2TPtrC(absoluteName(target).nativeFilePath()), 0);
        delete fm;
    if (err == KErrNone)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(err, QSystemError::NativeError);
    return false;
static bool handleOtherSchemes(const QUrl &url)
    QString encUrl(QString::fromUtf8(url.toEncoded()));
    TPtrC urlPtr(qt_QString2TPtrC(encUrl));
    TRAPD( err, handleOtherSchemesL(urlPtr));
    return err ? false : true;
bool QSharedMemoryPrivate::attach(QSharedMemory::AccessMode /* mode */)
    // Grab a pointer to the memory block
    if (!chunk.Handle()) {
        QString function = QLatin1String("QSharedMemory::handle");
        QString safeKey = makePlatformSafeKey(key);
        if (safeKey.isEmpty()) {
            error = QSharedMemory::KeyError;
            errorString = QSharedMemory::tr("%1: unable to make key").arg(function);
            return false;

        TPtrC ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(safeKey));

        TInt err = KErrNoMemory;

        err = chunk.OpenGlobal(ptr, false);

        if (err != KErrNone) {
            setErrorString(function, err);
            return false;

    size = chunk.Size();
    memory = chunk.Base();

    return true;
bool QSharedMemoryPrivate::create(int size)
    // Get a windows acceptable key
    QString safeKey = makePlatformSafeKey(key);
    QString function = QLatin1String("QSharedMemory::create");
    if (safeKey.isEmpty()) {
        error = QSharedMemory::KeyError;
        errorString = QSharedMemory::tr("%1: key error").arg(function);
        return false;

    TPtrC ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(safeKey));

    TInt err = chunk.CreateGlobal(ptr, size, size);

    setErrorString(function, err);

    if (err != KErrNone)
        return false;

    // Zero out the created chunk
    Mem::FillZ(chunk.Base(), chunk.Size());

    return true;
int QSystemSemaphorePrivate::handle(QSystemSemaphore::AccessMode)
    if (semaphore.Handle()) {
        return semaphore.Handle();

    // don't allow making handles on empty keys
    if (key.isEmpty())
        return 0;

    TPtrC name(qt_QString2TPtrC(fileName));
    int err = KErrAlreadyExists;
    int tryCount = 10;
    // Sort out race conditions by retrying several times until existing handle is acquired.
    // Sometimes opening can fail inexplicably with KErrPermissionDenied many times in a row.
    while (err != KErrNoMemory && err != KErrNone && tryCount-- >= 0) {
        err = semaphore.CreateGlobal(name, initialValue, EOwnerProcess);
        if (err != KErrNoMemory && err != KErrNone)
            err = semaphore.OpenGlobal(name,EOwnerProcess);
    if (err){
        return 0;
    return semaphore.Handle();
QString CSmfCredMgrClientSymbian::storeRSAKeysL(const QString KeyLabel,
		const QString keydata, const QDateTime Validity)
	RDebug::Printf("Sending store RSA key message to server");

	TPtrC labelPtr(qt_QString2TPtrC(KeyLabel));
	TPtr dataPtr((qt_QString2HBufC(keydata)->Des()));

	QDateTime CurrentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
	TTimeIntervalSeconds duration(CurrentTime.secsTo(Validity));

	TTime startDate;

	TTime endDate(startDate);
	endDate += duration;

	CSmfRsaKeyParameters* storeRSAKeysparams = CSmfRsaKeyParameters::NewL(
			labelPtr, startDate, endDate, (dataPtr.Collapse()));

	CBufFlat* buf = CBufFlat::NewL(KMinBufSize);
	RBufWriteStream stream(*buf);


	TPtr8 bufPtr = buf->Ptr(0);

	TIpcArgs args;
	args.Set(0, &bufPtr);


	HBufC8* retBuf = HBufC8::NewLC(KSHA1HashLengthBytes);
	TPtr8 retBufPtr(retBuf->Des());
	args.Set(1, &retBufPtr);

	iSession.RequestService(ESmfStoreRSAKey, args);

	RDebug::Printf("SMF: Message completed");

	TBuf<KSHA1HashLengthBytes> key;

	QString RetString(qt_TDesC2QString(key));


	RDebug::Printf("-In storeAuthDataL()");
	return (RetString);

bool QFileSystemEngine::removeFile(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QSystemError &error)
    QString targetpath = absoluteName(entry).nativeFilePath();
    RFs& fs(qt_s60GetRFs());
    TInt err = fs.Delete(qt_QString2TPtrC(targetpath));
    if (err == KErrNone)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(err, QSystemError::NativeError);
    return false;
// The biggest advantage of schemehandler is that it can handle
// wide range of schemes and is extensible by plugins
static bool handleUrl(const QUrl &url)
    if (!url.isValid())
        return false;

    QString urlString(url.toString());
    TPtrC urlPtr(qt_QString2TPtrC(urlString));
    TRAPD( err, handleUrlL(urlPtr));
    return err ? false : true;
CFont *QFontEngineS60::fontWithSize(qreal size) const
    CFont *result = 0;
    TFontSpec fontSpec(qt_QString2TPtrC(QFontEngine::fontDef.family), TInt(size));
    fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(QFontEngine::fontDef.style == QFont::StyleNormal?EPostureUpright:EPostureItalic);
    fontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(QFontEngine::fontDef.weight > QFont::Normal?EStrokeWeightBold:EStrokeWeightNormal);
    const TInt errorCode = S60->screenDevice()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInPixels(result, fontSpec);
    Q_ASSERT(result && (errorCode == 0));
    return result;
static bool openDocument(const QUrl &file)
    if (!file.isValid())
        return false;

    QString filePath = file.toLocalFile();
    filePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath);
    TPtrC filePathPtr(qt_QString2TPtrC(filePath));
    TRAPD(err, openDocumentL(filePathPtr));
    return err ? false : true;

QFileSystemIterator::QFileSystemIterator(const QFileSystemEntry &path, QDir::Filters filters,
        const QStringList &nameFilters, QDirIterator::IteratorFlags iteratorFlags)
        : lastError(KErrNone), entryIndex(-1)
    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();

    nativePath = path.nativeFilePath();
    if (!nativePath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))

    QString absPath = QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(path).nativeFilePath();

    if (!absPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))

    int pathLen = absPath.length();
    if (pathLen > KMaxFileName) {
        lastError = KErrBadName;

    //set up server side filtering to reduce IPCs
    //RDir won't accept all valid name filters e.g. "*. bar"
    if (nameFilters.count() == 1 && !(filters & QDir::AllDirs) && iteratorFlags
        == QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags && pathLen + nameFilters[0].length()
        <= KMaxFileName) {
        //server side supports one mask - skip this for recursive mode or if only files should be filtered

    TUint symbianMask = 0;
    if ((filters & QDir::Dirs) || (filters & QDir::AllDirs) || (iteratorFlags
        & QDirIterator::Subdirectories))
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttDir; //include directories
    if (filters & QDir::Hidden)
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttHidden;
    if (filters & QDir::System)
        symbianMask |= KEntryAttSystem;
    //Do not use KEntryAttMatchExclusive to optimise to return only
    //directories for QDir::Dirs. There may be a file which is actually
    //a "mount point" for a file engine and needs to be returned so it
    //can be overriden to be a directory, see QTBUG-23688
    if (symbianMask == 0
        && ((filters & QDir::PermissionMask) == QDir::Writable)) {
            symbianMask = KEntryAttMatchExclude | KEntryAttReadOnly;

    lastError = dirHandle.Open(fs, qt_QString2TPtrC(absPath), symbianMask);
Exemple #14
void writeToSymbianStoreLX(const QMimeData* aData, CClipboard* clipboard)
    // This function both leaves and throws exceptions. There must be no destructor
    // dependencies between cleanup styles, and no cleanup stack dependencies on stacked objects.
    if (aData->hasText()) {
        CPlainText* text = CPlainText::NewL();

        TPtrC textPtr(qt_QString2TPtrC(aData->text()));
        text->InsertL(KPlainTextBegin, textPtr);
        text->CopyToStoreL(clipboard->Store(), clipboard->StreamDictionary(),
                           KPlainTextBegin, textPtr.Length());
    \property QPluginLoader::fileName
    \brief the file name of the plugin

    To be loadable, the file's suffix must be a valid suffix for a
    loadable library in accordance with the platform, e.g. \c .so on
    Unix, \c .dylib on Mac OS X, and \c .dll on Windows. The suffix
    can be verified with QLibrary::isLibrary().

    If the file name does not exist, it will not be set. This property
    will then contain an empty string.

    By default, this property contains an empty string.

    Note: In Symbian the \a fileName must point to plugin stub file.

    \sa load()
void QPluginLoader::setFileName(const QString &fileName)
#if defined(QT_SHARED)
    QLibrary::LoadHints lh;
    if (d) {
        lh = d->loadHints;
        d = 0;
        did_load = false;

#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
    // In Symbian we actually look for plugin stub, so modify the filename
    // to make canonicalFilePath find the file, if .dll is specified.
    QFileInfo fi(fileName);

    if (fi.suffix() == QLatin1String("dll")) {
        QString stubName = fileName;
        stubName += QLatin1String("qtplugin");
        fi = QFileInfo(stubName);

    QString fn = fi.canonicalFilePath();
    // If not found directly, check also all the available drives
    if (!fn.length()) {
        QString stubPath(fi.fileName().length() ? fi.absoluteFilePath() : QString());
        if (stubPath.length() > 1) {
            if (stubPath.at(1).toAscii() == ':')
            QFileInfoList driveList(QDir::drives());
            RFs rfs = qt_s60GetRFs();
            foreach(const QFileInfo& drive, driveList) {
                QString testFilePath(drive.absolutePath() + stubPath);
                testFilePath = QDir::cleanPath(testFilePath);
                // Use native Symbian code to check for file existence, because checking
                // for file from under non-existent protected dir like E:/private/<uid> using
                // QFile::exists causes platform security violations on most apps.
                QString nativePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(testFilePath);
                TPtrC ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(nativePath));
                TUint attributes;
                TInt err = rfs.Att(ptr, attributes);
                if (err == KErrNone) {
                    fn = testFilePath;
Exemple #16
bool QSharedMemoryPrivate::create(int size)
    if (!handle())
        return false;

    TPtrC ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(nativeKey));

    TInt err = chunk.CreateGlobal(ptr, size, size);

    if (err != KErrNone) {
        setErrorString(QLatin1String("QSharedMemory::create"), err);
        return false;

    // Zero out the created chunk
    Mem::FillZ(chunk.Base(), chunk.Size());

    return true;
EXPORT_C QString localizedDirectoryName(QString& rawPath)
    QString ret;
    std::exception dummy;   // voodoo fix for "Undefined symbol typeinfo for std::exception" in armv5 build

            CDirectoryLocalizer* localizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL();
                TPtrC locName(localizer->LocalizedName());
                ret = qt_TDesC2QString(locName);

    if (err != KErrNone)
Exemple #18

    Helper function for calling into Symbian classes that expect a TDes&.
    This function converts a QString to a TDes by allocating memory that
    must be deleted by the caller.

Q_CORE_EXPORT HBufC* qt_QString2HBufC(const QString& aString)
    HBufC *buffer;
    TPtrC8 ptr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aString.toLocal8Bit().constData()));
    TPtrC16 ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(aString));
    buffer = q_check_ptr(HBufC::New(ptr.Length()));
    return buffer;
bool QFileSystemEngine::removeDirectory(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, bool removeEmptyParents)
    QString abspath = absoluteName(entry).nativeFilePath();
    if (!abspath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
    TPtrC dir(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();
    bool ok = false;
    //behaviour of FS file engine:
    //returns true if the directory could be removed
    //success/failure of removing parent directories does not matter
    while (KErrNone == fs.RmDir(dir)) {
        ok = true;
        if (!removeEmptyParents)
        //RFs::RmDir treats "c:\foo\bar" and "c:\foo\" the same, so it is sufficient to remove the last \ to the end
    return ok;
Exemple #20
bool QSymSQLResult::prepare(const QString &query)
    if (!driver() || !driver()->isOpen() || driver()->isOpenError())
        return false;


    TInt res = d->stmt.Prepare(d->access, qt_QString2TPtrC(query));
    if (res != KErrNone) {
        setLastError(qMakeError(d->access, QCoreApplication::translate("QSymSQLResult",
                     "Unable to execute statement"), QSqlError::StatementError, res));
        return false;
    d->prepareCalled = true;
    return true;
Exemple #21
QString QDesktopServices::displayName(StandardLocation type)
    QString ret;

#ifdef Q_WS_S60
    QString rawPath = storageLocation(type);

            CDirectoryLocalizer* localizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL();
            if (localizer->IsLocalized()) {
                TPtrC locName(localizer->LocalizedName());
                ret = qt_TDesC2QString(locName);

    if (err != KErrNone)
bool QFileSystemEngine::setPermissions(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFile::Permissions permissions, QSystemError &error, QFileSystemMetaData *data)
    QString targetpath = absoluteName(entry).nativeFilePath();
    TUint setmask = 0;
    TUint clearmask = 0;
    RFs& fs(qt_s60GetRFs());
    if (permissions & (QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::WriteUser | QFile::WriteGroup | QFile::WriteOther))
        clearmask = KEntryAttReadOnly; //if anyone can write, it's not read-only
        setmask = KEntryAttReadOnly;
    TInt err = fs.SetAtt(qt_QString2TPtrC(targetpath), setmask, clearmask);
    if (data && !err) {
        data->entryFlags &= ~QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
        data->entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlag(uint(permissions));
        data->knownFlagsMask |= QFileSystemMetaData::Permissions;
    if (err == KErrNone)
        return true;
    error = QSystemError(err, QSystemError::NativeError);
    return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::createDirectory(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, bool createParents)
    QString abspath = absoluteName(entry).nativeFilePath();
    if (!abspath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\\')))
    TInt r;
    TPtrC symPath(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
    if (createParents)
        r = qt_s60GetRFs().MkDirAll(symPath);
        r = qt_s60GetRFs().MkDir(symPath);
    if (createParents && r == KErrAlreadyExists)
        return true; //# Qt5 - QDir::mkdir returns false for existing dir, QDir::mkpath returns true (should be made consistent in Qt 5)
    if (createParents && r == KErrPermissionDenied) {
        // check for already exists, which is not returned from RFs when it denies permission
        TEntry entry;
        if (qt_s60GetRFs().Entry(symPath, entry) == KErrNone)
            r = KErrNone;
    return (r == KErrNone);
Exemple #24
bool QSharedMemoryPrivate::attach(QSharedMemory::AccessMode /* mode */)
    // Grab a pointer to the memory block
    if (!chunk.Handle()) {
        if (!handle())
            return false;

        TPtrC ptr(qt_QString2TPtrC(nativeKey));

        TInt err = KErrNoMemory;

        err = chunk.OpenGlobal(ptr, false);

        if (err != KErrNone) {
            setErrorString(QLatin1String("QSharedMemory::attach"), err);
            return false;

    size = chunk.Size();
    memory = chunk.Base();

    return true;
bool QFSFileEngine::setSize(qint64 size)
    bool ret = false;
    TInt err = KErrNone;
    if (d->symbianFile.SubSessionHandle()) {
        TInt err = d->symbianFile.SetSize(size);
        ret = (err == KErrNone);
        if (ret && d->symbianFilePos > size)
            d->symbianFilePos = size;
    else if (d->fd != -1)
        ret = QT_FTRUNCATE(d->fd, size) == 0;
    else if (d->fh)
        ret = QT_FTRUNCATE(QT_FILENO(d->fh), size) == 0;
    else {
        RFile tmp;
        QString symbianFilename(d->fileEntry.nativeFilePath());
        err = tmp.Open(qt_s60GetRFs(), qt_QString2TPtrC(symbianFilename), EFileWrite);
        if (err == KErrNone)
            err = tmp.SetSize(size);
        ret = (err == KErrNone);
    if (!ret) {
        QSystemError error;
        if (err)
            error = QSystemError(err, QSystemError::NativeError);
            error = QSystemError(errno, QSystemError::StandardLibraryError);
        setError(QFile::ResizeError, error.toString());
    return ret;
bool QFileSystemEngine::setCurrentPath(const QFileSystemEntry &entry)
    QFileSystemMetaData meta;
    QFileSystemEntry absname = absoluteName(entry);
    fillMetaData(absname, meta, QFileSystemMetaData::ExistsAttribute | QFileSystemMetaData::DirectoryType);
    if(!(meta.exists() && meta.isDirectory()))
        return false;

    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();
    QString abspath = absname.nativeFilePath();
    TInt r = fs.SetSessionPath(qt_QString2TPtrC(abspath));
    //SetSessionPath succeeds for non existent directory, which is why it's checked above
    if (r == KErrNone) {
        __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(unsigned short));
        //attempt to set open C to the same path
        r = ::wchdir(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(absname.filePath().utf16()));
        if (r < 0)
            qWarning("failed to sync path to open C");
        return true;
    return false;
bool QFileSystemEngine::fillMetaData(const QFileSystemEntry &entry, QFileSystemMetaData &data, QFileSystemMetaData::MetaDataFlags what)
    if (what & QFileSystemMetaData::SymbianTEntryFlags) {
        RFs& fs(qt_s60GetRFs());
        TInt err;
        QFileSystemEntry absentry(absoluteName(entry));
        if (entry.isEmpty()) {
            err = KErrNotFound;
        } else if (absentry.isRoot()) {
            //Root directories don't have an entry, and Entry() returns KErrBadName.
            //Therefore get information about the volume instead.
            TInt drive;
            err = RFs::CharToDrive(TChar(absentry.nativeFilePath().at(0).unicode()), drive);
            if (!err) {
                TVolumeInfo info;
                err = fs.Volume(info, drive);
                if (!err)
        } else {
            TEntry ent;
            err = fs.Entry(qt_QString2TPtrC(absentry.nativeFilePath()), ent);
            if (!err)
        if (err) {
            data.size_ = 0;
            data.modificationTime_ = TTime(0);
            data.entryFlags &= ~(QFileSystemMetaData::SymbianTEntryFlags);
        //files in /sys/bin on any drive are executable, even though we don't normally have permission to check whether they exist or not
        if(absentry.filePath().midRef(1,10).compare(QLatin1String(":/sys/bin/"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
            data.entryFlags |= QFileSystemMetaData::ExecutePermissions;
    return data.hasFlags(what);
static void handleMailtoSchemeLX(const QUrl &url)
    // this function has many intermingled leaves and throws. Qt and Symbian objects do not have
    // destructor dependencies, and cleanup object is used to prevent cleanup stack dependency on stack.
    QString recipient = url.path();
    QString subject = url.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("subject"));
    QString body = url.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("body"));
    QString to = url.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("to"));
    QString cc = url.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("cc"));
    QString bcc = url.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("bcc"));

    // these fields might have comma separated addresses
    QStringList recipients = recipient.split(QLatin1String(","), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    QStringList tos = to.split(QLatin1String(","), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    QStringList ccs = cc.split(QLatin1String(","), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
    QStringList bccs = bcc.split(QLatin1String(","), QString::SkipEmptyParts);

    RSendAs sendAs;
    QAutoClose<RSendAs> sendAsCleanup(sendAs);

    CSendAsAccounts* accounts = CSendAsAccounts::NewL();
    sendAs.AvailableAccountsL(KUidMsgTypeSMTP, *accounts);
    TInt count = accounts->Count();

    if(!count) {
        // TODO: Task 259192: We should try to create account if count == 0
        // CSendUi would provide account creation service for us, but it requires ridicilous
        // capabilities: LocalServices NetworkServices ReadDeviceData ReadUserData WriteDeviceData WriteUserData
    } else {
        RSendAsMessage sendAsMessage;
        sendAsMessage.CreateL(sendAs, KUidMsgTypeSMTP);
        QAutoClose<RSendAsMessage> sendAsMessageCleanup(sendAsMessage);

        // Subject

        // Body

        // To
        foreach(QString item, recipients)
         sendAsMessage.AddRecipientL(qt_QString2TPtrC(item), RSendAsMessage::ESendAsRecipientTo);

        foreach(QString item, tos)
         sendAsMessage.AddRecipientL(qt_QString2TPtrC(item), RSendAsMessage::ESendAsRecipientTo);

        // Cc
        foreach(QString item, ccs)
         sendAsMessage.AddRecipientL(qt_QString2TPtrC(item), RSendAsMessage::ESendAsRecipientCc);

        // Bcc
        foreach(QString item, bccs)
         sendAsMessage.AddRecipientL(qt_QString2TPtrC(item), RSendAsMessage::ESendAsRecipientBcc);

        // send the message
        // sendAsMessage is already closed
bool QFSFileEnginePrivate::nativeOpen(QIODevice::OpenMode openMode)
	fh = 0;
	fd = -1;

    QString fn(QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(fileEntry).nativeFilePath());
    RFs& fs = qt_s60GetRFs();

    TUint symbianMode = 0;

    if(openMode & QIODevice::ReadOnly)
        symbianMode |= EFileRead;
    if(openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)
        symbianMode |= EFileWrite;
    if(openMode & QIODevice::Text)
        symbianMode |= EFileStreamText;

    if (openMode & QFile::Unbuffered) {
        if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)
            symbianMode |= 0x00001000; //EFileWriteDirectIO;
        // ### Unbuffered read is not used, because it prevents file open in /resource
        // ### and has no obvious benefits
    } else {
        if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)
            symbianMode |= 0x00000800; //EFileWriteBuffered;
        // use implementation defaults for read buffering

    // Until Qt supports file sharing, we can't support EFileShareReadersOrWriters safely,
    // but Qt does this on other platforms and autotests rely on it.
    // The reason is that Unix locks are only advisory - the application needs to test the
    // lock after opening the file. Symbian and Windows locks are mandatory - opening a
    // locked file will fail.
    symbianMode |= EFileShareReadersOrWriters;

    TInt r;
    //note QIODevice::Truncate only has meaning for read/write access
    //write-only files are always truncated unless append is specified
    //reference openModeToOpenFlags in qfsfileengine_unix.cpp
    if ((openMode & QIODevice::Truncate) || (!(openMode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) && !(openMode & QIODevice::Append))) {
        r = symbianFile.Replace(fs, qt_QString2TPtrC(fn), symbianMode);
    } else {
        r = symbianFile.Open(fs, qt_QString2TPtrC(fn), symbianMode);
        if (r == KErrNotFound && (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
            r = symbianFile.Create(fs, qt_QString2TPtrC(fn), symbianMode);

    if (r == KErrNone) {
        TInt64 size;
        TInt size;
        r = symbianFile.Size(size);
        if (r==KErrNone) {
            if (openMode & QIODevice::Append)
                symbianFilePos = size;
                symbianFilePos = 0;
            //TODO: port this (QFileSystemMetaData in open?)
            //cachedSize = size;

    if (r != KErrNone) {
        q->setError(QFile::OpenError, QSystemError(r, QSystemError::NativeError).toString());
        return false;

    closeFileHandle = true;
    return true;
uchar *QFSFileEnginePrivate::map(qint64 offset, qint64 size, QFile::MemoryMapFlags flags)
    if (openMode == QIODevice::NotOpen) {
        q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string(int(EACCES)));
        return 0;

    if (offset < 0 || offset != qint64(QT_OFF_T(offset))
            || size < 0 || quint64(size) > quint64(size_t(-1))) {
        q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, qt_error_string(int(EINVAL)));
        return 0;

    // If we know the mapping will extend beyond EOF, fail early to avoid
    // undefined behavior. Otherwise, let mmap have its say.
    if (doStat(QFileSystemMetaData::SizeAttribute)
            && (QT_OFF_T(size) > metaData.size() - QT_OFF_T(offset)))
        qWarning("QFSFileEngine::map: Mapping a file beyond its size is not portable");

    int access = 0;
    if (openMode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) access |= PROT_READ;
    if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) access |= PROT_WRITE;

#if defined(Q_OS_INTEGRITY)
    int pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
    int pageSize = getpagesize();
    int extra = offset % pageSize;

    if (quint64(size + extra) > quint64((size_t)-1)) {
        q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, qt_error_string(int(EINVAL)));
        return 0;

    size_t realSize = (size_t)size + extra;
    QT_OFF_T realOffset = QT_OFF_T(offset);
    realOffset &= ~(QT_OFF_T(pageSize - 1));

    TInt nativeMapError = KErrNone;
    RFileMap mapping;
    TUint mode(EFileMapRemovableMedia);
    TUint64 nativeOffset = offset & ~(mapping.PageSizeInBytes() - 1);

    //If the file was opened for write or read/write, then open the map for read/write
    if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)
        mode |= EFileMapWrite;
    if (symbianFile.SubSessionHandle()) {
        nativeMapError = mapping.Open(symbianFile, nativeOffset, size, mode);
    } else {
        //map file by name if we don't have a native handle
        QString fn = QFileSystemEngine::absoluteName(fileEntry).nativeFilePath();
        TUint filemode = EFileShareReadersOrWriters | EFileRead;
        if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly)
            filemode |= EFileWrite;
        nativeMapError = mapping.Open(qt_s60GetRFs(), qt_QString2TPtrC(fn), filemode, nativeOffset, size, mode);
    if (nativeMapError == KErrNone) {
        QScopedResource<RFileMap> ptr(mapping); //will call Close if adding to mapping throws an exception
        uchar *address = mapping.Base() + (offset - nativeOffset);
        maps[address] = mapping;
        return address;
    QFile::FileError reportedError = QFile::UnspecifiedError;
    switch (nativeMapError) {
    case KErrAccessDenied:
    case KErrPermissionDenied:
        reportedError = QFile::PermissionsError;
    case KErrNoMemory:
        reportedError = QFile::ResourceError;
    q->setError(reportedError, QSystemError(nativeMapError, QSystemError::NativeError).toString());
    return 0;
    //older phones & emulator don't support native mapping, so need to keep the open C way around for those.
    void *mapAddress;
    TRAPD(err, mapAddress = QT_MMAP((void*)0, realSize,
                   access, MAP_SHARED, getMapHandle(), realOffset));
    if (err != KErrNone) {
        qWarning("OpenC bug: leave from mmap %d", err);
        mapAddress = MAP_FAILED;
        errno = EINVAL;
    void *mapAddress = QT_MMAP((void*)0, realSize,
                   access, MAP_SHARED, nativeHandle(), realOffset);
    if (MAP_FAILED != mapAddress) {
        uchar *address = extra + static_cast<uchar*>(mapAddress);
        maps[address] = QPair<int,size_t>(extra, realSize);
        return address;

    switch(errno) {
    case EBADF:
        q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string(int(EACCES)));
    case ENFILE:
    case ENOMEM:
        q->setError(QFile::ResourceError, qt_error_string(int(errno)));
    case EINVAL:
        // size are out of bounds
        q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, qt_error_string(int(errno)));
    return 0;