bool QWSInputContext::translateIMEvent(QWidget *w, const QWSIMEvent *e) { QDataStream stream(e->streamingData); QString preedit; QString commit; stream >> preedit; stream >> commit; if (preedit.isEmpty() && QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(activeWidget)) w = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(activeWidget); QInputContext *qic = w->inputContext(); if (!qic) return false; QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attrs; while (!stream.atEnd()) { int type = -1; int start = -1; int length = -1; QVariant data; stream >> type >> start >> length >> data; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { qWarning("corrupted QWSIMEvent"); //qic->reset(); //??? return false; } if (type == QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat) data = qic->standardFormat(static_cast<QInputContext::StandardFormat>(data.toInt())); attrs << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(static_cast<QInputMethodEvent::AttributeType>(type), start, length, data); } #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG qDebug() << "preedit" << preedit << "len" << preedit.length() <<"commit" << commit << "len" << commit.length() << "n attr" << attrs.count(); #endif if (preedit.isEmpty()) QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(activeWidget) = 0; else QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(activeWidget) = w; QInputMethodEvent ime(preedit, attrs); if (!commit.isEmpty() || e->simpleData.replaceLength > 0) ime.setCommitString(commit, e->simpleData.replaceFrom, e->simpleData.replaceLength); extern bool qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *, QEvent *); //qapplication_qws.cpp qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &ime); return true; }
void QKeyMapper::changeKeyboard() { instance()->d_func()->clearMappings(); // inform all toplevel widgets of the change QEvent e(QEvent::KeyboardLayoutChange); QWidgetList list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QWidget *w =; qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &e); } }
void qt_mac_send_modifiers_changed(quint32 modifiers, QObject *object) { static quint32 cachedModifiers = 0; quint32 lastModifiers = cachedModifiers, changedModifiers = lastModifiers ^ modifiers; cachedModifiers = modifiers; //check the bits static qt_mac_enum_mapper modifier_key_symbols[] = { { shiftKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Shift) }, { rightShiftKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Shift) }, //??? { controlKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Meta) }, { rightControlKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Meta) }, //??? { cmdKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Control) }, { optionKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Alt) }, { rightOptionKeyBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_Alt) }, //??? { alphaLockBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_CapsLock) }, { kEventKeyModifierNumLockBit, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(Qt::Key_NumLock) }, { 0, QT_MAC_MAP_ENUM(0) } }; for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) { //just check each bit if (!(changedModifiers & (1 << i))) continue; QEvent::Type etype = QEvent::KeyPress; if (lastModifiers & (1 << i)) etype = QEvent::KeyRelease; int key = 0; for (uint x = 0; modifier_key_symbols[x].mac_code; x++) { if (modifier_key_symbols[x].mac_code == i) { #ifdef DEBUG_KEY_BINDINGS_MODIFIERS qDebug("got modifier changed: %s", modifier_key_symbols[x].desc); #endif key = modifier_key_symbols[x].qt_code; break; } } if (!key) { #ifdef DEBUG_KEY_BINDINGS_MODIFIERS qDebug("could not get modifier changed: %d", i); #endif continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_KEY_BINDINGS_MODIFIERS qDebug("KeyEvent (modif): Sending %s to %s::%s: %d - 0x%08x", etype == QEvent::KeyRelease ? "KeyRelease" : "KeyPress", object ? object->metaObject()->className() : "none", object ? object->objectName().toLatin1().constData() : "", key, (int)modifiers); #endif QKeyEvent ke(etype, key, qt_mac_get_modifiers(modifiers ^ (1 << i)), QLatin1String("")); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(object, &ke); } }
void QMacInputContext::reset() { if (recursionGuard) return; if (!currentText.isEmpty()){ QInputMethodEvent e; e.setCommitString(currentText); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(focusWidget(), &e); currentText = QString(); } recursionGuard = true; createTextDocument(); composing = false; ActivateTSMDocument(textDocument); FixTSMDocument(textDocument); recursionGuard = false; }
void LLEmbeddedBrowserWindow::mouseEvent(LLQtWebKit::EMouseEvent mouse_event, int16_t button, int16_t x, int16_t y, LLQtWebKit::EKeyboardModifier modifiers) { #if LLEMBEDDEDBROWSER_DEBUG > 10 qDebug() << "LLEmbeddedBrowserWindow" << __FUNCTION__ << x << y; #endif QEvent::Type type = event_from_mouse_event(mouse_event); Qt::MouseButton qt_button = qt_button_from_button_number(button); Qt::KeyboardModifiers qt_modifiers = convert_modifiers(modifiers); if(type == QEvent::MouseMove) { // Mouse move events should always use "no button". qt_button = Qt::NoButton; } // FIXME: should the current button state be updated before or after constructing the event? switch(type) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: d->mCurrentMouseButtonState |= qt_button; break; case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: d->mCurrentMouseButtonState &= ~qt_button; break; default: break; } QMouseEvent event(type, QPoint(x, y), qt_button, d->mCurrentMouseButtonState, qt_modifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(d->mGraphicsView->viewport(), &event); }
void RunnerView::handleMouse(MouseMessage* mm) { QMouseEvent* me(mm->createMouseEvent()); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(this, me); delete me; }
OSStatus QMacInputContext::globalEventProcessor(EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef event, void *) { #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA QScopedLoopLevelCounter loopLevelCounter(QApplicationPrivate::instance()->threadData); SRefCon refcon = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendRefCon, typeRefCon, 0, sizeof(refcon), 0, &refcon); QMacInputContext *context = reinterpret_cast<QMacInputContext*>(refcon); bool handled_event=true; UInt32 ekind = GetEventKind(event), eclass = GetEventClass(event); switch(eclass) { case kEventClassTextInput: { handled_event = false; QWidget *widget = QApplicationPrivate::focus_widget; bool canCompose = widget && (!context || widget->inputContext() == context) && !(widget->inputMethodHints() & Qt::ImhDigitsOnly || widget->inputMethodHints() & Qt::ImhFormattedNumbersOnly || widget->inputMethodHints() & Qt::ImhHiddenText); if(!canCompose) { handled_event = false; } else if(ekind == kEventTextInputOffsetToPos) { if(!widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled)) { handled_event = false; break; } QRect mr(widget->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus).toRect()); QPoint mp(widget->mapToGlobal(QPoint(mr.topLeft()))); Point pt; pt.h = mp.x(); pt.v = mp.y() + mr.height(); SetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputReplyPoint, typeQDPoint, sizeof(pt), &pt); handled_event = true; } else if(ekind == kEventTextInputUpdateActiveInputArea) { if(!widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled)) { handled_event = false; break; } if (context->recursionGuard) break; ByteCount unilen = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, 0, 0, &unilen, 0); UniChar *unicode = (UniChar*)NewPtr(unilen); GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, 0, unilen, 0, unicode); QString text((QChar*)unicode, unilen / sizeof(UniChar)); DisposePtr((char*)unicode); ByteCount fixed_length = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendFixLen, typeByteCount, 0, sizeof(fixed_length), 0, &fixed_length); if(fixed_length == ULONG_MAX || fixed_length == unilen) { QInputMethodEvent e; e.setCommitString(text); context->currentText = QString(); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(context->focusWidget(), &e); handled_event = true; context->reset(); } else { ByteCount rngSize = 0; OSStatus err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendHiliteRng, typeTextRangeArray, 0, 0, &rngSize, 0); QVarLengthArray<TextRangeArray> highlight(rngSize); if (noErr == err) { err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendHiliteRng, typeTextRangeArray, 0, rngSize, &rngSize,; } context->composing = true; if(fixed_length > 0) { const int qFixedLength = fixed_length / sizeof(UniChar); QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attrs; attrs << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat, qFixedLength, text.length()-qFixedLength, qt_mac_compose_format()); QInputMethodEvent e(text, attrs); context->currentText = text; e.setCommitString(text.left(qFixedLength), 0, qFixedLength); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget, &e); handled_event = true; } else { /* Apple's enums that they have removed from Tiger :( enum { kCaretPosition = 1, kRawText = 2, kSelectedRawText = 3, kConvertedText = 4, kSelectedConvertedText = 5, kBlockFillText = 6, kOutlineText = 7, kSelectedText = 8 }; */ #ifndef kConvertedText #define kConvertedText 4 #endif #ifndef kCaretPosition #define kCaretPosition 1 #endif QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attrs; if (!highlight.isEmpty()) { TextRangeArray *data =; for (int i = 0; i < data->fNumOfRanges; ++i) { int start = data->fRange[i].fStart / sizeof(UniChar); int len = (data->fRange[i].fEnd - data->fRange[i].fStart) / sizeof(UniChar); if (data->fRange[i].fHiliteStyle == kCaretPosition) { attrs << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Cursor, start, 0, QVariant()); continue; } QTextCharFormat format; format.setFontUnderline(true); if (data->fRange[i].fHiliteStyle == kConvertedText) format.setUnderlineColor(Qt::gray); else format.setUnderlineColor(Qt::black); attrs << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat, start, len, format); } } else { attrs << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat, 0, text.length(), qt_mac_compose_format()); } context->currentText = text; QInputMethodEvent e(text, attrs); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget, &e); handled_event = true; } } #if 0 if(!context->composing) handled_event = false; #endif extern bool qt_mac_eat_unicode_key; //qapplication_mac.cpp qt_mac_eat_unicode_key = handled_event; } else if(ekind == kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent) { EventRef key_ev = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamTextInputSendKeyboardEvent, typeEventRef, 0, sizeof(key_ev), 0, &key_ev); QString text; ByteCount unilen = 0; if(GetEventParameter(key_ev, kEventParamKeyUnicodes, typeUnicodeText, 0, 0, &unilen, 0) == noErr) { UniChar *unicode = (UniChar*)NewPtr(unilen); GetEventParameter(key_ev, kEventParamKeyUnicodes, typeUnicodeText, 0, unilen, 0, unicode); text = QString((QChar*)unicode, unilen / sizeof(UniChar)); DisposePtr((char*)unicode); } unsigned char chr = 0; GetEventParameter(key_ev, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, 0, sizeof(chr), 0, &chr); if(!chr || chr >= 128 || (text.length() > 0 && (text.length() > 1 || != QLatin1Char(chr)))) handled_event = !widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled); QMacInputContext *context = qobject_cast<QMacInputContext*>(qApp->inputContext()); if (context && context->lastKeydownEvent()) { qt_keymapper_private()->translateKeyEvent(widget, 0, context->lastKeydownEvent(), 0, false); context->setLastKeydownEvent(0); } } break; } default: break; } if(!handled_event) //let the event go through return eventNotHandledErr; #else Q_UNUSED(event); #endif return noErr; //we eat the event }
// generateTouchEvent - iterates through existing touches and creates a QTouchEvent. // For the primary finger, it also creates a mouse event if the location has move void QPAHiddTpHandler::generateTouchEvent() { if (m_touches.empty()) return; QList<QTouchEvent::TouchPoint> touchPoints; QList<HiddTouch>::const_iterator it; QWidget* widget = QWidget::mouseGrabber(); if (!widget) { QWidget* window = QApplication::topLevelAt(m_lastTouchDown); if (window) widget = window->childAt(window->mapFromGlobal(m_lastTouchDown)); } if (!widget) { QPoint dummyPt(10, 10); QWidget* window = QApplication::topLevelAt(dummyPt); if (window) widget = window->childAt(window->mapFromGlobal(dummyPt)); } if(!widget) { widget = QApplication::activeWindow(); if(QApplication::focusWidget()) { widget = QApplication::focusWidget(); } } Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers(); if (widget && m_sendPenCancel) { //printf("Mouse Up for Pen Cancel: %d, %d\n", m_penCancelPoint.x(), m_penCancelPoint.y()); QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, m_penCancelPoint, m_penCancelPoint, true, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoButton, keyboardModifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent((QObject*) widget, &ev); m_sendPenCancel = false; m_penCancelPoint = QPoint (0,0); } for (it = m_touches.begin(); it != m_touches.end(); ++it) { QTouchEvent::TouchPoint touchPoint; touchPoint.setId(it->id); touchPoint.setPos(QPoint(it->x, it->y)); touchPoint.setScreenPos(touchPoint.pos()); switch (it->state) { case QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerDown: touchPoint.setState(Qt::TouchPointPressed); break; case QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerUp: touchPoint.setState(Qt::TouchPointReleased); break; case QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerMove: touchPoint.setState(Qt::TouchPointMoved); break; default: touchPoint.setState(Qt::TouchPointStationary); break; } if (it->isPrimary) { touchPoint.setState(touchPoint.state() | Qt::TouchPointPrimary); } touchPoints.append(touchPoint); // printf ("%s: adding touch point id %d (hiddId %llu) for pos (%d, %d) primary %d\n", // __func__, it->id, it->hiddId, it->x, it->y, it->isPrimary); if (it->isPrimary) { QPoint mousePos = QPoint(it->x, it->y); if (widget) { if (it->state == QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerDown) { uint32_t currTime = m_touchTimer.elapsed(); int dx = mousePos.x() - m_mousePress.x(); int dy = mousePos.y() - m_mousePress.y(); if (((currTime - m_mousePressTime) < (uint32_t) QApplication::doubleClickInterval()) && ((dx * dx + dy * dy) <= 144)) { //printf("Mouse Double Click: %d, %d\n", mousePos.x(), mousePos.y()); QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, mousePos, mousePos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, keyboardModifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent((QObject*) widget, &ev); m_mousePressTime = 0; } else { //printf("Mouse Down: %d, %d\n", mousePos.x(), mousePos.y()); QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mousePos, mousePos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, keyboardModifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent((QObject*) widget, &ev); m_mousePress = mousePos; m_mousePressTime = currTime; } } else if (it->state == QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerMove) { //printf("Mouse Move: %d, %d\n", mousePos.x(), mousePos.y()); QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseMove, mousePos, mousePos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, keyboardModifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent((QObject*) widget, &ev); } } } } //printf ("sending touch event\n"); qt_translateRawTouchEvent(QApplication::activeWindow(), QTouchEvent::TouchScreen, touchPoints); for (it = m_touches.begin(); it != m_touches.end(); ++it) { if (it->isPrimary) { QPoint mousePos = QPoint(it->x, it->y); if (widget) { if (it->state == QPAHiddTpHandler::FingerUp) { //printf("Mouse Up: %d, %d\n", mousePos.x(), mousePos.y()); QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mousePos, mousePos, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoButton, keyboardModifiers); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent((QObject*) widget, &ev); } } } } }
void sendEvent(QWidget* w, QEvent* ev) { m_ignoreEvents = true; qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, ev); m_ignoreEvents = false; }
void ScrollArea::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) { if (!e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) { _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; _touchPos = e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint(); } switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: if (_touchPress || e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return; _touchPress = true; if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAcceleration; _touchWaitingAcceleration = true; _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchStart = _touchPos; } else { _touchScroll = false; _touchTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); } _touchStart = _touchPrevPos = _touchPos; _touchRightButton = false; break; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: if (!_touchPress) return; if (!_touchScroll && (_touchPos - _touchStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _touchTimer.stop(); _touchScroll = true; touchUpdateSpeed(); } if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollManual) { touchScrollUpdated(_touchPos); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration) { touchUpdateSpeed(); _touchAccelerationTime = getms(); if (_touchSpeed.isNull()) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; } } } break; case QEvent::TouchEnd: if (!_touchPress) return; _touchPress = false; if (_touchScroll) { if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollManual) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAuto; _touchPrevPosValid = false; _touchScrollTimer.start(15); _touchTime = getms(); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAuto) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; _touchScroll = false; touchResetSpeed(); } else if (_touchScrollState == TouchScrollAcceleration) { _touchScrollState = TouchScrollAuto; _touchWaitingAcceleration = false; _touchPrevPosValid = false; } } else if (window() && widget()) { // one short tap -- like left mouse click, one long tap -- like right mouse click #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Qt::MouseButton btn(_touchRightButton ? Qt::RightButton : Qt::LeftButton); QPoint mapped(widget()->mapFromGlobal(_touchStart)), winMapped(window()->mapFromGlobal(_touchStart)); QMouseEvent pressEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mapped, winMapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); pressEvent.accept(); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &pressEvent); QMouseEvent releaseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mapped, winMapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &releaseEvent); if (_touchRightButton) { QContextMenuEvent contextEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, _touchStart); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(widget(), &contextEvent); } #endif } _touchTimer.stop(); _touchRightButton = false; break; case QEvent::TouchCancel: _touchPress = false; _touchScroll = false; _touchScrollState = TouchScrollManual; _touchTimer.stop(); break; } }
void AQWebApplication::handleWebEvent(const QString &msgEvent) { QStringList args(QStringList::split(AQ_MSG_SEP, msgEvent, true)); AQ::EventType evT = webEventTypeToAQEventType(args[0]); QWidget *w; AQWidgetInfo *wInfo; if (evT != AQ::XProgressDialog) { w = AQ_WIDGET(args[1].toULongLong(0, 36)); wInfo = createdWidgets_.find(w); if (!wInfo) return; } switch (evT) { case AQ::MouseButtonPress: { QWidget *popup = activePopupWidget(); if (popup && popup != w->topLevelWidget()) popup->close(); w->raise(); w->setActiveWindow(); QPoint local(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); QPoint global(w->mapToGlobal(local)); QCursor::setPos(global); QMouseEvent mev(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, local, global, toQtButton(args[4]), toQtButtonState(args[5])); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &mev); break; } case AQ::MouseButtonRelease: { QPoint local(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); QPoint global(w->mapToGlobal(local)); QCursor::setPos(global); QMouseEvent mev(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, local, global, toQtButton(args[4]), toQtButtonState(args[5])); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &mev); break; } case AQ::MouseButtonDblClick: { QPoint local(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); QPoint global(w->mapToGlobal(local)); QCursor::setPos(global); QMouseEvent mev(QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, local, global, toQtButton(args[4]), toQtButtonState(args[5])); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &mev); break; } case AQ::MouseMove: { QPoint local(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); QPoint global(w->mapToGlobal(local)); QCursor::setPos(global); QMouseEvent mev(QEvent::MouseMove, local, global, toQtButton(args[4]), toQtButtonState(args[5])); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &mev); break; } case AQ::KeyPress: case AQ::KeyRelease: { int keyCode = args[2].toInt(); QWidget *keywidget = QWidget::keyboardGrabber(); bool grabbed = false; if (keywidget) { grabbed = true; } else { keywidget = focusWidget(); if (!keywidget) { keywidget = activePopupWidget(); if (!keywidget) { keywidget = activeWindow(); if (!keywidget) keywidget = w->topLevelWidget(); } } } if (keyCode < 0) { QKeyEvent kev((QEvent::Type) evT, 0, keyCode, toQtButtonState(args[3]), QChar(-keyCode)); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(keywidget, &kev); } else { if (evT == AQ::KeyPress && !grabbed) { QKeyEvent a((QEvent::Type) evT, toQtKey(keyCode), keyCode, toQtButtonState(args[3])); if (qt_tryAccelEvent(keywidget, &a)) return; } QKeyEvent kev((QEvent::Type) evT, toQtKey(keyCode), keyCode, toQtButtonState(args[3])); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(keywidget, &kev); } break; } case AQ::Move: if (w != desktop_) { ignoreEvents_ = true; w->move(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); ignoreEvents_ = false; } break; case AQ::Resize: if (w != desktop_) { //ignoreEvents_ = true; w->resize(args[2].toInt(), args[3].toInt()); //ignoreEvents_ = false; } else { int wt = args[2].toInt(); int ht = args[3].toInt(); desktopGeometry_.setRect(0, 0, wt, ht); desktop()->resize(wt, ht); postAQEvent(new AQEvent(w, new QResizeEvent(QSize(wt, ht), QSize()))); emit desktop()->resized(0); if (!initDone_) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(init())); } break; case AQ::XUpload: { QFileDialog *fd = ::qt_cast<QFileDialog *>(w); if (fd) fd->rereadDir(); break; } case AQ::XProgressDialog: { uint pid = args[1].toUInt(); if (args.size() == 2) { QProgressDialog *pd = progressDialogs_.take(pid); if (pd) { pd->close(); pd->deleteLater(); } } else { QProgressDialog *pd = progressDialogs_.find(pid); if (!pd) { pd = new QProgressDialog(args[2], QString(), args[3].section(';', 1, 1).toInt()); progressDialogs_.insert(pid, pd); } pd->setProgress(args[3].section(';', 0, 0).toInt()); } break; } case AQ::WindowStateChange: { w->setWindowState(args[2].toInt()); break; } default: { QEvent ev((QEvent::Type) evT); qt_sendSpontaneousEvent(w, &ev); } } }