Exemple #1
* Name: static_add_rx_fragment
* Description: Add received fragment to a data connection's fragment queue
*			  and update the total bytes length of data connection's queue.
* Input:	p_ctx - handle to NCI DATA context object
*		conn_id - Connection ID
*		p_buff - Received data buffer
* Output: None
* Return: Accumulated length of incoming fragments in the connection
static nfc_u32 static_add_rx_fragment(struct nci_data_context *p_ctx, nfc_u8 conn_id, struct nci_buff *p_buff)
	struct nci_conn *p_conn = &p_ctx->p_conn_tbl[conn_id];

	que_enqueue(p_conn->h_rx_fragments, p_buff);
	p_conn->rx_accumulated_length += nci_buff_length(p_buff);

	return p_conn->rx_accumulated_length;
///삭제된 단어의 고유번호를 파일에서 읽어서 queue에 저장
unsigned int fio_read_from_file_kno (char *fname, QUEUE* queue)
	FILE	*fp;
	register int i;
	unsigned int kno, *pno;
	int		ch;
	char	in_key[ASIZE];

	fp = fopen (fname, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) return 0;	//printf (", Not exist!\n");
	printf ("Reading data from the %s...\n", fname);

	if (_fio_read_header (fp, fname, in_key) < 0) {
		printf (", Header error!\n");
		return 0;

	while ((ch = fgetc (fp)) != EOF) {  //-1, 0x1A, ^Z
		i = 0;
		while (ch != '\0' && i < ASIZE-2) {
			in_key[i++] = ch;
			ch = fgetc (fp);
		in_key[i] = '\0';

		//문자열을 unsigned int로 변환
		kno = str_to_uint (in_key);
		//큐에 입력
		pno = malloc (sizeof(unsigned int));
		if (pno) {	
			*pno = kno;
			que_enqueue (queue, pno);	//삭제된 고유번호를 큐에 저장
		} else return 0;	//메모리 할당 실패
	} //while

	fclose (fp);
	printf ("have read data: queue (%d)\n", queue->count);

	return queue->count;  //읽은 키 개수