int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; char *query = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "cs:w")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': makedb(1); break; case 's': query = optarg; break; case 'w': makedb(0); break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (query) { query_db(query); } return 0; }
QSqlDatabase DatabaseFactory::sqliteInitializeInMemoryDatabase() { QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER); database.setDatabaseName(QSL(":memory:")); if (! { qFatal("In-memory SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'", qPrintable(database.lastError().text())); } else { QSqlQuery query_db(database); query_db.setForwardOnly(true); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA encoding = \"UTF-8\"")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA page_size = 4096")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA cache_size = 16384")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA count_changes = OFF")); query_db.exec(QSL("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY")); // Sample query which checks for existence of tables. query_db.exec(QSL("SELECT inf_value FROM Information WHERE inf_key = 'schema_version'")); if (query_db.lastError().isValid()) { qWarning("Error occurred. In-memory SQLite database is not initialized. Initializing now."); QFile file_init(APP_MISC_PATH + QDir::separator() + APP_DB_SQLITE_INIT); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { // Database initialization file not opened. HUGE problem. qFatal("In-memory SQLite database initialization file '%s' from directory '%s' was not found. In-memory database is uninitialized.", APP_DB_SQLITE_INIT, qPrintable(APP_MISC_PATH)); } const QStringList statements = QString(file_init.readAll()).split(APP_DB_COMMENT_SPLIT, QString::SkipEmptyParts); database.transaction(); foreach(const QString &statement, statements) { query_db.exec(statement); if (query_db.lastError().isValid()) { qFatal("In-memory SQLite database initialization failed. Initialization script '%s' is not correct.", APP_DB_SQLITE_INIT); } } database.commit(); qDebug("In-memory SQLite database backend should be ready now."); }
int receive(SOCKET client_socket){ char recvbuf[DEFAULT_BUFLEN]; int iResult; int recvbuflen = DEFAULT_BUFLEN; struct sockaddr_in address; int addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); getpeername(client_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&address, (int*)&addrlen); // Receive until the peer shuts down the connection iResult = recv(client_socket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0); if (iResult > 0) { recvbuf[iResult] = '\0'; printf("Bytes received: %d\n", iResult); printf("Received: %s \n", recvbuf); if (is_select_stament(recvbuf) == 0){ query_db(recvbuf, query_callback, client_socket); } else{ printf("Was not a select stament\n"); } send_packet(client_socket, "\"end\"", strlen("\"end\"")); } else if (iResult == 0){ printf("Host disconnected , ip %s , port %d \n", inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port)); }else if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR){ int errorcode = WSAGetLastError(); if (errorcode == WSAECONNRESET){ printf("Host disconnected unexpectedly , ip %s , port %d \n", inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port)); } else{ printf("recv failed: %d\n", errorcode); } } return iResult; }