Exemple #1
Queue *queue_new (void)
	Queue *newQueue = mem_new(Queue,1);
	queue_head(newQueue) = NULL;
	queue_tail(newQueue) = NULL;
	return newQueue;
Exemple #2
void queue_foreach (Queue *queue, VisitorFunc visit, void *extra_data)
	DList *tail = queue_tail(queue);
	while (tail != NULL)
		visit (dlist_data(tail),extra_data);
		tail = dlist_previous(tail);
Exemple #3
 * find the middle queue element if the queue has odd number of elements
 * or the first element of the queue's second part otherwise
queue_t *
queue_middle(queue_t *queue)
    queue_t  *middle, *next;

    middle = queue_head(queue);
    if (middle == queue_tail(queue)) {
        return middle;
    next = queue_head(queue);
    for ( ;; ) {
        middle = queue_next(middle);
        next = queue_next(next);
        if (next == queue_tail(queue)) {
            return middle;
        next = queue_next(next);
        if (next == queue_tail(queue)) {
            return middle;
    /* no reached */
Exemple #4
/* the stable insertion sort */
queue_sort(queue_t *queue,
    int (*cmp)(const queue_t *, const queue_t *))
    queue_t  *q, *prev, *next;

    q = queue_head(queue);
    if (q == queue_tail(queue)) {
    for (q = queue_next(q); q != queue_sentinel(queue); q = next) {
        prev = queue_prev(q);
        next = queue_next(q);
        do {
            if (cmp(prev, q) <= 0) {
            prev = queue_prev(prev);
        } while (prev != queue_sentinel(queue));
        queue_insert_head(prev, q);
Exemple #5
void *
consumer_main(void *own_queue)
    /* Pointer to my own queue */
    struct queue * q;
    q = (struct queue *)own_queue;

    /* Pointer to the current item consumed */
    struct queue_item * consumed_item;

    /* Address of the TCP server to connect to */
    struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
    bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servaddr.sin_port = htons(g_tcp_port);
    inet_pton(AF_INET, g_tcp_ipv4_addr, &servaddr.sin_addr);

    /* Buffer to store the response from servaddr */
    unsigned char response[TCP_FRAME_SIZE]; /* TODO is the allocated space enough? */

    /* Structure used to poll the socket descriptor connected with remote TCP server */
    struct pollfd pfd[1];
    pfd[0].events = POLLIN; /* Interested in input events */

    /* Wait until the first item is enqueued */
    pthread_cond_wait(&q->not_empty, &q->mux);

    while (1)
        /* get next consumed item */
        consumed_item = queue_tail(q);
        if (g_verbose > 1)
            fprintf(stdout, "THR: item consumed from my own queue is: %s\n", consumed_item->frame);

        int tsd = reconnect_tcp_server(&servaddr);

        /* poll input events on tsd */
        pfd[0].fd = tsd;

        /* send answer to TCP server */
        if (-1 == send_tcp_safe(tsd, consumed_item->frame, consumed_item->frame_len, 0))
            /* Close bidirectional tcp socket */
            shutdown(tsd, SHUT_RDWR);

            /* Delete connection from my queue */

        /* Poll the TCP server socket descriptor for the response */
        int rv = poll(pfd, 1, g_tcp_answer_timeout);

        /* poll error */
        if (rv == -1) {
            error_exit("syscall poll %s", strerror(errno));

        /* poll timeout */
        else if (rv == 0) {
            if (g_verbose > 1)
                fprintf(stdout, "THR: response timeout expired, connection discarted\n");

            /* Close bidirectional tcp socket */
            shutdown(tsd, SHUT_RDWR);

            /* Delete connection from my queue */

        /* poll data ready */
        else if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) {
            if (g_verbose > 0)
                fprintf(stdout, "THR: response received from TCP server\n");

            /* receive response from TCP server */
            bzero(response, TCP_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(char));
            int rb = recv(tsd, &response, TCP_FRAME_SIZE, 0);

            if (rb < 0) {
                error_exit("message received from the TCP socket failed!\n");
            } else if (rb == 0) { // peer shutdown
                if (g_verbose > 0)
                    fprintf(stdout, "THR: connection closed by peer\n");
            } else if (rb > 0) { /* valid data */
                if (g_verbose > 0)
                    fprintf(stdout, "THR: sending response back to UDP client: %s\n", response);

                /* Create UDP socket */
                int usd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
                if (usd == -1)
                    error_exit("udp socket at consumer_main: %s", strerror(errno));

struct sockaddr_in sin;
bzero(&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(g_udp_port);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

if (bind(usd, (struct sockaddr*) &sin, sizeof(sin)) == -1)
    error_exit("bind at consumer_main: %s", strerror(errno));

                /* Send response to the client */
                sendto_udp_safe(usd, response, rb, 0,
                                (struct sockaddr *)consumed_item->from, *consumed_item->fromlen);

                /* Close UDP socket */
                shutdown(usd, SHUT_RDWR);

            /* Close bidirectional tcp socket */
            shutdown(tsd, SHUT_RDWR);

            /* Delete connection from my queue */
        } /* POLLIN */
    } /* while */