   \brief Calculate minor/medium ticks for major ticks

   \param majorTicks Major ticks
   \param maxMinorSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size
   \param minorTicks Array to be filled with the calculated minor ticks
   \param mediumTicks Array to be filled with the calculated medium ticks

void QwtLinearScaleEngine::buildMinorTicks(
    const QList<double>& majorTicks,
    int maxMinorSteps, double stepSize,
    QList<double> &minorTicks,
    QList<double> &mediumTicks ) const
    double minStep = qwtStepSize( stepSize, maxMinorSteps, base() );
    if ( minStep == 0.0 )

    // # ticks per interval
    const int numTicks = qCeil( qAbs( stepSize / minStep ) ) - 1;

    int medIndex = -1;
    if ( numTicks % 2 )
        medIndex = numTicks / 2;

    // calculate minor ticks

    for ( int i = 0; i < majorTicks.count(); i++ )
        double val = majorTicks[i];
        for ( int k = 0; k < numTicks; k++ )
            val += minStep;

            double alignedValue = val;
            if ( qwtFuzzyCompare( val, 0.0, stepSize ) == 0 )
                alignedValue = 0.0;

            if ( k == medIndex )
                mediumTicks += alignedValue;
                minorTicks += alignedValue;
static double qwtDivideMajorStep( double stepSize, int maxMinSteps,
    QwtDate::IntervalType intervalType )
    double minStepSize = 0.0;

    switch( intervalType )
        case QwtDate::Second:
            minStepSize = qwtStepSize( stepSize, maxMinSteps, 10 );
            if ( minStepSize == 0.0 )
                minStepSize = 0.5 * stepSize;

        case QwtDate::Minute:
            static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 };

            int numSteps;

            if ( stepSize > maxMinSteps )
                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize, maxMinSteps, 
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize * 60, maxMinSteps, 
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

            if ( numSteps > 0 )
                minStepSize = double( stepSize ) / numSteps;

        case QwtDate::Hour:
            int numSteps = 0;

            if ( stepSize > maxMinSteps )
                static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 };

                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize, maxMinSteps,
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );
                static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 };

                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize * 60, maxMinSteps,
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

            if ( numSteps > 0 )
                minStepSize = double( stepSize ) / numSteps;

        case QwtDate::Day:
            int numSteps = 0;

            if ( stepSize > maxMinSteps )
                static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 28 };

                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize, maxMinSteps,
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );
                static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 };

                numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize * 24, maxMinSteps,
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

            if ( numSteps > 0 )
                minStepSize = double( stepSize ) / numSteps;

        case QwtDate::Week:
            const int daysInStep = stepSize * 7;

            if ( maxMinSteps >= daysInStep )
                // we want to have one tick per day
                minStepSize = 1.0 / 7.0;
                // when the stepSize is more than a week we want to
                // have a tick for each week

                const int stepSizeInWeeks = stepSize;

                if ( stepSizeInWeeks <= maxMinSteps )
                    minStepSize = 1;
                    minStepSize = QwtScaleArithmetic::divideInterval( 
                        stepSizeInWeeks, maxMinSteps, 10 );
        case QwtDate::Month:
            // fractions of months doesn't make any sense

            if ( stepSize < maxMinSteps )
                maxMinSteps = static_cast<int>( stepSize );

            static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 };

            int numSteps = qwtStepCount( stepSize, maxMinSteps,
                limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

            if ( numSteps > 0 )
                minStepSize = double( stepSize ) / numSteps;

        case QwtDate::Year:
            if ( stepSize >= maxMinSteps )
                minStepSize = QwtScaleArithmetic::divideInterval(
                    stepSize, maxMinSteps, 10 );
                // something in months

                static int limits[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 };

                int numSteps = qwtStepCount( 12 * stepSize, maxMinSteps,
                    limits, sizeof( limits ) / sizeof( int ) );

                if ( numSteps > 0 )
                    minStepSize = double( stepSize ) / numSteps;

    if ( intervalType != QwtDate::Month
        && minStepSize == 0.0 )
        minStepSize = 0.5 * stepSize;

    return minStepSize;