bool PodSync::processOneItem( FileInfo *pSrcInfo, FileInfo *pDstInfo )
    FileInfo info;
    // Assume things are ok
    bool result = true;
    const char *srcFileName;
    srcFileName = basename( pSrcInfo->getName() );

    // + 2 for the path separator and the final 0
    char *dstFileName = new char[ strlen( pDstInfo->getName() ) + strlen( srcFileName ) + 2 ];
    strcpy( dstFileName, pDstInfo->getName() );
    strcat( dstFileName, "/" );
    strcat( dstFileName, srcFileName );
    rInfo( "Processing %s", pSrcInfo->getName() );

    // Ok, destination does not exist, copy
    if( false == info.getInfo( dstFileName ))
        if( false == pSrcInfo->isDir() )
            rInfo( "Copying %s to %s as it does not exist", pSrcInfo->getName(), dstFileName ) ;
            result = copy( pSrcInfo->getName(), dstFileName );
            // Current item in src is a dir, recurse
            const char *srcBaseName = basename( pSrcInfo->getName() );
            char *pNewDst = new char[ strlen( pDstInfo->getName() ) + strlen( srcBaseName ) + 2 ];
            strcpy( pNewDst, pDstInfo->getName() );
            strcat( pNewDst, "/" );
            strcat( pNewDst, srcBaseName );
            performSync( pSrcInfo->getName(), pNewDst );
            delete[] pNewDst;
        // Destination is older that source, copy
        if( info.getModificationTime() < pSrcInfo->getModificationTime() )
            rInfo( "Copying %s to %s as it is newer", pSrcInfo->getName(), dstFileName ) ;
            result = copy( pSrcInfo->getName(), dstFileName );
            rInfo( "Skipping %s as %s is up-to-date", pSrcInfo->getName(), dstFileName ) ;

    delete[] dstFileName;

    return result;
void fill_simplex_set(const Delaunay3D& Dt, AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet& simplices)
    // Compute all simplices with their alpha values and attachment information
    for(Cell_iterator cur = Dt.finite_cells_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_cells_end(); ++cur)
    rInfo("Cells inserted");
    for(Facet_iterator cur = Dt.finite_facets_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_facets_end(); ++cur)
        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt));
    rInfo("Facets inserted");
    for(Edge_iterator cur = Dt.finite_edges_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_edges_end(); ++cur)
        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt, Dt.incident_facets(*cur)));
    rInfo("Edges inserted");
    for(Vertex_iterator cur = Dt.finite_vertices_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_vertices_end(); ++cur)
    rInfo("Vertices inserted");
btRigidBody* Physics::CreateRigidBody( const float mass, const CIwFVec3 position, const CIwFVec3 rotation, btCollisionShape* shape )
	btRigidBody* rigidBody;
	btTransform startTransform;

	startTransform.setOrigin( btVector3( position.x, position.y, position.z ) );
	btQuaternion q;
	CIwFVec3 rot = rotation * static_cast<float>( BPU_PI_180 );
	EulerXYZToQuaternion( rot, q );
	startTransform.setRotation( q );

	bool isDynamic = ( mass != 0.f );	// Rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static

	btVector3 localInertia( 0, 0, 0 );
	if( isDynamic )
		shape->calculateLocalInertia( mass, localInertia );

	// Using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
	btDefaultMotionState* motionState = new btDefaultMotionState( startTransform );
	btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rInfo( mass, motionState, shape, localInertia );
	rigidBody = new btRigidBody( rInfo );
	rigidBody = new btRigidBody( mass, 0, shape, localInertia );
	rigidBody->setWorldTransform( startTransform );

	m_dynamicsWorld->addRigidBody( rigidBody );

	return rigidBody;
 * \brief Reads components parameters and checks set integrity before signaling the Worker thread to start running
 * There can be four (4) types of parameteres:
 *		(1) Ice parameters
 *		(2) Nexus (configuration) parameters	
 *		(3) Local component parameters read at start
 *		(4) Local parameters read from other running component
void Monitor::initialize()
	rInfo("Starting monitor ...");
	RoboCompCommonBehavior::ParameterList params;
	readConfig(params );
		rError("Error reading config parameters. Exiting");
	state = RoboCompCommonBehavior::Running;
bool PodSync::doSync( void )
    bool result = true;
    const char *pDst = m_pConfig->getString( "destination_directory" );
    const char *pSrc = m_pConfig->getString( "source_directory" );
    if( 0 != pDst && 0 != pSrc )
        rInfo( "Performing sync from %s to %s", pSrc, pDst );
        if( true == performSync( pSrc, pDst ))
            rInfo( "Sync completed" );
            rWarning( "Sync failed" );
        rWarning( "Bad config" );
        result = false;
    return result;
Exemple #6
bool SpecificWorker::setParams(RoboCompCommonBehavior::ParameterList params)
	busParams.device = params["muecasJoint.Device"].value;
	busParams.numMotors = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.NumMotors"].value).toInt();
	busParams.baudRate = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.BaudRate"].value).toInt();
	busParams.basicPeriod = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.BasicPeriod"].value).toInt();
	for (int i=0; i<busParams.numMotors; i++)
		std::string s= QString::number(i).toStdString();
		RoboCompJointMotor::MotorParams mpar; = params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".name"].value;
		mpar.busId = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".busId"].value).toUShort();
		mpar.invertedSign = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".invertedSign"].value).contains("true");
		mpar.minPos = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".minPos"].value).toFloat();
		mpar.maxPos = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".maxPos"].value).toFloat();
		mpar.zeroPos = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".zeroPos"].value).toFloat();
		mpar.maxVelocity = QString::fromStdString(params["muecasJoint.Params_" + s +".maxVelocity"].value).toFloat();
		QString name = QString::fromStdString(;
		mParams[name] = mpar;
		name2id[name] = mpar.busId;
		motorsName[name] = new Servo( mpar );
		motorsId[mpar.busId] = motorsName[name];
		//TODO: Revisar los parametros de cada motor
		//setMotorRanges(float step_range, float degrees_range, float speed_step_range, float max_speed_rads);
		motorsName[name]->setMotorRanges(200, 360.f,0,0);
	//Creacion de acceso dispositivo
	device.setName (QString::fromStdString(busParams.device) );
	device.setBaudRate ( QSerialPort::BAUD9600);//cambiar por valor leido de los parametros

	if ( ( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) == false )
		rError("Failed to open: "+QString::fromStdString(busParams.device));
		qFatal("Error opening device");
	rInfo("Device "+QString::fromStdString(busParams.device)+" is open");
	return true;
Exemple #7
 * Flush oldest blocks to disk
int ABFile::flushBlocks() {
	int flushed = 0;
//	Comp cmp;
	while (mBlocks.size() > maxblocks) { //remove last and write to disk.
		blockmap::iterator it = mBlocks.begin();
		blockmap::iterator oldestblock = it;

		for (; it != mBlocks.end(); it++) {
			if (it->second->mLastUse < oldestblock->second->mLastUse)
				oldestblock = it;

		Block *b = oldestblock->second;
		if (b->mDirty) {
			rInfo("Flushing block %d", b->mBlockNr);
		delete b;
	return flushed;
Exemple #8
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Carta::Lib::RegionInfo> >
RegionCASA::_loadRegion( const QString & fname, std::shared_ptr<Carta::Lib::Image::ImageInterface> imagePtr ){
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Carta::Lib::RegionInfo> > regionInfos;

    casa::String fileName( fname.toStdString().c_str() );
    CCImageBase * base = dynamic_cast<CCImageBase*>( imagePtr.get() );
    if ( base ){
        Carta::Lib::Image::MetaDataInterface::SharedPtr metaPtr = base->metaData();
        CCMetaDataInterface* metaData = dynamic_cast<CCMetaDataInterface*>(metaPtr.get());
        if ( metaData ){
            std::shared_ptr<casa::CoordinateSystem> cs = metaData->getCoordinateSystem();
            std::vector < int > dimensions = imagePtr->dims();
            int dimCount = dimensions.size();
            casa::IPosition shape(dimCount);
            for ( int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++ ){
                shape[i] = dimensions[i];
            casa::RegionTextList regionList( fileName, *cs.get(), shape );
            casa::Vector<casa::AsciiAnnotationFileLine> aaregions = regionList.getLines();
            int regionCount = aaregions.size();
            for ( int i = 0; i < regionCount; i++ ){
                if ( aaregions[i].getType() != casa::AsciiAnnotationFileLine::ANNOTATION ){
                casa::CountedPtr<const casa::AnnotationBase> ann = aaregions[i].getAnnotationBase();
                std::shared_ptr<Carta::Lib::RegionInfo> rInfo( new Carta::Lib::RegionInfo());

                casa::Vector<casa::MDirection> directions = ann->getConvertedDirections();
                casa::AnnotationBase::Direction points = ann->getDirections();
                std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > corners =
                            _getPixelVertices( points, *cs.get(), directions );
                int annType = ann->getType();
                switch( annType ){
                case casa::AnnotationBase::RECT_BOX : {
                    _addCorners( rInfo, corners );
                    rInfo->setRegionType( Carta::Lib::RegionInfo::RegionType::Polygon );
                case casa::AnnotationBase::ELLIPSE : {
                    rInfo->setRegionType( Carta::Lib::RegionInfo::RegionType::Ellipse );
                    const casa::AnnEllipse* ellipse = dynamic_cast<const casa::AnnEllipse*>( ann.get() );
                    casa::Int directionIndex = cs->findCoordinate(casa::Coordinate::Type::DIRECTION );

                    casa::MDirection::Types csType = casa::MDirection::EXTRA;
                    if ( directionIndex >= 0 ){
                        casa::DirectionCoordinate  dCoord = cs->directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
                        csType = dCoord.directionType();

                    if ( csType == casa::MDirection::EXTRA ){
                        qWarning( "Unable to complete elliptical region, unspecified direction type.");

                    // convert to the viewer's world coordinates... <mdirection>
                    casa::MDirection dir_center = casa::MDirection::Convert(ellipse->getCenter( ), csType)();
                    casa::Vector<double> center = dir_center.getAngle("rad").getValue( );
                    // 90 deg around 0 & 180 deg
                    const double major_radius = ellipse->getSemiMajorAxis().getValue("rad");
                    const double minor_radius = ellipse->getSemiMinorAxis().getValue("rad");
                    const double pos_angle = ellipse->getPositionAngle( ).getValue("deg");
                    const bool x_is_major = ((pos_angle > 45.0 && pos_angle < 135.0) ||
                            (pos_angle > 225.0 && pos_angle < 315.0));
                    const double xradius = (x_is_major ? major_radius : minor_radius);
                    const double yradius = (x_is_major ? minor_radius : major_radius);

                    casa::Vector<casa::Double> world0(2, 0);
                    casa::Vector<casa::Double> world1(2, 0);
                    world0[0] = center[0] - xradius;
                    world0[1] = center[1] - yradius;
                    world1[0] = center[0] + xradius;
                    world1[1] = center[1] + yradius;
                    casa::Vector<casa::Double> pixel0(2, 0);
                    casa::Vector<casa::Double> pixel1(2, 0);
                    std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > ellipseCorners(2);

                    const casa::CoordinateSystem ellipsCoord = ellipse->getCsys();
                    bool firstConvert = ellipsCoord.directionCoordinate().toPixel( pixel0, world0 );
                    bool secondConvert = ellipsCoord.directionCoordinate().toPixel( pixel1, world1 );
                    if ( firstConvert && secondConvert ){
                        ellipseCorners[0] = std::pair<double,double>( pixel0[0], pixel0[1] );
                        ellipseCorners[1] = std::pair<double,double>( pixel1[0], pixel1[1] );
                        _addCorners( rInfo, ellipseCorners );
                    else {
                        qDebug() << "Problem storing ellipse corners: "<<ellipsCoord.errorMessage().c_str();
                case casa::AnnotationBase::POLYGON : {
                    _addCorners( rInfo, corners );
                    rInfo->setRegionType( Carta::Lib::RegionInfo::RegionType::Polygon );
                case casa::AnnotationBase::SYMBOL : {
                    _addCorners( rInfo, corners );
                    rInfo->setRegionType( Carta::Lib::RegionInfo::RegionType::Polygon );
                regionInfos.push_back( rInfo );

    return regionInfos;
* \brief Change configurations parameters to worker
* @param l Configuration parameters list
void Monitor::setParameterList(RoboCompCommonBehavior::ParameterList l) 
	rInfo("Changing configuration params");
Exemple #10
bool copy(const char *i, const char *o, const struct stat *i_st, const struct stat *o_st)
	Compress input(i_st, i);

	int i_fd =, O_RDONLY);
	if (i_fd == -1)
		rError("File (%s) cannot be opened! (%s)", i, strerror(errno));
		return false;

	if (input.isCompressed() == false)
		rInfo(" Not compressed");

		if (g_RawOutput)
			rInfo(" Skipped");

			// Input file is not compressed an user wants
			// to decomrpess file. Return now.

			return false;
		rInfo(" Compressed");

		if (g_RawOutput)
			if (input.isCompressedOnlyWith(g_CompressionType))
				rInfo(" All blocks compressed with the same compression method");

				// Input file is compressed only with
				// the same compression type as user wants.
				// Return now.

				return false;
			rInfo(" Some block(s) compressed with different compression method than others");

	Compress output(o_st, o);

	if (g_RawOutput)

	boost::scoped_array<char> buffer(new char[g_BufferedMemorySize]);

	int o_fd =, O_WRONLY);
	if (o_fd == -1)
		rError("File (%s) cannot be opened! (%s)", o, strerror(errno));
		return false;

	// Get the apparent input file size.

	struct stat st;
	int r = input.getattr(i, &st);
	if (r == -1)
		rError("Cannot determine apparent size of input file (%s) (%s)", i, strerror(errno));
		return false;

	rInfo(" Processing");

	for (off_t off = 0; off < st.st_size; off += g_BufferedMemorySize)
		if (g_BreakFlag)
			rWarning("Interrupted when processing file (%s)", i);
			rWarning("File is left untouched");
			return false;
		off_t r =, g_BufferedMemorySize, off);
		if (r == -1)
			rError("Read failed! (offset: %lld, size: %lld)", (unsigned long long) off ,(unsigned long long) g_BufferedMemorySize);
			return false;
		off_t rr = output.write(buffer.get(), r, off);
		if (rr != r)
			rError("Write failed! (offset: %lld, size: %lld)", (unsigned long long) off , (unsigned long long) r);
			return false;

	// Remember extended attributes.

	FileRememberXattrs xattrs;;

	return true;
Exemple #11
int compress(const char *i, const struct stat *i_st, int mode, struct FTW *n)
	if (!((mode == FTW_F) && (S_ISREG(i_st->st_mode))))
		return 0;

    fs::path input(i
#if BOOST_VERSION <= 104600
            , fs::native
	fs::path input_directory(input.branch_path());
	fs::path output(input_directory / "XXXXXX");
	rInfo("Processing file (%s)", input.string().c_str());

	// Remember times of the input file.

	struct stat stbuf;
	lstat(input.string().c_str(), &stbuf);

	int o_fd = mkstemp(const_cast<char *>(output.string().c_str()));
	if (o_fd < 0)
		rError("Failed to create an temporary file in (%s) directory", input_directory.string().c_str());
		return -1;

	rInfo("Temporary file (%s)", output.string().c_str());

	struct stat o_st;
	if (fstat(o_fd, &o_st) == -1)
		rError("Failed to read stat of temporary file (%s)", output.string().c_str());
		return -1;

	if (!copy(i, output.string().c_str(), i_st, &o_st))
		return -1;

	if (rename(output.string().c_str(), i) == -1)
		rError("Failed to rename temporary file (%s) to (%s) (%s)", output.string().c_str(), input.string().c_str(), strerror(errno));
		return -1;

	if (chmod(i, i_st->st_mode) == -1)
		rError("Failed to change mode (%s) (%s)", input.string().c_str(), strerror(errno));
		return -1;

	// Write back original times.

	struct timespec times[2];
	times[0].tv_sec = stbuf.st_atime;
	times[0].tv_nsec = stbuf.st_atim.tv_nsec;
	times[1].tv_sec = stbuf.st_mtime;
	times[1].tv_nsec = stbuf.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
	utimensat(AT_FDCWD, i, times, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW);
	return 0;
bool PodSync::OnDriveInserted( char drive )
    rInfo( "Media detected %c", drive );
    return doSync();
bool PodSync::performSync( const char *pSrc, const char *pDst )
    DirectoryEnum srcEnumerator;
    DirectoryEnum dstEnumerator;
    FileInfo srcInfo;
    FileInfo dstInfo;
    FileInfo *pSrcInfo = &srcInfo;
    bool result = false;

    // Check that source is valid
    if( false == srcInfo.getInfo( pSrc ))
        rWarning( "Could not get info: %s", pSrc );
        return false;
    // Check that destination is valid
    if( false == dstInfo.getInfo( pDst ))
        rWarning( "Could not get info: %s", pDst );
        if( false == makeDirs( pDst ))
            rError( "Could not create destination: %s", pDst );
            return false;
            if( false == dstInfo.getInfo( pDst ))
                rError( "Could not get info: %s", pDst );
                return false;

    // Check that destination is a directory
    if( false == dstInfo.isDir() )
        rError( "%s is not a directory", pDst );
        return false;
    rInfo( "Source: %s", srcInfo.getName() );
    if( true == srcInfo.isDir() )
        rInfo( "Enumerating %s", srcInfo.getName() );
        // Skip . and ..
        srcEnumerator.findFirst( pSrc );
        pSrcInfo = srcEnumerator.findNext();
        while( 0 != pSrcInfo )
            result = processOneItem( pSrcInfo, &dstInfo );
            if( false == result )
                rError( "Sync %s failed", pSrcInfo->getName() );
            pSrcInfo = srcEnumerator.findNext();
        result = processOneItem( pSrcInfo, &dstInfo );
    return result;
// (recursive part of DetermineSCCs())
void ComputationNetwork::DetermineSCCsR(ComputationNodeBasePtr cur,
                                        list<ComputationNodeBasePtr>& sccStack,
                                        size_t& index, size_t& loopId)

    // set the index (in order of visitation)
    cur->m_index = index;    // TODO: can this be used as m_visitedOrder?
    cur->m_minIndex = index; // also set m_minIndex

    cur->m_visited = true;
    cur->m_inStack = true;

    // set m_minIndex to min over m_lowLinks of children
    for (int i = 0; i < cur->GetNumInputs(); i++)
        if (!cur->Input(i)->m_visited)
            DetermineSCCsR(cur->Input(i), sccStack, index, loopId);
            cur->m_minIndex = min(cur->m_minIndex, cur->Input(i)->m_minIndex);
        else if (cur->Input(i)->m_inStack)
            cur->m_minIndex = min(cur->m_minIndex, cur->Input(i)->m_minIndex);

    // if we closed a loop then create an entry in m_allSEQNodes
    if (cur->m_minIndex == cur->m_index) // m_minIndex is still equal to m_index, as we set it at the start of this function: we closed a loop
        // gather the list of all nodes in this loop
        vector<ComputationNodeBasePtr> nestedNodes;
        // TODO: build array first in a local array. Only if succeeds, then construct the node off it.
        SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(m_allSEQNodes.size() /*loopId*/, cur);
        for (;;)
            ComputationNodeBasePtr w = sccStack.back();
            w->m_inStack = false;
            if (w == cur) // hit our starting point: done
        // insert loop into m_allSEQNodes
        if (nestedNodes.size() > 1) // non-looped nodes are detected here as loops of size 1 --skip those
            // only add to the array if the loop is not already there
            // We end up producing the same loop multiple times because:
            //  - FormRecurrentLoops() is called multiple times from different roots
            //  - depth-first traversal might have led us to enter a loop multiple times?
            // TODO: Check whether this edge case of idempotence is done correctly:
            //  - a recurrent loop with two delay nodes
            //  - two root nodes
            //  - the first root takes the first delay node's value, the second root that of the second delay node
            //    I.e. the depth-first tree traversals enter the loop at two different places (m_sourceNode).
            //  -> Are these two loops detected as identical? (determined by m_minIndex, but m_index depends on traversal from each root, so maybe not)
            bool bFound = false; // find a dup  --TODO: check whether there is an STL algorithm for this
            for (const auto& iter2 : m_allSEQNodes)
                if (iter2->m_sourceNode == cur)
                    bFound = true;
            if (!bFound)
#if 1
                if (loopId != m_allSEQNodes.size())
                    LogicError("DetermineSCCsR(): inconsistent loopId (%d) vs. m_allSEQNodes.size() (%d)", (int) loopId, (int) m_allSEQNodes.size());
                SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(m_allSEQNodes.size(), cur);
                assert(loopId == m_allSEQNodes.size()); // BUGBUG: Only true if all loops are shared among roots. Fix: use m_allSEQNodes.size() instead
                SEQTraversalFlowControlNode rInfo(loopId, cur);
                // TODO: can we prove that 'cur' == nestedNodes.front()? If so, we won't need to store it separately.
                rInfo.m_nestedNodes = move(nestedNodes); // TODO: make these two part of the constructor
                rInfo.m_steppingDirection = DetermineLoopDirection(rInfo.m_nestedNodes);
                loopId++; // and count it  TODO: may be removed