Exemple #1
void CLeanMgr::CalculateNewPosRot( LTVector &vOutPos, LTRotation &rOutRot, float fAngle )
	float fPitch	= g_pPlayerMgr->GetPitch();
	float fYaw		= g_pPlayerMgr->GetYaw();
	float fRoll		= g_pPlayerMgr->GetRoll();

	// Use the current camera angles and just add the new roll for the camera rotation...

	rOutRot = LTRotation( fPitch, fYaw, fRoll + fAngle );

	// Don't factor in the pitch so the position isn't affected by it...

	LTMatrix	mRotation;
	LTRotation	rRotation( 0.0f, fYaw, fRoll + fAngle );
	rRotation.ConvertToMatrix( mRotation );

	vOutPos = (mRotation * m_vRotationPtOffset) + m_vRotationPt;

	// Make sure we are actually in the world before we try to clip...

	ClientIntersectQuery iQuery;
	ClientIntersectInfo  iInfo;

	iQuery.m_From = m_vRotationPt + m_vRotationPtOffset;
	iQuery.m_To = vOutPos;

	if( g_pLTClient->IntersectSegment( &iQuery, &iInfo ))
		vOutPos = iInfo.m_Point + iInfo.m_Plane.m_Normal;

	// Keep us far away from walls to avoid clipping...
	float fCamClipDist = g_vtCameraClipDistance.GetFloat();
	g_vtCameraClipDistance.SetFloat( g_vtLeanCamClipDist.GetFloat() );

	g_pPlayerMgr->GetPlayerCamera()->CalcNonClipPos( vOutPos, rOutRot );

	g_vtCameraClipDistance.SetFloat( fCamClipDist );
Exemple #2
//an internal update functionality that must be called at the start of each effect's update
//function. This does not return any value so it does not need to be checked
void CBaseFX::BaseUpdate(float fTimeInterval)
	LTASSERT(IsActive() && !IsSuspended(), "Error: Updated an effect that was either suspended or inactive");

	//update the elapsed time
	m_tmElapsed += fTimeInterval;

	//handle updating the additional rotation of this object for this frame
		LTVector vAngles = GetProps()->m_vfcRotation.GetValue(GetUnitLifetime());
		LTRotation rRotation(	MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(vAngles.x) * fTimeInterval,
								MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(vAngles.y) * fTimeInterval,
								MATH_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(vAngles.z) * fTimeInterval);
		m_rAdditional = rRotation * m_rAdditional;

	//update our parent transformation as long as we aren't fixed, and actually have a parent
	if((m_hParentObject || m_hParentRigidBody) && (GetProps()->m_eFollowType != eFXFollowType_Fixed))