Exemple #1
R_API void r_cons_flush() {
	const char *tee = I.teefile;
	if (I.noflush)
	if (I.null) {
		r_cons_reset ();
	r_cons_filter ();
	if (I.is_interactive) {
		/* Use a pager if the output doesn't fit on the terminal window. */
		if (I.pager && *I.pager && I.buffer_len > 0
				&& r_str_char_count (I.buffer, '\n') >= I.rows) {
			I.buffer[I.buffer_len-1] = 0;
			r_sys_cmd_str_full (I.pager, I.buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL);
			r_cons_reset ();

		} else if (I.buffer_len > CONS_MAX_USER) {
#define COUNT_LINES 1
			int i, lines = 0;
			for (i=0; I.buffer[i]; i++) {
				if (I.buffer[i]=='\n')
					lines ++;
			if (lines>0 && !r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %d lines? (y/N)", lines)) {
				r_cons_reset ();
			char buf[64];
			char *buflen = r_num_units (buf, I.buffer_len);
			if (buflen && !r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %s chars? (y/N)", buflen)) {
				r_cons_reset ();
			// fix | more | less problem
			r_cons_set_raw (1);
	if (tee && *tee) {
		FILE *d = r_sandbox_fopen (tee, "a+");
		if (d != NULL) {
			if (I.buffer_len != fwrite (I.buffer, 1, I.buffer_len, d))
				eprintf ("r_cons_flush: fwrite: error (%s)\n", tee);
			fclose (d);
		} else eprintf ("Cannot write on '%s'\n", tee);
	r_cons_highlight (I.highlight);
	// is_html must be a filter, not a write endpoint
	if (I.is_html) r_cons_html_print (I.buffer);
	else r_cons_write (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);

	r_cons_reset ();
	if (I.newline) {
		eprintf ("\n");
		I.newline = false;
Exemple #2
/* Write a single memory map line to the console */
static void print_debug_map_line(RDebug *dbg, RDebugMap *map, ut64 addr, const char *input) {
	if (input[0] == 'q') { // "dmq"
		char buf[128];
		char *name = (map->name && *map->name)
			? r_str_newf ("%s.%s", map->name, r_str_rwx_i (map->perm))
			: r_str_newf ("%08"PFMT64x".%s", map->addr, r_str_rwx_i (map->perm));
		r_name_filter (name, 0);
		dbg->cb_printf ("0x%016"PFMT64x" - 0x%016"PFMT64x" %6s %5s %s\n",
			map->addr, map->addr_end,
			r_num_units (buf, map->addr_end - map->addr),
			r_str_rwx_i (map->perm), name);
		free (name);
	} else {
		char sizebuf[128];
		const char *fmtstr = dbg->bits & R_SYS_BITS_64
			? "0x%016"PFMT64x" - 0x%016"PFMT64x" %c %s %6s %c %s %s %s%s%s\n"
			: "0x%08"PFMT64x" - 0x%08"PFMT64x" %c %s %6s %c %s %s %s%s%s\n";
		const char *type = map->shared? "sys": "usr";
		const char *flagname = dbg->corebind.getName
			? dbg->corebind.getName (dbg->corebind.core, map->addr) : NULL;
		if (!flagname) {
			flagname = "";
		} else if (map->name) {
			char *filtered_name = strdup (map->name);
			r_name_filter (filtered_name, 0);
			if (!strncmp (flagname, "map.", 4) && \
				!strcmp (flagname + 4, filtered_name)) {
				flagname = "";
			free (filtered_name);
		dbg->cb_printf (fmtstr,
			(addr>=map->addr && addr<map->addr_end)?'*':'-',
			type, r_num_units (sizebuf, map->size),
			r_str_rwx_i (map->perm),
			*flagname? " ; ": "",
Exemple #3
R_API void r_cons_flush() {
	const char *tee = I.teefile;
	if (I.noflush)
	if (I.null) {
		r_cons_reset ();
	r_cons_filter ();
	if (I.is_interactive) {
		/* Use a pager if the output doesn't fit on the terminal window. */
		if (I.pager && *(I.pager)
				&& I.buffer_len > 0
				&& r_str_char_count (I.buffer, '\n') >= I.rows) {
			I.buffer[I.buffer_len-1] = 0;
			r_sys_cmd_str_full (I.pager, I.buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL);
			r_cons_reset ();

		} else if (I.buffer_len > CONS_MAX_USER) {
			char buf[64];
			char *buflen = r_num_units (buf, I.buffer_len);
			if (!r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %s chars? (y/N)",
					buflen)) {
				r_cons_reset ();
	if (tee&&*tee) {
		FILE *d = r_sandbox_fopen (tee, "a+");
		if (d != NULL) {
			if (I.buffer_len != fwrite (I.buffer, 1, I.buffer_len, d))
				eprintf ("r_cons_flush: fwrite: error (%s)\n", tee);
			fclose (d);
		} else eprintf ("Cannot write on '%s'\n", tee);
	// is_html must be a filter, not a write endpoint
	if (I.is_html) r_cons_html_print (I.buffer);
	else r_cons_write (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);
	r_cons_reset ();
Exemple #4
static void print_debug_maps_ascii_art(RDebug *dbg, RList *maps, ut64 addr, int colors) {
	ut64 mul; // The amount of address space a single console column will represent in bar graph
	ut64 min = -1, max = 0;
	int width = r_cons_get_size (NULL) - 90;
	RListIter *iter;
	RDebugMap *map;
	if (width < 1) {
		width = 30;
	r_list_sort (maps, cmp);
	mul = findMinMax (maps, &min, &max, 0, width);
	ut64 last = min;
	if (min != -1 && mul != 0) {
		const char *color_prefix = ""; // Color escape code prefixed to string (address coloring)
		const char *color_suffix = ""; // Color escape code appended to end of string
		const char *fmtstr;
		char size_buf[56]; // Holds the human formatted size string [124K]
		int skip = 0; // Number of maps to skip when re-calculating the minmax
		r_list_foreach (maps, iter, map) {
			r_num_units (size_buf, map->size); // Convert map size to human readable string
			if (colors) {
				color_suffix = Color_RESET;
				if (map->perm & 2) { // Writable maps are red
					color_prefix = Color_RED;
				} else if (map->perm & 1) { // Executable maps are green
					color_prefix = Color_GREEN;
				} else {
					color_prefix = "";
					color_suffix = "";
			} else {
				color_prefix = "";
				color_suffix = "";
			if ((map->addr - last) > UT32_MAX) { // TODO: Comment what this is for
				mul = findMinMax (maps, &min, &max, skip, width); //  Recalculate minmax
			fmtstr = dbg->bits & R_SYS_BITS_64 ? // Prefix formatting string (before bar)
				"map %4.8s %c %s0x%016"PFMT64x"%s |" :
				"map %4.8s %c %s0x%08"PFMT64x"%s |";
			dbg->cb_printf (fmtstr, size_buf,
				(addr >= map->addr && \
				addr < map->addr_end) ? '*' : '-',
				color_prefix, map->addr, color_suffix); // * indicates map is within our current seeked offset
			int col;
			for (col = 0; col < width; col++) { // Iterate over the available width/columns for bar graph
				ut64 pos = min + (col * mul); // Current address space to check
				ut64 npos = min + ((col + 1) * mul); // Next address space to check
				if (map->addr < npos && map->addr_end > pos) {
					dbg->cb_printf ("#"); // TODO: Comment what a # represents
				} else {
					dbg->cb_printf ("-");
			fmtstr = dbg->bits & R_SYS_BITS_64 ? // Suffix formatting string (after bar)
				"| %s0x%016"PFMT64x"%s %s %s\n" :
				"| %s0x%08"PFMT64x"%s %s %s\n";
			dbg->cb_printf (fmtstr, color_prefix, map->addr_end, color_suffix,
				r_str_rwx_i (map->perm), map->name);
			last = map->addr;
Exemple #5
R_API bool r_diff_buffers_distance_original(RDiff *d, const ut8 *a, ut32 la, const ut8 *b, ut32 lb, ut32 *distance, double *similarity) {
	int i, j, tmin, **m;
	ut64 totalsz = 0;

	if (!a || !b || la < 1 || lb < 1)
		return false;

	if (la == lb && !memcmp (a, b, la)) {
		if (distance != NULL)
			*distance = 0;
		if (similarity != NULL)
			*similarity = 1.0;
		return true;
	totalsz = sizeof(int*) * (lb+1);
	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++) {
		totalsz += ((lb+1) * sizeof(int));
	if (totalsz >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { // 1 GB of ram
		char *szstr = r_num_units (NULL, totalsz);
		eprintf ("Too much memory required (%s) to run distance diff, Use -c.\n", szstr);
		free (szstr);
		return false;
	if ((m = malloc ((la+1) * sizeof(int*))) == NULL)
		return false;
	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++) {
		if ((m[i] = malloc ((lb+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
			eprintf ("Allocation failed\n");
			while (i--)
				free (m[i]);
			free (m);
			return false;

	for (i = 0; i <= la; i++)
		m[i][0] = i;
	for (j = 0; j <= lb; j++)
		m[0][j] = j;

	for (i = 1; i <= la; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j <= lb; j++) {
			int cost = (a[i-1] != b[j-1])? 1: 0;
			tmin = R_MIN (m[i-1][j] + 1, m[i][j-1] + 1);
			m[i][j] = R_MIN (tmin, m[i-1][j-1] + cost);

	if (distance) {
		*distance = m[la][lb];
	if (similarity) {
		*similarity = (double)1 - (double)(m[la][lb])/(double)(R_MAX(la, lb));

	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++) {
		free (m[i]);
	free (m);

	return true;
Exemple #6
R_API void r_cons_flush() {
	const char *tee = I.teefile;
	if (I.noflush) {
	if (I.null) {
		r_cons_reset ();
	r_cons_filter ();
	if (I.is_interactive && I.fdout == 1) {
		/* Use a pager if the output doesn't fit on the terminal window. */
		if (I.pager && *I.pager && I.buffer_len > 0
				&& r_str_char_count (I.buffer, '\n') >= I.rows) {
			I.buffer[I.buffer_len-1] = 0;
			r_sys_cmd_str_full (I.pager, I.buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL);
			r_cons_reset ();

		} else if (I.buffer_len > CONS_MAX_USER) {
			int i, lines = 0;
			for (i = 0; I.buffer[i]; i++) {
				if (I.buffer[i] == '\n') {
					lines ++;
			if (lines > 0 && !r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %d lines? (y/N)", lines)) {
				r_cons_reset ();
			char buf[64];
			char *buflen = r_num_units (buf, I.buffer_len);
			if (buflen && !r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %s chars? (y/N)", buflen)) {
				r_cons_reset ();
			// fix | more | less problem
			r_cons_set_raw (1);
	if (tee && *tee) {
		FILE *d = r_sandbox_fopen (tee, "a+");
		if (d) {
			if (I.buffer_len != fwrite (I.buffer, 1, I.buffer_len, d)) {
				eprintf ("r_cons_flush: fwrite: error (%s)\n", tee);
			fclose (d);
		} else {
			eprintf ("Cannot write on '%s'\n", tee);
	r_cons_highlight (I.highlight);
	// is_html must be a filter, not a write endpoint
	if (I.is_html) {
		r_cons_html_print (I.buffer);
	} else {
		if (I.is_interactive && !r_sandbox_enable (false)) {
			if (I.linesleep > 0 && I.linesleep < 1000) {
				int i = 0;
				int pagesize = R_MAX (1, I.pagesize);
				char *ptr = I.buffer;
				char *nl = strchr (ptr, '\n');
				int len = I.buffer_len;
				I.buffer[I.buffer_len] = 0;
				r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL);
				while (nl && !r_cons_is_breaked ()) {
					r_cons_write (ptr, nl - ptr + 1);
					if (!(i % pagesize)) {
						r_sys_usleep (I.linesleep * 1000);
					ptr = nl + 1;
					nl = strchr (ptr, '\n');
				r_cons_write (ptr, I.buffer + len - ptr);
				r_cons_break_pop ();
			} else {
				r_cons_write (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);
		} else {
			r_cons_write (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);

	r_cons_reset ();
	if (I.newline) {
		eprintf ("\n");
		I.newline = false;
Exemple #7
R_API int r_diff_buffers_static(RDiff *d, const ut8 *a, int la, const ut8 *b, int lb) {
	int i, len;
	int hit = 0;
	la = R_ABS(la);
	lb = R_ABS(lb);
	if (la != lb) {
	 	len = R_MIN(la, lb);
			"Buffer truncated to %d bytes (%d not compared)\n",
			len, R_ABS(lb-la));
	} else len = la;
	for(i = 0; i<len; i++) {
		if (a[i]!=b[i]) {
		} else {
			if (hit>0) {
				struct r_diff_op_t o = {
					.a_off = d->off_a+i-hit, .a_buf = a+i-hit, .a_len = hit,
					.b_off = d->off_b+i-hit, .b_buf = b+i-hit, .b_len = hit
				d->callback (d, d->user, &o);
				hit = 0;
	if (hit>0) {
		struct r_diff_op_t o = {
			.a_off = d->off_a+i-hit, .a_buf = a+i-hit, .a_len = hit,
			.b_off = d->off_b+i-hit, .b_buf = b+i-hit, .b_len = hit
		d->callback (d, d->user, &o);
		hit = 0;
	return 0;

// XXX: temporary files are
R_API int r_diff_buffers_radiff(RDiff *d, const ut8 *a, int la, const ut8 *b, int lb) {
	char *ptr, *str, buf[64], oop = 0;
	int ret, atl, btl, hit;
	ut8 at[128], bt[128];
	ut64 ooa, oob;
	FILE *fd;

	hit = atl = btl = 0;
	ooa = oob = 0LL;
	oop = -1;

	r_file_dump (".a", a, la, 0);
	r_file_dump (".b", b, lb, 0);
	r_sys_cmd ("radiff -d .a .b | rsc uncolor > .d");
	fd = fopen (".d", "r");

	while (!feof (fd)) {
		ut64 oa, ob; // offset
		int ba, bb = 0; // byte
		char op; // operation

		oa = ob = 0LL;
		if (!fgets (buf, 63, fd))
		if (feof (fd))
		str = buf;

		ptr = strchr (buf, ' ');
		if (!ptr) continue;
		sscanf (str, "0x%08"PFMT64x"", &oa);

		str = r_str_ichr (ptr+1, ' ');
		if (*str!='|'&&*str!='>'&&*str!='<') {
			ptr = strchr (str, ' ');
			if (!ptr) continue;
			sscanf (str, "%02x", &ba);
		} else ba = 0;

		str = r_str_ichr (ptr+1, ' ');
		ptr = strchr (str, ' ');
		if (!ptr) continue;
		sscanf (str, "%c", &op);

		str = r_str_ichr (ptr+1, ' ');
		if (str[0]!='0' || str[1]!='x') {
			ptr = strchr(str, ' ');
			if (!ptr) continue;
			*ptr = '\0';
			sscanf (str, "%02x", &bb);

		str = ptr+1;
		ptr = strchr (str, '\n');
		if (!ptr) continue;
		sscanf (str, "0x%08"PFMT64x"", &ob);

		if (oop == op || oop==-1) {
			if (hit == 0) {
				ooa = oa;
				oob = ob;
			at[atl] = ba;
			bt[btl] = bb;
			switch (op) {
			case '|':
			case '>':
			case '<':
		} else {
			if (hit>0) {
				struct r_diff_op_t o = {
					.a_off = ooa, .a_buf = at, .a_len = atl,
					.b_off = oob, .b_buf = bt, .b_len = btl
				ret = d->callback(d, d->user, &o);
				if (!ret)
				atl = btl = 0;
				hit = 0;
		oop = op;
	if (hit>0) {
		struct r_diff_op_t o = {
			.a_off = ooa, .a_buf = at, .a_len = atl,
			.b_off = oob, .b_buf = bt, .b_len = btl
		if (!d->callback (d, d->user, &o)) {
			fclose (fd);
			return 0;
		atl = btl = 0;
		hit = 0;
	fclose (fd);
	unlink (".a");
	unlink (".b");
	unlink (".d");
	return 0;

R_API int r_diff_buffers(RDiff *d, const ut8 *a, ut32 la, const ut8 *b, ut32 lb) {
	if (d->delta)
		return r_diff_buffers_delta (d, a, la, b, lb);
	return r_diff_buffers_static (d, a, la, b, lb);

/* TODO: Move into r_util maybe? */
R_API int r_diff_buffers_distance(RDiff *d, const ut8 *a, ut32 la, const ut8 *b, ut32 lb,
		ut32 *distance, double *similarity) {
	int i, j, tmin, **m;
	ut64 totalsz = 0;

	if (!a || !b || la < 1 || lb < 1)
		return R_FALSE;

	if (la == lb && !memcmp (a, b, la)) {
		if (distance != NULL)
			*distance = 0;
		if (similarity != NULL)
			*similarity = 1.0;
		return R_TRUE;
	totalsz = sizeof(int*) * (lb+1);
	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++) {
		totalsz += ((lb+1) * sizeof(int));
	if (totalsz >= 1024 * 1024 * 512) {
		char *szstr = r_num_units (NULL, totalsz);
		eprintf ("Too much memory required (%s) to run distance diff, Use -c.\n", szstr);
		free (szstr);
		return R_FALSE;
	if ((m = malloc ((la+1) * sizeof(int*))) == NULL)
		return R_FALSE;
	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++) {
		if ((m[i] = malloc ((lb+1) * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
			eprintf ("Allocation failed\n");
			while (i--)
				free (m[i]);
			free (m);
			return R_FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i <= la; i++)
		m[i][0] = i;
	for (j = 0; j <= lb; j++)
		m[0][j] = j;

	for (i = 1; i <= la; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j <= lb; j++) {
			int cost = (a[i-1] != b[j-1])? 1: 0;
			tmin = R_MIN (m[i-1][j] + 1, m[i][j-1] + 1);
			m[i][j] = R_MIN (tmin, m[i-1][j-1] + cost);

	if (distance != NULL)
		*distance = m[la][lb];
	if (similarity != NULL)
		*similarity = (double)1 - (double)(m[la][lb])/(double)(R_MAX(la, lb));

	for(i = 0; i <= la; i++)
		free (m[i]);
	free (m);

	return R_TRUE;