Exemple #1
static int check_bytes(const ut8* bytes, ut64 sz) {
	const ut8 *h;
	ut8 buf[4];
	int off, ret = false;

	if (!bytes || sz < 0x300) {
		return false;
	// XXX assuming BE
	off = r_read_at_be32 (bytes, 4 * sizeof (int));

	h = bytes;
	if (sz >= 0x300 && !memcmp (h, "\xca\xfe\xba\xbe", 4)) {
		// XXX assuming BE
		off = r_read_at_be32 (h, 4 * sizeof (int));
		if (off > 0 && off < sz) {
			memcpy (buf, h+off, 4);
			if (!memcmp (buf, "\xce\xfa\xed\xfe", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xce", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe", 4))
				ret = true;
	return ret;
Exemple #2
static int rap__read(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, ut8 *buf, int count) {
	RSocket *s = RIORAP_FD (fd);
	int ret, i = (int)count;
	ut8 tmp[5];

	// XXX. if count is > RMT_MAX, just perform multiple queries
	if (count > RMT_MAX) {
		count = RMT_MAX;
	// send
	tmp[0] = RMT_READ;
	r_write_be32 (tmp + 1, count);
	r_socket_write (s, tmp, 5);
	r_socket_flush (s);
	// recv
	ret = r_socket_read_block (s, tmp, 5);
	if (ret != 5 || tmp[0] != (RMT_READ | RMT_REPLY)) {
		eprintf ("rap__read: Unexpected rap read reply "
			"(%d=0x%02x) expected (%d=0x%02x)\n",
			ret, tmp[0], 2, (RMT_READ | RMT_REPLY));
		return -1;
	i = r_read_at_be32 (tmp, 1);
	if (i >count) {
		eprintf ("rap__read: Unexpected data size %d\n", i);
		return -1;
	r_socket_read_block (s, buf, i);
	return count;
Exemple #3
static bool checkHeader(const ut8 *h, int sz) {
	ut8 buf[4];
	if (sz >= 0x300 && !memcmp (h, "\xca\xfe\xba\xbe", 4)) {
		// XXX assuming BE
		int off = r_read_at_be32 (h, 4 * sizeof (int));
		if (off > 0 && off + 4 < sz) {
			memcpy (buf, h + off, 4);
			if (!memcmp (buf, "\xce\xfa\xed\xfe", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xce", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe", 4)) {
				return true;
	return false;
Exemple #4
static int check(RBin *bin) {
	ut8 *h, buf[4];
	int off, ret = false;
	RMmap *m = r_file_mmap (bin->file, false, 0);
	if (!m || !m->buf) {
		r_file_mmap_free (m);
		return false;
	h = m->buf;
	if (m->len >= 0x300 && !memcmp (h, "\xca\xfe\xba\xbe", 4)) {
		// XXX assuming BE
		off = r_read_at_be32 (h, 4 * sizeof (int));
		if (off > 0 && off < m->len) {
			memcpy (buf, h + off, 4);
			if (!memcmp (buf, "\xce\xfa\xed\xfe", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xce", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf", 4) ||
				!memcmp (buf, "\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe", 4))
				ret = true;
	r_file_mmap_free (m);
	return ret;
Exemple #5
static int rap__system(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const char *command) {
	int ret, reslen = 0, cmdlen = 0;
	RSocket *s = RIORAP_FD (fd);
	unsigned int i, j = 0;
	char *ptr, *res, *str;
	ut8 buf[RMT_MAX];

	buf[0] = RMT_CMD;
	i = strlen (command) + 1;
	if (i > RMT_MAX - 5) {
		eprintf ("Command too long\n");
		return -1;
	r_write_be32 (buf + 1, i);
	memcpy (buf + 5, command, i);
	r_socket_write (s, buf, i+5);
	r_socket_flush (s);

	/* read reverse cmds */
	for (;;) {
		ret = r_socket_read_block (s, buf, 1);
		if (ret != 1) {
			return -1;
		/* system back in the middle */
		/* TODO: all pkt handlers should check for reverse queries */
		if (buf[0] != RMT_CMD) {
		// run io->cmdstr
		// return back the string
		buf[0] |= RMT_REPLY;
		memset (buf + 1, 0, 4);
		ret = r_socket_read_block (s, buf + 1, 4);
		cmdlen = r_read_at_be32 (buf, 1);
		if (cmdlen + 1 == 0) // check overflow
			cmdlen = 0;
		str = calloc (1, cmdlen + 1);
		ret = r_socket_read_block (s, (ut8*)str, cmdlen);
		eprintf ("RUN %d CMD(%s)\n", ret, str);
		if (str && *str) {
			res = io->cb_core_cmdstr (io->user, str);
		} else {
			res = strdup ("");
		eprintf ("[%s]=>(%s)\n", str, res);
		reslen = strlen (res);
		free (str);
		r_write_be32 (buf + 1, reslen);
		memcpy (buf + 5, res, reslen);
		free (res);
		r_socket_write (s, buf, reslen + 5);
		r_socket_flush (s);

	// read
	ret = r_socket_read_block (s, buf + 1, 4);
	if (ret != 4) {
		return -1;
	if (buf[0] != (RMT_CMD | RMT_REPLY)) {
		eprintf ("Unexpected rap cmd reply\n");
		return -1;

	i = r_read_at_be32 (buf, 1);
	ret = 0;
	if (i > ST32_MAX) {
		eprintf ("Invalid length\n");
		return -1;
	ptr = (char *)calloc (1, i + 1);
	if (ptr) {
		int ir, tr = 0;
		do {
			ir = r_socket_read_block (s, (ut8*)ptr + tr, i - tr);
			if (ir < 1) break;
			tr += ir;
		} while (tr < i);
		// TODO: use io->cb_printf() with support for \x00
		ptr[i] = 0;
		if (io->cb_printf) {
			io->cb_printf ("%s", ptr);
			j = i;
		} else {
			j = write (1, ptr, i);
		free (ptr);
	/* Clean */
	if (ret > 0) {
		ret -= r_socket_read (s, (ut8*)buf, RMT_MAX);
	return i - j;
Exemple #6
static RIODesc *rap__open(RIO *io, const char *pathname, int rw, int mode) {
	int i, p, listenmode;
	char *file, *port;
	const char *ptr;
	RSocket *rap_fd;
	char buf[1024];
	RIORap *rior;

	if (!rap__plugin_open (io, pathname, 0)) {
		return NULL;
	bool is_ssl = (!strncmp (pathname, "raps://", 7));
	ptr = pathname + (is_ssl? 7: 6);
	if (!(port = strchr (ptr, ':'))) {
		eprintf ("rap: wrong uri\n");
		return NULL;
	listenmode = (*ptr == ':');
	*port++ = 0;
	if (!*port) {
		return NULL;
	p = atoi (port);
	if ((file = strchr (port + 1, '/'))) {
		*file = 0;
	if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) {
		eprintf ("sandbox: Cannot use network\n");
		return NULL;
	if (listenmode) {
		if (p <= 0) {
			eprintf ("rap: cannot listen here. Try rap://:9999\n");
			return NULL;
		//TODO: Handle ^C signal (SIGINT, exit); // ???
		eprintf ("rap: listening at port %s ssl %s\n", port, (is_ssl)?"on":"off");
		rior = R_NEW0 (RIORap);
		rior->listener = true;
		rior->client = rior->fd = r_socket_new (is_ssl);
		if (!rior->fd) {
			free (rior);
			return NULL;
		if (is_ssl) {
			if (file && *file) {
				if (!r_socket_listen (rior->fd, port, file)) {
					free (rior);
					return NULL;
			} else {
				free (rior);
				return NULL;
		} else {
			if (!r_socket_listen (rior->fd, port, NULL)) {
				return NULL;
		return r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_rap, rior->fd->fd,
			pathname, rw, mode, rior);
	if (!(rap_fd = r_socket_new (is_ssl))) {
		eprintf ("Cannot create new socket\n");
		return NULL;
	if (r_socket_connect_tcp (rap_fd, ptr, port, 30) == false) {
		eprintf ("Cannot connect to '%s' (%d)\n", ptr, p);
		r_socket_free (rap_fd);
		return NULL;
	eprintf ("Connected to: %s at port %s\n", ptr, port);
	rior = R_NEW0 (RIORap);
	rior->listener = false;
	rior->client = rior->fd = rap_fd;
	if (file && *file) {
		// send
		buf[0] = RMT_OPEN;
		buf[1] = rw;
		buf[2] = (ut8)strlen (file);
		memcpy (buf + 3, file, buf[2]);
		r_socket_write (rap_fd, buf, buf[2] + 3);
		r_socket_flush (rap_fd);
		// read
		eprintf ("waiting... ");
		buf[0] = 0;
		r_socket_read_block (rap_fd, (ut8*)buf, 5);
		if (buf[0] != (char)(RMT_OPEN | RMT_REPLY)) {
			eprintf ("rap: Expecting OPEN|REPLY packet. got %02x\n", buf[0]);
			r_socket_free (rap_fd);
			free (rior);
			return NULL;
		i = r_read_at_be32 (buf, 1);
		if (i > 0) {
			eprintf ("ok\n");
#if 0
		/* Read meta info */
		r_socket_read (rap_fd, (ut8 *)&buf, 4);
		r_mem_copyendian ((ut8 *)&i, (ut8*)buf, 4, ENDIAN);
		while (i>0) {
			int n = r_socket_read (rap_fd, (ut8 *)&buf, i);
			if (n<1) break;
			buf[i] = 0;
			io->core_cmd_cb (io->user, buf);
			n = r_socket_read (rap_fd, (ut8 *)&buf, 4);
			if (n<1) break;
			r_mem_copyendian ((ut8 *)&i, (ut8*)buf, 4, ENDIAN);
			i -= n;
	} else {
	//	r_socket_free (rap_fd);
	//	free (rior);
		//return NULL;
	//r_socket_free (rap_fd);
	return r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_rap, rior->fd->fd,
		pathname, rw, mode, rior);