static int cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { char *da = NULL; char *db = NULL; const char *ca = r_str_trim_ro (a); const char *cb = r_str_trim_ro (b); if (!a || !b) { return (int) (size_t) ((char*) a - (char*) b); } if (sorted_column > 0) { da = strdup (ca); db = strdup (cb); int colsa = r_str_word_set0 (da); int colsb = r_str_word_set0 (db); ca = (colsa > sorted_column)? r_str_word_get0 (da, sorted_column): ""; cb = (colsb > sorted_column)? r_str_word_get0 (db, sorted_column): ""; } if (IS_DIGIT (*ca) && IS_DIGIT (*cb)) { ut64 na = r_num_get (NULL, ca); ut64 nb = r_num_get (NULL, cb); int ret = na > nb; free (da); free (db); return ret; } if (da && db) { int ret = strcmp (ca, cb); free (da); free (db); return ret; } free (da); free (db); return strcmp (a, b); }
static int flag_to_flag(RCore *core, const char *glob) { r_return_val_if_fail (glob, 0); glob = r_str_trim_ro (glob); struct flag_to_flag_t u = { .next = UT64_MAX, .offset = core->offset }; r_flag_foreach_glob (core->flags, glob, flag_to_flag_foreach, &u); if ( != UT64_MAX && > core->offset) { return - core->offset; } return 0; } static void cmd_flag_tags (RCore *core, const char *input) { char mode = input[1]; for (; *input && !IS_WHITESPACE (*input); input++) {} char *inp = strdup (input); char *arg = r_str_trim (inp); if (!*arg && !mode) { const char *tag; RListIter *iter; RList *list = r_flag_tags_list (core->flags); r_list_foreach (list, iter, tag) { r_cons_printf ("%s\n", tag); } r_list_free (list); free (inp); return; }
/* remove spaces from the head of the string. * the string is changed in place */ R_API char *r_str_trim_head(char *str) { char *p = (char *)r_str_trim_ro (str);; if (p) { memmove (str, p, strlen (p) + 1); } return str; }
static void cmd_fz(RCore *core, const char *input) { switch (*input) { case '?': r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_fz); break; case '.': { const char *a = NULL, *b = NULL; r_flag_zone_around (core->flags, core->offset, &a, &b); r_cons_printf ("%s %s\n", a?a:"~", b?b:"~"); } break; case ':': { const char *a, *b; int a_len = 0; int w = r_cons_get_size (NULL); r_flag_zone_around (core->flags, core->offset, &a, &b); if (a) { r_cons_printf ("[<< %s]", a); a_len = strlen (a) + 4; } int padsize = (w / 2) - a_len; int title_size = 12; if (a || b) { char *title = r_str_newf ("[ 0x%08"PFMT64x" ]", core->offset); title_size = strlen (title); padsize -= strlen (title) / 2; const char *halfpad = r_str_pad (' ', padsize); r_cons_printf ("%s%s", halfpad, title); free (title); } if (b) { padsize = (w / 2) - title_size - strlen (b) - 4; const char *halfpad = padsize > 1? r_str_pad (' ', padsize): ""; r_cons_printf ("%s[%s >>]", halfpad, b); } if (a || b) { r_cons_newline(); } } break; case ' ': r_flag_zone_add (core->flags, r_str_trim_ro (input + 1), core->offset); break; case '-': if (input[1] == '*') { r_flag_zone_reset (core->flags); } else { r_flag_zone_del (core->flags, input + 1); } break; case '*': r_flag_zone_list (core->flags, '*'); break; case 0: r_flag_zone_list (core->flags, 0); break; } }
R_API void r_cons_pal_list(int rad, const char *arg) { char *name, **color; const char *hasnext; int i; if (rad == 'j') { r_cons_print ("{"); } for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { RColor *rcolor = RCOLOR_AT (i); color = COLOR_AT (i); switch (rad) { case 'j': hasnext = (keys[i + 1].name) ? "," : ""; r_cons_printf ("\"%s\":[%d,%d,%d]%s", keys[i].name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b, hasnext); break; case 'c': { const char *prefix = r_str_trim_ro (arg); if (!prefix) { prefix = ""; } hasnext = (keys[i + 1].name) ? "\n" : ""; // TODO Need to replace the '.' char because this is not valid CSS char *name = strdup (keys[i].name); int j, len = strlen (name); for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (name[j] == '.') { name[j] = '_'; } } r_cons_printf (".%s%s { color: rgb(%d, %d, %d); }%s", prefix, name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b, hasnext); free (name); } break; case 'h': name = strdup (keys[i].name); r_str_replace_char (name, '.', '_'); r_cons_printf (".%s { color:#%02x%02x%02x }\n", name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b); free (name); break; case '*': case 'r': case 1: r_cons_printf ("ec %s rgb:%02x%02x%02x\n", keys[i].name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b); break; default: r_cons_printf (" %s##"Color_RESET" %s\n", *color, keys[i].name); } } if (rad == 'j') { r_cons_print ("}\n"); } }
static void cmd_write_op (RCore *core, const char *input) { ut8 *buf; int len; int value; if (!input[0]) return; switch (input[1]) { case 'e': if (input[2]!=' ') { r_cons_printf ("Usage: 'woe from-to step'\n"); return; } /* fallthru */ case 'a': case 's': case 'A': case 'x': case 'r': case 'l': case 'm': case 'd': case 'o': case 'w': case '2': case '4': if (input[2]) { // parse val from arg r_core_write_op (core, input+3, input[1]); r_core_block_read (core); } else { // use clipboard instead of val r_core_write_op (core, NULL, input[1]); r_core_block_read (core); } break; case 'R': r_core_cmd0 (core, "wr $b"); break; case 'n': r_core_write_op (core, "ff", 'x'); r_core_block_read (core); break; case 'E': // "woE" encrypt case 'D': // "woD" decrypt { int direction = (input[1] == 'E') ? 0 : 1; const char *algo = NULL; const char *key = NULL; const char *iv = NULL; char *space, *args = strdup (r_str_trim_ro (input+2)); space = strchr (args, ' '); if (space) { *space++ = 0; key = space; space = strchr (key, ' '); if (space) { *space++ = 0; iv = space; } } algo = args; if (algo && *algo && key) { encrypt_or_decrypt_block (core, algo, key, direction, iv); } else { eprintf ("Usage: wo%c [algo] [key] [IV]\n", ((!direction)?'E':'D')); eprintf ("Currently supported hashes:\n"); ut64 bits; int i; for (i = 0; ; i++) { bits = ((ut64)1) << i; const char *name = r_hash_name (bits); if (!name || !*name) break; printf (" %s\n", name); } eprintf ("Available Encoders/Decoders: \n"); // TODO: do not hardcode eprintf (" base64\n"); eprintf (" base91\n"); eprintf (" punycode\n"); eprintf ("Currently supported crypto algos:\n"); for (i = 0; ; i++) { bits = ((ut64)1) << i; const char *name = r_crypto_name (bits); if (!name || !*name) break; printf (" %s\n", name); } } free (args); } break; case 'p': // debrujin patterns switch (input[2]) { case 'D': // "wopD" len = (int)(input[3]==' ') ? r_num_math (core->num, input + 3) : core->blocksize; if (len > 0) { /* XXX This seems to fail at generating long patterns (wopD 512K) */ buf = (ut8*)r_debruijn_pattern (len, 0, NULL); //debruijn_charset); if (buf) { const ut8 *ptr = buf; ut64 addr = core->offset; if (input[3] == '*') { int i; r_cons_printf ("wx "); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { r_cons_printf ("%02x", buf[i]); } r_cons_newline (); } else { while (true) { int res = r_core_write_at (core, addr, ptr, len); if (res < 1 || len == res) { break; } if (res < len) { ptr += res; len -= res; addr += res; } } } free (buf); } else { eprintf ("Couldn't generate pattern of length %d\n", len); } } break; case 'O': // "wopO" if (strlen (input) > 4 && strncmp (input + 4, "0x", 2)) { eprintf ("Need hex value with `0x' prefix e.g. 0x41414142\n"); } else if (input[3] == ' ') { value = r_num_get (core->num, input + 4); core->num->value = r_debruijn_offset (value, r_config_get_i (core->config, "cfg.bigendian")); r_cons_printf ("%"PFMT64d"\n", core->num->value); } break; case '\0': case '?': default: r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_wop); break; } break; case '\0': case '?': default: r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_wo); break; } }
// no copy, like trim_head+tail but with trim_head_ro R_API char *r_str_trim_nc(char *str) { char *s = (char *)r_str_trim_ro (str); return r_str_trim_tail (s); }
R_API void r_anal_hint_set_esil(RAnal *a, ut64 addr, const char *esil) { setHint (a, "esil:", addr, r_str_trim_ro (esil), 0); }
R_API void r_anal_hint_set_opcode(RAnal *a, ut64 addr, const char *opcode) { setHint (a, "opcode:", addr, r_str_trim_ro (opcode), 0); }
R_API void r_anal_hint_set_arch(RAnal *a, ut64 addr, const char *arch) { setHint (a, "arch:", addr, r_str_trim_ro (arch), 0); }
R_API void r_anal_hint_set_offset(RAnal *a, ut64 addr, const char* typeoff) { setHint (a, "Offset:", addr, r_str_trim_ro (typeoff), 0); }