Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	RSocket *s;
	RSocketHTTPRequest *rs;
	int c, timeout = 3;
	int dodaemon = 0;
	int dosandbox = 0;
	const char *port = "8080";

	// TODO: add flag to specify if listen in local or
        while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hp:ds")) != -1) {
                switch (c) {
		case 's':
			dosandbox = 1;
		case 'd':
			dodaemon = 1;
		case 'h':
			return usage (1);
		case 'p':
			port = optarg;
	if (dodaemon) {
		int pid = fork ();
		if (pid >0) {
			printf ("%d\n", pid);
			return 0;
	s = r_socket_new (R_FALSE);
	s->local = 1; // by default
	if (!r_socket_listen (s, port, NULL)) {
		eprintf ("Cannot listen on http.port\n");
		return 1;
	r_sandbox_enable (dosandbox);
	while (!r_cons_singleton ()->breaked) {
		char *result_heap = NULL;
		const char *result = page_index;

		rs = r_socket_http_accept (s, timeout);
		if (!rs) continue;
		if (!strcmp (rs->method, "GET")) {
			if (!memcmp (rs->path, "/proc/kill/", 11)) {
				// TODO: show page here?
				int pid = atoi (rs->path+11);
				if (pid>0) kill (pid, 9);
			} else
			if (!memcmp (rs->path, "/file/open/", 11)) {
				int pid;
				int session_port = 3000 + r_num_rand (1024);
				char *filename = rs->path +11;
				int filename_len = strlen (filename);
				char *cmd;

				if (!(cmd = malloc (filename_len+40))) {
					perror ("malloc");
					return 1;
				sprintf (cmd, "r2 -q -e http.port=%d -c=h \"%s\"",
					session_port, filename);

				// TODO: use r_sys api to get pid when running in bg
				pid = r_sys_cmdbg (cmd);
				free (cmd);
				result = result_heap = malloc (1024+filename_len);
				if (!result) {
					perror ("malloc");
					return 1;
				sprintf (result_heap,
				"<a href='/'>back</a><hr size=1/>"
				" - <a target='_blank' href='http://localhost:%d/'>open</a><br />"
				" - <a href='/proc/kill/%d'>kill</a><br />"
				"</body></html>", session_port, pid);
				eprintf ("\nchild pid %d\n\n", pid);
		r_socket_http_response (rs, 200, result, 0, NULL);
		r_socket_http_close (rs);
		free (result_heap);
	r_socket_free (s);
	return 0;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	RSocket *s;
	RSocketHTTPRequest *rs;
	int c, timeout = 3;
	int dodaemon = 0;
	int dosandbox = 0;
	bool listenlocal = true;
	const char *port = "8080";

	while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "adhp:sv")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'a':
			listenlocal = false;
		case 's':
			dosandbox = 1;
		case 'd':
			dodaemon = 1;
		case 'h':
			return usage (1);
		case 'v':
			return showversion ();
		case 'p':
			port = optarg;
			return usage (0);
	if (optind != argc) {
		return usage (0);

	memorystatus_control (MEMORYSTATUS_CMD_SET_JETSAM_TASK_LIMIT, getpid (), 256, NULL, 0);
	if (dodaemon) {
		int pid = fork ();
		int pid = -1;
		if (pid > 0) {
			printf ("%d\n", pid);
			return 0;
	s = r_socket_new (false);
	s->local = listenlocal;
	if (!r_socket_listen (s, port, NULL)) {
		eprintf ("Cannot listen on %d\n", s->port);
		r_socket_free (s);
		return 1;
	eprintf ("http://localhost:%d/\n", s->port);
	if (dosandbox && !r_sandbox_enable (true)) {
		eprintf ("sandbox: Cannot be enabled.\n");
		return 1;
	while (!r_cons_singleton ()->breaked) {
		char *result_heap = NULL;
		const char *result = page_index;

		rs = r_socket_http_accept (s, timeout);
		if (!rs) continue;
		if (!strcmp (rs->method, "GET")) {
			if (!strncmp (rs->path, "/proc/kill/", 11)) {
				// TODO: show page here?
				int pid = atoi (rs->path + 11);
				if (pid > 0) {
					kill (pid, 9);
			} else if (!strncmp (rs->path, "/file/open/", 11)) {
				int pid;
				int session_port = 3000 + r_num_rand (1024);
				char *filename = rs->path + 11;
				int filename_len = strlen (filename);
				char *cmd;

				if (!(cmd = malloc (filename_len + 40))) {
					perror ("malloc");
					return 1;
				sprintf (cmd, "r2 -q %s-e http.port=%d -c=h \"%s\"",
					listenlocal? "": "-e http.bind=public ",
					session_port, filename);

				// TODO: use r_sys api to get pid when running in bg
				pid = r_sys_cmdbg (cmd);
				free (cmd);
				result = result_heap = malloc (1024 + filename_len);
				if (!result) {
					perror ("malloc");
					return 1;
				sprintf (result_heap,
				"<a href='/'>back</a><hr size=1/>"
				" - <a target='_blank' href='http://localhost:%d/'>open</a><br />"
				" - <a href='/proc/kill/%d'>kill</a><br />"
				"</body></html>", session_port, pid);
				eprintf ("\nchild pid %d\n\n", pid);
		r_socket_http_response (rs, 200, result, 0, NULL);
		r_socket_http_close (rs);
		free (result_heap);
		result_heap = NULL;
	r_socket_free (s);
	return 0;