Exemple #1
* Input: Number of genes to generate
* Output: Vector of floats 
* Function: Generates a random vector of floats. Length is based on input
* Notes: None
std::vector<float> GAUtils::generateGenes(int &genesNum){
	std::vector<float> genes;
	for (int i = 0; i < genesNum; i++){
		float r = randFloatGen();
	return genes;
int hillClimbingProb(int sol[], int **matrix, int M, int G, int iters, int swap, float prob)
    int *newSol, *bestSol;
    int i; double rnd;
    int totalSol, totalNewSol, totalBestSol;
    newSol = (int *)malloc(M * sizeof(int));
    bestSol = (int *)malloc(M * sizeof(int));
    if(!newSol || !bestSol)
    copySol(sol, bestSol, M);
    totalSol = calFitness(sol, matrix, M, G);
    totalBestSol = totalSol;
    for(i=0; i<iters; i++)
        neighbouringGen(sol, newSol, M, G, swap);
        totalNewSol = calFitness(newSol, matrix, M, G);
        if(totalNewSol >= totalSol)
            copySol(newSol, sol, M);
            totalSol = totalNewSol;
            rnd = randFloatGen();
            if (rnd < prob)
                copySol(newSol, sol, M);
                totalSol = totalNewSol;
        if(totalBestSol < totalSol)
            copySol(sol, bestSol, M);
            totalBestSol = totalSol;
    copySol(bestSol, sol, M);
    totalSol = totalBestSol;
    return totalSol;