Exemple #1
void creature_t::step_toward(int px, int py, creature_t* exclude)
  TCODMap* map = new TCODMap(current_dungeon->width, current_dungeon->height);

  for (int y = 0; y < current_dungeon->height; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < current_dungeon->width; x++)
      tile_t* tile = get_tile_at(current_dungeon, x, y);
      bool walkable = tile_is_walkable_by(*tile, this);
      if (flag & CF_INTELLIGENT)
        // Intelligent monsters know how to open doors.
        if (tile->id == TILE_DOOR_CLOSED)
          walkable = true;
      map->setProperties(x, y, tile->properties & TILE_PROP_TRANSPARENT, walkable);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < current_dungeon->creatures.size(); i++)
    creature_t* c = current_dungeon->creatures.at(i);
    if (c == this || c == exclude)

    if (sees(c))
      // If this creature can see another creature, then consider that
      // square as unwalkable.
      map->setProperties(c->pos.x, c->pos.y, 1, 0);

  TCODPath* path = new TCODPath(map, 1.0f);
  if (path->compute(pos.x, pos.y, px, py))
    if (path->size() > 0)
      int move_x, move_y;
      path->get(0, &move_x, &move_y);
      try_move(move_x, move_y);
      // No path found, walk around confused.
    // No path found, walk around confused.

  delete map;
  delete path;
Exemple #2
// Random walking of matrix of position created in populate
// Step 1: Move particles via 6D random walk
// Step 2: Destroy and create particles as need based on Anderson
// Step 3: check energy, end if needed.
void diffuse(h3plus& state, std::ostream& output, std::ostream& output2){

    // For now, I am going to set a definite number of timesteps
    // This will be replaced by a while loop in the future.

    // double diff = 1.0;
    // while (diff > 0.01) {
    for (size_t t = 0; t < 200; t++){
        double v_last = state.v_ref;

        state.t += state.dt;
        // diff = sqrt((v_last - state.v_ref) * (v_last - state.v_ref));

        // Debug information for the current timestep
        std::cout << std::fixed
                  << state.energy << '\t'
                  << state.particles.size() << '\t'
                  << state.dt << '\n';
        if (t % 1 == 0) {
            print_visualization_data(output, state, output2);
        state.dt = TIMESTEP * exp(-(t / 200.0)) + 0.001;
Exemple #3
void random_walk_all(
        float *turtles, 
        int num_turtles, 
        float magnitude, 
        float half_w,
        float half_h,
        float degrees
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_turtles; ++i)
        random_walk(turtles + (i * TURTLE_DATA_SIZE), magnitude, half_w, half_h, degrees);
Exemple #4
void handler_ctrl(void) {
    // runs at 1KHz
    static uint16 t = 0;
    // if (t < 512) {
    //     pwmWrite(X_OUT_P,tri(t));
    // } else {
    //     pwmWrite(Y_OUT_P,tri(t));
    // }

    static uint16 t2 = 0;
    if ((t%32 == 0)) {
        t = 0;

    //    pwmWrite(LASER,t/256);
Exemple #5
// [[register]]
SEXP mcmcbas(SEXP Y, SEXP X, SEXP Rweights, SEXP Rprobinit, SEXP Rmodeldim, SEXP incint, SEXP Ralpha,SEXP method, SEXP modelprior, SEXP Rupdate, SEXP Rbestmodel,  SEXP plocal,
             SEXP BURNIN_Iterations, SEXP MCMC_Iterations, SEXP LAMBDA, SEXP DELTA,
             SEXP Rparents)

  SEXP   RXwork = PROTECT(duplicate(X)), RYwork = PROTECT(duplicate(Y));
  int nProtected = 2, nUnique=0, newmodel=0;
  int nModels=LENGTH(Rmodeldim);

  //  Rprintf("Allocating Space for %d Models\n", nModels) ;
  SEXP ANS = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 15)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP ANS_names = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 15)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP Rprobs = PROTECT(duplicate(Rprobinit)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP MCMCprobs= PROTECT(duplicate(Rprobinit)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP R2 = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP shrinkage = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP modelspace = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP modeldim =  PROTECT(duplicate(Rmodeldim)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP counts =  PROTECT(duplicate(Rmodeldim)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP beta = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP se = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP mse = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP modelprobs = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP priorprobs = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP logmarg = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP sampleprobs = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nModels)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP NumUnique = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, 1)); ++nProtected;
  SEXP Rse_m = NULL, Rcoef_m = NULL, Rmodel_m;

  double *Xwork, *Ywork, *wts, *coefficients,*probs, shrinkage_m, *MCMC_probs,
    SSY, yty, mse_m, *se_m, MH=0.0, prior_m=1.0, *real_model,
    R2_m, RSquareFull, alpha, prone, denom, logmargy, postold, postnew;
  int nobs, p, k, i, j, m, n, l, pmodel, pmodel_old, *xdims, *model_m, *bestmodel, *varin, *varout;
  int mcurrent,  update, n_sure;
  double  mod, rem, problocal, *pigamma,  eps, *hyper_parameters;
  double *XtX, *XtY, *XtXwork, *XtYwork, *SSgam, *Cov, *priorCov, *marg_probs;
  double  lambda,  delta, one=1.0;

  int inc=1;
  int *model, *modelold, bit, *modelwork, old_loc, new_loc;
  //  char uplo[] = "U", trans[]="T";
  struct Var *vars;	/* Info about the model variables. */
  NODEPTR tree, branch;

  /* get dimsensions of all variables */

  nobs = LENGTH(Y);
  xdims = INTEGER(getAttrib(X,R_DimSymbol));
  p = xdims[1];
  k = LENGTH(modelprobs);
  update = INTEGER(Rupdate)[0];
  delta = REAL(DELTA)[0];
  //  Rprintf("delta %f lambda %f", delta, lambda);
  eps = DBL_EPSILON;
  problocal = REAL(plocal)[0];
  //  Rprintf("Update %i and prob.switch %f\n", update, problocal);
  /* Extract prior on models  */
  hyper_parameters = REAL(getListElement(modelprior,"hyper.parameters"));

  /*  Rprintf("n %d p %d \n", nobs, p);  */

  Ywork = REAL(RYwork);
  Xwork = REAL(RXwork);
  wts = REAL(Rweights);

 /* Allocate other variables.  */

  PrecomputeData(Xwork, Ywork, wts, &XtXwork, &XtYwork, &XtX, &XtY, &yty, &SSY, p, nobs);

  alpha = REAL(Ralpha)[0];

  vars = (struct Var *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(struct Var));
  probs =  REAL(Rprobs);
  n = sortvars(vars, probs, p);

  for (i =n; i <p; i++) REAL(MCMCprobs)[vars[i].index] = probs[vars[i].index];
  for (i =0; i <n; i++) REAL(MCMCprobs)[vars[i].index] = 0.0;
  MCMC_probs =  REAL(MCMCprobs);

  pigamma = vecalloc(p);
  real_model = vecalloc(n);
  marg_probs = vecalloc(n);
  modelold = ivecalloc(p);
  model = ivecalloc(p);
  modelwork= ivecalloc(p);
  varin= ivecalloc(p);
  varout= ivecalloc(p);

  /* create gamma gamma' matrix */
  SSgam  = (double *) R_alloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
  Cov  = (double *) R_alloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
  priorCov  = (double *) R_alloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
  for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      SSgam[j*n + i] = 0.0;
      Cov[j*n + i] = 0.0;
      priorCov[j*n + i] = 0.0;
      if (j == i)  priorCov[j*n + i] = lambda;
    marg_probs[i] = 0.0;

  RSquareFull = CalculateRSquareFull(XtY, XtX, XtXwork, XtYwork, Rcoef_m, Rse_m, p, nobs, yty, SSY);

  /* fill in the sure things */
  for (i = n, n_sure = 0; i < p; i++)  {
      model[vars[i].index] = (int) vars[i].prob;
      if (model[vars[i].index] == 1) ++n_sure;

  tree = make_node(-1.0);

  /*  Rprintf("For m=0, Initialize Tree with initial Model\n");  */

  m = 0;
  bestmodel = INTEGER(Rbestmodel);

  INTEGER(modeldim)[m] = n_sure;

  /* Rprintf("Create Tree\n"); */
   branch = tree;

   for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {
      bit =  bestmodel[vars[i].index];
      if (bit == 1) {
	if (i < n-1 && branch->one == NULL)
	  branch->one = make_node(-1.0);
	if (i == n-1 && branch->one == NULL)
	  branch->one = make_node(0.0);
	branch = branch->one;
      else {
	if (i < n-1 && branch->zero == NULL)
	  branch->zero = make_node(-1.0);
	if (i == n-1 && branch->zero == NULL)
	  branch->zero = make_node(0.0);
	branch = branch->zero;

      model[vars[i].index] = bit;
      INTEGER(modeldim)[m]  += bit;
      branch->where = 0;

    /*    Rprintf("Now get model specific calculations \n"); */

    pmodel = INTEGER(modeldim)[m];
    PROTECT(Rmodel_m = allocVector(INTSXP,pmodel));
    model_m = INTEGER(Rmodel_m);

      for (j = 0, l=0; j < p; j++) {
      	if (model[j] == 1) {
            model_m[l] = j;
           l +=1;}

    SET_ELEMENT(modelspace, m, Rmodel_m);

    Rcoef_m = NEW_NUMERIC(pmodel); PROTECT(Rcoef_m);
    Rse_m = NEW_NUMERIC(pmodel);   PROTECT(Rse_m);
    coefficients = REAL(Rcoef_m);
    se_m = REAL(Rse_m);

      for (j=0, l=0; j < pmodel; j++) {
        XtYwork[j] = XtY[model_m[j]];
        for  ( i = 0; i < pmodel; i++) {
	         XtXwork[j*pmodel + i] = XtX[model_m[j]*p + model_m[i]];

    R2_m = 0.0;
    mse_m = yty;
    memcpy(coefficients, XtYwork, sizeof(double)*pmodel);
    cholreg(XtYwork, XtXwork, coefficients, se_m, &mse_m, pmodel, nobs);

    if (pmodel > 1)   R2_m = 1.0 - (mse_m * (double) ( nobs - pmodel))/SSY;

    SET_ELEMENT(beta, m, Rcoef_m);
    SET_ELEMENT(se, m, Rse_m);

    REAL(R2)[m] = R2_m;
    REAL(mse)[m] = mse_m;

    gexpectations(p, pmodel, nobs, R2_m, alpha, INTEGER(method)[0], RSquareFull, SSY, &logmargy, &shrinkage_m);

    REAL(sampleprobs)[m] = 1.0;
    REAL(logmarg)[m] = logmargy;
    REAL(shrinkage)[m] = shrinkage_m;
    prior_m  = compute_prior_probs(model,pmodel,p, modelprior);
    REAL(priorprobs)[m] = prior_m;


    old_loc = 0;
    pmodel_old = pmodel;
    INTEGER(counts)[0] = 0;
    postold =  REAL(logmarg)[m] + log(REAL(priorprobs)[m]);
    memcpy(modelold, model, sizeof(int)*p);
  /*   Rprintf("model %d max logmarg %lf\n", m, REAL(logmarg)[m]); */

    /*  Rprintf("Now Sample the Rest of the Models \n");  */

  m = 0;

  while (nUnique < k && m < INTEGER(BURNIN_Iterations)[0]) {

    memcpy(model, modelold, sizeof(int)*p);
    pmodel =  n_sure;
    MH = 1.0;

    if (pmodel_old == n_sure || pmodel_old == n_sure + n){
	MH =  random_walk(model, vars,  n);
	MH =  1.0 - problocal;
    else {
      if (unif_rand() < problocal) {
      // random
	MH =  random_switch(model, vars, n, pmodel_old, varin, varout );
      else {
      // Randomw walk proposal flip bit//
	MH =  random_walk(model, vars,  n);

    branch = tree;
    newmodel= 0;

    for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {
      bit =  model[vars[i].index];

      if (bit == 1) {
	if (branch->one != NULL) branch = branch->one;
	else newmodel = 1;
      else {
	if (branch->zero != NULL)  branch = branch->zero;
	else newmodel = 1.0;
      pmodel  += bit;

    if (pmodel  == n_sure || pmodel == n + n_sure)  MH = 1.0/(1.0 - problocal);

    if (newmodel == 1) {
      new_loc = nUnique;
      PROTECT(Rmodel_m = allocVector(INTSXP,pmodel));
      model_m = INTEGER(Rmodel_m);
      for (j = 0, l=0; j < p; j++) {
	if (model[j] == 1) {
	  model_m[l] = j;
	  l +=1;}

      Rcoef_m = NEW_NUMERIC(pmodel); PROTECT(Rcoef_m);
      Rse_m = NEW_NUMERIC(pmodel);   PROTECT(Rse_m);
      coefficients = REAL(Rcoef_m);
      se_m = REAL(Rse_m);
      for (j=0, l=0; j < pmodel; j++) {
        XtYwork[j] = XtY[model_m[j]];
        for  ( i = 0; i < pmodel; i++) {
	  XtXwork[j*pmodel + i] = XtX[model_m[j]*p + model_m[i]];
      R2_m = 0.0;
      mse_m = yty;
      memcpy(coefficients, XtYwork, sizeof(double)*pmodel);
      cholreg(XtYwork, XtXwork, coefficients, se_m, &mse_m, pmodel, nobs);
      if (pmodel > 1)  R2_m = 1.0 - (mse_m * (double) ( nobs - pmodel))/SSY;
      prior_m = compute_prior_probs(model,pmodel,p, modelprior);
      gexpectations(p, pmodel, nobs, R2_m, alpha, INTEGER(method)[0], RSquareFull, SSY, &logmargy, &shrinkage_m);
      postnew = logmargy + log(prior_m);
    else {
      new_loc = branch->where;
      postnew =  REAL(logmarg)[new_loc] + log(REAL(priorprobs)[new_loc]);

    MH *= exp(postnew - postold);
    //    Rprintf("MH new %lf old %lf\n", postnew, postold);
    if (unif_rand() < MH) {

      if (newmodel == 1)  {
	new_loc = nUnique;
	insert_model_tree(tree, vars, n, model, nUnique);

	INTEGER(modeldim)[nUnique] = pmodel;
	SET_ELEMENT(modelspace, nUnique, Rmodel_m);

	SET_ELEMENT(beta, nUnique, Rcoef_m);
	SET_ELEMENT(se, nUnique, Rse_m);

	REAL(R2)[nUnique] = R2_m;
	REAL(mse)[nUnique] = mse_m;
	REAL(sampleprobs)[nUnique] = 1.0;
	REAL(logmarg)[nUnique] = logmargy;
	REAL(shrinkage)[nUnique] = shrinkage_m;
	REAL(priorprobs)[nUnique] = prior_m;

      old_loc = new_loc;
      postold = postnew;
      pmodel_old = pmodel;
      memcpy(modelold, model, sizeof(int)*p);
    else  {
      if (newmodel == 1) UNPROTECT(3);

    INTEGER(counts)[old_loc] += 1;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      /* store in opposite order so nth variable is first */
     real_model[n-1-i] = (double) modelold[vars[i].index];
     REAL(MCMCprobs)[vars[i].index] += (double) modelold[vars[i].index];

   // Update SSgam = gamma gamma^T + SSgam
   F77_NAME(dsyr)("U", &n,  &one, &real_model[0], &inc,  &SSgam[0], &n);

 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     REAL(MCMCprobs)[vars[i].index] /= (double) m;
  //  Rprintf("\n%d \n", nUnique);

// Compute marginal probabilities
  mcurrent = nUnique;
  compute_modelprobs(modelprobs, logmarg, priorprobs,mcurrent);
  compute_margprobs(modelspace, modeldim, modelprobs, probs, mcurrent, p);

//  Now sample W/O Replacement
// Rprintf("NumUnique Models Accepted %d \n", nUnique);
 INTEGER(NumUnique)[0] = nUnique;

 if (nUnique < k) {
   update_probs(probs, vars, mcurrent, k, p);
   update_tree(modelspace, tree, modeldim, vars, k,p,n,mcurrent, modelwork);
  for (m = nUnique;  m < k; m++) {
    for (i = n; i < p; i++)  {
      INTEGER(modeldim)[m]  +=  model[vars[i].index];

    branch = tree;

    for (i = 0; i< n; i++) {
      pigamma[i] = 1.0;
      bit =  withprob(branch->prob);

      /*    branch->done += 1; */

	if (bit == 1) {
	  for (j=0; j<=i; j++)  pigamma[j] *= branch->prob;
	  if (i < n-1 && branch->one == NULL)
	    branch->one = make_node(vars[i+1].prob);
          if (i == n-1 && branch->one == NULL)
	    branch->one = make_node(0.0);
	  branch = branch->one;
        else {
	  for (j=0; j<=i; j++)  pigamma[j] *= (1.0 - branch->prob);
	  if (i < n-1 && branch->zero == NULL)
	    branch->zero = make_node(vars[i+1].prob);
          if (i == n-1 && branch->zero == NULL)
	    branch->zero = make_node(0.0);
	  branch = branch->zero;
	model[vars[i].index] = bit;
	INTEGER(modeldim)[m]  += bit;

    REAL(sampleprobs)[m] = pigamma[0];
    pmodel = INTEGER(modeldim)[m];

    /* Now subtract off the visited probability mass. */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      bit = model[vars[i].index];
      prone = branch->prob;
      if (bit == 1) prone -= pigamma[i];
      denom = 1.0 - pigamma[i];
      if (denom <= 0.0) {
	if (denom < 0.0) {
	  warning("neg denominator %le %le %le !!!\n", pigamma, denom, prone);
	  if (branch->prob < 0.0 && branch->prob < 1.0)
	    warning("non extreme %le\n", branch->prob);}
        denom = 0.0;}
      else {
	if  (prone <= 0)  prone = 0.0;
	if  (prone > denom)  {
          if (prone <= eps) prone = 0.0;
	  else prone = 1.0;
	  /* Rprintf("prone > 1 %le %le %le %le !!!\n", pigamma, denom, prone, eps);*/
	else prone = prone/denom;
      if (prone > 1.0 || prone < 0.0)
		Rprintf("%d %d Probability > 1!!! %le %le  %le %le \n",
		m, i, prone, branch->prob, denom, pigamma);

      /*      if (bit == 1)  pigamma /= (branch->prob);
	      else  pigamma /= (1.0 - branch->prob);
	      if (pigamma > 1.0) pigamma = 1.0; */
      branch->prob  = prone;
      if (bit == 1) branch = branch->one;
      else  branch = branch->zero;

      /*      Rprintf("%d %d \n",  branch->done, n - i); */
      /*      if (log((double) branch->done) < (n - i)*log(2.0)) {
	if (bit == 1) branch = branch->one;
	else  branch = branch->zero;
      else {
	    branch->one = NULL;
	    branch->zero = NULL;
	    break; } */

    /* Now get model specific calculations */

      PROTECT(Rmodel_m = allocVector(INTSXP, pmodel));
      model_m = INTEGER(Rmodel_m);

      for (j = 0, l=0; j < p; j++) {
	if (model[j] == 1) {
           model_m[l] = j;
           l +=1;}

     SET_ELEMENT(modelspace, m, Rmodel_m);

      for (j=0, l=0; j < pmodel; j++) {
         XtYwork[j] = XtY[model_m[j]];
        for  ( i = 0; i < pmodel; i++) {
	 XtXwork[j*pmodel + i] = XtX[model_m[j]*p + model_m[i]];


      PROTECT(Rcoef_m = allocVector(REALSXP,pmodel));
      PROTECT(Rse_m = allocVector(REALSXP,pmodel));
      coefficients = REAL(Rcoef_m);
      se_m = REAL(Rse_m);

    mse_m = yty;
    memcpy(coefficients, XtYwork, sizeof(double)*pmodel);
    cholreg(XtYwork, XtXwork, coefficients, se_m, &mse_m, pmodel, nobs);

/*    olsreg(Ywork, Xwork, coefficients, se_m, &mse_m, &pmodel, &nobs, pivot,qraux,work,residuals,effects,v,betaols);   */
    if (pmodel > 1)  R2_m = 1.0 - (mse_m * (double) ( nobs - pmodel))/SSY;

    SET_ELEMENT(beta, m, Rcoef_m);
    SET_ELEMENT(se, m, Rse_m);

    REAL(R2)[m] = R2_m;
    REAL(mse)[m] = mse_m;

   gexpectations(p, pmodel, nobs, R2_m, alpha, INTEGER(method)[0],  RSquareFull, SSY, &logmargy, &shrinkage_m);
   REAL(logmarg)[m] = logmargy;
   REAL(shrinkage)[m] = shrinkage_m;
   REAL(priorprobs)[m] = compute_prior_probs(model,pmodel,p, modelprior);

    if (m > 1) {
      rem = modf((double) m/(double) update, &mod);
      if (rem  == 0.0) {
	mcurrent = m;
	compute_modelprobs(modelprobs, logmarg, priorprobs,mcurrent);
	compute_margprobs(modelspace, modeldim, modelprobs, probs, mcurrent, p);
	if (update_probs(probs, vars, mcurrent, k, p) == 1) {
//	  Rprintf("Updating Model Tree %d \n", m);
	  update_tree(modelspace, tree, modeldim, vars, k,p,n,mcurrent, modelwork);


 compute_modelprobs(modelprobs, logmarg, priorprobs,k);
 compute_margprobs(modelspace, modeldim, modelprobs, probs, k, p);

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 0, Rprobs);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 0, mkChar("probne0"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 1, modelspace);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 1, mkChar("which"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 2, logmarg);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 2, mkChar("logmarg"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 3, modelprobs);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 3, mkChar("postprobs"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 4, priorprobs);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 4, mkChar("priorprobs"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 5,sampleprobs);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 5, mkChar("sampleprobs"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 6, mse);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 6, mkChar("mse"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 7, beta);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 7, mkChar("mle"));

  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 8, mkChar("mle.se"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 9, shrinkage);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 9, mkChar("shrinkage"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 10, modeldim);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 10, mkChar("size"));

  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 11, mkChar("R2"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 12, counts);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 12, mkChar("freq"));

  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 13, mkChar("probs.MCMC"));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ANS, 14, NumUnique);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ANS_names, 14, mkChar("n.Unique"));

  setAttrib(ANS, R_NamesSymbol, ANS_names);
//  Rprintf("Return\n");

Exemple #6
void loop() {
Exemple #7
/* Launches one of those fancy effects. */
void launch_effect(int effect)
    switch (effect) {
    case 0:
	/* Lights all the layers one by one. */
    case 1:
	/* A pixel bouncing randomly around. */
	boing_boing(150, 500, 0x03, 0x01);
    case 2:
	/* Randomly fill and empty the cube. */
	random_filler(100, 1, 500, 1);
	random_filler(100, 1, 500, 0);
    case 3:
	/* Send voxels randomly back and forth the z-axis. */
	send_voxels_rand_z(150, 500, 2000);
    case 4:
	/* Spinning spiral */
	spiral(1, 75, 1000);
    case 5:
	/* A coordinate bounces randomly around the cube. For every position
	 * the status of that voxel is toggled. */
	boing_boing(150, 500, 0x03, 0x02);
    case 6:
	/* Random raindrops */
	rain(40, 1000, 500, 500);
    case 7:
	/* Snake: a snake randomly bounce around the cube. */
	boing_boing(150, 500, 0x03, 0x03);
    case 8:
	/* Spinning plane */
	spinning_plane(1, 50, 1000);
    case 9:
	/* Set x number of random voxels, delay, unset them. x increases
	 * from 1 to 32 and back to 1. */
    case 10:
	/* Set then unset all 64 voxels in a random order. */
	random_filler2(200, 1);
	random_filler2(200, 0);
    case 11:
	/* Bounce a plane up and down all the directions. */
	fly_plane('z', 1, 1000);
	fly_plane('y', 1, 1000);
	fly_plane('x', 1, 1000);
	fly_plane('z', 0, 1000);
	fly_plane('y', 0, 1000);
	fly_plane('x', 0, 1000);
    case 12:
	/* Fade in and out at low framerate. */
    case 13:
	/* Random walk */
	random_walk(4, 250, 1000);
    case 14:
	/* Spinning square */
	spinning_square(1, 50, 1000);
std::pair<ptrobot2D_test_world::point_type, bool> ptrobot2D_test_world::random_back_walk(const ptrobot2D_test_world::point_type& p_u) const {
  return random_walk(p_u);
Exemple #9
int main() {
    GraphTraits::out_edge_iterator out_i, out_end;
    GraphTraits::edge_descriptor e;
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator ai;
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator ai_end;
    boost::minstd_rand gen;

    std::map<uint64_t, uint32_t> m;
    std::map<int_type, int_type> id_map;

    size_t count = 0;

    uint64_t *v_array = (uint64_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint64_t)*(n_count + n_count*3));
    // Create graph with 100 nodes and edges with probability 0.05
    double prob = n_count*n_count;
    prob = n_count*3/prob;
    Graph g(ERGen(gen, n_count, prob), ERGen(), n_count);

    std::cout << "done generating\n\n";

    IndexMap index = get(boost::vertex_index, g);
    cow_trie_p my_map = cow_trie_alloc(0, 0);
    my_map->ref_count = 1;
    my_map->child_bitmap = 0;
    my_map->value_bitmap = 0;
    uint32_t id = 0;

    std::cout << "beginning vertex iteration\n\n";
    std::pair<vertex_iter, vertex_iter> vp;
    for (vp = vertices(g); vp.first != vp.second; ++vp.first) {
        Vertex v = *vp.first;
        boost::tie(out_i, out_end) = out_edges(v, g);
        uint32_t deg = out_degree(v, g);
        uint32_t *succs = new uint32_t[deg];
        val_t my_val = cow_trie_create_val(0, deg, succs, 0, 0);
        int_type my_id = cow_trie_insert(my_map, my_val, &my_map);
        id_map[id] = my_id;

    std::cout << "vertex iteration done, beginning edge iteration\n\n";
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
    boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g);
    std::cout << "id before is" << id << "\n\n"; 
    for (ei; ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
        val_t my_val = cow_trie_create_val(1, 0, 0, id_map[index[source(*ei, g)]], id_map[index[target(*ei, g)]]);
        int_type my_id = cow_trie_insert(my_map, my_val, &my_map);
        m[index[source(*ei, g)] << 32 | index[target(*ei, g)]] = id;
    std::cout << "id is\n\n" << id << "\n\n";
    std::cout << "done edge iterating\n\n";
    std::cout << "putting in successors\n\n";
    int p = 0;
    for (vp = vertices(g); vp.first != vp.second; ++vp.first) {
        Vertex v = *vp.first;
        val_t my_val;
        cow_trie_lookup(my_map, p, &my_val);
        uint32_t *succs = edge_list_values(my_val._.node.succs);
        boost::tie(out_i, out_end) = out_edges(v, g);
        int eindex = 0;
        for (out_i; out_i != out_end; ++out_i) {
            e = *out_i;
            Vertex src = source(e, g), targ = target(e, g);
            uint32_t id = m[index[src] << 32 | index[targ]];
            succs[eindex] = id_map[id];
    val_t v;
    cow_trie_lookup(my_map, 0, &v);
    Vertex vtest = *vertices(g).first;
    std::cout << "beginning random traversal\n\n";
    float t1 = random_walk(vtest, index, g);
    printf("time for theirs %f", t1);
    float t2 = random_walk_c(v, my_map);
    printf("time for ours %f", t2);
    std::cout << "end random traversal\n\n";
Exemple #10
void creature_t::update()

  if (flag & CF_SPELLCASTER)
    if (spell_timer > 0)

  if (get_active_effects_for(this) & EF_CONFUSE)
  else if (identity == IDENT_SHOPKEEPER)
  else if (flag & CF_NEUTRAL)
  else if ((flag & CF_HIDES) && (!(get_active_effects_for(this) & EF_HIDDEN)) && !player.sees(this))
  else if (flag & CF_PLAYER_ALLY)
    creature_t* closest_enemy = get_closest_enemy();
    if (closest_enemy && sees(closest_enemy))
      if ((flag & CF_SPELLCASTER) && spell_timer == 0)
        creature_cast_spell(this, closest_enemy);
        step_toward(closest_enemy->pos.x, closest_enemy->pos.y, closest_enemy);
  else if (sees(&player))
    if (seen_player == 0)
      // Shout should depend on if the creature is intelligent etc.
      if ((flag & CF_SPEAKS)&& !(flag & CF_SPELLCASTER))
      seen_player = 1;
    forget_player_timer = FORGETFULNESS;

    if ((flag & CF_SPELLCASTER) && spell_timer == 0)
      creature_cast_spell(this, &player);
      bool move_towards = true;

      if (flag & CF_INTELLIGENT)
        if (_try_zap_wand(this))
          move_towards = false;

      if (move_towards)
        step_toward(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, nullptr);

    // Stop being interested in whatever noise it heard.
    heard_noise = 0;
    // If the spell timer has reached 0 while the creature is outside player view, reset
    // it for a random value to make things more varied when a caster enters view.
    if (spell_timer == 0)
      spell_timer = random(0, spell_timer_duration);

    if (seen_player && forget_player_timer > 0)
      step_toward(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, nullptr);
      seen_player = 0;
      if (heard_noise)
        step_toward(noise_location.x, noise_location.y, nullptr);
        if (pos.x == noise_location.x && pos.y == noise_location.y)
          // Found the position of the noise.
          heard_noise = 0;
        // If the player has allies and I can see one, attack it.
        creature_t* closest_enemy = get_closest_enemy();
        if (closest_enemy && sees(closest_enemy))
          step_toward(closest_enemy->pos.x, closest_enemy->pos.y, closest_enemy);

  ap -= speed;
void DropletCustomOne::DropletMainLoop()
    switch ( state )
        if ( get_32bit_time() - collab_time > COLLABORATE_DURATION )
            change_state ( LEAVING );

    case LEAVING:
        if ( !is_moving(NULL) )
            change_state ( SAFE );

    case SAFE:
        if ( check_safe () )
            change_state ( SEARCHING );

        // If you start in the red region then try to get out before you die
            random_walk ();

    case SEARCHING:
        random_walk ();
        if ( !check_safe() )
            change_state ( WAITING );

    case START_DELAY:
            uint32_t curr_time = get_32bit_time ();
            if ( curr_time - start_delay_time > START_DELAY_TIME )
                change_state ( SAFE );

    case WAITING:
        if ( get_32bit_time() - heartbeat_time > HEART_RATE )
            heartbeat_time = get_32bit_time ();
            send_heartbeat ();

        // Checks incoming messages and updates group size.
        // There is a chance the state can be changed to COLLABORATING in
        // this function if the droplet sees a GO message.
        update_group_size ();

        if (    get_32bit_time() - voting_time > HEART_RATE &&
                state == WAITING )
            voting_time = get_32bit_time ();
            check_votes ();

