Exemple #1
void SpawnEnemy()
	Entity *pTemp = new Entity ;
	if (pEnemys == 0)
		pEnemys = pTemp ;
		pTemp->pNext = 0 ;
		pTemp->pLast = 0 ;
	} else
		pTemp->pNext = pEnemys->pNext ;
		if (pEnemys->pNext != 0) pEnemys->pNext->pLast = pTemp ;
		pTemp->pLast = pEnemys ;
		pEnemys->pNext = pTemp ;
	pTemp->ptDirection.dX = 0.0 ;
	pTemp->ptDirection.dY = 0.0 ;
	pTemp->ptDirection.dZ = randp() * -0.8 ;

	pTemp->ptAngle.dX = 180.0 ;
	pTemp->ptAngle.dY = 0.0 ;

	pTemp->ptLocation.dX = randp() * 20 - 10  ;
	pTemp->ptLocation.dY = 0 ;
	pTemp->ptLocation.dZ = 100 ;

	pTemp->ptAngle.dZ = 0.0 ;

	pTemp->pModel = &Enemy01Model ;
Exemple #2
 To generate a random integer "k" in [i,j].                *
 Input: integers "seed", "i" and "j" in [1,2147483646]     *
 Ouput: integer in [i,j]                                   *
get_rand_ij(int *seed, int i, int j )


   return ((double)*seed/((double)2147483647/((double)(j-i+1))))+i;

Exemple #3
void MakeExplosion(Point ptLocation, int iNumParticles)
	for (int iTrav = 0 ; iTrav < iNumParticles ; iTrav ++)
		Particle *pNew = new Particle ;
		pNew->ptLocation.dX = ptLocation.dX ;
		pNew->ptLocation.dY = ptLocation.dY ;
		pNew->ptLocation.dZ = ptLocation.dZ ;
		pNew->ptVelocity.dX = 2 * randp() - 1 ;
		pNew->ptVelocity.dY = 2 * randp() - 1 ;
		pNew->ptVelocity.dZ = 2 * randp() - 1 ;
		pNew->ptColor.dX = 0.98 ;
		pNew->ptColor.dY = 0.59 + 0.3 * randp() - 0.15 ;
		pNew->ptColor.dZ = 0.01 ;
		pNew->dAlpha = 0.7 ;
		pNew->dMass = 1 ;
		pNew->dLife = 4 * randp() + 3 ;
		pNew->ptAcceleration = 0 ;
		Particles.AddBack(pNew) ;
Exemple #4
 To check the correctness of the implementation. *
 Ouput: correct (1) or wrong (0)                 *
  int i, seed;
  seed = 1;

  for (i=1;i<=1000;i++)

  if ( seed == 522329230 ) 
      return 1;
      return 0;
Exemple #5
void DisplayHandler () // display callback function
	if (bRotate) 
		fCameraAngle[0] += 1.0 ;
		fCameraAngle[2] += 1.0 ;
	glLoadIdentity() ;

	SetCamera() ;

	if (!bPause)
		GLfloat fTempX = GLfloat(iLastMouseX) / GLfloat(iWinWidth) ;
		GLfloat fTempY = GLfloat(iLastMouseY) / GLfloat(iWinHeight) ;
		GLfloat fFixedX = (Player.ptLocation.dX - 8.65) / -17.3 ;
		GLfloat fFixedZ = (Player.ptLocation.dZ - 8.65) / -17.3 ;
		if (bRightMouseDown)
			if (!(fFixedX + 0.02 > fTempX && fFixedX - 0.02 < fTempX))
				if (fFixedX > fTempX)
					Player.ptLocation.dX += 0.1 ;
					if (Player.ptAngle.dZ > -20) 
						Player.ptAngle.dZ -= 5.0 ;
				} else
					Player.ptLocation.dX -= 0.1 ;
					if (Player.ptAngle.dZ < 20) 
						Player.ptAngle.dZ += 5.0 ;
			} else
				if (Player.ptAngle.dZ < 0) Player.ptAngle.dZ += 5.0 ;
				else if (Player.ptAngle.dZ > 0)	Player.ptAngle.dZ -= 5.0 ;
			if (!(fFixedZ + 0.1 > fTempY && fFixedZ - 0.02 < fTempY))
				if (fFixedZ > fTempY)
					Player.ptLocation.dZ += 0.1 ;
				} else 
					Player.ptLocation.dZ -= 0.1 ;
		} else Player.ptAngle.dZ = 0 ;

		if (randp() > 0.98) AddPlanet() ;
		AddStar() ;
		AddStar() ;
		AddStar() ;
		AddStar() ;
		AddStar() ;
		AddStar() ;

		if (/*!bExplode && */iCount % 15 == 0) SpawnEnemy() ;

		if (!bExplode && bAutofire && iCount % 4 == 0) FireShot(&Player, pPlayerShots) ;

		iCount ++ ;

	DisplayStars() ;
	DisplayPlanets() ;
	DisplayEnemies() ;

	DisplayShots(pPlayerShots) ;
	DisplayShots(pEnemyShots) ;

	if (bExplode && !bPause)
		if (iCount == 0) 
			printf("Game over\n") ;
			MakeExplosion(Player.ptLocation, 1000) ;
	} else 
		if (iCount % 4)
			Particle *pNew = new Particle ;
			pNew->ptLocation.dX = Player.ptLocation.dX + randp() * 0.5 - 0.25;
			pNew->ptLocation.dY = Player.ptLocation.dY + 0.3 * randp() ;
			pNew->ptLocation.dZ = Player.ptLocation.dZ - 1.5 + 0.2 * randp() ;
			pNew->ptVelocity.dX = 0 ;
			pNew->ptVelocity.dY = 0 ;
			pNew->ptVelocity.dZ = -0.2 ;
			pNew->ptColor.dX = 0.98 ;
			pNew->ptColor.dY = 0.59 + 0.3 * randp() - 0.15 ;
			pNew->ptColor.dZ = 0.01 ;
			pNew->dAlpha = 0.7 ;
			pNew->dMass = 1 ;
			pNew->dLife = 7 * randp() + 3 ;
			pNew->ptAcceleration = 0 ;
			Particles.AddBack(pNew) ;

		Player.Display() ;

	LinkedListNode<Particle> *pTravParticles = Particles.pHead ;
	LinkedListNode<Particle> *pTempParticle ;
	while (pTravParticles != 0)
		pTravParticles->pValue->dLife -- ;
		if (pTravParticles->pValue->dLife <= 0)
			pTempParticle = pTravParticles ;
			pTravParticles = pTravParticles->pNext ;
			Particles.Remove(pTempParticle, true) ;
		} else
			pTravParticles->pValue->Apply(0.9) ;
			DisplayParticle(pTravParticles->pValue) ;
			pTravParticles = pTravParticles->pNext ;
	glFinish() ;
	glutSwapBuffers() ;
	glutPostRedisplay() ;
Exemple #6
void DisplayEnemies()
	Entity *pTrav = pEnemys ;
	Entity *pTravShots ;
	Entity *pTemp ;
	bool bShot ;
	Point ptBBModelUFL, ptBBModelLBR, ptBBShotUFL, ptBBShotLBR ;
	while (pTrav != 0)
		if (pTrav->ptLocation.dZ > -100)
			ptBBModelUFL = pTrav->ptLocation + pTrav->pModel->ptBBUpperFrontLeft ;
			ptBBModelLBR = pTrav->ptLocation + pTrav->pModel->ptBBLowerBackRight ;

			bShot = false ;
			pTravShots = pPlayerShots ;
			while (pTravShots != 0)
				ptBBShotUFL = pTravShots->ptLocation + pTravShots->pModel->ptBBUpperFrontLeft ;
				ptBBShotLBR = pTravShots->ptLocation + pTravShots->pModel->ptBBLowerBackRight ;

				if ((ptBBModelUFL < ptBBShotUFL && ptBBModelLBR > ptBBShotUFL) || 
					(ptBBModelUFL < ptBBShotLBR && ptBBModelLBR > ptBBShotLBR))
					bShot = true ;

					MakeExplosion(pTrav->ptLocation, 500) ;

					if (!bExplode)
						iScore += 100 ;
						printf ("Score: %i\n", iScore) ;

					pTemp = pTrav ;
					pTrav = pTrav->pNext ;
					pTemp->pModel = 0 ;
					RemoveEntity(pEnemys, pTemp) ;
					pTravShots->pModel = 0 ;
					RemoveEntity(pPlayerShots, pTravShots) ;
					break ;
				pTravShots = pTravShots->pNext ;

			if (!bShot)
				ptBBShotUFL = Player.ptLocation + Player.pModel->ptBBUpperFrontLeft ;
				ptBBShotLBR = Player.ptLocation + Player.pModel->ptBBLowerBackRight ;

				if (!bExplode && ((ptBBModelUFL < ptBBShotUFL && ptBBModelLBR > ptBBShotUFL) || 
									(ptBBModelUFL < ptBBShotLBR && ptBBModelLBR > ptBBShotLBR)))
					bExplode = true ;
					iCount = 0 ; 

					MakeExplosion(pTrav->ptLocation, 500) ;
					pTemp = pTrav ;
					pTrav = pTrav->pNext ;
					pTemp->pModel = 0 ;
					RemoveEntity(pEnemys, pTemp) ;
				} else
//					if (randp() > 0.99)
					if (!bExplode && randp() > 0.99)
						FireShot(pTrav, pEnemyShots) ;
					pTrav->Display() ;
					if (!bPause) pTrav->ptLocation = pTrav->ptLocation + pTrav->ptDirection ;
					pTrav = pTrav->pNext ;
		} else 
			pTemp = pTrav ;
			pTrav = pTrav->pNext ;
			pTemp->pModel = 0 ;
			RemoveEntity(pEnemys, pTemp) ;
Exemple #7
   Generate stars for nsky star fields from star catalog.

   \return a cell array of nskyx1, each cell contains (2+nwvl) x nstar array of
location, and magnitudes.  */
dcell *genstars(long nsky,         /**<number of star fields wanted*/
		double lat,        /**<galactic latitude.*/
		double lon,        /**<galactic longitude*/
		double catscl,     /**<Scale the catlog star count.*/
		double fov,        /**<diameter of the patrol field of view in arcsec.*/
		int nwvl,          /**<number of wavelength*/
		double *wvls,      /**<wavelength vector*/
		rand_t *rstat /**<random stream*/
    char fn[80];
    double cat_fov=0;/*catalogue fov */
    int Jind=-1;
    if(nwvl==2 && fabs(wvls[0]-1.25e-6)<1.e-10 && fabs(wvls[1]-1.65e-6)<1.e-10){
	snprintf(fn,80,"besancon/JH_5sqdeg_lat%g_lon%g_besancon.bin", lat, lon);
	cat_fov=5.0;/*5 arc-degree squared. */
    }else if(nwvl==3 && fabs(wvls[0]-1.25e-6)<1.e-10 && fabs(wvls[1]-1.65e-6)<1.e-10 && fabs(wvls[2]-2.2e-6)<1.e-10){
	snprintf(fn,80,"besancon/JHK_5sqdeg_lat%g_lon%g_besancon.bin", lat, lon);
	cat_fov=5.0;/*5 arc-degree squared. */
	error("We only have stars for J+H and J+H+K band. Please fill this part\n");
    info("Loading star catalogue from %s\n",fn);
    dmat *catalog=dread("%s",fn);
	error("Catalogue and wanted doesn't match\n");
    long ntot=catalog->nx;
    long nsky0=0;
    dcell *res=dcellnew(nsky,1);
    dmat*  pcatalog=catalog;
    double fov22=pow(fov/2/206265,2);

    double navg0=M_PI*pow(fov/2./3600.,2)/cat_fov * ntot;
    if(catscl>0){//regular sky coverage sim
	double navg=navg0*catscl;
	info("Average number of stars: %g, after scaled by %g\n", navg, catscl);
	/*generate nstart && magnitude according to distribution.*/
	for(long isky=0; isky<nsky; isky++){
	    long nstar=randp(rstat, navg);
	    if(nstar==0) continue;
	    res->p[isky]=dnew(nwvl+2, nstar);
	    dmat* pres=res->p[isky];
	    for(long istar=0; istar<nstar; istar++){
		long ind=round(ntot*randu(rstat));/*randomly draw a star index in the catlog */
		for(int iwvl=0; iwvl<nwvl; iwvl++){
	/*instead of doing draws on nb of stars, we scan all possibilities and
	  assemble the curve in postprocessing.  catscl is negative, with
	  absolute value indicating the max number of J<=19 stars to consider*/
	long nmax=round(-catscl);
	    error("nsky=%ld, has to be dividable by max # of stars=%ld", nsky, nmax);
	int counti[nmax];//record count in each bin
	memset(counti, 0, sizeof(int)*nmax);
	int count=0;
	    long nstar=randp(rstat, navg0);
	    if(nstar==0) continue;
	    dmat *tmp=dnew(nwvl+2, nstar);
	    dmat*  pres=tmp;
	    int J19c=0;
	    for(long istar=0; istar<nstar; istar++){
		long ind=round((ntot-1)*randu(rstat));
		for(int iwvl=0; iwvl<nwvl; iwvl++){
	    //J19c=0 is ok. Do not skip.
	    if(J19c<nmax && counti[J19c]<nsky0){
		int isky=counti[J19c]+(J19c)*nsky0;
    /*Fill in the coordinate*/
    for(long isky=0; isky<nsky; isky++){
	if(!res->p[isky]) continue;
	long nstar=res->p[isky]->ny;
	dmat* pres=res->p[isky];
	for(long istar=0; istar<nstar; istar++){
	    /*randomly draw the star location. */
	    double r=sqrt(fov22*randu(rstat));
	    double th=2*M_PI*randu(rstat);
    return res;