void ofxCvColorImage::operator = ( const ofxCvShortImage& _mom ) {
    // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
    ofxCvShortImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvShortImage&>(_mom);
	if( mom.getWidth() == 0 || mom.getHeight() == 0 ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvColorImage") << "operator=: source width and/or height are zero:"
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogNotice("ofxCvColorImage") << "operator=: allocating to match dimensions: "
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();		
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        if( cvGrayscaleImage == NULL ) {
            cvGrayscaleImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
        ofRectangle roi = getROI();
        setImageROI(cvGrayscaleImage, roi);
        rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvGrayscaleImage, 0, 65535.0f, 0, 255.0f );
		cvCvtColor( cvGrayscaleImage, cvImage, CV_GRAY2RGB );
    } else {
        ofLogError("ofxCvColorImage") << "operator=: region of interest mismatch";
void ofxCvFloatImage::operator = ( const ofxCvFloatImage& _mom ) {
    if(this != &_mom) {  //check for self-assignment
        // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
        ofxCvFloatImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvFloatImage&>(_mom);

		if( mom.getWidth() == 0 || mom.getHeight() == 0 ){
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, mom width or height is 0");	
		if( !bAllocated ){
			ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "in =, allocating to match dimensions");		
			allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
        if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
            if( getNativeScaleMin() == mom.getNativeScaleMin() &&
                getNativeScaleMax() == mom.getNativeScaleMax() )
                cvCopy( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 0 );
            } else {
                rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage,
                          mom.getNativeScaleMin(), mom.getNativeScaleMax(),
                          getNativeScaleMin(), getNativeScaleMax() );
        } else {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, ROI mismatch");
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "in =, you are assigning a ofxCvFloatImage to itself");
void ofxCvColorImage::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvColorImage") << "convertToRange(): image not allocated";	
    rangeMap( cvImage, 0,255, min,max);
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in convertToRange, image is not allocated");		
    rangeMap( cvImage, 0, 255, min, max);
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::contrastStretch() {
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in contrastStretch, image is not allocated");		
	double minVal, maxVal;
	cvMinMaxLoc( cvImage, &minVal, &maxVal, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    rangeMap( cvImage, minVal,maxVal, 0,255 );
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::operator = ( const ofxCvShortImage& _mom ) {
    // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
    ofxCvShortImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvShortImage&>(_mom);
    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 0, 65535.0f, 0, 255.0f );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, ROI mismatch");
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::contrastStretch() {
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "contrastStretch(): image not allocated";		
	double minVal, maxVal;
	cvMinMaxLoc( cvImage, &minVal, &maxVal, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    rangeMap( cvImage, minVal,maxVal, 0,255 );
void ofxCvColorImage::operator = ( const ofxCvShortImage& _mom ) {
    // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
    ofxCvShortImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvShortImage&>(_mom);
    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        if( cvGrayscaleImage == NULL ) {
            cvGrayscaleImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
        ofRectangle roi = getROI();
        setImageROI(cvGrayscaleImage, roi);
        rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvGrayscaleImage, 0, 65535.0f, 0, 255.0f );
		cvCvtColor( cvGrayscaleImage, cvImage, CV_GRAY2RGB );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, ROI mismatch");
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::operator = ( const ofxCvShortImage& _mom ) {
    // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
    ofxCvShortImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvShortImage&>(_mom);
	if( mom.getWidth() == 0 || mom.getHeight() == 0 ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, mom width or height is 0");	
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "in =, allocating to match dimensions");		
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 0, 65535.0f, 0, 255.0f );
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, ROI mismatch");
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::operator = ( const ofxCvShortImage& _mom ) {
    // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any changes
    ofxCvShortImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvShortImage&>(_mom);
	if( mom.getWidth() == 0 || mom.getHeight() == 0 ){
		ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "operator=: source width and/or height are zero:"
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();
	if( !bAllocated ){
		ofLogNotice("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "operator=: allocating to match dimensions: "
			<< mom.getWidth() << " " << mom.getHeight();
		allocate(mom.getWidth(), mom.getHeight());
    if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
        rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 0, 65535.0f, 0, 255.0f );
    } else {
        ofLogError("ofxCvGrayscaleImage") << "operator=: region of interest mismatch";
void ofxCvFloatImage::operator = ( const ofxCvFloatImage& _mom ) {
    if(this != &_mom) {  //check for self-assignment
        // cast non-const,  no worries, we will reverse any chages
        ofxCvFloatImage& mom = const_cast<ofxCvFloatImage&>(_mom);     
        if( matchingROI(getROI(), mom.getROI()) ) {
            if( getNativeScaleMin() == mom.getNativeScaleMin() && 
                getNativeScaleMax() == mom.getNativeScaleMax() )
                cvCopy( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 0 );
            } else {
                rangeMap( mom.getCvImage(), cvImage, 
                          mom.getNativeScaleMin(), mom.getNativeScaleMax(), 
                          getNativeScaleMin(), getNativeScaleMax() );            
        } else {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "in =, ROI mismatch");
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING, "in =, you are assigning a ofxCvFloatImage to itself");
void ofxCvColorImageAlpha::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
    rangeMap( cvImage, 0,255, min,max);
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
    rangeMap( cvImage, 0, 255, min, max);
void ofxCvGrayscaleImage::contrastStretch() {
	double minVal, maxVal;
	cvMinMaxLoc( cvImage, &minVal, &maxVal, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    rangeMap( cvImage, minVal,maxVal, 0,255 );
void ofxCvFloatImage::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
    rangeMap( cvImage, scaleMin,scaleMax, min,max);
void ofxCvFloatImage::contrastStretch() {
	double minVal, maxVal;
	cvMinMaxLoc( cvImage, &minVal, &maxVal, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    rangeMap( cvImage, minVal,maxVal, scaleMin,scaleMax );
Exemple #17
void ofxCvShortImage::convertToRange(float min, float max ){
    rangeMap( cvImage, 0,65535, min,max);
Exemple #18
void ofxCvShortImage::contrastStretch() {
	double minVal, maxVal;
	cvMinMaxLoc( cvImage, &minVal, &maxVal, NULL, NULL, 0 );
    rangeMap( cvImage, minVal,maxVal, 0,65535 );