Exemple #1
 * Determine which quadrant a 2d-mapped range falls into, relative to the
 * centroid.
 * Quadrants are numbered like this:
 *	 4	|  1
 *	----+----
 *	 3	|  2
 * Where the lower bound of range is the horizontal axis and upper bound the
 * vertical axis.
 * Ranges on one of the axes are taken to lie in the quadrant with higher value
 * along perpendicular axis. That is, a value on the horizontal axis is taken
 * to belong to quadrant 1 or 4, and a value on the vertical axis is taken to
 * belong to quadrant 1 or 2. A range equal to centroid is taken to lie in
 * quadrant 1.
 * Empty ranges are taken to lie in the special quadrant 5.
static int16
getQuadrant(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeType *centroid, RangeType *tst)
	RangeBound	centroidLower,
	bool		centroidEmpty;
	RangeBound	lower,
	bool		empty;

	range_deserialize(typcache, centroid, &centroidLower, &centroidUpper,
	range_deserialize(typcache, tst, &lower, &upper, &empty);

	if (empty)
		return 5;

	if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &lower, &centroidLower) >= 0)
		if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &upper, &centroidUpper) >= 0)
			return 1;
			return 2;
		if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &upper, &centroidUpper) >= 0)
			return 4;
			return 3;
 * adjacent_inner_consistent
 * Like adjacent_cmp_bounds, but also takes into account the previous
 * level's centroid. We might've traversed left (or right) at the previous
 * node, in search for ranges adjacent to the other bound, even though we
 * already ruled out the possibility for any matches in that direction for
 * this bound. By comparing the argument with the previous centroid, and
 * the previous centroid with the current centroid, we can determine which
 * direction we should've moved in at previous level, and which direction we
 * actually moved.
 * If there can be any matches to the left, returns -1. If to the right,
 * returns 1. If there can be no matches below this centroid, because we
 * already ruled them out at the previous level, returns 0.
 * XXX: Comparing just the previous and current level isn't foolproof; we
 * might still search some branches unnecessarily. For example, imagine that
 * we are searching for value 15, and we traverse the following centroids
 * (only considering one bound for the moment):
 * Level 1: 20
 * Level 2: 50
 * Level 3: 25
 * At this point, previous centroid is 50, current centroid is 25, and the
 * target value is to the left. But because we already moved right from
 * centroid 20 to 50 in the first level, there cannot be any values < 20 in
 * the current branch. But we don't know that just by looking at the previous
 * and current centroid, so we traverse left, unnecessarily. The reason we are
 * down this branch is that we're searching for matches with the *other*
 * bound. If we kept track of which bound we are searching for explicitly,
 * instead of deducing that from the previous and current centroid, we could
 * avoid some unnecessary work.
static int
adjacent_inner_consistent(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *arg,
						  RangeBound *centroid, RangeBound *prev)
	if (prev)
		int			prevcmp;
		int			cmp;

		 * Which direction were we supposed to traverse at previous level,
		 * left or right?
		prevcmp = adjacent_cmp_bounds(typcache, arg, prev);

		/* and which direction did we actually go? */
		cmp = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, centroid, prev);

		/* if the two don't agree, there's nothing to see here */
		if ((prevcmp < 0 && cmp >= 0) || (prevcmp > 0 && cmp < 0))
			return 0;

	return adjacent_cmp_bounds(typcache, arg, centroid);
Exemple #3
 * Bound comparison for sorting.
static int
bound_cmp(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
	RangeBound *ba = (RangeBound *) a;
	RangeBound *bb = (RangeBound *) b;
	TypeCacheEntry *typcache = (TypeCacheEntry *) arg;

	return range_cmp_bounds(typcache, ba, bb);
 * Binary search on an array of range bounds. Returns greatest index of range
 * bound in array which is less(less or equal) than given range bound. If all
 * range bounds in array are greater or equal(greater) than given range bound,
 * return -1. When "equal" flag is set conditions in brackets are used.
 * This function is used in scalar operator selectivity estimation. Another
 * goal of this function is to find a histogram bin where to stop
 * interpolation of portion of bounds which are less or equal to given bound.
static int
rbound_bsearch(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *value, RangeBound *hist,
			   int hist_length, bool equal)
	int			lower = -1,
				upper = hist_length - 1,

	while (lower < upper)
		middle = (lower + upper + 1) / 2;
		cmp = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &hist[middle], value);

		if (cmp < 0 || (equal && cmp == 0))
			lower = middle;
			upper = middle - 1;
	return lower;
 * Calculate selectivity of "var <@ const" operator, ie. estimate the fraction
 * of ranges that fall within the constant lower and upper bounds. This uses
 * the histograms of range lower bounds and range lengths, on the assumption
 * that the range lengths are independent of the lower bounds.
 * The caller has already checked that constant lower and upper bounds are
 * finite.
static double
calc_hist_selectivity_contained(TypeCacheEntry *typcache,
								RangeBound *lower, RangeBound *upper,
								RangeBound *hist_lower, int hist_nvalues,
						  Datum *length_hist_values, int length_hist_nvalues)
	int			i,
	float8		prev_dist;
	double		bin_width;
	double		upper_bin_width;
	double		sum_frac;

	 * Begin by finding the bin containing the upper bound, in the lower bound
	 * histogram. Any range with a lower bound > constant upper bound can't
	 * match, ie. there are no matches in bins greater than upper_index.
	upper->inclusive = !upper->inclusive;
	upper->lower = true;
	upper_index = rbound_bsearch(typcache, upper, hist_lower, hist_nvalues,

	 * Calculate upper_bin_width, ie. the fraction of the (upper_index,
	 * upper_index + 1) bin which is greater than upper bound of query range
	 * using linear interpolation of subdiff function.
	if (upper_index >= 0 && upper_index < hist_nvalues - 1)
		upper_bin_width = get_position(typcache, upper,
									   &hist_lower[upper_index + 1]);
		upper_bin_width = 0.0;

	 * In the loop, dist and prev_dist are the distance of the "current" bin's
	 * lower and upper bounds from the constant upper bound.
	 * bin_width represents the width of the current bin. Normally it is 1.0,
	 * meaning a full width bin, but can be less in the corner cases: start
	 * and end of the loop. We start with bin_width = upper_bin_width, because
	 * we begin at the bin containing the upper bound.
	prev_dist = 0.0;
	bin_width = upper_bin_width;

	sum_frac = 0.0;
	for (i = upper_index; i >= 0; i--)
		double		dist;
		double		length_hist_frac;
		bool		final_bin = false;

		 * dist -- distance from upper bound of query range to lower bound of
		 * the current bin in the lower bound histogram. Or to the lower bound
		 * of the constant range, if this is the final bin, containing the
		 * constant lower bound.
		if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &hist_lower[i], lower) < 0)
			dist = get_distance(typcache, lower, upper);

			 * Subtract from bin_width the portion of this bin that we want to
			 * ignore.
			bin_width -= get_position(typcache, lower, &hist_lower[i],
									  &hist_lower[i + 1]);
			if (bin_width < 0.0)
				bin_width = 0.0;
			final_bin = true;
			dist = get_distance(typcache, &hist_lower[i], upper);

		 * Estimate the fraction of tuples in this bin that are narrow enough
		 * to not exceed the distance to the upper bound of the query range.
		length_hist_frac = calc_length_hist_frac(length_hist_values,
												 prev_dist, dist, true);

		 * Add the fraction of tuples in this bin, with a suitable length, to
		 * the total.
		sum_frac += length_hist_frac * bin_width / (double) (hist_nvalues - 1);

		if (final_bin)

		bin_width = 1.0;
		prev_dist = dist;

	return sum_frac;
Exemple #6
 * SP-GiST consistent function for inner nodes: check which nodes are
 * consistent with given set of queries.
	spgInnerConsistentIn *in = (spgInnerConsistentIn *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	spgInnerConsistentOut *out = (spgInnerConsistentOut *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
	int			which;
	int			i;

	if (in->allTheSame)
		/* Report that all nodes should be visited */
		out->nNodes = in->nNodes;
		out->nodeNumbers = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * in->nNodes);
		for (i = 0; i < in->nNodes; i++)
			out->nodeNumbers[i] = i;

	if (!in->hasPrefix)
		 * No centroid on this inner node. Such a node has two child nodes,
		 * the first for empty ranges, and the second for non-empty ones.
		Assert(in->nNodes == 2);

		 * Nth bit of which variable means that (N - 1)th node should be
		 * visited. Initially all bits are set. Bits of nodes which should be
		 * skipped will be unset.
		which = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);
		for (i = 0; i < in->nkeys; i++)
			StrategyNumber strategy = in->scankeys[i].sk_strategy;
			bool		empty;

			 * The only strategy when second argument of operator is not range
			if (strategy != RANGESTRAT_CONTAINS_ELEM)
				empty = RangeIsEmpty(
				empty = false;

			switch (strategy)
					/* These strategies return false if any argument is empty */
					if (empty)
						which = 0;
						which &= (1 << 2);

					 * All ranges contain an empty range. Only non-empty ranges
					 * can contain a non-empty range.
					if (!empty)
						which &= (1 << 2);

					 * Only an empty range is contained by an empty range. Both
					 * empty and non-empty ranges can be contained by a
					 * non-empty range.
					if (empty)
						which &= (1 << 1);

					which &= (1 << 2);

					if (empty)
						which &= (1 << 1);
						which &= (1 << 2);

					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized range strategy: %d", strategy);
			if (which == 0)
				break;			/* no need to consider remaining conditions */
		RangeBound	centroidLower,
		bool		centroidEmpty;
		TypeCacheEntry *typcache;
		RangeType  *centroid;

		/* This node has a centroid. Fetch it. */
		centroid = DatumGetRangeType(in->prefixDatum);
		typcache = range_get_typcache(fcinfo,
		range_deserialize(typcache, centroid, &centroidLower, &centroidUpper,

		Assert(in->nNodes == 4 || in->nNodes == 5);

		 * Nth bit of which variable means that (N - 1)th node (Nth quadrant)
		 * should be visited. Initially all bits are set. Bits of nodes which
		 * can be skipped will be unset.
		which = (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5);

		for (i = 0; i < in->nkeys; i++)
			StrategyNumber strategy;
			RangeBound	lower,
			bool		empty;
			RangeType  *range = NULL;
			/* Restrictions on range bounds according to scan strategy */
			RangeBound *minLower = NULL,
					   *maxLower = NULL,
					   *minUpper = NULL,
					   *maxUpper = NULL;
			/* Are the restrictions on range bounds inclusive? */
			bool		inclusive = true;
			bool		strictEmpty = true;

			strategy = in->scankeys[i].sk_strategy;

			 * the argument is a single element. Expand the single element to
			 * a range containing only the element, and treat it like
			if (strategy == RANGESTRAT_CONTAINS_ELEM)
				lower.inclusive = true;
				lower.infinite = false;
				lower.lower = true;
				lower.val = in->scankeys[i].sk_argument;

				upper.inclusive = true;
				upper.infinite = false;
				upper.lower = false;
				upper.val = in->scankeys[i].sk_argument;

				empty = false;

				range = DatumGetRangeType(in->scankeys[i].sk_argument);
				range_deserialize(typcache, range, &lower, &upper, &empty);

			 * Most strategies are handled by forming a bounding box from the
			 * search key, defined by a minLower, maxLower, minUpper, maxUpper.
			 * Some modify 'which' directly, to specify exactly which quadrants
			 * need to be visited.
			 * For most strategies, nothing matches an empty search key, and
			 * an empty range never matches a non-empty key. If a strategy
			 * does not behave like that wrt. empty ranges, set strictEmpty to
			 * false.
			switch (strategy)
					 * Range A is before range B if upper bound of A is lower
					 * than lower bound of B.
					maxUpper = &lower;
					inclusive = false;

					 * Range A is overleft to range B if upper bound of A is
					 * less or equal to upper bound of B.
					maxUpper = &upper;

					 * Non-empty ranges overlap, if lower bound of each range
					 * is lower or equal to upper bound of the other range.
					maxLower = &upper;
					minUpper = &lower;

					 * Range A is overright to range B if lower bound of A is
					 * greater or equal to lower bound of B.
					minLower = &lower;

					 * Range A is after range B if lower bound of A is greater
					 * than upper bound of B.
					minLower = &upper;
					inclusive = false;

					 * Non-empty range A contains non-empty range B if lower
					 * bound of A is lower or equal to lower bound of range B
					 * and upper bound of range A is greater or equal to upper
					 * bound of range A.
					 * All non-empty ranges contain an empty range.
					strictEmpty = false;
					if (!empty)
						which &= (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4);
						maxLower = &lower;
						minUpper = &upper;

					/* The opposite of contains. */
					strictEmpty = false;
					if (empty)
						/* An empty range is only contained by an empty range */
						which &= (1 << 5);
						minLower = &lower;
						maxUpper = &upper;

					 * Equal range can be only in the same quadrant where
					 * argument would be placed to.
					strictEmpty = false;
					which &= (1 << getQuadrant(typcache, centroid, range));

					elog(ERROR, "unrecognized range strategy: %d", strategy);

			if (strictEmpty)
				if (empty)
					/* Scan key is empty, no branches are satisfying */
					which = 0;
					/* Shouldn't visit tree branch with empty ranges */
					which &= (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4);

			 * Using the bounding box, see which quadrants we have to descend
			 * into.
			if (minLower)
				 * If the centroid's lower bound is less than or equal to
				 * the minimum lower bound, anything in the 3rd and 4th
				 * quadrants will have an even smaller lower bound, and thus
				 * can't match.
				if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &centroidLower, minLower) <= 0)
					which &= (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 5);
			if (maxLower)
				 * If the centroid's lower bound is greater than the maximum
				 * lower bound, anything in the 1st and 2nd quadrants will
				 * also have a greater than or equal lower bound, and thus
				 * can't match. If the centroid's lower bound is equal to
				 * the maximum lower bound, we can still exclude the 1st and
				 * 2nd quadrants if we're looking for a value strictly greater
				 * than the maximum.
				int			cmp;

				cmp = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &centroidLower, maxLower);
				if (cmp > 0 || (!inclusive && cmp == 0))
					which &= (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5);
			if (minUpper)
				 * If the centroid's upper bound is less than or equal to
				 * the minimum upper bound, anything in the 2nd and 3rd
				 * quadrants will have an even smaller upper bound, and thus
				 * can't match.
				if (range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &centroidUpper, minUpper) <= 0)
					which &= (1 << 1) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5);
			if (maxUpper)
				 * If the centroid's upper bound is greater than the maximum
				 * upper bound, anything in the 1st and 4th quadrants will
				 * also have a greater than or equal upper bound, and thus
				 * can't match. If the centroid's upper bound is equal to
				 * the maximum upper bound, we can still exclude the 1st and
				 * 4th quadrants if we're looking for a value strictly greater
				 * than the maximum.
				int			cmp;

				cmp = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, &centroidUpper, maxUpper);
				if (cmp > 0 || (!inclusive && cmp == 0))
					which &= (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 5);

			if (which == 0)
				break;			/* no need to consider remaining conditions */

	/* We must descend into the quadrant(s) identified by 'which' */
	out->nodeNumbers = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * in->nNodes);
	out->nNodes = 0;
	for (i = 1; i <= in->nNodes; i++)
		if (which & (1 << i))
			out->nodeNumbers[out->nNodes++] = i - 1;

 * adjacent_cmp_bounds
 * Given an argument and centroid bound, this function determines if any
 * bounds that are adjacent to the argument are smaller than, or greater than
 * or equal to centroid. For brevity, we call the arg < centroid "left", and
 * arg >= centroid case "right". This corresponds to how the quadrants are
 * arranged, if you imagine that "left" is equivalent to "down" and "right"
 * is equivalent to "up".
 * For the "left" case, returns -1, and for the "right" case, returns 1.
static int
adjacent_cmp_bounds(TypeCacheEntry *typcache, RangeBound *arg,
					RangeBound *centroid)
	int			cmp;

	Assert(arg->lower != centroid->lower);

	cmp = range_cmp_bounds(typcache, arg, centroid);

	if (centroid->lower)
		 * The argument is an upper bound, we are searching for adjacent lower
		 * bounds. A matching adjacent lower bound must be *larger* than the
		 * argument, but only just.
		 * The following table illustrates the desired result with a fixed
		 * argument bound, and different centroids. The CMP column shows
		 * the value of 'cmp' variable, and ADJ shows whether the argument
		 * and centroid are adjacent, per bounds_adjacent(). (N) means we
		 * don't need to check for that case, because it's implied by CMP.
		 * With the argument range [..., 500), the adjacent range we're
		 * searching for is [500, ...):
		 *	[..., 500) [498, ...)	 >	  (N)	[500, ...) is to the right
		 *	[..., 500) [499, ...)	 =	  (N)	[500, ...) is to the right
		 *	[..., 500) [500, ...)	 <	   Y	[500, ...) is to the right
		 *	[..., 500) [501, ...)	 <	   N	[500, ...) is to the left
		 * So, we must search left when the argument is smaller than, and not
		 * adjacent, to the centroid. Otherwise search right.
		if (cmp < 0 && !bounds_adjacent(typcache, *arg, *centroid))
			return -1;
			return 1;
		 * The argument is a lower bound, we are searching for adjacent upper
		 * bounds. A matching adjacent upper bound must be *smaller* than the
		 * argument, but only just.
		 *	[500, ...) [..., 499)	 >	  (N)	[..., 500) is to the right
		 *	[500, ...) [..., 500)	 >	  (Y)	[..., 500) is to the right
		 *	[500, ...) [..., 501)	 =	  (N)	[..., 500) is to the left
		 *	[500, ...) [..., 502)	 <	  (N)	[..., 500) is to the left
		 * We must search left when the argument is smaller than or equal to
		 * the centroid. Otherwise search right. We don't need to check
		 * whether the argument is adjacent with the centroid, because it
		 * doesn't matter.
		if (cmp <= 0)
			return -1;
			return 1;