ray3 CameraOrthographic::getRay( const vec2& uv ) const {

    // Your code goes here.

    // Create a ray3( ray origin point, ray direction ).

    return ray3( vec3( 0,0,0 ), vec3( 0,0,1 ) );
ray3 CameraPerspective::getRay( const vec2& uv ) const {
    // Your code goes here.

    // Create a ray3( ray origin point, ray direction ).
    // Since you will be testing for intersections along the ray,
    // you may want to start the ray on the film plane so that objects
    // between the eye() and the film plane aren't drawn.
    return ray3( vec3( 0,0,0 ), vec3( 0,0,1 ) );
Exemple #3
TEST(RayTest, equality)
	Geom::Point3D origin(0, 0, 0);
	Geom::Vector3D direction(1, 1, 1);

	Geom::Ray ray1(origin, direction);
	Geom::Ray ray2(origin, direction);
	EXPECT_EQ(ray1, ray2);

	Geom::Ray ray3(origin, Geom::Vector3D(2, 3, 2));
	EXPECT_NE(ray1, ray3);
Exemple #4
void tst_QRay3D::compare()
    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray1(QVector3D(10, 20, 30), QVector3D(-3, -4, -5));
    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray2(QVector3D(10, 20, 30), QVector3D(1.5f, 2.0f, 2.5f));
    Qt3DRender::RayCasting::QRay3D ray3(QVector3D(0, 20, 30), QVector3D(-3, -4, -5));
    QVERIFY(ray1 == ray1);
    QVERIFY(!(ray1 != ray1));
    QVERIFY(qFuzzyCompare(ray1, ray1));
    QVERIFY(ray1 != ray2);
    QVERIFY(!(ray1 == ray2));
    QVERIFY(!qFuzzyCompare(ray1, ray2));
    QVERIFY(ray1 != ray3);
    QVERIFY(!(ray1 == ray3));
    QVERIFY(!qFuzzyCompare(ray1, ray3));
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	Vector orig(0,0,0);
	double radius = 1;

	Ray ray1(Vector(-2, 1, 0), Vector(1,0,0));
	Ray ray2(Vector(-2, 1, 0), Vector(-1,0,0));
	Ray ray3(Vector(0, 0.5f, 0), Vector(1,0,0));
	Sphere sphere(orig, radius);

	ASSERT(sphere.intersect(ray1), true, "No intersection");

	ASSERT(sphere.intersect(ray2), false, "Error in intersection");

	ASSERT(sphere.intersect(ray3), false, "Origin is inside the Sphere");

	return ERROR_COUNT;
Exemple #6
int CDistanceFuncGridModel<T>::BruteForceInnerPointsStatic(const C3DModel &model, const Vector3<T> &vQuery)

	//In this variable we count the number on intersections
	int nIntersections = 0;
	for(unsigned int i=0;i<model.m_vMeshes.size();i++)
	  const C3DMesh& mesh=model.m_vMeshes[i];
		Ray3<T> ray3(vQuery,VECTOR3(0.9,0.8,0.02) );
	  CDynamicArray<TriFace>::const_iterator faceIter;

		//Get the bounding box of the 3d model
		const AABB3<T> &rBox = mesh.GetBox();
		//Get the mesh
		//reset the number of intersection to zero for the current subobject
		TriFace tri=*faceIter;
		//We loop through all triangular faces of the
		// model. This variable will hold the current face
		Triangle3<T> tri3(mesh.GetVertices()[tri[0]],mesh.GetVertices()[tri[1]],mesh.GetVertices()[tri[2]]);
		//init our intersector
		CIntersectorRay3Tri3<T> intersector(ray3, tri3);
		//test for intersection
	  }//end for faces
		//we finished looping through the faces of the subobject
		//look if the point is inside the subobject 
		//if the number of intersection is even
		//we return false else true
		if(!(nIntersections % 2 == 0))
			return 1;

	}//end for meshes

	//The query point is not inside of any of the
	return 0;
}//end BruteForceInnerPoints
TEST(TestRaycast, TestPlaneIntersection) {
    FTRaycast ray(glm::vec3(0, 2, 0), glm::vec3(1, 3, 1));

    // Test Standard
    glm::vec3 intersection;
    EXPECT_TRUE(ray.intersectsPlane(glm::vec3(2,1,-4), glm::vec3(3,2,1), intersection));
    EXPECT_EQ(intersection, glm::vec3(2, 8, 2));

    // Test parrallel no intersection
    intersection = glm::vec3(23, 5, 78);
    FTRaycast ray2(glm::vec3(1, 4, 0), glm::vec3(1, 2, 1));
    EXPECT_FALSE(ray2.intersectsPlane(glm::vec3(2, 1, -4), glm::vec3(3, 2, 1), intersection));
    EXPECT_EQ(intersection, glm::vec3(23, 5, 78));

    // Test parallel with intersection
    FTRaycast ray3(glm::vec3(2, 8, 2), glm::vec3(1, 2, 1));
    EXPECT_TRUE(ray3.intersectsPlane(glm::vec3(2, 1, -4), glm::vec3(3, 2, 1), intersection));
    EXPECT_EQ(intersection, glm::vec3(3,2,1));

Exemple #8
Vec3f RayTracer::traceRay(Ray &ray, float tmin, int bounces, float weight,
	float indexOfRefraction, Hit &hit) const

	Vec3f canswer;
	if (bounces > max_bounces)
		return Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); 
	Camera *camera = sceneParser->getCamera();
	Group *group = sceneParser->getGroup();
	int num_lights = sceneParser->getNumLights();
	Vec3f cambient = sceneParser->getAmbientLight();
	if (group->intersect(ray, hit, tmin))//撞到了
		if (is_view_ray)
			RayTree::SetMainSegment(ray, 0, hit.getT());
			is_view_ray = false;
		Vec3f cobject = hit.getMaterial()->getDiffuseColor();
		Vec3f hitPoint = hit.getIntersectionPoint();
		canswer = cambient * cobject;
		Vec3f clight;//光的颜色
		Vec3f light_dir;//指向光的方向
		Vec3f normal_dir = hit.getNormal();//交点法线向量
		float distolight;//距离光源的距离
		for (int i = 0; i < num_lights; i++)
			Light *light = sceneParser->getLight(i);
			//light_dir : the direction to the light
			// 该方法用于获得指向光的方向,光的颜色,和到达光的距离
			// 第一个参数传递的是焦点信息
			light->getIllumination(hitPoint, light_dir, clight, distolight);

			Ray ray2(hitPoint, light_dir);
			Vec3f init_normal(0, 0, 0);
			Hit hit2(distolight, NULL, init_normal);
			if (shadow)
				if (group->intersect(ray2, hit2, tmin)){
					RayTree::AddShadowSegment(ray2, 0, hit2.getT());
				RayTree::AddShadowSegment(ray2, 0, hit2.getT());
			//cpixel  =  cambient * cobject + SUMi [ clamped(Li . N) * clighti * cobject ]
			canswer = canswer + hit.getMaterial()->Shade(ray, hit, light_dir, clight);


		Material *material = hit.getMaterial();
		Vec3f rc = material->getReflectiveColor();
		if (rc.r() > 0 && rc.g() > 0 && rc.b() > 0)
			Vec3f mirrorDir;
			Vec3f incoming = ray.getDirection();
			mirrorDir = mirrorDirection(normal_dir, incoming);
			// The ray weight is simply multiplied by the magnitude of the reflected color
			Ray ray3(hitPoint, mirrorDir);
			Vec3f init_normal(0, 0, 0);
			Hit hit3(distolight, NULL, init_normal);
			canswer += traceRay(ray3, tmin, bounces + 1, weight*rc.Length(), indexOfRefraction, hit3)*rc;
			if (bounces + 1 < max_bounces)
				RayTree::AddReflectedSegment(ray3, 0, hit3.getT());


		Vec3f transmitted;
		Vec3f tc = material->getTransparentColor();
		float index = material->getIndexOfRefraction();
		if (tc.r() > 0 && tc.g() > 0 && tc.b() > 0)
			Vec3f init_normal(0, 0, 0);
			Hit hit4(distolight, NULL, init_normal);
			Vec3f incoming = ray.getDirection();
			float judge = normal_dir.Dot3(incoming);
			if (judge < 0)//光线在外
				if (transmittedDirection(normal_dir, incoming, 1, index, transmitted))
					Ray ray4(hitPoint, transmitted);
					canswer += traceRay(ray4, tmin, bounces+1, weight*rc.Length(), index, hit4)*tc;
					RayTree::AddTransmittedSegment(ray4, 0, hit4.getT());
				if (transmittedDirection(normal_dir, incoming, index, 1, transmitted))
					Ray ray4(hitPoint, transmitted);
					canswer += traceRay(ray4, tmin, bounces+1, weight*rc.Length(), 1, hit4)*tc;
					RayTree::AddTransmittedSegment(ray4, 0, hit4.getT());


		canswer = sceneParser->getBackgroundColor();

	return canswer;