Exemple #1
VALUE util_spec_rb_scan_args(VALUE self, VALUE argv, VALUE fmt, VALUE expected, VALUE acc) {
  int i, result, argc = RARRAY_LEN(argv);
  VALUE args[4], failed, a1, a2, a3, a4;

  failed = rb_intern("failed");
  a1 = a2 = a2 = a4 = failed;

  for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
    args[i] = rb_ary_entry(argv, i);

  result = rb_scan_args(argc, args, RSTRING_PTR(fmt), &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4);

  switch(NUM2INT(expected)) {
  case 4:
    rb_ary_unshift(acc, a4);
  case 3:
    rb_ary_unshift(acc, a3);
  case 2:
    rb_ary_unshift(acc, a2);
  case 1:
    rb_ary_unshift(acc, a1);
    rb_raise(rb_eException, "unexpected number of arguments returned by rb_scan_args");

  return INT2NUM(result);
static VALUE
rg_invoke(VALUE self, VALUE rb_arguments)
    GIFunctionInfo *info;
    VALUE rb_out_args;
    VALUE rb_return_value;

    info = SELF(self);
    /* TODO: use rb_protect() */
    rb_out_args = rb_gi_function_info_invoke_raw(info,

    if (NIL_P(rb_out_args)) {
        return rb_return_value;
    } else {
        GICallableInfo *callable_info = (GICallableInfo *)info;
        GITypeInfo return_value_info;
        g_callable_info_load_return_type(callable_info, &return_value_info);
        if (g_type_info_get_tag(&return_value_info) != GI_TYPE_TAG_VOID) {
            rb_ary_unshift(rb_out_args, rb_return_value);
        if (RARRAY_LEN(rb_out_args) == 1) {
            return RARRAY_PTR(rb_out_args)[0];
        } else {
            return rb_out_args;
Exemple #3
 * call-seq:
 *     each(*args) -> Enumerator
 *     each(*args) { |item| block } -> Enumerator
 * Iterate over the collection, passing each item to a given block.
 * If no block was supplied, return an enumerator for the collection.
static VALUE rbpod_collection_each(VALUE self, VALUE argv)
    GList *current = NULL, *collection = TYPED_DATA_PTR(self, GList);
    VALUE klass, item, arguments;

    /* Return an enumerator if a block was not supplied. */
    RETURN_ENUMERATOR(self, 0, 0);

    /* What sort of items are we casting this data to? */
    klass = rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("type"), 0);

    /* Create a shallow copy of the passed arguments. */
    arguments = rb_ary_dup(argv);

    /* Prepend an empty element as a placeholder. */
    rb_ary_unshift(arguments, Qnil);

    /* If we were supplied a block, enumerate the entire list. */
    for (current = collection; current != NULL; current = g_list_next(current)) {
        /* TODO: Find a better workaround than this or Data_Wrap_Struct. */
        item = rb_class_new_instance_with_data(0, NULL, klass, current->data);
        rb_ary_store(arguments, 0, item);

    return self;
Exemple #4
VALUE do_sqlite3_cConnection_quote_byte_array(VALUE self, VALUE string) {
  VALUE source = StringValue(string);
  VALUE array = rb_funcall(source, rb_intern("unpack"), 1, rb_str_new2("H*"));

  rb_ary_unshift(array, rb_str_new2("X'"));
  rb_ary_push(array, rb_str_new2("'"));
  return rb_ary_join(array, Qnil);
Exemple #5
static VALUE
rb_queue_marshal_dump(VALUE self)
    Queue *queue;
    VALUE array;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, Queue, queue);

    array = array_from_list(&queue->values);
    rb_ary_unshift(array, ULONG2NUM(queue->capacity));
    return rb_marshal_dump(array, Qnil);
Exemple #6
static VALUE initrb_interpreter_begin(VALUE file) {
    /** `file' may be a symlink or a relative path, expand it and dereference all symlinks **/
    VALUE real_name = rb_funcall(rb_cFile, rb_intern("realpath"), 1, file);
    VALUE dir = rb_file_dirname(real_name);

    /** Add the file's directory to the library search path **/
    rb_ary_unshift(rb_gv_get(":"), dir);

    /** Run the interpreter */
    return initrb_interpreter_boot(real_name);
void call_expr_userfnc (ABSTRACT_CALLER* callback_state, ABSTRACT_ARGLIST* arglist, ABSTRACT_USERFUNC* hashvalptr, ABSTRACT_EXPRVAL* exprval) {
    char* empty = "";
    VALUE self = (VALUE)callback_state;
    VALUE func = (VALUE)hashvalptr;
    VALUE args = (VALUE)arglist;
    PSTRING retvalpstr = { empty, empty };

    if (hashvalptr==NULL) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "FATAL INTERNAL ERROR:Call_EXPR:function called but not exists");
        tmplpro_set_expr_as_pstring(exprval, retvalpstr);
    } else if (NIL_P(func) || !rb_obj_is_kind_of(func, rb_cProc)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "FATAL INTERNAL ERROR:Call_EXPR:not a Proc object");
        tmplpro_set_expr_as_pstring(exprval, retvalpstr);

    /* head of args is not a true aruguments(it is a regisotry of args). */
    VALUE tmp = rb_ary_shift(args);
    VALUE retval = rb_proc_call(func, args);
    rb_ary_unshift(args, tmp);

    VALUE registory = Qnil;

    switch (TYPE(retval)) {
    case T_FIXNUM:
	tmplpro_set_expr_as_int64(exprval, FIX2LONG(retval));
    case T_TRUE:
	tmplpro_set_expr_as_int64(exprval, 1);
    case T_FALSE:
	tmplpro_set_expr_as_int64(exprval, 0);
    case T_FLOAT:
        tmplpro_set_expr_as_double(exprval, NUM2DBL(retval));
    case T_NIL:
        registory = rb_ivar_get(self, rb_intern("@internal_expr_results"));
        rb_ary_push(registory, retval);
        retvalpstr.begin = StringValuePtr(retval);
	retvalpstr.endnext = retvalpstr.begin + RSTRING_LEN(retval);
	tmplpro_set_expr_as_pstring(exprval, retvalpstr);

Exemple #8
static VALUE
rf_mcall(const char *path, ID method, char *methname, VALUE arg) {
  int error;
  VALUE result;
  VALUE methargs;

  if (!rb_respond_to(FuseRoot,method)) {
    return Qnil;

  if (arg == Qnil) {
    debug("    root.%s(%s)\n", methname, path );
  } else {
    debug("    root.%s(%s,...)\n", methname, path );

  if (TYPE(arg) == T_ARRAY) {
    methargs = arg;
  } else if (arg != Qnil) {
    methargs = rb_ary_new();
  } else {
    methargs = rb_ary_new();


  /* Set up the call and make it. */
  result = rb_protect(rf_protected, methargs, &error);
  /* Did it error? */
  if (error) return Qnil;

  return result;
Exemple #9
static VALUE set_backtrace(VALUE exc, const char *file, int line)
    char errmsg[64];
    VALUE backtrace;
#ifdef _WIN32
    char *p = strrchr(file, '\\');
    if (p != NULL)
        file = p + 1;
    backtrace = rb_funcall(rb_cObject, oci8_id_caller, 0);
    if (TYPE(backtrace) == T_ARRAY) {
        snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "%s:%d:in " STRINGIZE(oci8lib) DLEXT, file, line);
        errmsg[sizeof(errmsg) - 1] = '\0';
        rb_ary_unshift(backtrace, rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(errmsg));
        rb_funcall(exc, oci8_id_set_backtrace, 1, backtrace);
    return exc;
Exemple #10
static inline void
args_copy(struct args_info *args)
    if (args->rest != Qfalse) {
	int argc = args->argc;
	args->argc = 0;
	args->rest = rb_ary_dup(args->rest); /* make dup */

	 * argv: [m0, m1, m2, m3]
	 * rest: [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]
	 *                ^
	 *                rest_index
	 * #=> first loop
	 * argv: [m0, m1]
	 * rest: [m2, m3, a2, a3, a4, a5]
	 *        ^
	 *        rest_index
	 * #=> 2nd loop
	 * argv: [] (argc == 0)
	 * rest: [m0, m1, m2, m3, a2, a3, a4, a5]
	 *        ^
	 *        rest_index
	while (args->rest_index > 0 && argc > 0) {
	    RARRAY_ASET(args->rest, --args->rest_index, args->argv[--argc]);
	while (argc > 0) {
	    rb_ary_unshift(args->rest, args->argv[--argc]);
    else if (args->argc > 0) {
	args->rest = rb_ary_new_from_values(args->argc, args->argv);
	args->rest_index = 0;
	args->argc = 0;
Exemple #11
static VALUE
rb_struct_s_def(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
    VALUE name, rest;
    long i;
    VALUE st;
    ID id;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &name, &rest);
    if (!NIL_P(name) && SYMBOL_P(name)) {
	rb_ary_unshift(rest, name);
	name = Qnil;
    for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(rest); i++) {
	id = rb_to_id(RARRAY_PTR(rest)[i]);
	RARRAY_PTR(rest)[i] = ID2SYM(id);
    st = make_struct(name, rest, klass);
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
	rb_mod_module_eval(0, 0, st);

    return st;
Exemple #12
static VALUE
rb_struct_s_def(VALUE klass, SEL sel, int argc, VALUE *argv)
    VALUE name, rest;
    long i, count;
    VALUE st;
    ID id;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &name, &rest);
    if (!NIL_P(name) && SYMBOL_P(name)) {
	rb_ary_unshift(rest, name);
	name = Qnil;
    for (i = 0, count = RARRAY_LEN(rest); i < count; i++) {
	id = rb_to_id(RARRAY_AT(rest, i));
	rb_ary_store(rest, i, ID2SYM(id));
    st = make_struct(name, rest, klass);
    if (rb_block_given_p()) {
	rb_mod_module_eval(st, 0, 0, 0);

    return st;
Exemple #13
static VALUE array_spec_rb_ary_unshift(VALUE self, VALUE array, VALUE val) {
  return rb_ary_unshift(array, val);