static void iroffer_ruby_errro(int error) { VALUE lasterr; VALUE inclass; VALUE message; VALUE ary; long c; if (error == 0) return; lasterr = rb_gv_get("$!"); /* NOTRANSLATE */ inclass = rb_class_path(CLASS_OF(lasterr)); message = rb_obj_as_string(lasterr); outerror(OUTERROR_TYPE_WARN_LOUD, "error ruby_script: class=%s, message=%s", RSTRING_PTR(inclass), RSTRING_PTR(message)); if (!NIL_P(rb_errinfo())) { ary = rb_funcall(rb_errinfo(), rb_intern("backtrace"), 0); for (c=0; c<RARRAY_LEN(ary); ++c) { outerror(OUTERROR_TYPE_WARN_LOUD, "backtrace from %s", RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[c])); } } }
void uwsgi_ruby_exception(void) { VALUE lasterr = rb_gv_get("$!"); VALUE message = rb_obj_as_string(lasterr); uwsgi_log("%s\n", RSTRING_PTR(message)); if(!NIL_P(rb_errinfo())) { VALUE ary = rb_funcall(rb_errinfo(), rb_intern("backtrace"), 0); int i; for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { uwsgi_log("%s\n", RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i])); } } }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE ana_set_extra_attrs_rescue(VALUE value) { g_slist_free(((struct ana_set_extra_attrs_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static gboolean rg_regex_eval_callback(const GMatchInfo *match_info, GString *result, gpointer user_data) { VALUE returned_data; RGRegexEvalCallbackData *data = user_data; data->match_info = match_info; returned_data = rb_protect(rg_regex_eval_callback_body, (VALUE)data, &(data->status)); if (data->status == RUBY_TAG_BREAK) { returned_data = THROW_DATA_VAL(rb_errinfo()); } if (NIL_P(returned_data)) { gchar *matched; matched = g_match_info_fetch(match_info, 0); g_string_append(result, matched); g_free(matched); } else { g_string_append(result, RVAL2CSTR(returned_data)); } return data->status != 0; }
static gboolean protect_proccall(VALUE receiver, int argc, const VALUE *argv) { funcall_arguments call_args; VALUE result; int state = 0; call_args.receiver = receiver; = rb_intern("call"); call_args.argc = argc; call_args.argv = argv; result = rb_protect(invoke_rb_funcall2, (VALUE)&call_args, &state); if (state) { VALUE errinfo = rb_errinfo(); VALUE logger = rb_protect(default_logger, Qfalse, &state); if (state == 0 && !NIL_P(logger)) { call_args.receiver = logger; = rb_intern("error"); call_args.argc = 1; call_args.argv = &errinfo; rb_protect(invoke_rb_funcall2, (VALUE)&call_args, &state); } return FALSE; } return RVAL2CBOOL(result); }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE rval2atkstatetype_rescue(VALUE value) { g_free(((struct rval2atkstatetype_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static int load_encoding(const char *name) { VALUE enclib = rb_sprintf("enc/", name); VALUE verbose = ruby_verbose; VALUE debug = ruby_debug; VALUE errinfo; char *s = RSTRING_PTR(enclib) + 4, *e = RSTRING_END(enclib) - 3; int loaded; int idx; while (s < e) { if (!ISALNUM(*s)) *s = '_'; else if (ISUPPER(*s)) *s = (char)TOLOWER(*s); ++s; } FL_UNSET(enclib, FL_TAINT); enclib = rb_fstring(enclib); ruby_verbose = Qfalse; ruby_debug = Qfalse; errinfo = rb_errinfo(); loaded = rb_require_internal(enclib, rb_safe_level()); ruby_verbose = verbose; ruby_debug = debug; rb_set_errinfo(errinfo); if (loaded < 0 || 1 < loaded) return -1; if ((idx = rb_enc_registered(name)) < 0) return -1; if (enc_autoload_p(enc_table.list[idx].enc)) return -1; return idx; }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE layout_line_set_runs_rescue(VALUE value) { g_slist_free(((struct layout_line_set_runs_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static VALUE rbgdk_rval2gdkpixbufglist_rescue(VALUE value) { g_list_free(((struct rval2gdkpixbufglist_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static VALUE rbgtk_rval2gtkradiotoolbuttongslist_rescue(VALUE value) { g_slist_free(((struct rbgtk_rval2gtkradiotoolbuttongslist_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static VALUE rbgdk_rval2gdkatoms_rescue(VALUE value) { g_free(((struct rbgdk_rval2gdkatoms_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE rbgdk_rval2gdkspans_rescue(VALUE value) { g_free(((struct rbgdk_rval2gdkspans_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE rbg_rval2gtkradioactionentries_rescue(VALUE value) { g_free(((struct rbg_rval2gtkradioactionentries_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static void err_append(const char *s) { if (rb_vm_parse_in_eval()) { VALUE err = rb_errinfo(); if (err == Qnil) { err = rb_exc_new2(rb_eSyntaxError, s); rb_set_errinfo(err); } else { VALUE str = rb_obj_as_string(err); rb_str_cat2(str, "\n"); rb_str_cat2(str, s); rb_set_errinfo(rb_exc_new3(rb_eSyntaxError, str)); } } else { VALUE err = rb_vm_current_exception(); if (err == Qnil) { err = rb_exc_new2(rb_eSyntaxError, "compile error"); rb_vm_set_current_exception(err); } rb_write_error(s); rb_write_error("\n"); } }
/* * call-seq: * Byebug.debug_load(file, stop = false) -> nil * * Same as Kernel#load but resets current context's frames. * +stop+ parameter forces byebug to stop at the first line of code in +file+ */ static VALUE Debug_load(int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE self) { VALUE file, stop, context; debug_context_t *dc; VALUE status = Qnil; int state = 0; UNUSED(self); if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &stop) == 1) stop = Qfalse; Start(self); context = Current_context(self); Data_Get_Struct(context, debug_context_t, dc); dc->calced_stack_size = 1; if (RTEST(stop)) dc->steps = 1; rb_load_protect(file, 0, &state); if (0 != state) { status = rb_errinfo(); reset_stepping_stop_points(dc); } return status; }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE value_array_from_ruby_rescue(VALUE value) { g_value_array_free(((struct value_array_from_ruby_args *)value)->result); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static int load_encoding(const char *name) { VALUE enclib = rb_sprintf("enc/", name); VALUE verbose = ruby_verbose; VALUE debug = ruby_debug; VALUE errinfo; VALUE loaded; char *s = RSTRING_PTR(enclib) + 4, *e = RSTRING_END(enclib) - 3; int idx; while (s < e) { if (!ISALNUM(*s)) *s = '_'; else if (ISUPPER(*s)) *s = (char)TOLOWER(*s); ++s; } FL_UNSET(enclib, FL_TAINT|FL_UNTRUSTED); OBJ_FREEZE(enclib); ruby_verbose = Qfalse; ruby_debug = Qfalse; errinfo = rb_errinfo(); loaded = rb_protect(require_enc, enclib, 0); ruby_verbose = verbose; ruby_debug = debug; rb_set_errinfo(errinfo); if (NIL_P(loaded)) return -1; if ((idx = rb_enc_registered(name)) < 0) return -1; if (enc_autoload_p(enc_table.list[idx].enc)) return -1; return idx; }
// 尝试执行脚本 VALUE ThisApp::TryEval(const char* str){ static char buffer[1024]; VALUE rc = Qnil; VALUE err; __try{ rc = rb_eval_string(str); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER){} if (!NIL_P(err = rb_errinfo())){ // class VALUE kclass = rb_class_path(CLASS_OF(err)); // message VALUE message = rb_obj_as_string(err); // backtrace VALUE ary = rb_funcall(err, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0); VALUE brstr = rb_funcall(ary, rb_intern("to_s"), 0); // sprintf sprintf_s(buffer, "Error: %s\n%s\nbacktrace: %s\n", StringValuePtr(kclass), StringValuePtr(message), StringValuePtr(brstr)); MessageBoxA(nullptr, buffer, "Error", MB_OK); rb_set_errinfo(Qnil); } return rc; }
static void mriBindingExecute() { /* Normally only a ruby executable would do a sysinit, * but not doing it will lead to crashes due to closed * stdio streams on some platforms (eg. Windows) */ int argc = 0; char **argv = 0; ruby_sysinit(&argc, &argv); ruby_setup(); rb_enc_set_default_external(rb_enc_from_encoding(rb_utf8_encoding())); Config &conf = shState->rtData().config; if (!conf.rubyLoadpaths.empty()) { /* Setup custom load paths */ VALUE lpaths = rb_gv_get(":"); for (size_t i = 0; i < conf.rubyLoadpaths.size(); ++i) { std::string &path = conf.rubyLoadpaths[i]; VALUE pathv = rb_str_new(path.c_str(), path.size()); rb_ary_push(lpaths, pathv); } } RbData rbData; shState->setBindingData(&rbData); BacktraceData btData; mriBindingInit(); STEAMSHIM_init(); _rb_define_module_function(rb_mKernel, "_steam_achievement_unlock", _steamAchievementUnlock); std::string &customScript = conf.customScript; if (!customScript.empty()) runCustomScript(customScript); else runRMXPScripts(btData); VALUE exc = rb_errinfo(); if (!NIL_P(exc) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(exc, rb_eSystemExit)) showExc(exc, btData); ruby_cleanup(0); STEAMSHIM_deinit(); shState->rtData().rqTermAck.set(); }
static VALUE initrb_interpreter_protect(initrb_ruby_fn_t fn, VALUE args) { int exc = 0; VALUE ret = rb_protect(fn, args, &exc); if (exc != 0) { initrb_interpreter_print_exception(rb_errinfo()); return Qundef; } return ret; }
static VALUE get_errinfo(void) { VALUE exc = rb_vm_current_exception(); if (NIL_P(exc)) { exc = rb_errinfo(); } return exc; }
static G_GNUC_NORETURN VALUE clipboard_set_rescue(VALUE value) { struct clipboard_set_args *args = (struct clipboard_set_args *)value; G_CHILD_REMOVE(args->self, args->func); rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); }
static struct uwsgi_buffer *uwsgi_ruby_exception_class(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) { VALUE err = rb_errinfo(); VALUE e = rb_class_name(rb_class_of(err)); struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(RSTRING_LEN(e)); if (uwsgi_buffer_append(ub, RSTRING_PTR(e), RSTRING_LEN(e))) { uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return NULL; } return ub; }
/** * Print message from last exception triggered by ruby */ static void proxenet_ruby_print_last_exception() { VALUE rException, rExceptStr; rException = rb_errinfo(); /* get last exception */ rb_set_errinfo(Qnil); /* clear last exception */ rExceptStr = rb_funcall(rException, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, Qnil); xlog_ruby(LOG_ERROR, "Exception: %s\n", StringValuePtr(rExceptStr)); return; }
static struct uwsgi_buffer *uwsgi_ruby_exception_msg(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) { VALUE err = rb_errinfo(); VALUE e = rb_funcall(err, rb_intern("message"), 0, 0); struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(RSTRING_LEN(e)); if (uwsgi_buffer_append(ub, RSTRING_PTR(e), RSTRING_LEN(e))) { uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return NULL; } return ub; }
static gboolean filter_func(const GtkRecentFilterInfo *info, gpointer func) { VALUE result; struct callback_arg arg; arg.callback = (VALUE)func; = BOXED2RVAL((gpointer)info, GTK_TYPE_RECENT_FILTER_INFO); result = G_PROTECT_CALLBACK(invoke_callback, &arg); return NIL_P(rb_errinfo()) ? TRUE : RVAL2CBOOL(result); }
/* * When any AsyncEngine handler runs a handle method having the GVL, * it must use this function, which can receive an optional VALUE parameter. */ VALUE ae_run_with_error_handler(void* function, VALUE param) { AE_TRACE(); VALUE ret, error; int error_tag; AE_ASSERT(AE_status != AE_STOPPED); if (param) ret = rb_protect(function, (VALUE)param, &error_tag); else ret = rb_protect(function, Qnil, &error_tag); /* * If an error occurs while in function() it can be due: * * - An Exception (including SystemExit), this is "rescue-able" via "rescue Exception" * and will run the "ensure" code if present. In this case rb_errinfo() returns the * exact Exception object. * * - A Thread#kill. This is NOT "rescue-able" via "rescue Exception" but it WILL run * the "ensure" code if present. In this case rb_errinfo() returns FIXNUM 8. * * So, check the class of the object returned by rb_errinfo(). If it's an Exception then * store it, release the loop and raise it. Otherwise (Thread#kill) then don't store the * exception returned by rb_errinfo() and just release the loop. Ruby will do the rest. */ if (error_tag) { // NOTE: This could return Fixnum 8:, // so the error handler must check it. error = rb_errinfo(); rb_set_errinfo(Qnil); // NOTE: While in RELEASING status ignore errors in user's provided callback/method. if (AE_status == AE_RELEASING) { AE_DEBUG2("error %s rescued while in RELEASING status, ignoring it", rb_obj_classname(error)); return Qnil; } else { AE_DEBUG("error %s rescued, passing it to the error handler", rb_obj_classname(error)); ae_handle_error(error); return Qnil; } } else return ret; }
VALUE rb_require_safe(VALUE fname, int safe) { int result = rb_require_internal(fname, safe); if (result > TAG_RETURN) { if (result == TAG_RAISE) rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); EC_JUMP_TAG(GET_EC(), result); } if (result < 0) { load_failed(fname); } return result ? Qtrue : Qfalse; }
static gboolean each_printer(GtkPrinter *printer, gpointer data) { VALUE result; VALUE argv[1]; struct callback_arg arg; argv[0] = GOBJ2RVAL(printer); arg.callback = (VALUE)data; arg.argc = 1; arg.argv = argv; result = G_PROTECT_CALLBACK(invoke_callback, &arg); return NIL_P(rb_errinfo()) ? TRUE : RVAL2CBOOL(result); }
// simulate ruby_error_print (this is sad... but it works well) static void uwsgi_ruby_exception_log(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req) { VALUE err = rb_errinfo(); VALUE eclass = rb_class_name(rb_class_of(err)); VALUE msg = rb_funcall(err, rb_intern("message"), 0, 0); VALUE ary = rb_funcall(err, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0); int i; for (i=0; i<RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { if (i == 0) { uwsgi_log("%s: %s (%s)\n", RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i]), RSTRING_PTR(msg), RSTRING_PTR(eclass)); } else { uwsgi_log("\tfrom %s\n", RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i])); } } }