Exemple #1
static void
rb_fiber_terminate(rb_fiber_t *fib)
    VALUE value = fib->cont.value;
    fib->status = TERMINATED;
    rb_fiber_transfer(return_fiber(), 1, &value);
Exemple #2
static void
rb_fiber_terminate(rb_context_t *cont)
    VALUE value = cont->value;
    cont->alive = Qfalse;
    rb_fiber_transfer(return_fiber(), 1, &value);
Exemple #3
 *  call-seq:
 *     fiber.transfer(args, ...) -> obj
 *  Transfer control to another fiber, resuming it from where it last
 *  stopped or starting it if it was not resumed before. The calling 
 *  fiber will be suspended much like in a call to <code>Fiber.yield</code>.
 *  The fiber which recieves the transfer call is treats it much like 
 *  a resume call. Arguments passed to transfer are treated like those
 *  passed to resume.
 *  You cannot resume a fiber that transferred control to another one.
 *  This will cause a double resume error. You need to transfer control
 *  back to this fiber before it can yield and resume.
static VALUE
rb_fiber_m_transfer(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE fib)
    return rb_fiber_transfer(fib, argc, argv);
Exemple #4
rb_fiber_yield(int argc, VALUE *argv)
    return rb_fiber_transfer(return_fiber(), argc, argv);