Exemple #1
bcf1_t *vcfbuf_max_ld(vcfbuf_t *buf, bcf1_t *rec, double *ld)
    *ld = -1;
    if ( !buf->rbuf.n ) return NULL;

    int i = buf->rbuf.f;

    // Relying on vcfbuf being properly flushed - all sites in the buffer
    // must come from the same chromosome
    if ( buf->vcf[i].rec->rid != rec->rid ) return NULL;

    int imax = 0;
    double max = 0;
    for (i=-1; rbuf_next(&buf->rbuf,&i); )
        if ( buf->ld.skip_filter )
            if ( buf->vcf[i].rec->d.n_flt > 1 ) continue;   // multiple filters are set
            if ( buf->vcf[i].rec->d.n_flt==1 && buf->vcf[i].rec->d.flt[0]!=0 ) continue;    // not PASS
        double val = _calc_ld(buf, buf->vcf[i].rec, rec);
        if ( buf->ld.max && buf->ld.max < val ) 
            *ld = val;
            return buf->vcf[i].rec;
        if ( val > max )
            max  = val;
            imax = i;
    *ld = max;
    return buf->vcf[imax].rec;
Exemple #2
static void _prune_sites(vcfbuf_t *buf, int flush_all)
    int nbuf = flush_all ? buf->rbuf.n : buf->rbuf.n - 1;

    if ( nbuf > buf->prune.mvrec )
        buf->prune.idx   = (int*) realloc(buf->prune.idx, nbuf*sizeof(int));
        buf->prune.vrec  = (vcfrec_t**) realloc(buf->prune.vrec, nbuf*sizeof(vcfrec_t*));
        buf->prune.mvrec = nbuf;

    // set allele frequency and prepare buffer for sorting
    int i,k,irec = 0;
    for (i=-1; rbuf_next(&buf->rbuf,&i) && irec<nbuf; )
        bcf1_t *line = buf->vcf[i].rec;
        if ( line->n_allele > buf->prune.mac ) 
            buf->prune.ac = (int*) realloc(buf->prune.ac, line->n_allele*sizeof(*buf->prune.ac));
            buf->prune.mac = line->n_allele;
        if ( !buf->vcf[i].af_set )
            buf->vcf[i].af = 0;
            if ( buf->prune.af_tag )
                if ( bcf_get_info_float(buf->hdr,line,buf->prune.af_tag,&buf->prune.farr, &buf->prune.mfarr) > 0 ) buf->vcf[i].af = buf->prune.farr[0];
            else if ( bcf_calc_ac(buf->hdr, line, buf->prune.ac, BCF_UN_INFO|BCF_UN_FMT) )
                int ntot = buf->prune.ac[0], nalt = 0; 
                for (k=1; k<line->n_allele; k++) nalt += buf->prune.ac[k];
                buf->vcf[i].af = ntot ? (float)nalt/ntot : 0;
            buf->vcf[i].af_set = 1;
        buf->vcf[i].idx = irec;
        buf->prune.vrec[irec++] = &buf->vcf[i];

    // sort by allele frequency, low AF will be removed preferentially
    qsort(buf->prune.vrec, nbuf, sizeof(*buf->prune.vrec), cmpvrec);

    // sort the rbuf indexes to be pruned descendently so that j-th rbuf index
    // is removed before i-th index if i<j
    int nprune = nbuf - buf->prune.max_sites;
    for (i=0; i<nprune; i++)
        buf->prune.idx[i] = buf->prune.vrec[i]->idx;

    qsort(buf->prune.idx, nprune, sizeof(int), cmpint_desc);

    for (i=0; i<nprune; i++)
        rbuf_remove_kth(&buf->rbuf, vcfrec_t, buf->prune.idx[i], buf->vcf);
Exemple #3
static void buffered_filters(args_t *args, bcf1_t *line)
     *  The logic of SnpGap=3. The SNPs at positions 1 and 7 are filtered,
     *  positions 0 and 8 are not:
     *           0123456789
     *      ref  .G.GT..G..
     *      del  .A.G-..A..
     *  Here the positions 1 and 6 are filtered, 0 and 7 are not:
     *           0123-456789
     *      ref  .G.G-..G..
     *      ins  .A.GT..A..
     *  The logic of IndelGap=2. The second indel is filtered:
     *           012345678901
     *      ref  .GT.GT..GT..
     *      del  .G-.G-..G-..
     *  And similarly here, the second is filtered:
     *           01 23 456 78
     *      ref  .A-.A-..A-..
     *      ins  .AT.AT..AT..

    // To avoid additional data structure, we abuse bcf1_t's var and var_type records.
    const int SnpGap_set     = VCF_OTHER<<1;
    const int IndelGap_set   = VCF_OTHER<<2;
    const int IndelGap_flush = VCF_OTHER<<3;

    int var_type = 0, i;
    if ( line )
        // Still on the same chromosome?
        int ilast = rbuf_last(&args->rbuf);
        if ( ilast>=0 && line->rid != args->rbuf_lines[ilast]->rid )
            flush_buffer(args, args->rbuf.n); // new chromosome, flush everything


        // Insert the new record in the buffer. The line would be overwritten in
        // the next bcf_sr_next_line call, therefore we need to swap it with an
        // unused one
        ilast = rbuf_append(&args->rbuf);
        if ( !args->rbuf_lines[ilast] ) args->rbuf_lines[ilast] = bcf_init1();
        SWAP(bcf1_t*, args->files->readers[0].buffer[0], args->rbuf_lines[ilast]);

        var_type = bcf_get_variant_types(line);

        // Find out the size of an indel. The indel boundaries are based on REF
        // (POS+1,POS+rlen-1). This is not entirely correct: mpileup likes to
        // output REF=CAGAGAGAGA, ALT=CAGAGAGAGAGA where REF=C,ALT=CGA could be
        // used. This filter is therefore more strict and may remove some valid
        // SNPs.
        int len = 1;
        if ( var_type & VCF_INDEL )
            for (i=1; i<line->n_allele; i++)
                if ( len < 1-line->d.var[i].n ) len = 1-line->d.var[i].n;

        // Set the REF allele's length to max deletion length or to 1 if a SNP or an insertion.
        line->d.var[0].n = len;

    int k_flush = 1;
    if ( args->indel_gap )
        k_flush = 0;
        // Find indels which are too close to each other
        int last_to = -1;
        for (i=-1; rbuf_next(&args->rbuf,&i); )
            bcf1_t *rec  = args->rbuf_lines[i];
            int rec_from = rec->pos;
            if ( last_to!=-1 && last_to < rec_from ) break;

            if ( !(rec->d.var_type & VCF_INDEL) ) continue;

            rec->d.var_type |= IndelGap_set;
            last_to = args->indel_gap + rec->pos + rec->d.var[0].n - 1;
        if ( i==args->rbuf.f && line && last_to!=-1 ) k_flush = 0;
        if ( k_flush || !line )
            // Select the best indel from the cluster of k_flush indels
            int k = 0, max_ac = -1, imax_ac = -1;
            for (i=-1; rbuf_next(&args->rbuf,&i) && k<k_flush; )
                bcf1_t *rec  = args->rbuf_lines[i];
                if ( !(rec->d.var_type & IndelGap_set) ) continue;
                hts_expand(int, rec->n_allele, args->ntmpi, args->tmpi);
                int ret = bcf_calc_ac(args->hdr, rec, args->tmpi, BCF_UN_ALL);
                if ( imax_ac==-1 || (ret && max_ac < args->tmpi[1]) ) { max_ac = args->tmpi[1]; imax_ac = i; }

            // Filter all but the best indel (with max AF or first if AF not available)
            k = 0;
            for (i=-1; rbuf_next(&args->rbuf,&i) && k<k_flush; )
                bcf1_t *rec = args->rbuf_lines[i];
                if ( !(rec->d.var_type & IndelGap_set) ) continue;
                rec->d.var_type |= IndelGap_flush;
                if ( i!=imax_ac ) bcf_add_filter(args->hdr, args->rbuf_lines[i], args->IndelGap_id);