 * rc_equal( Rcvar r1, Rcvar r2 )
 * Returns AL_TRUE if r1 and r2 and equivilant, AL_FALSE otherwise.
static ALboolean rc_equal( Rcvar r1, Rcvar r2 ) {
	if( rc_type(r1) != rc_type(r2) ) {
		return AL_FALSE;

	switch( rc_type(r1) ) {
			return AL_FALSE;
			return rc_toprim(r1) == rc_toprim(r2);
			return rc_toint(r1) == rc_toint(r2);
		case ALRC_FLOAT:
			return rc_tofloat(r1) == rc_tofloat(r2);
		case ALRC_BOOL:
			return rc_tobool(r1) == rc_tobool(r2);
			return rc_strequal(r1, r2);
			return rc_equal( rc_car(r1), rc_car(r2) ) &&
			       rc_equal( rc_cdr(r1), rc_cdr(r2) );

	return AL_FALSE;
 * rc_member( Rcvar ls, Rcvar sym )
 * Returns a list with the first conscell to have a matching car with sym as
 * its head, NULL otherwise.
static Rcvar rc_member( Rcvar ls, Rcvar symp ) {
	if( rc_type(symp) != ALRC_CONSCELL ) {
		return NULL;

	if( rc_equal( rc_car( ls ), symp ) ) {
		return ls;

	return rc_member( rc_cdr(ls), symp );
Exemple #3
 *  Routine to blt the contents of a window based on a new current row
static void win_blt(WNODE *pw, WORD newcv)
    WORD  delcv, pn;
    WORD  sx, sy, dx, dy, wblt, hblt, revblt, tmp;
    GRECT c, t;

    newcv = max(0, newcv);
    newcv = min(pw->w_vnrow - pw->w_pnrow, newcv);
    pn = pw->w_pnrow;
    delcv = newcv - pw->w_cvrow;
    pw->w_cvrow += delcv;
    if (!delcv)

    wind_get_grect(pw->w_id, WF_WXYWH, &c);
    win_bldview(pw, c.g_x, c.g_y, c.g_w, c.g_h);

    /* see if any part is off the screen */
    wind_get_grect(pw->w_id, WF_FIRSTXYWH, &t);
    if (rc_equal(&c, &t))
        /* blt as much as we can, adjust clip & draw the rest */
        if ((revblt = (delcv < 0)) != 0)
            delcv = -delcv;
        if (pn > delcv)
            /* see how much there is, pretend blt up */
            sx = dx = 0;
            sy = delcv * G.g_ihspc;
            dy = 0;
            wblt = c.g_w;
            hblt = c.g_h - sy;
            if (revblt)
                tmp = sx;
                sx = dx;
                dx = tmp;
                tmp = sy;
                sy = dy;
                dy = tmp;
            bb_screen(S_ONLY, sx+c.g_x, sy+c.g_y, dx+c.g_x, dy+c.g_y,
                        wblt, hblt);

            if (!revblt)
                c.g_y += hblt;
            c.g_h -= hblt;

    do_wredraw(pw->w_id, c.g_x, c.g_y, c.g_w, c.g_h);
Exemple #4
static WORD gr_wait(GRECT *po, GRECT *poff)
        register WORD   have2box;
        register WORD   down;
        have2box = !rc_equal(&gl_rzero, poff);
                                                /* draw/erase old       */
        gr_draw(have2box, po, poff);
                                                /* wait for change      */
        down = gr_stilldn(TRUE, xrat, yrat, 1, 1);
                                                /* draw/erase old       */
        gr_draw(have2box, po, poff);
                                                /* return exit event    */
Exemple #5
/* blit_slots()
 * Handle the scrolling of the slots.  Worst case is to redraw all four
 * slots. Otherwise, we blit three, two or one slots, and redraw the 
 * remaining.
 * IN:   int oldnum:		Old node number
 *       int newnum:		new node number
 *				Note: the node nunber is the node
 *				that is in the first slot.
 * OUT: void
blit_slots( int oldnum, int newnum )
    OBJECT *tree = ( OBJECT *)rs_trindex[ XCONTROL ];
    GRECT srcbase;
    GRECT dstbase;
    GRECT clip;
    GRECT rect;
    int   pxy[16];
    GRECT clip2;
    int   offset;
    long  location = 0L;
    int   dummy;
    int   ypos1;
    int   ypos2;
    clip = ObRect( SLOT0 );
    objc_offset( tree, SLOT0, &clip.g_x, &clip.g_y );
    clip.g_h = ( clip.g_h * MAX_SLOTS ) + MAX_SLOTS;
    clip2 = srcbase = dstbase = rect = clip;
    offset = newnum - oldnum;

    /* Serious Kludge - This will do a blit, when we shouldn't.
     * The code following kludges the height comparisons to 
     * force a total redraw instead of a blit when we are
     * 8 pixels too close to the edge
    ypos1 = desk.g_y + desk.g_h - 1;
    objc_offset( tree, SLOTBASE, &dummy, &ypos2 );
    ypos2 = ypos2 + ObH( SLOTBASE ) + 8;
    if( !offset )			/* went nowhere fast...*/
    if( !open_vwork() )

    rc_intersect( &desk, &clip2 );
    if(  ( abs( offset )  <  MAX_SLOTS ) &&
    	 rc_equal( &clip2, &clip ) && ( ypos2 < ypos1 )
       rect.g_h    = ( abs( offset ) * ObH( SLOT0 ) );
       dstbase.g_h = srcbase.g_h = (MAX_SLOTS - abs(offset )) * ObH( SLOT0 ) + ( MAX_SLOTS - abs( offset) );
       if( offset > 0 )
          objc_offset( tree, slots[ abs( MAX_SLOTS - offset ) ].obj,
                       &dummy, &rect.g_y );
	  objc_offset( tree, slots[ abs( offset ) ].obj, &dummy, &srcbase.g_y );
	  objc_offset( tree, slots[ abs( offset ) ].obj, &dummy, &dstbase.g_y );

       rc_intersect( &desk, &srcbase );
       rc_intersect( &desk, &dstbase );
       rc_2xy( &srcbase, ( WORD *) &pxy[0] );
       rc_2xy( &dstbase, ( WORD *)&pxy[4] );
       rc_2xy( &clip, ( WORD *)&pxy[8] );
       vs_clip( vhandle, 1, &pxy[8] );
       graf_mouse( M_OFF, 0L );
       vro_cpyfm( vhandle, 3, pxy, ( MFDB *)&location,
                                   ( MFDB *)&location );
       graf_mouse( M_ON, 0L );
       rc_2xy( &clip, ( WORD *)&pxy[0] );
       vs_clip( vhandle, 1, &pxy[0] );
    Objc_draw( tree, SLOTBASE, MAX_DEPTH, &rect );

Exemple #6
/* blit_slits()
 * Perform the blitting when the slits are scrolling.
 * IN: BOOLEAN flag:	either Active or Inactive
 *     int old_slit:	The previous slit
 *     int new_slit:	The current slit to work on.
Blit_Slits( int old_slit, int new_slit )
    GRECT srcbase;
    GRECT dstbase;
    GRECT clip;
    GRECT rect;
    int   pxy[16];
    GRECT clip2;
    int   offset;
    long  location = 0L;
    int   dummy;
    int   obj;
    int   base;
    obj  = First_Obj;
    base = Base_Obj;
    clip = ObRect( base );
    objc_offset( tree, obj, &clip.g_x, &clip.g_y );
    clip2 = srcbase = dstbase = rect = clip;  
    offset = new_slit - old_slit;
    if( !offset )			/* went nowhere fast...*/
    if( !open_vwork())

    rc_intersect( &desk, &clip2 );
    if(  ( abs( offset )  <  MAX_SLITS ) &&
    	 rc_equal( &clip2, &clip ) 
       rect.g_h    = ( abs( offset ) * ObH( obj ) );
       dstbase.g_h = srcbase.g_h = ( MAX_SLITS - abs( offset ) ) * ObH( obj );
       if( offset > 0 )
          objc_offset( tree, obj + abs( MAX_SLITS - offset ),
                       &dummy, &rect.g_y );
	  objc_offset( tree, obj + abs( offset ), &dummy, &srcbase.g_y );
	  objc_offset( tree, obj + abs( offset ), &dummy, &dstbase.g_y );

       rc_intersect( &desk, &srcbase );
       rc_intersect( &desk, &dstbase );
       rc_2xy( &srcbase, ( WORD *) &pxy[0] );
       rc_2xy( &dstbase, ( WORD *)&pxy[4] );
       rc_2xy( &clip, ( WORD *)&pxy[8] );
       vs_clip( vhandle, 1, &pxy[8] );

       graf_mouse( M_OFF, 0L );
       vro_cpyfm( vhandle, 3, pxy, ( MFDB *)&location,
                                   ( MFDB *)&location );
       graf_mouse( M_ON, 0L );
       rc_2xy( &clip, ( WORD *)&pxy[0] );
       vs_clip( vhandle, 1, &pxy[0] );

    Objc_draw( tree, base, MAX_DEPTH, &rect );

Exemple #7
void draw_change(WORD w_handle, GRECT *pt)
        GRECT           c, pprev;
        register GRECT  *pw;
        register WORD   start;
        WORD            stop, moved;
        WORD            oldtop, clrold, diffbord, wasclr;

        wasclr = !(D.w_win[w_handle].w_flags & VF_BROKEN);
                                                /* save old size        */
        w_getsize(WS_CURR, w_handle, &c);
        w_setsize(WS_PREV, w_handle, &c);
                                                /* set new size's       */
        w_setsize(WS_CURR, w_handle, pt);
        pw = (GRECT *) w_getxptr(WS_WORK, w_handle);
        wm_calc(WC_WORK, D.w_win[w_handle].w_kind, 
                        pt->g_x, pt->g_y, pt->g_w, pt->g_h, 
                        &pw->g_x, &pw->g_y, &pw->g_w, &pw->g_h);
                                                /* update rect. lists   */
        everyobj(gl_wtree, ROOT, NIL, (void(*)())newrect, 0, 0, MAX_DEPTH);
                                                /* remember oldtop      */
        oldtop = gl_wtop;
        gl_wtop = W_TREE[ROOT].ob_tail;
                                                /* if new top then      */
                                                /*   change men         */
        if (gl_wtop != oldtop)
                                                /* set ctrl rect and    */
                                                /*   mouse owner        */
                                                /* init. starting window*/
        start = w_handle;
                                                /* stop at the top      */
        stop = DESKWH;
                                                /* set flag to say we   */
                                                /*   haven't moved      */
                                                /*   the top window     */
        moved = FALSE;
                                                /* if same upper left   */
                                                /*   corner and not     */
                                                /*   zero size window   */
                                                /*   then its a size or */
                                                /*   top request, else  */
                                                /*   its a move, grow,  */
                                                /*   open or close.     */
        if ( (!rc_equal(&gl_rzero, pt)) &&
              (pt->g_x == c.g_x) && 
              (pt->g_y == c.g_y) )
                                                /* size or top request  */
          if ( (pt->g_w == c.g_w) && (pt->g_h == c.g_h) )
                                                /* sizes of prev and    */
                                                /*  current are the same*/
                                                /*  so its a top request*/

                                                /* return if this isn't */
                                                /*   a top request      */
            if ( (w_handle != W_TREE[ROOT].ob_tail) ||
                 (w_handle == oldtop) )

                                                /* say when borders will*/
                                                /*   change             */
            diffbord = !( (D.w_win[oldtop].w_flags & VF_SUBWIN) &&
                          (D.w_win[gl_wtop].w_flags & VF_SUBWIN) );
                                                /* draw oldtop covered  */
                                                /*   with deactivated   */
                                                /*   borders            */
            if (oldtop != NIL)
              if (diffbord)
                w_clipdraw(oldtop, 0, MAX_DEPTH, 2);
              clrold = !(D.w_win[oldtop].w_flags & VF_BROKEN);
              clrold = TRUE;
                                                /* if oldtop isn't      */
                                                /*   overlapped and new */
                                                /*   top was clear then */
                                                /*   just draw activated*/
                                                /*   borders            */
            if ( (clrold) && 
                 (wasclr) )
              w_clipdraw(gl_wtop, 0, MAX_DEPTH, 1);
                                                /* size change          */
                                                /* stop before current  */
                                                /*   window if shrink   */
                                                /*   was a pure subset  */
            if ( (pt->g_w <= c.g_w) && (pt->g_h <= c.g_h) )
              stop = w_handle;
              w_clipdraw(gl_wtop, 0, MAX_DEPTH, 2);
              moved = TRUE;
                                                /* start at bottom if   */
                                                /*   a shrink occurred  */
            if ( (pt->g_w < c.g_w) || (pt->g_h < c.g_h) )
              start = DESKWH;
                                                /* update rect. is the  */
                                                /*   union of two sizes */
                                                /*   + the drop shadow  */
            c.g_w = max(pt->g_w, c.g_w) + 2; 
            c.g_h = max(pt->g_h, c.g_h) + 2; 
                                                /* move or grow or open */
                                                /*   or close           */
          if ( !(c.g_w && c.g_h) ||
                ( (pt->g_x <= c.g_x) && 
                  (pt->g_y <= c.g_y) &&
                  (pt->g_x+pt->g_w >= c.g_x+c.g_w) && 
                  (pt->g_y+pt->g_h >= c.g_y+c.g_h)))
                                                /* a grow that is a     */
                                                /*  superset or an open */
            rc_copy(pt, &c);
                                                /* move, close or shrink*/
                                                /* do a move of top guy */
            if ( (pt->g_w == c.g_w) && 
                 (pt->g_h == c.g_h) &&
                 (gl_wtop == w_handle) )
              moved = w_move(w_handle, &stop, &c);
              start = DESKWH;
                                                /* check for a close    */
            if ( !(pt->g_w && pt->g_h) )
              start = DESKWH;
                                                /* handle other moves   */
                                                /*   and shrinks        */
            if ( start != DESKWH )
              rc_union(pt, &c);
              if ( !rc_equal(pt, &c) )
                start = DESKWH;
                                                /* update gl_wtop       */
                                                /*   after close,       */
                                                /*   or open            */
        if ( oldtop != W_TREE[ROOT].ob_tail )
          if (gl_wtop != NIL)
                                                /* open or close with   */
                                                /*   other windows open */
            w_getsize(WS_CURR, gl_wtop, pt);
            rc_union(pt, &c);
                                                /* if it was an open    */
                                                /*   then draw the      */
                                                /*   old top guy        */
                                                /*   covered            */
            if ( (oldtop != NIL ) &&
                 (oldtop != w_handle) )
                                                /* BUGFIX 2/20/86 LKW   */
                                                /* only an open if prev */
                                                /*  size was zero.      */
              w_getsize(WS_PREV, gl_wtop, &pprev);
              if (rc_equal(&pprev, &gl_rzero))
                w_clipdraw(oldtop, 0, MAX_DEPTH, 2);    /* */
        c.g_w += 2;                             /* account for drop shadow*/
        c.g_h += 2;                             /* BUGFIX in 2.1        */
                                                /* update the desktop   */
                                                /*   background         */
        if (start == DESKWH)

                                                /* start the redrawing  */
        w_update(start, &c, stop, moved, TRUE);