bool Helper::handleGetSaveX( bool url )
    if( !readArguments( 4 ))
        return false;
    QString startDir = getArgument();
    QString filter = getArgument().replace("/", "\\/"); // TODO: ignored
    int selectFilter = getArgument().toInt();
    QString title = getArgument();
    long wid = getArgumentParent();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;

    if (title.isEmpty())
        title = i18n("Save As");

    // TODO: confirm overwrite
    if (url) {
        QUrl result = QFileDialog::getSaveFileUrl(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (result.isValid()) {
            return true;
    } else {
        QString result = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

    return false;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	bool running = false;
	// Two verbosity levels
	myPrintf[QUIET] = quietprint;
	myPrintf[VERBOSE] = printf;
	// Before continuing, read the arguments
	running = readArguments( argc, argv );

	// If the arguments are correct, start a simulation
	while ( running ) {
		myPrintf[ verbosemode ] ( "main : running is true\n" );

		// Init graphics
		SDL_Surface * screen = NULL;
		screen = init_sdl();

		// Simulates
		simulation ( screen );

		// End of graphics

		// Quit running mode
		running = false;

	return 0;
bool Helper::handleGetDirectoryX( bool url )
    if( !readArguments( 2 ))
        return false;
    QString startDir = getArgument();
    QString title = getArgument();
    long wid = getArgumentParent();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;

    if (url) {
        QUrl result = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectoryUrl(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (result.isValid()) {
            return true;
    } else {
        QString result = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

    return false;
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int fhs_file;
FHS_HEADERv1 header;
clock_t start, end;
uint_least16_t docsWritten = 0;
	if(readArguments(argc, argv) == -1) exit(-1);

	printf("Loading hashes -- be patient!\n");
	printf("\nWriting out preload file: %s\n", fhs_out_file);

	fhs_file = openFHS(fhs_out_file, &header, 1);

	docsWritten = writeFHSHashesPreload(fhs_file, &header, &HSJudgeHashList);


	printf("Wrote out: %"PRIu32" hashes as %"PRIu16" documents.\n", HSJudgeHashList.used, docsWritten);
	printf("Preload making took %lf seconds\n", (double)((end-start)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)));

	return 0;
bool Helper::handleAppsDialog()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString title = getArgument();
    long wid = getArgumentParent();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    KOpenWithDialog dialog( NULL );
    if( !title.isEmpty())
        dialog.setWindowTitle( title );
    dialog.hideRunInTerminal(); // TODO
    if( wid != 0 )
        KWindowSystem::setMainWindow( &dialog, wid );
    if( dialog.exec())
        KService::Ptr service = dialog.service();
        QString command;
        if( service )
            command = service->exec();
        else if( !dialog.text().isEmpty())
            command = dialog.text();
            return false;
        command = command.split( " " ).first(); // only the actual command
        command = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(command);
        if( command.isEmpty())
            return false;
        outputLine( QUrl::fromUserInput( command ).url());
        return true;
    return false;
bool Helper::handleReveal()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString path = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO
    const KService::List apps = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query("inode/directory", "Application");
    if (apps.size() != 0)
        QString command =>exec().split( " " ).first(); // only the actual command
        if (command == "dolphin" || command == "konqueror")
            command = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(command);
            if( command.isEmpty())
                return false;
            return KProcess::startDetached(command, QStringList() << "--select" << path);
    QFileInfo info(path);
    QString dir = info.dir().path();
    (void) new KRun( QUrl::fromLocalFile(dir), NULL ); // TODO parent
    return true; // TODO check for errors?
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	readArguments(argc, argv);
	volume = new Volume();

	if(!strcmp(pathExtension, "tif"))
		volume->loadTIFData(path, firstSlice, lastSlice);
	else if(!strcmp(pathExtension, "pgm"))
		volume->loadPGMData(path, firstSlice, lastSlice);
		volume->loadRAWData(path, firstSlice, firstSlice, lastSlice);

	//triCubicInterpolationPreFilter = new TriCubicInterpolationPreFilter();
	//triCubicInterpolationPreFilter->applyPreFilterForAccurateCubicBSplineInterpolation(volume->getData(), volume->getWidth(), volume->getHeight(), volume->getDepth());

	minMaxOctree = new MinMaxOctree(volume->getWidth(), volume->getHeight(), volume->getDepth());
	minMaxOctree->build(volume->getData(), volume->getWidth(), volume->getHeight(), volume->getDepth());
	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutInitWindowSize(windowWidth, windowHeight);
	glutCreateWindow("Volume Rendering");


	initShader("Shaders/VRBlendRaycasting", VOLUME_RENDERING_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/VRContextPreservingPreIntegrationRaycasting", CONTEXT_PRESERVING_VOLUME_RENDERING_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/VRPreIntegrationRaycasting", PRE_INTEGRATION_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/VRLocalIlluminationPreIntegrationRaycasting", LOCAL_ILLUMINATION_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/VRNonPolygonalRaycasting", NON_POLYGONAL_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/FCNormalEstimation", FC_NORMAL_ESTIMATION_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/FCCurvatureEstimation", FC_CURVATURE_ESTIMATION_SHADER);
	initShader("Shaders/FCFinalRendering", FC_FINAL_RENDERING_SHADER);


	delete volume;
	delete minMaxOctree;
	delete myGLImageViewer;
	delete myGLCloudViewer;
	delete transferFunction;
	delete triCubicInterpolationPreFilter;
	return 0;
bool Helper::handleHandlerExists()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString protocol = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    return KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( protocol );
Exemple #9
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	if(argc == 4) { //remember: argv[0] = executable_name
	} else {
		printf(RED "Error: Wrong number of arguments\n" RESET);
		printf("Usage: " YELLOW "calc " MAGENTA " [add|sub|mul|div] " CYAN "[number1] "  GREEN "[number2]" RESET "\n");

bool Helper::handleIsDefaultBrowser()
    if( !readArguments( 0 ))
        return false;
    QString browser = KConfigGroup( KSharedConfig::openConfig( "kdeglobals" ), "General" )
        .readEntry( "BrowserApplication" );
    return browser == "MozillaFirefox" || browser == "MozillaFirefox.desktop"
        || browser == "!firefox" || browser == "!/usr/bin/firefox"
        || browser == "firefox" || browser == "firefox.desktop";
bool Helper::handleRun()
    if( !readArguments( 2 ))
        return false;
    QString app = getArgument();
    QString arg = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO
    return KRun::runCommand( KShell::quoteArg( app ) + " " + KShell::quoteArg( arg ), NULL ); // TODO parent, ASN
bool Helper::handleCheck()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    int version = getArgument().toInt(); // requested version
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    if( version <= HELPER_VERSION ) // we must have the exact requested version
        return true;
    QTextStream( stderr ) << "KDE helper version too old." << endl;
    return false;
bool Helper::handleOpenNews()
    if( !readArguments( 0 ))
        return false;
    KService::Ptr news = KService::serviceByDesktopName( "knode" ); // TODO there is no KDE setting for this
    if( news )
        //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO
        return KRun::runService( *news, QList<QUrl>(), NULL ); // TODO parent
    return false;
bool Helper::handleGetDefaultFeedReader()
    if( !readArguments( 0 ))
        return false;
    // firefox wants the full path
    QString reader = QStandardPaths::findExecutable("akregator"); // TODO there is no KDE setting for this
    if( !reader.isEmpty())
        outputLine( reader );
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #15
void Launcher::init() {
	_arguments = readArguments(_argc, _argv);



#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
	QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling, true);
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD

bool Helper::handleGetAppDescForScheme()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString scheme = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    QString app = getAppForProtocol( scheme );
    if( !app.isEmpty())
        outputLine( app );
        return true;
    return false;
bool Helper::handleDownloadFinished()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString download = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    // TODO cheat a bit due to i18n freeze - the strings are in the .notifyrc file,
    // taken from KGet, but the notification itself needs the text too.
    // So create it from there.
    KConfig cfg( "kmozillahelper.notifyrc", KConfig::FullConfig, QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation );
    QString message = KConfigGroup( &cfg, "Event/downloadfinished" ).readEntry( "Comment" );
    KNotification::event( "downloadfinished", download + " : " + message );
    return true;
bool Helper::handleSetDefaultBrowser()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    bool alltypes = ( getArgument() == "ALLTYPES" );
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    KConfigGroup( KSharedConfig::openConfig( "kdeglobals" ), "General" )
        .writeEntry( "BrowserApplication", "firefox" );
    if( alltypes )
        // TODO there is no API for this and it is a bit complex
    return true;
bool Helper::handleGetFromExtension()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString ext = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    if( !ext.isEmpty()) {
        QList<QMimeType> mimeList = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypesForFileName("foo." + ext);
        for (const QMimeType &mime : mimeList)
            if (mime.isValid() && writeMimeInfo(mime))
                return true;
        return false;
    return false;
bool Helper::handleGetOpenX( bool url )
    if( !readArguments( 4 ))
        return false;
    QString startDir = getArgument();
    QString filter = getArgument().replace("/", "\\/"); // TODO: not used
    int selectFilter = getArgument().toInt();
    QString title = getArgument();
    bool multiple = isArgument( "MULTIPLE" );
    long wid = getArgumentParent();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;

    if (title.isEmpty())
        title = i18n("Open");

    if (url) {
        QList<QUrl> result;
        if (multiple)
            result = QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrls(nullptr, title, startDir);
            result << QFileDialog::getOpenFileUrl(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            outputLine(QStringLiteral("0")); // filter is not implemented, so always 0 (All Files)
            for (const QUrl &url : result)
            return true;

    } else {
        QStringList result;
        if (multiple)
            result = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(nullptr, title, startDir);
            result << QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(nullptr, title, startDir);
        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
            for (const QString &str : result)
            return true;

    return false;
bool Helper::handleGetFromType()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QString type = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    QMimeType mime = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(type);
    if (mime.isValid()) return writeMimeInfo(mime);
    // firefox also asks for protocol handlers using getfromtype
    QString app = getAppForProtocol( type );
    if( !app.isEmpty())
        outputLine( type );
        outputLine( type ); // TODO probably no way to find a good description
        outputLine( app );
        return true;
    return false;
bool Helper::handleOpen()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(getArgument());
    QString mime;
    if( isArgument( "MIMETYPE" ))
        mime = getArgument();
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO
    // try to handle the case when the server has broken mimetypes and e.g. claims something is application/octet-stream
    QMimeType mimeType = QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(mime);
    if (!mime.isEmpty() && mimeType.isValid() && KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(
        return KRun::runUrl( url, mime, NULL ); // TODO parent
        (void) new KRun( url, NULL ); // TODO parent
    //    QObject::connect( run, SIGNAL( finished()), &app, SLOT( openDone()));
    //    QObject::connect( run, SIGNAL( error()), &app, SLOT( openDone()));
        return true; // TODO check for errors?
bool Helper::handleGetProxy()
    if( !readArguments( 1 ))
        return false;
    QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput( getArgument());
    if( !allArgumentsUsed())
        return false;
    QString proxy;
    KProtocolManager::slaveProtocol( url, proxy ); 
    if( proxy.isEmpty() || proxy == "DIRECT" ) // TODO return DIRECT if empty?
        outputLine( "DIRECT" );
        return true;
    QUrl proxyurl = QUrl::fromUserInput( proxy );
    if( proxyurl.isValid())
        { // firefox wants this format
        outputLine( "PROXY" " " + + ":" + QString::number( proxyurl.port()));
        // TODO there is also "SOCKS " type
        return true;
    return false;
bool StaticRecordsReader::readRecord(char *mem, qint64 memSize, qint64 pos, qint64 &readedSize, Record &record, SimpleEventInfo *info)
    quint64 time = 0;
    if(!translateArg(mem, memSize, pos, time))
        return false;

    readedSize += sizeof(quint64);

    char *bytesValue = new char[sizeof(quint64)];

    copyArg(mem, bytesValue, pos, sizeof(quint64));
    pos += sizeof(quint64);
    record.byteRecord.append(bytesValue, sizeof(quint64));
    record.time = time;

    delete[] bytesValue;

    quint8 eventID = 0;
    if(!translateArg(mem, memSize, pos, eventID))
        return false;
    readedSize += sizeof(quint8);

    bytesValue = new char[sizeof(quint8)];

    copyArg(mem, bytesValue, pos, sizeof(quint8));
    pos += sizeof(quint8);
    record.byteRecord.append(bytesValue, sizeof(quint8));
    record.eventID = eventID;

    delete[] bytesValue;

    if(!readArguments(mem, memSize, pos, readedSize, record, info, eventID))
        return false;

    return true;
bool Helper::handleOpenMail()
    if( !readArguments( 0 ))
        return false;
    // this is based on ktoolinvocation_x11.cpp, there is no API for this
    KConfig config( "emaildefaults" );
    QString groupname = KConfigGroup( &config, "Defaults" ).readEntry( "Profile", "Default" );
    KConfigGroup group( &config, QString( "PROFILE_%1" ).arg( groupname ));
    QString command = group.readPathEntry( "EmailClient", QString());
    if( command.isEmpty())
        command = "kmail";
    if( group.readEntry( "TerminalClient", false ))
        QString terminal = KConfigGroup( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General" ).readPathEntry( "TerminalApplication", "konsole" );
        command = terminal + " -e " + command;
    KService::Ptr mail = KService::serviceByDesktopName( command.split( " " ).first());
    if( mail )
        //KApplication::updateUserTimestamp( 0 ); // TODO
        return KRun::runService( *mail, QList<QUrl>(), NULL ); // TODO parent
    return false;
Exemple #26
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
	// check number of arguments and if all arguments can be read
	if (argc < 3 || !readArguments(argc, argv))
		return -1;
	// check if the input path exist
	if (!FS_NAMESPACE::exists(inFilePath))
		std::cout << "Error: Invalid input file/directory \"" << inFilePath.string() << "\"!" << std::endl;
		return -2;
	if (createBinary)
		// check if argument 2 is a file
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Output must be a file if -b is used!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
	else if (appendFile)
		// check if argument 2 is a file
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Output must be a file if -a is used!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
	else if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath) != FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath))
		// check if output directory exists
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(outFilePath) && !FS_NAMESPACE::exists(outFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Invalid output directory \"" << outFilePath.string() << "\"!" << std::endl;
			return -2;
		// check if arguments 1 and 2 are both files or both directories
		std::cout << "Error: Input and output file must be both either a file or a directory!" << std::endl;
		return -2;
	if (appendFile)
		// append file a to b
		if (!appendAtoB(outFilePath, inFilePath))
			std::cout << "Error: Failed to append data to executable!" << std::endl;
			return -3;
		// build list of files to process
		std::vector<FileData> fileList;
		if (FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath) && FS_NAMESPACE::is_directory(inFilePath))
			// both files are directories, build file ist
			fileList = getFileDataFrom(inFilePath, outFilePath, inFilePath, useRecursion);
			if (fileList.empty())
				std::cout << "Error: No files to convert!" << std::endl;
				return -3;
			// just add single input/output file
			FileData temp;
			temp.inPath = inFilePath;
			temp.outPath = outFilePath;
			temp.internalName = inFilePath.filename().string(); // remove all, but the file name and extension
			if (beVerbose)
				std::cout << "Found input file " << inFilePath << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Internal name will be \"" << temp.internalName << "\"" << std::endl;
				std::cout << "Output path is " << temp.outPath << std::endl;
			// get file size
				temp.size = static_cast<uint64_t>(FS_NAMESPACE::file_size(inFilePath));
				if (beVerbose)
					std::cout << "Size is " << temp.size << " bytes." << std::endl;
			catch (...)
				std::cout << "Error: Failed to get size of " << inFilePath << "!" << std::endl;
				temp.size = 0;

		// does the user want an binary file?
		if (createBinary)
			// yes. build it.
			if (!createBlob(fileList, outFilePath))
				std::cout << "Error: Failed to convert to binary file!" << std::endl;
				return -4;
			// no. convert files to .c/.cpp. loop through list, converting files
			for (auto fdIt = fileList.begin(); fdIt != fileList.cend(); ++fdIt)
				if (!convertFile(*fdIt, commonHeaderFilePath))
					std::cout << "Error: Failed to convert all files. Aborting!" << std::endl;
					return -4;
			// do we need to write a header file?
			if (!commonHeaderFilePath.empty())
				if (!createCommonHeader(fileList, commonHeaderFilePath, !utilitiesFilePath.empty(), useC))
					return -5;
				// do we need to create utilities?
				if (!utilitiesFilePath.empty())
					if (!createUtilities(fileList, utilitiesFilePath, commonHeaderFilePath, useC, combineResults))
						return -6;
	} // if (!appendFile) {
	// profit!!!
	std::cout << "res2h succeeded." << std::endl;
	return 0;