bool UtlXMLStream::readKeyOfHashTable(std::string& sKey) { int iChar; skipBlanks( getInputStream() ); iChar=readChar( getInputStream() ); if (iChar != '<') { return false; } std::string sTrash; if (!readString( getInputStream() , sTrash)) return false; if (strcmp(sTrash.c_str(),"pair")) return false; std::string sKeyTag; if (!readAttribute( sKeyTag , sKey)) return false; if (strcmp(sKeyTag.c_str(),"key")) return false; return true; }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClassesContentHandler::startElement(const wchar_t *pwchNamespaceUri, int cchNamespaceUri, const wchar_t *pwchLocalName, int cchLocalName, const wchar_t *pwchQName, int cchQName, ISAXAttributes *pAttributes) { std::wstring tag(pwchQName, cchQName); /*int cols = -1, rows = -1, type = -1; std::wstring buf; if (readAttribute(pAttributes, L"cols", buf)) { swscanf(buf.c_str(), L"%d", &cols); } if (readAttribute(pAttributes, L"rows", buf)) { swscanf(buf.c_str(), L"%d", &rows); } if (readAttribute(pAttributes, L"type", buf)) { swscanf(buf.c_str(), L"%x", &type); }*/ switch (myState) { case READ_NOTHING: if ("classes") == 0) { myState = READ_CLASSES; } else { return E_FAIL; } break; case READ_CLASSES: if ("class") == 0) { myState = READ_CLASS; std::string name, letter; if (!readAttribute(pAttributes, L"name", name) || !readAttribute(pAttributes, L"letter", letter) || letter.length() != 1) { return E_FAIL; } myClasses.push_back(EmoClass(name,; } else { return E_FAIL; } break; case READ_CLASS: return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
void DDI::DDIEntity::readNode(rapidxml::xml_node<> *_node) { for (rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = _node->first_attribute(); attr; attr = attr->next_attribute()) { if (!readAttribute(attr->name(), attr->value())) { out << "[" << getXMLLabel() << "] Unrecognised attribute: " << attr->name() << " (" << attr->value() << ")" << std::endl; } } _contents_ = _node->value(); }
static void readAttributes(template_t *t, tfile_t *tf) { int nAttrs, i; readScalar(nAttrs, tf); for (i = 0; i < nAttrs; i++) { tmpl_attribute_t *att = _evlTmplAllocAttribute(); att->ta_index = i; readAttribute(att, t, tf); t->tm_attributes = _evlAppendToList(t->tm_attributes, att); } }
/** Loads byte attribute by id */ U2ByteArrayAttribute MysqlAttributeDbi::getByteArrayAttribute(const U2DataId& attributeId, U2OpStatus& os) { static const QString queryString(buildSelectAttributeQuery("ByteArrayAttribute")); U2SqlQuery q(queryString, db, os); q.bindDataId(":id", attributeId); U2ByteArrayAttribute res; readAttribute(q, res); CHECK_OP(os, res); res.value = q.getBlob(0); q.ensureDone(); return res; }
bool XmlReader::readPoint(const char* t, QPointF* val) { if (isTag(name(), t)) { while (readAttribute()) { if (tag() == "x") val->setX(realValue()); else if (tag() == "y") val->setY(realValue()); } read(); return true; } return false; }
bool XmlReader::readSize(const char* t, QSizeF* val) { if (isTag(name(), t)) { while (readAttribute()) { if (tag() == "w") val->setWidth(realValue()); else if (tag() == "h") val->setHeight(realValue()); } read(); return true; } return false; }
bool XmlReader::readFraction(const char* t, Fraction* val) { if (isTag(name(), t)) { while (readAttribute()) { if (tag() == "z") val->setNumerator(realValue()); else if (tag() == "n") val->setDenominator(realValue()); } read(); return true; } return false; }
int getDatasetPrecision(int _iDatasetId, int *_piPrec) { int iRet = 0; char *pstScilabClass = readAttribute(_iDatasetId, g_SCILAB_CLASS_PREC); if (pstScilabClass == NULL) { return -1; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "8") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_INT8; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "u8") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_UINT8; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "16") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_INT16; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "u16") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_UINT16; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "32") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_INT32; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "u32") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_UINT32; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "64") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_INT64; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, "u64") == 0) { *_piPrec = SCI_UINT64; } else { iRet = 1; } FREE(pstScilabClass); return iRet; }
bool UtlXMLStream::readObjectReference(std::string& sTypeName, std::string& sIDAttrName, std::string& sIdentifier) { int iChar; skipBlanks( getInputStream() ); iChar=readChar( getInputStream() ); if (iChar != '<') { return false; } std::string sTrash; // reference if (!readString( getInputStream(), sTrash)) return false; if (strcmp(sTrash.c_str(),"reference")) return false; // type if (!readAttribute(sTrash, sTypeName)) return false; // ID if (!readAttribute( sIDAttrName, sIdentifier)) return false; iChar=readChar( getInputStream() ); if (iChar != '/') { return false; } iChar=readChar( getInputStream() ); if (iChar != '>') { return false; } return true; }
bool XmlReader::readColor(const char* t, Color* val) { if (isTag(name(), t)) { while (readAttribute()) { if (tag() == "r") val->setRed(intValue()); else if (tag() == "g") val->setGreen(intValue()); else if (tag() == "b") val->setBlue(intValue()); } read(); return true; } return false; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WalkmeshFileXMLSerializer::readObject( TiXmlNode &node ,WalkmeshFileXMLSerializer::Triangle &pDest ) { readAttribute( node, "a", pDest.a ); readAttribute( node, "b", pDest.b ); readAttribute( node, "c", pDest.c ); readAttribute( node, "a_b", pDest.access_side[0] ); readAttribute( node, "b_c", pDest.access_side[1] ); readAttribute( node, "c_a", pDest.access_side[2] ); }
bool Loader::readItem(Node* parent) { char* name; uint8_t type; int nameLength; if ((m_file->read(&type, 1) != 1) || (m_file->read(&nameLength, 4) != 4)) { return false; } name = new char[nameLength + 1]; if (m_file->read(name, nameLength) != nameLength) { return false; } name[nameLength] = 0; switch (type) { case TYPE_NODE : { Node* child; if (!readNode(child)) { return false; } parent->addChild(name, child); break; } case TYPE_ATTRIBUTE : { Attribute* attribute; if (!readAttribute(attribute)) { return false; } parent->addAttribute(name, attribute); break; } } return true; }
static int checkAttribute(int _iDatasetId, char *_pstAttribute, char *_pstValue) { int iRet = 0; char *pstScilabClass = NULL; //status = H5Giterate (_iFile, "/", NULL, op_func, &iDatasetId); pstScilabClass = readAttribute(_iDatasetId, _pstAttribute); if (pstScilabClass != NULL && strcmp(pstScilabClass, _pstValue) == 0) { iRet = 1; } if (pstScilabClass) { FREE(pstScilabClass); } return iRet; }
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { int iField; string market; market = "JPY"; contractStruct myContract; = market; readAttributes readAttribute("//mnt//nas//shared//progQuantCompFinance//lecture10//exampleReadAttributes//contractAttributes2.csv"); int nFields = readAttribute.getNFields(); //int nAttributes = readAttribute.getNAttributes(); string *marketFields = new string[nFields]; readAttribute.getMarketAllFields(market, marketFields); cout << " Attributes: "; for (iField = 0; iField < readAttribute.getNFields(); iField++){ cout << marketFields[iField] << " "; } cout << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << "calling setAttributes ..." << endl; cout << " " << endl; setAttributes(myContract, readAttribute); cout << "transaction cost: " << myContract.transactionCost << endl; cout << "currency value: " << myContract.currencyValue << endl; cout << "margin requirement: " << myContract.marginRequirement << endl; //cout << "currency name: " << myContract.currencyName << endl; cout << "one point value: " << myContract.onePointValue << endl; cout << "spread: " << myContract.spread << endl; cout << "tick size: " << myContract.ticksize << endl; cout << "precision size: " << myContract.precisionSize << endl; cout << "Done -- retrieved and set attributes for " << market << endl; delete [] marketFields; return 0; } // END
bool UtlXMLStream::readHashtableEntry(std::string& sKey, double& dValue) { int iChar; skipBlanks( getInputStream() ); if (!readKeyOfHashTable(sKey)) return false; iChar=readChar( getInputStream() ); if (iChar != '>') { return false; } std::string sValueTag; if (!readAttribute( sValueTag , dValue)) return false; if (!readEndOfHashTable()) return false; return true; }
bool readAttribute(ISAXAttributes *attributes, const std::wstring &name, std::string &value) { std::wstring wide; if (!readAttribute(attributes, name, wide)) { return false; } if (wide.length() == 0) { value.assign(""); return true; } const int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide.c_str(), wide.length(), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (len == 0) { return false; } char *buffer = new char[len]; if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wide.c_str(), wide.length(), buffer, len, 0, 0) != len) { return false; } value.assign(buffer, len); delete[] buffer; return true; }
size_t HTTPFetchHeadParser::readAttributes(size_t startLinePos) { size_t pos = startLinePos; while((pos = readAttribute(pos)) != std::string::npos); return pos; }
int readCommonPolyMatrix(int _iDatasetId, char *_pstVarname, int _iComplex, int _iDims, int* _piDims, int *_piNbCoef, double **_pdblReal, double **_pdblImg) { int i = 0; hid_t obj = 0; char *pstVarName = 0; hsize_t* piDims = NULL; hobj_ref_t *pData = NULL; herr_t status; int iSize = 1; for (i = 0 ; i < _iDims ; i++) { iSize *= _piDims[i]; } pData = (hobj_ref_t *) MALLOC(iSize * sizeof(hobj_ref_t)); /* * Read the data. */ status = H5Dread(_iDatasetId, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, pData); if (status < 0) { FREE(pData); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { /* * Open the referenced object, get its name and type. */ obj = H5Rdereference(_iDatasetId, H5R_OBJECT, &pData[i]); if (_iComplex) { status = readComplexPoly(obj, &_piNbCoef[i], &_pdblReal[i], &_pdblImg[i]); } else { status = readPoly(obj, &_piNbCoef[i], &_pdblReal[i]); } if (status < 0) { FREE(pData); return -1; } } pstVarName = readAttribute(_iDatasetId, g_SCILAB_CLASS_VARNAME); strcpy(_pstVarname, pstVarName); FREE(pstVarName); status = H5Dclose(_iDatasetId); if (status < 0) { FREE(pData); return -1; } FREE(pData); return 0; }
void ATOMCommonAttributes::readAttributes(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &attributes) { readAttribute(XML_BASE, attributes); readAttribute(XML_LANG, attributes); }
void QgsGml::startElement( const XML_Char* el, const XML_Char** attr ) { QString elementName( QString::fromUtf8( el ) ); ParseMode theParseMode( mParseModeStack.isEmpty() ? none : ); QStringList splitName = elementName.split( NS_SEPARATOR ); QString localName = splitName.last(); QString ns = splitName.size() > 1 ? splitName.first() : ""; if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "coordinates" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::coordinate ); mCoorMode = QgsGml::coordinate; mStringCash.clear(); mCoordinateSeparator = readAttribute( "cs", attr ); if ( mCoordinateSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mCoordinateSeparator = ","; } mTupleSeparator = readAttribute( "ts", attr ); if ( mTupleSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mTupleSeparator = " "; } } if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "pos" || elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "posList" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::posList ); mCoorMode = QgsGml::posList; mStringCash.clear(); QString dimension = readAttribute( "srsDimension", attr ); bool ok; mDimension = dimension.toInt( &ok ); if ( dimension.isEmpty() || !ok ) { mDimension = 2; } } else if ( localName == mGeometryAttribute ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::geometry ); } //else if ( mParseModeStack.size() == 0 && elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "boundedBy" ) else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "boundedBy" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::boundingBox ); } else if ( theParseMode == none && localName == mTypeName ) { Q_ASSERT( !mCurrentFeature ); mCurrentFeature = new QgsFeature( mFeatureCount ); QgsAttributes attributes( mThematicAttributes.size() ); //add empty attributes mCurrentFeature->setAttributes( attributes ); mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::feature ); mCurrentFeatureId = readAttribute( "fid", attr ); } else if ( theParseMode == boundingBox && elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Box" ) { //read attribute srsName="EPSG:26910" int epsgNr; if ( readEpsgFromAttribute( epsgNr, attr ) != 0 ) { QgsDebugMsg( "error, could not get epsg id" ); } } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Polygon" ) { mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPoint" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiPoint ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiLineString" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiLine ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPolygon" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiPolygon ); } else if ( theParseMode == feature && mThematicAttributes.contains( localName ) ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::attribute ); mAttributeName = localName; mStringCash.clear(); } // QGIS server (2.2) is using: // <Attribute value="My description" name="desc"/> else if ( theParseMode == feature && "attribute", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 ) { QString name = readAttribute( "name", attr ); if ( mThematicAttributes.contains( name ) ) { QString value = readAttribute( "value", attr ); setAttribute( name, value ); } } if ( mEpsg == 0 && ( localName == "Point" || localName == "MultiPoint" || localName == "LineString" || localName == "MultiLineString" || localName == "Polygon" || localName == "MultiPolygon" ) ) { if ( readEpsgFromAttribute( mEpsg, attr ) != 0 ) { QgsDebugMsg( "error, could not get epsg id" ); } else { QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mEpsg = %1" ).arg( mEpsg ) ); } } }
void QgsGml::startElement( const XML_Char* el, const XML_Char** attr ) { QString elementName( QString::fromUtf8( el ) ); ParseMode theParseMode( mParseModeStack.isEmpty() ? none : ); QStringList splitName = elementName.split( NS_SEPARATOR ); QString localName = splitName.last(); QString ns = splitName.size() > 1 ? splitName.first() : ""; if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "coordinates" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::coordinate ); mStringCash.clear(); mCoordinateSeparator = readAttribute( "cs", attr ); if ( mCoordinateSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mCoordinateSeparator = ","; } mTupleSeparator = readAttribute( "ts", attr ); if ( mTupleSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mTupleSeparator = " "; } } else if ( localName == mGeometryAttribute ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::geometry ); } //else if ( mParseModeStack.size() == 0 && elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "boundedBy" ) else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "boundedBy" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::boundingBox ); } else if ( theParseMode == none && localName == mTypeName ) { Q_ASSERT( !mCurrentFeature ); mCurrentFeature = new QgsFeature( mFeatureCount ); QgsAttributes attributes( mThematicAttributes.size() ); //add empty attributes mCurrentFeature->setAttributes( attributes ); mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::feature ); mCurrentFeatureId = readAttribute( "fid", attr ); } else if ( theParseMode == boundingBox && elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Box" ) { //read attribute srsName="EPSG:26910" int epsgNr; if ( readEpsgFromAttribute( epsgNr, attr ) != 0 ) { QgsDebugMsg( "error, could not get epsg id" ); } } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Polygon" ) { mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPoint" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiPoint ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiLineString" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiLine ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( QList<unsigned char*>() ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( QList<int>() ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPolygon" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::multiPolygon ); } else if ( theParseMode == feature && mThematicAttributes.contains( localName ) ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsGml::attribute ); mAttributeName = localName; mStringCash.clear(); } }
void QgsWFSData::startElement( const XML_Char* el, const XML_Char** attr ) { QString elementName( el ); QString localName = elementName.section( NS_SEPARATOR, 1, 1 ); if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "coordinates" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::coordinate ); mStringCash.clear(); mCoordinateSeparator = readAttribute( "cs", attr ); if ( mCoordinateSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mCoordinateSeparator = ","; } mTupleSeparator = readAttribute( "ts", attr ); if ( mTupleSeparator.isEmpty() ) { mTupleSeparator = " "; } } else if ( localName == mGeometryAttribute ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::geometry ); } else if ( mParseModeStack.size() == 0 && elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "boundedBy" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::boundingBox ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "featureMember" ) { mCurrentFeature = new QgsFeature( mFeatureCount ); mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::featureMember ); } else if ( localName == mTypeName ) { mCurrentFeatureId = readAttribute( "fid", attr ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Box" && == QgsWFSData::boundingBox ) { //read attribute srsName="EPSG:26910" int epsgNr; if ( readEpsgFromAttribute( epsgNr, attr ) != 0 ) { QgsDebugMsg( "error, could not get epsg id" ); } } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "Polygon" ) { std::list<unsigned char*> wkbList; std::list<int> wkbSizeList; mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( wkbList ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( wkbSizeList ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPoint" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::multiPoint ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB std::list<unsigned char*> wkbList; std::list<int> wkbSizeList; mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( wkbList ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( wkbSizeList ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiLineString" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::multiLine ); //we need one nested list for intermediate WKB std::list<unsigned char*> wkbList; std::list<int> wkbSizeList; mCurrentWKBFragments.push_back( wkbList ); mCurrentWKBFragmentSizes.push_back( wkbSizeList ); } else if ( elementName == GML_NAMESPACE + NS_SEPARATOR + "MultiPolygon" ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::multiPolygon ); } else if ( mParseModeStack.size() == 1 && == QgsWFSData::featureMember && mThematicAttributes.find( localName ) != mThematicAttributes.end() ) { mParseModeStack.push( QgsWFSData::attribute ); mAttributeName = localName; mStringCash.clear(); } }
//Scilab 6 char* getScilabTypeFromDataSet6(int dataset) { return readAttribute(dataset, g_SCILAB_CLASS); }
/* ** WARNING : this function returns an allocated value that must be freed. */ char* getScilabVersionAttribute(int _iFile) { return readAttribute(_iFile, g_SCILAB_CLASS_SCI_VERSION); }
/* \overload */ QVariant DomTool::readAttribute(const QDomElement& e, const QString& name, const QVariant& defValue) { QString comment; return readAttribute(e, name, defValue, comment); }
/* * Run the Device/Target Group Layout dialog */ void devTgtGrpLayoutDialog(CDKSCREEN *main_cdk_screen) { CDKSWINDOW *alua_info = 0; char *swindow_info[MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES] = {NULL}; int i = 0, line_pos = 0; char dir_name[MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE] = {0}, tmp_buff[MAX_SYSFS_ATTR_SIZE] = {0}; DIR *dev_grp_dir_stream = NULL, *tgt_grp_dir_stream = NULL, *tgt_dir_stream = NULL, *dev_dir_stream = NULL; struct dirent *dev_grp_dir_entry = NULL, *tgt_grp_dir_entry = NULL, *tgt_dir_entry = NULL, *dev_dir_entry = NULL; /* Setup scrolling window widget */ alua_info = newCDKSwindow(main_cdk_screen, CENTER, CENTER, (ALUA_LAYOUT_ROWS + 2), (ALUA_LAYOUT_COLS + 2), "<C></31/B>SCST ALUA Device/Target Group Layout\n", MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES, TRUE, FALSE); if (!alua_info) { errorDialog(main_cdk_screen, SWINDOW_ERR_MSG, NULL); return; } setCDKSwindowBackgroundAttrib(alua_info, COLOR_DIALOG_TEXT); setCDKSwindowBoxAttribute(alua_info, COLOR_DIALOG_BOX); line_pos = 0; while (1) { /* We'll start with the SCST device groups */ snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups", SYSFS_SCST_TGT); if ((dev_grp_dir_stream = opendir(dir_name)) == NULL) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "opendir(): %s", strerror(errno)); line_pos++; } break; } while ((dev_grp_dir_entry = readdir(dev_grp_dir_stream)) != NULL) { /* The device group names are directories; skip '.' and '..' */ if ((dev_grp_dir_entry->d_type == DT_DIR) && (strcmp(dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name, "..") != 0)) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "</B>Device Group:<!B> %s", dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name); line_pos++; } /* Now get all of the device names for this device group */ snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups/%s/devices", SYSFS_SCST_TGT, dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name); if ((dev_dir_stream = opendir(dir_name)) == NULL) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "opendir(): %s", strerror(errno)); line_pos++; } break; } while ((dev_dir_entry = readdir(dev_dir_stream)) != NULL) { /* The device names are links */ if (dev_dir_entry->d_type == DT_LNK) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "\t</B>Device:<!B> %s", dev_dir_entry->d_name); line_pos++; } } } closedir(dev_dir_stream); /* Now get all of the target groups for this device group */ snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups/%s/target_groups", SYSFS_SCST_TGT, dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name); if ((tgt_grp_dir_stream = opendir(dir_name)) == NULL) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "opendir(): %s", strerror(errno)); line_pos++; } break; } while ((tgt_grp_dir_entry = readdir(tgt_grp_dir_stream)) != NULL) { /* The target group names are directories; * skip '.' and '..' */ if ((tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_type == DT_DIR) && (strcmp(tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name, "..") != 0)) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups/%s/target_groups/%s/group_id", SYSFS_SCST_TGT, dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name, tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name); readAttribute(dir_name, tmp_buff); SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "\t</B>Target Group:<!B> %s (Group ID: %s)", tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name, tmp_buff); line_pos++; } /* Loop over each target name for the * current target group */ snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups/%s/target_groups/%s", SYSFS_SCST_TGT, dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name, tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name); if ((tgt_dir_stream = opendir(dir_name)) == NULL) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "opendir(): %s", strerror(errno)); line_pos++; } break; } while ((tgt_dir_entry = readdir(tgt_dir_stream)) != NULL) { /* The target names are links (if local), * or directories (if remote); skip '.' and '..' */ if (((tgt_dir_entry->d_type == DT_DIR) && (strcmp(tgt_dir_entry->d_name, ".") != 0) && (strcmp(tgt_dir_entry->d_name, "..") != 0)) || (tgt_dir_entry->d_type == DT_LNK)) { if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { snprintf(dir_name, MAX_SYSFS_PATH_SIZE, "%s/device_groups/%s/" "target_groups/%s/%s/rel_tgt_id", SYSFS_SCST_TGT, dev_grp_dir_entry->d_name, tgt_grp_dir_entry->d_name, tgt_dir_entry->d_name); readAttribute(dir_name, tmp_buff); SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], "\t\t</B>Target:<!B> %s " "(Rel Tgt ID: %s)", tgt_dir_entry->d_name, tmp_buff); line_pos++; } } } closedir(tgt_dir_stream); } } closedir(tgt_grp_dir_stream); /* Print a blank line to separate targets */ if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], " "); line_pos++; } } } closedir(dev_grp_dir_stream); break; } /* Add a message to the bottom explaining how to close the dialog */ if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], " "); line_pos++; } if (line_pos < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES) { SAFE_ASPRINTF(&swindow_info[line_pos], CONTINUE_MSG); line_pos++; } /* Set the scrolling window content */ setCDKSwindowContents(alua_info, swindow_info, line_pos); /* The 'g' makes the swindow widget scroll to the top, then activate */ injectCDKSwindow(alua_info, 'g'); activateCDKSwindow(alua_info, 0); /* We fell through -- the user exited the widget, but we don't care how */ destroyCDKSwindow(alua_info); /* Done */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_ALUA_LAYOUT_LINES; i++) FREE_NULL(swindow_info[i]); return; }
AttributeInfo readAttribute(FILE* fp, u2_t cpCount, CpInfo* cp) { AttributeInfo attr; READ2(fp, attr.nameIndex); READ4(fp, attr.length); if (cpCount >= attr.nameIndex && cp[attr.nameIndex].tag != 1) { // CONSTANT_Utf8 printf("WRONG ATTRIBUTE INDEX\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // TODO info should go void* info = malloc(attr.length); Code* code; SourceFile* sourceFile; switch (attributeNameToKind( *((Utf8*) cp[attr.nameIndex].info) )) { case CONSTANTVALUE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case CODE: attr.kind = CODE; code = malloc(sizeof(Code)); = code; READ2(fp, code->maxStack); READ2(fp, code->maxLocals); READ4(fp, code->codeLength); // TODO incomplete READBYTES(fp, info, code->codeLength); READ2(fp, code->exceptionTableLength); code->exceptionTable = (code->exceptionTableLength == 0) ? NULL : malloc(code->exceptionTableLength * sizeof(ExceptionTableEntry)); for (u2_t i = 0 ; i < code->exceptionTableLength ; i++) { READ2(fp, code->exceptionTable[i].startPC); READ2(fp, code->exceptionTable[i].endPC); READ2(fp, code->exceptionTable[i].handlerPC); READ2(fp, code->exceptionTable[i].catchType); printf("%d %d %d %d\n", code->exceptionTable[i].startPC, code->exceptionTable[i].endPC, code->exceptionTable[i].handlerPC, code->exceptionTable[i].catchType); } READ2(fp, code->attributesCount); code->attributes = (code->attributesCount == 0) ? NULL : malloc(code->attributesCount * sizeof(AttributeInfo)); for (u2_t i = 0 ; i < code->attributesCount ; i++) { code->attributes[i] = readAttribute(fp, cpCount, cp); } break; case STACKMAPTABLE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case EXCEPTIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case INNERCLASSES: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case ENCLOSINGMETHOD: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case SYNTHETIC: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case SIGNATURE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case SOURCEFILE: attr.kind = SOURCEFILE; sourceFile = malloc(sizeof(SourceFile)); = sourceFile; READ2(fp, sourceFile->sourceFileIndex); break; case SOURCEDEBUGEXTENSION: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case LINENUMBERTABLE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case LOCALVARIABLETABLE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case LOCALVARIABLETYPETABLE: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case DEPRECATED: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEVISIBLEANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEINVISIBLEANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEVISIBLEPARAMETERANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEINVISIBLEPARAMETERANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEVISIBLETYPEANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case RUNTIMEINVISIBLETYPEANNOTATIONS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case ANNOTATIONDEFAULT: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case BOOTSTRAPMETHODS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; case METHODPARAMETERS: READBYTES(fp, info, attr.length); break; default: printf("UNKNOWN ATTRIBUTE\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return attr; }
int getScilabTypeFromDataSet(int _iDatasetId) { int iVarType = 0; char *pstScilabClass = readAttribute(_iDatasetId, g_SCILAB_CLASS); if (pstScilabClass == NULL) { return unknow_type; } /* HDF5 Float type + SCILAB_Class = double <=> double */ if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_DOUBLE) == 0) { iVarType = sci_matrix; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_STRING) == 0) { iVarType = sci_strings; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_BOOLEAN) == 0) { iVarType = sci_boolean; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_POLY) == 0) { iVarType = sci_poly; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_INT) == 0) { iVarType = sci_ints; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_SPARSE) == 0) { iVarType = sci_sparse; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_BSPARSE) == 0) { iVarType = sci_boolean_sparse; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_LIST) == 0) { iVarType = sci_list; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_TLIST) == 0) { iVarType = sci_tlist; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_MLIST) == 0) { iVarType = sci_mlist; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_VOID) == 0) { iVarType = sci_void; } else if (strcmp(pstScilabClass, g_SCILAB_CLASS_UNDEFINED) == 0) { iVarType = sci_undefined; } FREE(pstScilabClass); return iVarType; }